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Unfair Pricing


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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

Istoped reading after the first sentance, what you claim is absurd :o

Oh really?

Ask some Burmese, Laos and Africans about that. :D

Yes really, saying that is like saying ask the africans about the white people, ask the arabs etc.

Some dont like the burmese because of the war, its the same and some aussies hate the japs because of world war 2.

So whats your point??

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Applying different prices for people based on skin color or nationality is quite simply racist and/or nationalistic. The two are dangerously similar.

It's a black and white issue when it come to the definition. Now, the other crap that goes along with it is debatable.

I know that I personally don't like people who live in Hong Kong but think they know what's going on all over Thailand.

I also don't like it when people say stupid statements like, "...this is a different country". What a load and what a lame excuse for being racist. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the definition of racism.

There is dual pricing in education all over the world for tourists. But why is that any different??

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Be interest to hear of how many people on here have to send the missus in to get a price or a quote for something, i bet im not alone

:D You're not alone.. I let my misses do the price negotiation for almost everything,when she has agreed a price she calls me over and we watch the expresion on the vendors face.

The fact that someone is trying to make a few extra baht out of a person who they consider to be from a diffrent country and hence probably earning a different level of money isnt about racism,

So why not a higher price for the Thai who turns up in his Mercedes Benz ???? Maybe it should be labled racial discrimination.


If I have a shop and my sister walks in and I sell her a product at 50baht but sell you at 100/baht or 1000/baht, are you going to start arguing with me that it is wrong and unfair

Yes of course its unfair ,if I saw you selling the exact same product to your sister

for 50 baht I would want that price too, the fact she's your sister should make no difference to the price..should it ? it would bloody well piss me off ( pardon my french ) if done right in front of me...if you did that then I would walk right out of your shop without buying anything !!! and thats exactly what I do ( wherever its possible) when I encounter dual pricing in Thailand

Now I'll fall into your trap and say..in my country the price is clearly marked on the product and its the same price for everyone be they black,white,yellow or green, to disciminate in any way on the basis of skin color is illegal...is that a bad thing ???

My head hurts now :D:D time for some :o

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i think the issue here is the varied interpretation of the word racism....

To me these issues above only highlight cultural issues and nothing more, when i think of the word racism i think of segregated communities and people lives being made very uncomfortable in many ways for the simple reason that they from another religion/race/country...

And to be honest i believe many members would have to seriously consider there position in Thailand if it was like that, BUT they don't because it simply isnt like that....

In thailand you may be always considered an outsider and will probably need many years to be accepted as it were but its really no different than a thai moving to the uk...

If you can only see anything that differentials two different nationalities as racism issues then that is about as negative as is gets....

Yes im sure some will see the dual charging of "black and white" as it was put as racism but i strongly believe the director general of the parks who made that decision (in the link above) did it for money reasons and not because he is racist and wanted to put "whites" off from going to the park...

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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

Istoped reading after the first sentance, what you claim is absurd :o

Oh really?

Ask some Burmese, Laos and Africans about that. :D

Yes really, saying that is like saying ask the africans about the white people, ask the arabs etc.

Some dont like the burmese because of the war, its the same and some aussies hate the japs because of world war 2.

So whats your point??

Exactly what I said before.

Like it, or not, most Thai people are racist. :D

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look, we can all yada yada 1 year here (not that I want to forbid the privilege).

But I want to know if it is all good and normal,


you know why and they know as well..nuff said.

Now go on and pretend everything is fine.

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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

Istoped reading after the first sentance, what you claim is absurd :o

Oh really?

Ask some Burmese, Laos and Africans about that. :D

Yes really, saying that is like saying ask the africans about the white people, ask the arabs etc.

Some dont like the burmese because of the war, its the same and some aussies hate the japs because of world war 2.

So whats your point??

Exactly what I said before.

Like it, or not, most Thai people are racist. :D

No they are not, I really feel sorry for you for feeling that way.

So do you think the entire world is racist now??

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Well its obvious at some point you need to be aware of what you have to pay, how else would you know how much to hand over...if you dont like the price they give you then go elsewhere....and if you cant sus out that others are paying less or more then god help you.....

