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Police team given task of arresting Suthep


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I have mixed feelings about arresting Suthep. 1) The guy is definitely a nutter who needs to be silenced. 2) Arresting him might be a match to a powder keg.

But the one thing that worries me about him is the fact that life for foreigners could become very difficult if he and his group were to attain power. His feelings towards foreigners is clear - he doesn't like or respect them - as evidenced by his own well publicized statements in the past. So what happens if him and his ilk get into power? Serious and severe changes in immigration and visa requirements to make it more difficult for those of us living here with families & homes? It could happen. It's something we should ALL think about, especially the foreigners who support Suthep. How's your support going to be when you find yourself paying 50% (or more) increase in visa fees, or having your marriage extension or retirement extension cancelled because you don't meet the "new & improved" version of Suthep Immigration Laws?

hahahaha utter tosh,we will be fine man up ...biggrin.png ...stop scare mongering..with no substance

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Possibly by now the Special Unit is already on the way... w00t.gif


I like the picture. Will they come in their uniforms? May be they should or else he will get his lawyers to scream. Oh, may be they should be blowing their whistles as well. Or may be some VIP pass to facilitate their passage.

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I have mixed feelings about arresting Suthep. 1) The guy is definitely a nutter who needs to be silenced. 2) Arresting him might be a match to a powder keg.

But the one thing that worries me about him is the fact that life for foreigners could become very difficult if he and his group were to attain power. His feelings towards foreigners is clear - he doesn't like or respect them - as evidenced by his own well publicized statements in the past. So what happens if him and his ilk get into power? Serious and severe changes in immigration and visa requirements to make it more difficult for those of us living here with families & homes? It could happen. It's something we should ALL think about, especially the foreigners who support Suthep. How's your support going to be when you find yourself paying 50% (or more) increase in visa fees, or having your marriage extension or retirement extension cancelled because you don't meet the "new & improved" version of Suthep Immigration Laws?

hahahaha utter tosh,we will be fine man up ...biggrin.png ...stop scare mongering..with no substance

And since when is expressing a thought or opinion regarded as "scare mongering". It was a thought for consideration, nothing more. Stop being so paranoid.

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So we got the team to arrest him (and obviously a warrant???) so how long's it gonna take? Less talking and more action me thinks.

And Suthep's response to the warrant

I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

Monty Python.

I don't foresee any problem if he is arrested all he does is say the charges are politically motivated and doesn't recognise the jurisdiction of the courts, and then book himself a flight to the Olympics

Problem solved

Of course he can try that. You don't have to lie that you have an international arrest warrant. Countries will be most happy to cooperate with you. For AV the situation is different. He has not renounced his British citizenship.

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I think if they arrest him the mood might get slightly more violent at the protest sites.

I think the government should leave him well alone for the time being. They should be focusing more on the highlighted corruption charges in the media today surround their little rice pledging scheme.

I doubt that the red shirts will go on a rampage if he is arrested and many on here say that Suthep supporters are a peaceful lot and do not use violence, all the violence so far has been by redshirts.biggrin.png

of course only the reds are been violent. the yellows are all white sheeps. keep on dreaming this bullshit or wake up and open your eyes.

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I was just looking at this picture and said to myself now all you need are a few plain clothes cops with 500 baht notes in one hand and handcuffs in the other.


You can't do that. These are arranged for photo shot for peoples with VIP pass.

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I have mixed feelings about arresting Suthep. 1) The guy is definitely a nutter who needs to be silenced. 2) Arresting him might be a match to a powder keg.

But the one thing that worries me about him is the fact that life for foreigners could become very difficult if he and his group were to attain power. His feelings towards foreigners is clear - he doesn't like or respect them - as evidenced by his own well publicized statements in the past. So what happens if him and his ilk get into power? Serious and severe changes in immigration and visa requirements to make it more difficult for those of us living here with families & homes? It could happen. It's something we should ALL think about, especially the foreigners who support Suthep. How's your support going to be when you find yourself paying 50% (or more) increase in visa fees, or having your marriage extension or retirement extension cancelled because you don't meet the "new & improved" version of Suthep Immigration Laws?

hahahaha utter tosh,we will be fine man up ...biggrin.png ...stop scare mongering..with no substance

Just1Voice you are right, even some farangs wouldn´t believe you. and keep supporting him. against blindness, stupidness and ignorence we don´t have a medicine, even aspirin fails here :-D

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Talking of which there has just been a small explosive device. At least 4 people injured. It was thrown from an abandoned building at the pickup with the loudspeakers. . PDRC have stormed it looking for who threw it and there was gunfire. Seems the goveernment is trying to silence the opposition as ever.

yes its allways the goverment even if it was a action under fals flagg. in your opinion are all the yellows white sheep and only the reds are violent.keep on dreaming this bullshit or wake up and see the reality.

