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Where do you meet these super hot, well educated, middle class Thai/Chinese Hi-So girls?


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which would you prefer;

small, dark skinned, low educated, no recognisable means of employment, unable to dress to suit environment, limited english vocabulary and unable to use any tense other than present simple, sits in a restaurant playing with her mobile while you stare into the distance and sees you as nothing but an ATM

slim, well dressed, stylish, well educated, professional job, proficient/advanced level english, has opinions, able to discus a topic, can make decisions, plan and organise, when you go to a restaurant has a conversation with you and doesnt want a penny

up to you (as they say round here)

From your description it seems that all educated females are slim and have professional careers whereas uneducated ones are small and dark skinned and can't converse, right, got it! Presumably bridge works above your home are currently in progress!

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TV should start up a "Reader's Wives - Best of Breed" forum where all these forum members with top-notch spouses can post photos that showcase their wives' impeccable pedigrees.

Only if there is also a "Slappers" forum for the rest of you!

Bit defensive aren't you?

Would your missus not cut it in the aesthetics department or something?

It was a joke dumbo


//EDIT: BTW I display her every post - see my avatar :)

Edited by wolf5370
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TV should start up a "Reader's Wives - Best of Breed" forum where all these forum members with top-notch spouses can post photos that showcase their wives' impeccable pedigrees.

Only if there is also a "Slappers" forum for the rest of you!

Bit defensive aren't you?

Would your missus not cut it in the aesthetics department or something?

It was a joke dumbo


//EDIT: BTW I display her every post - see my avatar smile.png

I ask because you all go to great lengths to describe your wives' education, background and family net worth . . . why not provide pics so us lesser mortals ostensibly confined to sourcing potential mates from the nether regions of the Thai socio-economic ladder can gain a sense of the sheer rapture you enjoy being married to such devastating specimens of womanhood . . . if only for a fleeting moment, of course

Edited by HardenedSoul
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Bit defensive aren't you?

Would your missus not cut it in the aesthetics department or something?

It was a joke dumbo


//EDIT: BTW I display her every post - see my avatar smile.png

I ask because you all go to great lengths to describe your wives' education, background and family net worth . . . why not provide pics so us lesser mortals ostensibly confined to sourcing potential mates from the nether regions of the Thai socio-economic ladder can gain a sense of the sheer rapture you enjoy being married to such devastating specimens of womanhood . . . if only for a fleeting moment, of course

Not my wife's net worth - my old school friend and his family, his (now ex-) wife is my wife's aunt - different families. My wife's family are not poor, but not wealthy either. Typical (retired) military family in fact. I did not mention my wife's education - only that she attended private school. If you have actually read the Op and the title of the thread, it is on topic. I feel no need to impress you or anyone else, and no desire to make public photos of my family thank you very much. Lastly, you come across as very bitter - had problems with your ex-hooker perhaps?

PS: Just one wife - "Wife's education"

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After reading a few threads this afternoon it seems to me that I'm the only person on this forum whose wife/gf isn't a middle class, well educated, super rich, super hot, half Thai/half Chinese girl.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong? Where do you meet these hi-so types, they seem to be ten a penny around here? Maybe they haven't found their way down to Cha Am yet?

Not to worry, I'll stick with what I've got. The grass isn't always greener, right?

At the protest.

The funniest entertainment is when these so called educated thais open their mouth about a serious subject.

It can be like listening to screaming lord such mixed with nick griffin.

Don't really expect rational educated discussion from any of them. Just look at the Singha heiress. All the education under the sun, and no sense or compassion to go with any of it.

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Through family. Also easier if you work here (in an office, not a bar), speak the lingo (or her English is good enough), and are lucky enough that the family is not completely anti-foreigner (and not all are - but many are). Hunt in the gutter and all you find are rats and cockroaches.

Met my Mrs through family - via the wife of my best friend from school and business partner for years (she was my wife's auntie - all mentioned were Sino-Thai, were and are pretty wealthy and have businesses in the UK and here in Thailand - property too and very good connections). It's luck like that (mine being I went to school with him in the UK) that allows for those family connections - and that is the most important thing. Without family introduction and family recommendation, for most the entry gate is barred.

Holy shit - this lad, on a thread to take the piss out of people who feel the need to justify their wife and relationship, is trying to justify his wife and relationship


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dark skinned,

Whats wrong with being dark skinned?

My sister in law is black, but also a consultant doctor. Anyone that writes racist crap like that is ironically showing themselves up as rather poorly educated.

Ps your another one on a thread to take the piss out of people who feel the need to justify their wife and relationship, trying to justify his wife and relationship.

<deleted> dont parody yourself

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Through family. Also easier if you work here (in an office, not a bar), speak the lingo (or her English is good enough), and are lucky enough that the family is not completely anti-foreigner (and not all are - but many are). Hunt in the gutter and all you find are rats and cockroaches.

Met my Mrs through family - via the wife of my best friend from school and business partner for years (she was my wife's auntie - all mentioned were Sino-Thai, were and are pretty wealthy and have businesses in the UK and here in Thailand - property too and very good connections). It's luck like that (mine being I went to school with him in the UK) that allows for those family connections - and that is the most important thing. Without family introduction and family recommendation, for most the entry gate is barred.