To say they hide the prices is crazy, unless you are in a habbit of just throwing loads of cash there way and just taking whatever they hand back as change and then walking away happy :o

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look, we can all yada yada 1 year here (not that I want to forbid the privilege).

But I want to know if it is all good and normal,


you know why and they know as well..nuff said.

Now go on and pretend everything is fine.


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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

Istoped reading after the first sentance, what you claim is absurd :o

Oh really?

Ask some Burmese, Laos and Africans about that. :D

Yes really, saying that is like saying ask the africans about the white people, ask the arabs etc.

Some dont like the burmese because of the war, its the same and some aussies hate the japs because of world war 2.

So whats your point??

Exactly what I said before.

Like it, or not, most Thai people are racist. :D

so you're saying that the reason Thai people charge white people more to get into the parks is because they want to see white people suffer and not for the monetary aspect? If that is what you are saying than Thai people are racist.

Personally I think your statement is one of the most idiotic statement made here! :D

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Well its obvious at some point you need to be aware of what you have to pay, how else would you know how much to hand over...if you dont like the price they give you then go elsewhere....and if you cant sus out that others are paying less or more then god help you.....

To say they hide the prices is crazy, unless you are in a habbit of just throwing loads of cash there way and just taking whatever they hand back as change and then walking away happy :o

Ok , look I don't even answer cause obviously you don't have a clue, I start even wondering if you 'v ever been to Thailand

They don't hide the dual price...mbuahaha.

Yup the average tourist if fully aware of the double price... because it's well written at the entrance of any park/attraction/hotel/whatever ...helloooo.

Anyone care to wake up the guy here , because honestly I think it's a hard task.

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look, we can all yada yada 1 year here (not that I want to forbid the privilege).

But I want to know if it is all good and normal,


you know why and they know as well..nuff said.

Now go on and pretend everything is fine.


I'll send you a drawing to ease the concept ok?

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Yup the average tourist if fully aware of the double price... because it's well written at the entrance of any park/attraction/hotel/whatever ...helloooo.

EXACTLY...but you said before it was hidden most of the time.?????? Why the change of mind??

Ok , look I don't even answer cause obviously you don't have a clue

Maybe i dont have a clue, but as you decide not to answer maybe that makes two of us :o

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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

Istoped reading after the first sentance, what you claim is absurd :o

Oh really?

Ask some Burmese, Laos and Africans about that. :D

Yes really, saying that is like saying ask the africans about the white people, ask the arabs etc.

Some dont like the burmese because of the war, its the same and some aussies hate the japs because of world war 2.

So whats your point??

Exactly what I said before.

Like it, or not, most Thai people are racist. :D

so you're saying that the reason Thai people charge white people more to get into the parks is because they want to see white people suffer and not for the monetary aspect? If that is what you are saying than Thai people are racist.Personally I think your statement is one of the most idiotic statement made here! :D

No, I am saying that Thai people believe that they are much better than Hill Tribe people, Laos, and Burmese - amongst others - so they are racists - although very pleasant ones when it comes to us white folk. They also cheat white people by dual pricing and I don't really care what their motives are.

By the way, the "idiotic" statement in bold above is your property. I have nothing to do with it! :D:D:D

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Jack, what you gotta realize is that most farangs going to these parks are tourists who dont mind getting raped. When charged 200 baht they gladly fork over this nominal fee. The expat miser community are not going to change this policy by boycotting the parks

This may be true for the larger and better known National Parks. But I live near a small National Park, it has a waterfall as its main attraction, that requires people to travel several kilometers up a narrow mountain road. From the entry gate, one can clearly note that this National Park occupies a small space. And of the few adventurous Farang visitors (there are also few enough Thai visitors) that make it to the Park, the majority balk at the 200 baat entry fee and turn around. They then go back down to their hotels and guesthouses and tell the other travellers about their frustrating encounter, and so it goes. I have talked about it with the Forestry guys who live at the Park, and they too find the whole thing ridiculous and they know that they would generate far more income with a 50 baat or less entry fee.

