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Where do you meet these super hot, well educated, middle class Thai/Chinese Hi-So girls?


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i'm 10 y here,

never met a farang whit a hi so girl,

maybe they claim to be well educated,but lol,

they are all ex-bar ladies,no exception.

The better English they speak,the longer they were flirting with farangs.

Some can speak a little italian, or dutch,or ......just gives away what nationality

was B#nging them before you did.

But no offence ,and there are exceptions !

Virgins.....witch were invisible to the thai boys in their village? lol

Some worked in a "shoe shop" in BKK ,lol (they massage your shoes there?)

But even if you have the sole pure GF, 5 minutes and she will accept 1000bht ( if you are not looking !)

Bets are on .cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

Geez! Are you lucky my wife can't get to you! Lek has a double degree in French and English from KK Uni, I met her as a consultant in BKK she was Exec secretary to the Ops VP of a Yank company....mate, you'd be speaking several octaves higher if she could get to you!!!! facepalm.gifgiggle.gif

Yes ,i know her a long time ,that's why i speak several octaves higher .

Bets off for you.

Lucjoker, yes you are a joker..because i have met many thai/farang couples (and that includes farang female and thai male) where there is a balance of (good) education and age etc, meaning well matched. However, i would also say that a degree and a good job does not make someone "hi-so". I have an honors degree, went to an exclusive school in Europe, and can speak 4 languages...and i still would never proclaim to be the equivalent of "hi-so".

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I met one and married her. Ami (my internet name for her) was a highly educated Civil Engineer and linguist (Thai, English, Chinese, French). Married 6 years and moved back to Thailand. Whereon she used her wiles and cunning and dishonesty to dismantle my finances. She's moved on to an American guy since our divorce and no doubt she'll do the same to him. No morals. No scruples. Nothing. My best advice is keep away and if anyone wants to PM me about this please do so.

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When I read hi-so like another poster, I just took this to be cheeky. The way you would be real high society is to be high society. The way to meet real professionals (drs, attys) is to be one of those. Upper classes dont socialize diwn unless there is a reason. They rarely marry down.

Most of you sound like a bunch of frustrated flunkies. All this going on about whitening creams and looking good. Its as though you are angry because you are here and even your shitty money cant buy those women, so you slag them.

As superficial as many may be, they put a lot of effort into looking yummy and stsying thin. They are in the prime of their lives. Many of you ogres and trolls just bash away. Looks like feeble, retarded teenage male angst more than anything else.

Sure not going to land any hotties sitting there banging on your keyboard, half drunk mid day, 3 days growth on your mug, not showered since you eent out to the titty bar last night. Not been to the dentist in years. Big beer gut and unkept mop of hair. Newsflash: even when I lived in Pattaya, those brown little moppets used to talk about how gross you were as well. Only difference, they had a kid or two and a shitty family back on the farm all depending on her to put food on the table.

Snow White ain't trapped in that doghouse.

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Most call themselves Chinese Thai are typically 1/4-1/8th Chinese, so it is a very loosely defined criteria. Personally, I would only consider someone Chinese Thai if their parents were immigrants from China, but after that they are locals as anyone else.


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"Where do you meet these super hot, well educated, middle class Thai/Chinese Hi-So girls?"

soi6 as a general rule

Not too far from the truth (though not perhaps the Pattaya Soi 6) according to a lot of my Thai friends any ways. Seems a lot of so called "hi-so" girls often moonlight in less reputable places, either for the thrills or to get a little extra pocket money if their parents or sugar daddy is being a little tight fisted with the allowance.

As for the OP - I laughed when I read that because I knew exactly what he was referring to, which it seems a lot of posters here, with their extra-larger blinders firmly glued to their heads, seem to have missed.

Then it was 6 pages of the usual "my girl is this, I met my wife there", helping to prove the OPs point. It does seem somewhat odd though, considering the legions of foreigners I see in the non-touristy areas, with their decidedly not pale-skinned, Prada-wearing, hi-so wives.