Holy shit - this lad, on a thread to take the piss out of people who feel the need to justify their wife and relationship, is trying to justify his wife and relationship


Ah another Goldfish - memory problems? or just didn't get past the title/read the Op?

From the Op "I don't know what I'm doing wrong? Where do you meet these hi-so types, they seem to be ten a penny around here? Maybe they haven't found their way down to Cha Am yet?"

Therefore, it is a question (or series thereof). Therefore I answered it. The point of a forum is to answer other people's questions. No justification needed or intended - truth is I don't know you or most of your ilk, and could give a flying fig for your opinions on me or my family - indeed, I would think most people here would not even bother having any opinions on people they don't know - so no need to justify at all.

If the concept of answering direct questions in a forthright and direct manor is beyond you, then perhaps a forum is not the best place for you to spend your time.

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dark skinned,

Whats wrong with being dark skinned?

My sister in law is black, but also a consultant doctor. Anyone that writes racist crap like that is ironically showing themselves up as rather poorly educated.

Ps your another one on a thread to take the piss out of people who feel the need to justify their wife and relationship, trying to justify his wife and relationship.

<deleted> dont parody yourself

ask the thais what wrong with dark skinn.

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Bit defensive aren't you?

Would your missus not cut it in the aesthetics department or something?

It was a joke dumbo


//EDIT: BTW I display her every post - see my avatar smile.png

I ask because you all go to great lengths to describe your wives' education, background and family net worth . . . why not provide pics so us lesser mortals ostensibly confined to sourcing potential mates from the nether regions of the Thai socio-economic ladder can gain a sense of the sheer rapture you enjoy being married to such devastating specimens of womanhood . . . if only for a fleeting moment, of course

Not my wife's net worth - my old school friend and his family, his (now ex-) wife is my wife's aunt - different families. My wife's family are not poor, but not wealthy either. Typical (retired) military family in fact. I did not mention my wife's education - only that she attended private school. If you have actually read the Op and the title of the thread, it is on topic. I feel no need to impress you or anyone else, and no desire to make public photos of my family thank you very much. Lastly, you come across as very bitter - had problems with your ex-hooker perhaps?

PS: Just one wife - "Wife's education"

Before you embarrass yourself by trying to correct my grammar, why don't you read the sentence using your eyes instead of your ego

No actually, don't.

Let me help you. Evidently, you need it.

I wrote "I ask because you all . . . . " If that wasn't enough of a clue then my use of the term "wives'" should have tipped you off that, despite your defensiveness - jocular or otherwise - my suggestions weren't personal.

Nevertheless, you've decided to go that route and, in doing so, made yourself look a rank idiot by resorting to the same cliched generalizations you berate other members for making when you discuss your wife - namely assuming I'm with an ex-hooker.

Anyway, beyond pointing out your error, I'm not getting into a slanging match with you because, quite frankly, you're out of your depth.

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All you guys have the wrong impression of hi-so girls. I have met many "hi-so" girls that are not snobby and materialistic. They might seem like it to you because you are just judging their outer appearance and stereotyping.

Another reason might be is that most regular thai's and "hi-so" girls think of caucasian westerners as dirty poor backpackers or sex tourists that hook up with country girls and the ones that spread diseases.

Which is fairly true you have to admit.

Edited by Sojuncoke
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I ask because you all go to great lengths to describe your wives' education, background and family net worth . . . why not provide pics so us lesser mortals ostensibly confined to sourcing potential mates from the nether regions of the Thai socio-economic ladder can gain a sense of the sheer rapture you enjoy being married to such devastating specimens of womanhood . . . if only for a fleeting moment, of course

Not my wife's net worth - my old school friend and his family, his (now ex-) wife is my wife's aunt - different families. My wife's family are not poor, but not wealthy either. Typical (retired) military family in fact. I did not mention my wife's education - only that she attended private school. If you have actually read the Op and the title of the thread, it is on topic. I feel no need to impress you or anyone else, and no desire to make public photos of my family thank you very much. Lastly, you come across as very bitter - had problems with your ex-hooker perhaps?

PS: Just one wife - "Wife's education"

Before you embarrass yourself by trying to correct my grammar, why don't you read the sentence using your eyes instead of your ego

No actually, don't.

Let me help you. Evidently, you need it.

I wrote "I ask because you all . . . . " If that wasn't enough of a clue then my use of the term "wives'" should have tipped you off that, despite your defensiveness - jocular or otherwise - my suggestions weren't personal.

Nevertheless, you've decided to go that route and, in doing so, made yourself look a rank idiot by resorting to the same cliched generalizations you berate other members for making when you discuss your wife - namely assuming I'm with an ex-hooker.

Anyway, beyond pointing out your error, I'm not getting into a slanging match with you because, quite frankly, you're out of your depth.