The park use to have many visitors on the weekends, enough for two village women to set up som tam stands. But since the imposition of fees, the number of vistors of all persuasions has been greatly reduced and now there are no services and some of the features have fallen into disrepair.

It is just the imposition of a fee from people in Bangkok who have no clue about the reality of life outside the capitol.

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Donz, I'm in agreement that Thais are not racist in general and that dual pricing is wrong.

Look, I like Thai people, and they are very pleasant to us white folk, but to claim that they are "not racist" is absolutely absurd.

Pin a couple of Thais down on what they think of Burmese, Lao people or Africans and then rationilize their answers away. We may love them, but - in general - they are racists for sure! :D

Istoped reading after the first sentance, what you claim is absurd :o

Oh really?

Ask some Burmese, Laos and Africans about that. :D

Yes really, saying that is like saying ask the africans about the white people, ask the arabs etc.

Some dont like the burmese because of the war, its the same and some aussies hate the japs because of world war 2.

So whats your point??

Exactly what I said before.

Like it, or not, most Thai people are racist. :D

so you're saying that the reason Thai people charge white people more to get into the parks is because they want to see white people suffer and not for the monetary aspect? If that is what you are saying than Thai people are racist.Personally I think your statement is one of the most idiotic statement made here! :D

No, I am saying that Thai people believe that they are much better than Hill Tribe people, Laos, and Burmese - amongst others - so they are racists - although very pleasant ones when it comes to us white folk. They also cheat white people by dual pricing and I don't really care what their motives are.

By the way, the "idiotic" statement in bold above is your property. I have nothing to do with it! :D:D:D

And there is your flaw, you only think that Thai dual price white people which makes you have no idea about dual pricing.

If you want to start saying who thinks there better then who then you must agree that farangs believe they are better then Thai's

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For those that agree with the dual pricing ,have a read of this

Thai woman not deemed ‘Thai’ enough


Do you still think its fair ???

We always treat all visitors equally, and the idea of racial discrimination never crosses our minds. Our system of having two different prices for Thai and foreigners is just the same as other tourist places in Thailand.


Yea, that story reminds me of the Airport Amari Hotel's old pricing policy. Farangs were charged more than twice the price for a room that a Thai would be charged, even though the typical Thai guest staying there was far wealthier than the typical Farang guest. And if you happened to be like my family, a Thai-Farang couple, you were offered a price inbetween.

The dual-pricing was originally a price for Gwailo, AKA Farangs, and it was, and still is a pricing policy based upon race. The pricing structure has become so ubiquitous in Thailand that even business people who are not racist will employ the pricing structure in the hopes of increasing profits.

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Over 220 posts and over 3000 views in a couple of days.

It is quite clear that Dual Pricing Does Matter and it would seem it matters a lot.

Over 220 posts and over 3000 views in a couple of days. = It is quite clear that Dual Pricing Does Matter and it would seem it matters a lot. :o?
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For those that agree with the dual pricing ,have a read of this

Thai woman not deemed ‘Thai’ enough


Do you still think its fair ???

We always treat all visitors equally, and the idea of racial discrimination never crosses our minds. Our system of having two different prices for Thai and foreigners is just the same as other tourist places in Thailand.


Yea, that story reminds me of the Airport Amari Hotel's old pricing policy. Farangs were charged more than twice the price for a room that a Thai would be charged, even though the typical Thai guest staying there was far wealthier than the typical Farang guest. And if you happened to be like my family, a Thai-Farang couple, you were offered a price inbetween.

The dual-pricing was originally a price for Gwailo, AKA Farangs, and it was, and still is a pricing policy based upon race. The pricing structure has become so ubiquitous in Thailand that even business people who are not racist will employ the pricing structure in the hopes of increasing profits.

So your saying it only applied to whites and not to anyone else?? not blacks or other asians??

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Maybe this guy should be ashamed, but if you knew who he was or what he does then you would soon understand that his only problem with dual pricing is that it may discourage more people from visiting these wonderfull parks...he has a few books you can read if you like..i can tell you he is one guy not worried about the money in his pocket..

here, here...