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I was just looking at this picture and said to myself now all you need are a few plain clothes cops with 500 baht notes in one hand and handcuffs in the other.


You can't do that. These are arranged for photo shot for peoples with VIP pass.

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Is that recycle n the kids bag or collection money for a one way ticket anywhere. wai2.gif

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As I posted yesterday, I don't see any point in making a concerted effort to arrest Suthep at this point as it could very well serve as a 'flash' point to incite violence. Enough of that going around at the moment as it is. The government should have been pro-active in preventing the extent of the shut down from the outset. Now that the genie is out of the bottle, so to speak, what is to be served by arresting Suthep? He will be charged and released on bail as was another protest leader. Form over substance if you ask me. The BMA and any future government in Thailand must come up with reasonable guidelines for protests, such as permissible locations, security arrangements, limits on disruptions to traffic, hours for rally activity, noise levels, and the ability to identify situations that clearly impede on the public safety and the ability of people to earn their livelihood. In addition, there must be clear consequences in line with internationally accepted standards if protestors go beyond the guidelines. As it stands now, everything is ad hoc. I totally support the right of people to protest and to petition the government to address their grievances. However, the rights of everyone in society must be respected and balanced. Respect is the key for resolving this impasse in political ideals. There was an interesting statement by Jonathan Head at the FCCT last night about the current situation in Thailand. He said that he understood that democracy involves more than elections. However, democracy cannot be 'less than elections'.

Why is Jonathon 'off his' Head's comment worth mentioning as Suthep wants elections, once democracy is returned to Thailand!!!

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is it just me, or is the whole shutdown thing more of a joke? Not sure though if they'll get Suthep arrested after so many failures of trying to do so.

I wouldn't say it was a joke. The numbers are still there, it is not a call on the masses, it's a shutdown and needs minimal people, so they go about their lives as normal. It ain't fun standing out in the BKK sun all day.

CAPO always play the figures right down and the red farang cling onto CAPO's every last word. They are the JOKE.

This weekend will see a huge boost in numbers, and by next week the rice farmers will be in town probably. If it is status quo by Monday, this is going to get stepped up. Most protests start like this, they slowly morph into something a bit more radical, and then it tends to spiral out of control.

But they won't ever leave and Suthep will never get arrested, it is all just lip service, they know that would spark something rather unpleasant, and the government will not be on the good end of it. The aeronautical radio will deffo get seized and that will be all flights grounded.

Personally, I hope they just hurry up and get to the end game already. No point postponing the inevitable.

I see that you have an inside line to the protests. I understand also that you are coming down to Bkk this weekend to boost up the numbers. Could you do me a favour? Please tell the protesters in Asoke to keep up the good work. Traffic along Asok and Sukhumvit has never been as free flowing as in the past week.

I love being able to fly along Asok / Rachada to Big C for a quick shop or to Huay Kwang for some food and R&R and then sail back down the way I came, with nary a car or bus to block my path. I hope they will keep up the blockades for the next couple of years at least.

pixgirl keep on dreaming this bullshit or wake up and you can see the reality. suthep lost and no masses will come. not even well paid. today he has only about 15000 supporters left what not i saying but the international media.. but i think in your opinion all this media people are paid from the goverment hahaha.

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Last night Channel News Asia reported the government had ' urged ' the police to arrest Suthep and a couple of weeks ago the National Police Chief ' urged ' his men to do their job over an issue I can't recall.

What's wrong with words like " instruct ', " direct ', ' order ' etc or is there a fear of violating human rights by being too forceful ?

Of course parents being urged to look after their children takes a bit of beating.

Amazing Thailand indeed.

1 Perhaps you have not lived through 5 coups theThai way is subtle

2 He has a get out of jail card

3 The puppeteers don't need to lead the proletariat nor petit bourgeois in the sun

4 Unless assassinated which is always possible and may be a false falg his place in the sunset is assured

5 Those who speculate on the end game need to understand who is pulling the strings.The clue is in your pocket

6 The forces owe no allegiance to any elected person this is not France or USA.

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As I posted yesterday, I don't see any point in making a concerted effort to arrest Suthep at this point as it could very well serve as a 'flash' point to incite violence. Enough of that going around at the moment as it is. The government should have been pro-active in preventing the extent of the shut down from the outset. Now that the genie is out of the bottle, so to speak, what is to be served by arresting Suthep? He will be charged and released on bail as was another protest leader. Form over substance if you ask me. The BMA and any future government in Thailand must come up with reasonable guidelines for protests, such as permissible locations, security arrangements, limits on disruptions to traffic, hours for rally activity, noise levels, and the ability to identify situations that clearly impede on the public safety and the ability of people to earn their livelihood. In addition, there must be clear consequences in line with internationally accepted standards if protestors go beyond the guidelines. As it stands now, everything is ad hoc. I totally support the right of people to protest and to petition the government to address their grievances. However, the rights of everyone in society must be respected and balanced. Respect is the key for resolving this impasse in political ideals. There was an interesting statement by Jonathan Head at the FCCT last night about the current situation in Thailand. He said that he understood that democracy involves more than elections. However, democracy cannot be 'less than elections'.

