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Farmers Meeting


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Hi All,

After talking to WormFarmer today, I decided that it would be a good idea if I put our comments from the topic "Farmers.Metting" on a new Topic as many of you may have missed what we put as the previous topic was slightly confusing.

Here we are again where all can see and hopefully respond positively to it!

I wrote:-

"Posted 2014-01-12 03:04:56

Hi aussieruss,

Well done bringing up the subject of the Farmers Meetings on the Forum again and look forward to welcoming you back to Thailand for the LAST of your annual monthly holidays. Then about one year hence, Thailand won't know whats hit it when you hopefully come here on a more permanent basis!!


I feel that I am partly to blame for the lack of subsequent Meetings as I held the last one in June last year which those who attended seemed to thoroughly enjoy even though we had quite a number of last minute absentees. Sadly when it comes to holding a Meeting, farmers seem to be a rather shy community!! We have been six different farming ventures and as Wormfarmer & I have held 2 meetings each that makes up 8 Meetings and then the other was a very popular and successful Meeting going round one of the King's Agricultural Research Centres and then having a party into the night as the resort where most of us were staying. Thus making 9 Meetings so far. We are almost all basically small farmers - not large commercial operations - and I think very few of us, if any, were involved in agriculture before we came here BUT we all love the peace,space and clean air of nature in the country and by being involved in farming carry on learning as we go and keeps us fit and active!!

Maybe it is the fact that they are called Farmers Meetings that put potential hosts off, as that sounds structured and formal.

Maybe they should have been called Farmers Socials as that would have been more appropriate as there is NO structure and NOTHING formal.

It is just a gathering of like minded people who love the outdoor life to meet up for a day away, see different parts of Isaan, look round and learn about our hosts venture and generally chat with others about problems we may have (or anything else) over a simple lunch and maybe BBQ supper while downing a bottle or 3 and generally having a good day out and making new friends.

Any possible host, let me know to talk more.

re. The offer of a possible Farmers Meeting in Laos.

I would here like to thank MrOdyssey for the offer and very hard work that he put in when he offered to hold a Meeting up as his place in the Bolaven Plateau in Laos during November or December last year. It created quite a lot of interest and discussion BUT Mobaan, I think, was the only one who expressed their interest on the blog as being able to go at that time and I know you aussieruss and Dancealot would have liked to go but could not be in the country during that period. Bergen, I have just seen in 'what happened to the farming forum' blog that it should be revived. I would agree but first we would have to find out whether MrOdyssey would be happy to and when would be a suitable sort of date for him and if so that would be a very good reason for having another meeting where and when details could be thrashed out face to face.

Must stop now BUT please all of you have thoughts about what I have said.

Hope to see many of you again fairly soon.


To which WormFarmer added:-

"Posted 2014-01-12 08:57:20

As far as a gathering on the Bolaven Plateau in Laos goes I think we can forget that for a year or two as Richard (aka. MrOdyssey), who would have hosted such a gathering, seems to have succumbed to the comforts of the US of A. You can read all about it on his blog at : http://www.wrongwayh...-lateral-drift/.

That means that, if we want to continue with such gatherings, we need a volunteer to host one sometime soon, preferably in April when aussieruss is in-country. As AA1 says, nothing formal, just a happy gathering of like minded people who try to help their spouses with a bit of "farming". Theoretically it doesn't cost you anything apart from a bit of effort as attendees are asked to chip in for food and drink or bring their own drink, as well as finding their own accommodation, sometimes with the help of local knowledge from the host."

NOW it is up to YOU to decide what YOU would like to do!!!!!

We look forward to hearing from you.


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If the meeting is held in Chiang Rai, i would come.

Hello all!

April, then.. Sounds good to methumbsup.gif. The Rai? Why not..

I'm flexible about travelling. I do have an idea about a location but I have to enquire first. I'll let you know, here.



Edited by Dancealot
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Sadly is a no from me and MissFarmGirl as I won't be in the country then, and MissFarmGirl has the soon to born TWINS.

For my share of the beer ... I anoint Khun Dancealot to partake on my behalf.

One day, we will make it along.

Good luck with the organisation of same ... it's a lot more work then people realise ... facepalm.gif

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While I'm still disappointed with the cancellation of MrOdyssey's the bolaven plateau idea. I'd like to hear what what the farmers have to say.

Packdee's offer sounds good, solid and very concrete.

I like aussieruss suggesting fish and prawn.

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If there's a lack of volunteers, I'll throw my name in as a possible April host.

We had a meeting at our farm Suan Loong Daeng in February 2012, and since then we've done a lot of upgrading.

For those who have not been here, some of what can be seen at the farm are Rubber trees, Cashew nuts, Cassava, Tamarind, Rambutan, lamyai, bananas, Durian, Jackfruit, Green peppers, Mangosteen, Pappaya, Mango, and lots of other fruits, herbs, and spices.

I addition to farming we are doing a lot of gardening, and also have a flower shop. We have a newly rebuilt restaurant, restrooms and bar with pool table, and if the heat is on in April, it's possible to take a dip in our swimming pool................... smile.png

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Packdee's offer sounds good, solid and very concrete. .........

Was Packdee offering to be a host or just advertising his farm stay? If he would like to be a host that would be a good idea and I certainly would go down to Saraburi for a meeting there. We could all stay at his farm stay to save driving out to a "resort". Maybe Packdee can clarify his ideas.


If there's a lack of volunteers, I'll throw my name in as a possible April host. ....................

Well done Bergen, since you have previously been a host maybe we can keep you down as first reserve depending on how Packdee responds. If Packdee is positive perhaps you could do the next one later on in the year?

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I am hesitating to commit myself as I have pulled back twice from meetings at the last minute. If not more than three hours drive from Buriram I would be interested in a day visit to a meeting, I would like to put a face to the names, learn something of courseand drink a beer or two, some of which I would bring with us. Anybody contacted J C?

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