I guess only the people with the non-former bar-girl wives ever post on TV, while the rest are too busy enjoying their lives with their wives of who-cares-what backgrounds ?

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"After reading a few threads this afternoon it seems to me that I'm the only person on this forum whose wife/gf isn't a middle class, well educated, super rich, super hot, half Thai/half Chinese girl.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong? Where do you meet these hi-so types, they seem to be ten a penny around here?"

It's also interesting that we never see these wives in real life, usually they look like the Isaan type, or former bar girl type. Not that there's anything wrong with those types, but it's interesting. On another thread some time ago, some old timers here were trying to convince me that LOS should really be LOR ("Land Of Rich" women).

As I said earlier, I wouldn't worry too much, they are equally if not more air headed than the average anyway.

Couldn't give a monkeys about hiso as a class. It's a ghastly concept and the moment anyone places them selves in it I almost puke.

It should be renamed.


Ignorant Snobs

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Those Hi-So women you will NOT find at places where also a lot of Lo-So women from upcountry try to find their one-way-ticket-out-of-misery.

And if.. they will be dressed up like a Christmas tree to show their wealth OR will maybe walk a few meters before or after you, but never hand-in-hand.

I am doing business with Thai’s since 1977, and since 1993 visiting on regular bases Thai companies for my own business, but my female counterparts will always restrict their private contacts with farangs

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I know this is tongue in cheek, but as an honest answer:

I met my 1 ex (half Chinese/Thai) at work. She was a school teacher with an MA in TESOL. Her family was well off and educated.

My other ex was full chinese and got her MA in fashion design from Sweden. I met her through a friend at work.

I have always preferred the Chinese/Thai complexion and I want to be with a girl who is educated and does well by herself. So I was picky and those relationships lasted multiple years.

Now I am dating a Thai girl from Phayao who isn't a white princess and has a BA in tourism, because she is who I click with, Beauty is nice, but it's not the end all be all and if you adhere to a specific "spec" you're whole life you are essentially wearing blinders and will miss out on a lot of good things you might have missed otherwise.

tl;dr They're out there, and many are willing to date foreigners But holding out for a specific type of girl is foolish.

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i'm 10 y here,

never met a farang whit a hi so girl,

maybe they claim to be well educated,but lol,

they are all ex-bar ladies,no exception.

The better English they speak,the longer they were flirting with farangs.

Some can speak a little italian, or dutch,or ......just gives away what nationality

was B#nging them before you did.

But no offence ,and there are exceptions !

Virgins.....witch were invisible to the thai boys in their village? lol

Some worked in a "shoe shop" in BKK ,lol (they massage your shoes there?)

But even if you have the sole pure GF, 5 minutes and she will accept 1000bht ( if you are not looking !)

Bets are on .cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

Geez! Are you lucky my wife can't get to you! Lek has a double degree in French and English from KK Uni, I met her as a consultant in BKK she was Exec secretary to the Ops VP of a Yank company....mate, you'd be speaking several octaves higher if she could get to you!!!! facepalm.gifgiggle.gif

Wow, she can say same, same and up to you in three languages...amazing Thailand

Only jokinggiggle.gif

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Go where they go:

Paragon, especially around the food court and movie theaters.


Central Chidlom


Trendy cafe's along Thonglor

If your 30, dress fashionably and still have your abs you should be fine though some are still reluctant to be seen going out with a white dude because they don't want to be mistaken for call girls. The ones educated overseas are probably more open to interracial dating.

Good luck and let us know how it works out.

Edited by smileydude
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TV should start up a "Reader's Wives - Best of Breed" forum where all these forum members with top-notch spouses can post photos that showcase their wives' impeccable pedigrees.

Good one. We could even have categories such as Hunting breeds, Working breeds, etc. Come to think of it, I think UKC has a category called Pariah.