Philip Round is the world’s foremost authority on Thailand birds and author of more than 50 papers on their distribution, taxonomy and conservation. He is the author of Guide to the Birds of Thailand and two other books on Thai birds and wildlife, and has produced a revised checklist of Thai birds.

The article is accurate. I think despite it's racist implementation, far fewer foreigners would object to the higher fees if positive improvements were seen in the National Parks.

Koh Samet, one of the more frequented NP, is a good example. How many foreigners have visited there in the past year? Tens of thousands? Multiple that by 200 baht... then multiply that by five years... and then gaze in wonderment that the island's only road hasn't seen any improvement in five years. Perhaps they keep it in such a sorry state on purpose? Just to add a bit of ambience to the island experience?

If the money didn't go to finance the Forestry Department Head's latest Mercedes purchase for his fleet... or his wife's newest diamond necklace... there'd likely be fewer complaints about the higher fees.

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So why not a higher price for the Thai who turns up in his Mercedes Benz ?

Actually there is, just not at national parks. Open air markets and basically anywhere there aren't labeled prices in my experience. And naturally it's not just one's toys/clothes/walk that will get you the higher price. Experienced merchants often can just tell... who's going to pay cash, who's going to finance, who can probably afford to pay a little more.


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At least the double prizing here is relatively minor compared to some other countries, such as China, where you simply cannot avoid it.

This is nonsense. The Chinese government abolished dual pricing some years. Foreigners now pay exactly the same price as locals to enter parks, museums, national monuments etc, and for transportation and hotels. I am often given discounts here by local tradespeople, simply because of my white face. That almost never happened in Thailand. I don't deny that some traders will attempt to overcharge foreigners, but they do this with other Chinese too, particularly those from another city or province or speakers of other dialects.

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Yup the average tourist if fully aware of the double price... because it's well written at the entrance of any park/attraction/hotel/whatever ...helloooo
EXACTLY...but you said before it was hidden most of the time.?????? Why the change of mind??

:o:D The Thai price is writen in Thai numerals ,they do this so that the tourist won't cause a fuss over the dual pricing........ :D

Actually there is, just not at national parks

OK I'll concede on that point ,anything for a fast Baht. :D

So your saying it only applied to whites and not to anyone else?? not blacks or other asians??

No it applies to anyone who doesn't look Thai...thats the whole problem.

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Yup the average tourist if fully aware of the double price... because it's well written at the entrance of any park/attraction/hotel/whatever ...helloooo
EXACTLY...but you said before it was hidden most of the time.?????? Why the change of mind??

:D:D The Thai price is writen in Thai numerals ,they do this so that the tourist won't cause a fuss over the dual pricing........ :D

You must be kidding? Every park, every temple, every event I've been to, the price is never written in Thai numerals. May be you had 1 too many Chang to see that eh'? :o

Actually there is, just not at national parks

OK I'll concede on that point ,anything for a fast Baht. :D

So your saying it only applied to whites and not to anyone else?? not blacks or other asians??

No it applies to anyone who doesn't look Thai...thats the whole problem.

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Yup the average tourist if fully aware of the double price... because it's well written at the entrance of any park/attraction/hotel/whatever ...helloooo
EXACTLY...but you said before it was hidden most of the time.?????? Why the change of mind??

:D:D The Thai price is writen in Thai numerals ,they do this so that the tourist won't cause a fuss over the dual pricing........ :D

You must be kidding? Every park, every temple, every event I've been to, the price is never written in Thai numerals. May be you had 1 too many Chang to see that eh'? :o

Actually there is, just not at national parks

OK I'll concede on that point ,anything for a fast Baht. :D

So your saying it only applied to whites and not to anyone else?? not blacks or other asians??

No it applies to anyone who doesn't look Thai...thats the whole problem.

You mean like in this picture right? :D


If you think a tourist wont be pissed off about this crap, think twice!

Edited by KhunMarco
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16 pages of this and the dogooders are still none the wiser that when they happily hand over their easy dosh thinking that they are doing the country a favour, the recpients of this hidious injustice are laughing their tits off at their ineptness and thinking, STUPID FARANG. :o

Edited by jackr
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