Or more simply - you can't because you can not justify post - it was a typical bitter attack: "why not provide pics so us lesser mortals ostensibly confined to sourcing potential mates from the nether regions of the Thai socio-economic ladder can gain a sense of the sheer rapture you enjoy being married to such devastating specimens of womanhood" - and I hope you are the embarrassed and ashamed one. Depth is not a word I believe you understand.

I do admit that is missed the "all" and therefore, take back the quip (it was also meant as a joke of course - i.e. that I only have one wife....but I think it went over your head - note to self: must remember emoticons!).

Over and out. Reply if you wish, I will not be.

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Through family. Also easier if you work here (in an office, not a bar), speak the lingo (or her English is good enough), and are lucky enough that the family is not completely anti-foreigner (and not all are - but many are). Hunt in the gutter and all you find are rats and cockroaches.

Met my Mrs through family - via the wife of my best friend from school and business partner for years (she was my wife's auntie - all mentioned were Sino-Thai, were and are pretty wealthy and have businesses in the UK and here in Thailand - property too and very good connections). It's luck like that (mine being I went to school with him in the UK) that allows for those family connections - and that is the most important thing. Without family introduction and family recommendation, for most the entry gate is barred.


what massage parlours do they own?????

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All you guys have the wrong impression of hi-so girls. I have met many "hi-so" girls that are not snobby and materialistic. They might seem like it to you because you are just judging their outer appearance and stereotyping.

Another reason might be is that most regular thai's and "hi-so" girls think of caucasian westerners as dirty poor backpackers or sex tourists that hook up with country girls and the ones that spread diseases.

Which is fairly true you have to admit.

By definition they aren't hi-so then.

Being rich or well to do doesn't make u hiso.

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dark skinned,

Whats wrong with being dark skinned?

My sister in law is black, but also a consultant doctor. Anyone that writes racist crap like that is ironically showing themselves up as rather poorly educated.

Ps your another one on a thread to take the piss out of people who feel the need to justify their wife and relationship, trying to justify his wife and relationship.

<deleted> dont parody yourself

ask the thais what wrong with dark skinn.


u have just confirmed how racist some thais are,and that is why the reds will always win an election,as the darker skinned thais are the minority and hate racism

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Although my wife is by no means hi so Thai chinese ,she comes from a good familly ,but it took a few years and having a buisness here to meet her ,originally i only met bar girls(nothing wrong with them) but once i did not go to bars all the time i met my future wife in a coffee shop in central ,i asked her out ,she refused but invited me to come to her sisters restaurant ,i did asked her again ,but her sister insisted that they would visit my office first to talk to my partners wife . to see if i was genuine , it takes time but you really can meet nice ordinary Thai women ,then as i posted earlier if you get a good education ,and get money from mum and dad ,its a lot bloody easiersmile.png

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Although my wife is by no means hi so Thai chinese ,she comes from a good familly ,but it took a few years and having a buisness here to meet her ,originally i only met bar girls(nothing wrong with them) but once i did not go to bars all the time i met my future wife in a coffee shop in central ,i asked her out ,she refused but invited me to come to her sisters restaurant ,i did asked her again ,but her sister insisted that they would visit my office first to talk to my partners wife . to see if i was genuine , it takes time but you really can meet nice ordinary Thai women ,then as i posted earlier if you get a good education ,and get money from mum and dad ,its a lot bloody easiersmile.png

good post Sir

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It's the same as meeting someone at their level anywhere. You have to goto hi-so functions, or live in a hi-so area and know people and not just walk in stag.

A good start would be building a successful career or business, making contacts and attending hi-so functions with your contacts and moving into a hi-so living situation. If you don't have these you can't compete with the men who are there vying for the women in these places, just like men are anywhere.

Find your ground.

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If you're not capable of pulling a super hot, well educated, high society girl in your own country, you're definitely not capable of doing it here in Thailand. Nice middle class girls, on the other hand, are ten a penny but they're not looking for sexpats two or three times their age.

Hey, I'm not a sexpat and I'm only 30!

I'm quite happy with my 'average' Mrs, thank you. I was merely wondering, thinking out loud if you will, where one might meet a Hi-So bird as I seem to be the only bloke around here without one

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After reading a few threads this afternoon it seems to me that I'm the only person on this forum whose wife/gf isn't a middle class, well educated, super rich, super hot, half Thai/half Chinese girl.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong? Where do you meet these hi-so types, they seem to be ten a penny around here? Maybe they haven't found their way down to Cha Am yet?

Not to worry, I'll stick with what I've got. The grass isn't always greener, right?

At the protest.

The funniest entertainment is when these so called educated thais open their mouth about a serious subject.

It can be like listening to screaming lord such mixed with nick griffin.

Don't really expect rational educated discussion from any of them. Just look at the Singha heiress. All the education under the sun, and no sense or compassion to go with any of it.

This thread would suggest that you are correct.

Now, where is my whistle?

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University. Sports clubs. Places where you do things rather than be entertained. A lot hang around expat events too, language exchanges, etc, because they have previous western boyfriends and now don't date Thais.

Keep in mind that the 'hi' in hiso stands for high-maintenance.

University is probably the best place to meet them, since you'll stand out, and they wont be too westernised. Go sign up for a course..

Edited by celso
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