Or even a sporting event - drag a scented 1000 baht note across the rice paddies and let the working breed - ATM hound section - loose and see who can get to the kill first.

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Best way is to meet them by attending the same school or university or working at the same company, going to the same sports or social club or something like that. It's difficult for tourists or retirees to meet them. I worked with Thai Chinese for over 10 years before deciding to marry a Thai Thai. The grass is always greener!

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TV should start up a "Reader's Wives - Best of Breed" forum where all these forum members with top-notch spouses can post photos that showcase their wives' impeccable pedigrees.

I'm going DIY.

Got hold of a farm girl, sent her to high school (finished next month), then a teaching degree (CM uni).

In three more years I will have an educated school teacher, wife, and will able to look down on everyone else because mine is different.

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Interesting that most farrangs on this thread seem to have tapped into the hegemony promoted by Thai television that Chinese is some kind of master race or something to aspire to. In a thread set up to parody such behaviour they`ve all turned out to say it again!

Where I am from Chinese are the guys that run the take aways and tend to be grouped somewhere between the Indian restaurant owners and the chip shop owner.

I personally don`t group them in that way but find it fascinating that anyone from a Western background would have this thought process. We are brought up to think tanned skin is sexy, not milky white, so it just doesnt fit.

I understand wanting an educated girl that isn`t a money grabber but all this crap about their racial heritage just proves the OPs point further of guys trying to show their tart as some hi so Thai when the reality is very different.

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Try Thai Love Link, It is hit or miss. You must look for the smart/profesional/ sexy ti get it! I have found this breakdown:

-15% are really looking for cash for fun

-20% are sexy but prefer you tk buy lots of drinks for them and her friends

- 35% are nice, sincere, not well educated but very nice

- 30% are educated business related and truly looking for a seriohs sincere rekationship. Can stabd on her own

Maybe half of the final 30% are that amazing sexy and profesdional.

In my mind, well worth the search!

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TV should start up a "Reader's Wives - Best of Breed" forum where all these forum members with top-notch spouses can post photos that showcase their wives' impeccable pedigrees.

I'm going DIY.

Got hold of a farm girl, sent her to high school (finished next month), then a teaching degree (CM uni).

In three more years I will have an educated school teacher, wife, and will able to look down on everyone else because mine is different.

be careful. she may not need you anymore after her transformation to desireable women.

You sent a GF to high skool.................oh so funnie! i pray you are in your 20s.

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I once dated a stunning young Chinese lawyer-girl from a Southern family. She was living in a well-equipped house in an area of Bangkok where two Mercedes seemed like a basic need for any decent home. But her career plans did unfortunately not fit with my settling plans for Thailand – her hi-so life-style also scared me a bit – so I had to avoid falling deeply in love; really difficult at that time. But as I fancy the golden-brown-skin ladies more than bright skin, it all ended up very good. So today I may also be eligible to join the small group of TVForum-members without the hi-so Chinese girlfriend or wife.

And where did I meet this well-educated stunning young Chinese lady?
Dancer in an establishment at Soi 4 – she needed extra money to pay for her lavish life-style – recommended by some of her presumably hi-so friends loaded with money and working extra at the same place. whistling.gif

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Most Western guys prefer dark-skinned women who exude sexuality rather than doll-like china white ones, as that is a Thai fantasy. They don't care whether or not their girlfriends can hold a political debate or not, as they do that with their mates, at work etc and they don't look for that in their girlfriend/wife.

Secondly, the Hi-So thing is a Thai thing and has nothing to do with Western culture - I know some traditional Thai "Hi-So" women and they aren't empowered anymore than in lower classes, at the end of the day they're still taught and expected to shut up when the man speaks, take care of the kids etc. The ones who are independent, speak English, express opinions etc. are the ones who embrace a Western lifestyle and while they come from comfortable backgrounds they aren't usually rich either, and they are a minority in Thailand.

Lastly, there are thousands of Thais of Chinese descent who have little education nor money.

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