Why is Jonathon 'off his' Head's comment worth mentioning as Suthep wants elections, once democracy is returned to Thailand!!!


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Talking of which there has just been a small explosive device. At least 4 people injured. It was thrown from an abandoned building at the pickup with the loudspeakers. . PDRC have stormed it looking for who threw it and there was gunfire. Seems the goveernment is trying to silence the opposition as ever.

yes its allways the goverment even if it was a action under fals flagg. in your opinion are all the yellows white sheep and only the reds are violent.keep on dreaming this bullshit or wake up and see the reality.

Every time there is a violent attack against the protestors the red lovers come out to say it was a fake 'false flag' attack. They just can't bare to think their dearly beloved 'democratically elected' criminals headed by the spiteful fugitive in the desert would ever commit violence against their own people. Taksin thinks, PT / red shirts / men in black act.

So you think the red violence in 2010 was false flag attacks too ? Of course, none of that was.

So sick of these twits.....

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Well, maybe Suthep is not necessary anymore to move the Governement, wait till the ricefarmers, who have just found out they are peopled, will start moving towards Bangkok. It seems they are more ( then 23,000) and are more driven ( by necessity).

And how about the investigations, started by the Anti Corruption Commitee against the PM, President (although never there) of this rice counsel........

By the way, what is a red farang, did he stay to long in the sun?

( from a slightly bronzed farang)

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Talking of which there has just been a small explosive device. At least 4 people injured. It was thrown from an abandoned building at the pickup with the loudspeakers. . PDRC have stormed it looking for who threw it and there was gunfire. Seems the goveernment is trying to silence the opposition as ever.

yes its allways the goverment even if it was a action under fals flagg. in your opinion are all the yellows white sheep and only the reds are violent.keep on dreaming this bullshit or wake up and see the reality.

Every time there is a violent attack against the protestors the red lovers come out to say it was a fake 'false flag' attack. They just can't bare to think their dearly beloved 'democratically elected' criminals headed by the spiteful fugitive in the desert would ever commit violence against their own people. Taksin thinks, PT / red shirts / men in black act.

So you think the red violence in 2010 was false flag attacks too ? Of course, none of that was.

So sick of these twits.....

Exactly the same goes, when the yellows attack, then thier supporters go into denial and claim it was red infiltrators. It is quite funny sitting on the fence and watching both sides and their supporters on here carry on in exactly the same manner and call each other names.

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Well hopefully by the end of the day this lunatic will be behind bars. Bail shouldn't be an option.

Only 23,000 protestors out of 6 million left, geez people are really waking up to him.

Not really following all the news are you? Just talk like your avatar looks.

I didn't make up this story, The news says a police team has been given the task of arresting him not me. Attack Thai visa for posting the story and not me.

You must have missed the word "all".

Also let us not forget if Lung S. is arrested and not let out on bail there will likely be much violence.

Is that what you want ?

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Time they locked him away then the last of his mob of 10 will go home and get on with their lives and out canvassing round the doors for their preferred candidate for the next government, surely enough police in Thailand to capture one well recognised individual prior to him going into hiding in some cave on the Afghan Pakistan border.

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Time they locked him away then the last of his mob of 10 will go home and get on with their lives and out canvassing round the doors for their preferred candidate for the next government, surely enough police in Thailand to capture one well recognised individual prior to him going into hiding in some cave on the Afghan Pakistan border.

Where are the weekend warriors. Supposed to be back up to 6 million today arn't we.

More street vendors, lookie loos taking selfies and tourists and people like myself just out shopping.

Many say arrest him... I say leave him there. Let him spend 10 million baht a day of his backers money, let them cancel Chinese New Year next month and lose billions. It's the Bangkok thai Chinese who will lose out here, not Yingluck. Let their filthy hotels and rip off restaurants go bust.

Leave him there for another month and hope it financially destroys as many of his financial backers as possible and that a verminous self servint tier of Thai society hurts.. and hurts bad. We all know how they worship money and power and being at the trough... Which is what this was all about anyway. Stay Suthep Stay, and do us all a favour.

Break them financially so they never re-try coup 19 again.

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