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Protesters in southern provinces to start shutdown on Monday

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This is really going to hurt Yingluks support in the North East.

What is is showing is the PDRC cannot keep their Southern Supporters in BKK for many reasons. Money and lack of interest so they have come up with a work from home scheme basically.

Let them control the south. Then the rest of the country can see how despotic they are. Will also sort out the small boys from the very small boys then the Students are sent to Pattani to enfoce Sutheps law there.

Meanwhile to prove me right, Suthep is on a series of marches designed mainly to collect money for his failing putch. Support? Kidding me. He thinks there is more support to be garnered in Paholyothin after this being on the news for 80 days now? It's the money.

Yestedays sickening speach was also all about money and bleating that nobody believes him about the suspect bomb.

The donations yesterday are now PDRC money and only to go to the family if the doner specically reqested it. Look like they were just stuffing it into bags again... So... it's Sutheps money.

But at least the money was given freely, to a cause the doners actively support - Suthep!

Unlike the literally billions of baht of hard earned taxpayers money wasted on half arsed policies as exemplified by the last two years of mis-administration by the government. They have even failed their core voters the farmers who have been waiting 6 months nearly or their owed money.

Not that you know much or care about it, but as the Gov is in Cartaker mode they cannot pay. and the overseeing courts are refusing to let them pay.

Not the same thing, but if you want us to believe you can't see this anyoway other than this old chestnut.... thats ok.

The money flow increased because of the rhetoric, but the PDRC only gave 1 million of it back!! caring sharing.

I for one won't comment anymore one that sad fact as the grieving family should not be caught up in this. The lady obviously was in shock and bweilderment as well she might be and to drag her around BKK an on stage was just one more desperate disgusting ploy to add the the PDRC long long list of crimes and self serving actions.

Looking less likely there will be a coup. And its' looking impossible that if there was a coup that they could function at all or work with anybody. NObody will wear it this time. Everything is too transparent and Sutheps and the Cowards that back him are 30 years out of date with their tactics.

To hear one of Thaksin's followers referring to the "PDRC's long list of crimes and self-serving actions" is ironic in the extreme...!! And what can you possibly mean by things being too transparent in Thailand...?

However, what is more important, is that the payments that were due to the rice farmers pre-date the dissolution of parliament, so the caretaker government does not have the right, and nor do you, to claim that the EC is 'binding their hands' with regard to the payments due.

If the rice scheme was as productive and well-considered as they have tried to make everyone believe, they would not be facing such growing opposition from their erstwhile support base...!!

edited to add: You need to look at appropriate definitions of "cowards", as I see those who engage in violent assaults on people from a distance, such as throwing grenades into a crowd and then running away, as the epitome of "cowards"...!!

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Instead of just calling it a protest, they call it a "shutdown" of government. Therefore, the government should say that it has escalated beyond a protest to a planned and orchestrated "shutdown" and an act of anarchy and sedition.

Perhaps your point may have some merit is this were a "government", but there are two arguments against this:

(i) the government resigned some time ago, so this is merely a caretaker administration, pending political reform and free and fair elections once such reforms are in place; and

(ii) a government is required to act in the best interests of its people. When it fails to do so, in a "democracy", the people have the right to protest against it.

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I have to totally agree with you.

Farangs supporting Suthep must be really blind or extremely naive.

To me it is really astonishing to see "educated" farangs coming from democracies follow the ideas of this insane creature trying to destroy the whole democratic system to gain power.

As I already mentioned, a good psychiatrist should make a study of this strange frenzy around such a despicable man (at least a keyboard frenzy).

If you allow me to disagree with you on one point, I would like to add that if I have very very little respect for people such as Suthep and Abhisit, I, on the other hand, do respect Thaksin for everything he did for the people of Thailand (and for being a good businessman) smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

What a load of crap ! biggrin.png

Absolutely 100% wind up dribble designed to stir people up.

All it did for me is to make me almost pity the writer who sounds like a nasty, lonely old troll.


Instead of just calling it a protest, they call it a "shutdown" of government. Therefore, the government should say that it has escalated beyond a protest to a planned and orchestrated "shutdown" and an act of anarchy and sedition.

Perhaps your point may have some merit is this were a "government", but there are two arguments against this:

(i) the government resigned some time ago, so this is merely a caretaker administration, pending political reform and free and fair elections once such reforms are in place; and

(ii) a government is required to act in the best interests of its people. When it fails to do so, in a "democracy", the people have the right to protest against it.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?


tx22cb, on 19 Jan 2014 - 10:58, said:

Please can the protesters take some loudspeakers away to the South too?

They were blaring away until past 1 am last night.

Yes, this is the problem with some of us.

Only concerned about our little selves and convenience, disregarding the struggle and fight for a better future for the country we live in.

You mean, "the struggle and fight for fascism, classism and elitism, keeping the poor in an undeveloped state, and strangling what little semblance of democracy now exists in Thailand".

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I feel for those that will suffer from this, ie, workers, business owner paying rent, But rest assured that Suthep and his buddy's wont suffer any loss so he don't care...

This reminds me of an interesting theory I heard over the weekend about who's throwing the grenades.

"It wasn't Red or Yellow. It was people that want to go back to work."


I wonder if one of the targets of this shutdown in the south will be a certain courthouse in a certain province where a certain gentleman's son is due to appear on corruption charges.


Locals have just set off to the Amphur's office

Are you somewhere in the south?

If you don't mind, can you give occasional updates on what's happening on the ground?

And an indication of the location/province?

Thanks in anticipation

(I am planning a trip south next weekend, unless things deteriorate)


I fell in love with Thailand, it's people and culture around 12 months ago now, stayed in BKK for 5 months. It's heart breaking to see what's going on and my thoughts go out to Thais who just want to get on with their lives.

For now I'm out, have been in other places than BKK this time but have a gut feeling and enough info to think things may spread out to the rest of the country.

So I'm out 2 weeks early, before I can't get out at all and miss my job contracts OS. Leaving a partner behind also is tough, but it's harder to get an Aussie visa for them than it is going through a coup!

Praying for Thailand. Cheers.


Just heard that the protesters of Sichon will be marching past our school tomorrow to the government hall!!

All the way to Bangkok ? wow best start off early then

Our school is in Sichon dummy and they were travelling to Sichon government hall about 1 Km down the main highway!!!

The turnout was amazing, I, our teachers and some of the older children stood outside cheering them on all morning waving flags and blowing whistles as they passed in a very large convoy of people walking, on bikes and in pick-ups and cars!!!

They have closed down Tha Sala and Sichon government halls now and it looks like the South will come to a standstill soon - it shows how strong the feeling is here towards the Shinawatra family.


Please can the protesters take some loudspeakers away to the South too?

They were blaring away until past 1 am last night.

This is Thailand. You get that regularly, with or without protesters.


tx22cb, on 19 Jan 2014 - 10:58, said:

Please can the protesters take some loudspeakers away to the South too?

They were blaring away until past 1 am last night.

Yes, this is the problem with some of us.

Only concerned about our little selves and convenience, disregarding the struggle and fight for a better future for the country we live in.

You mean, "the struggle and fight for fascism, classism and elitism, keeping the poor in an undeveloped state, and strangling what little semblance of democracy now exists in Thailand".

Precisely!!! Now let's take Yingluck out!!


The former Democrat MP on Saturday donated five million baht from his family’s account to the family of Mr Prakong Chuchan, a protester who was killed by a grenade attack at Banthanthong area on Friday. The PDRC, meanwhile, donated another one million baht to the family.

Whow! For this amount of money more suicide protestors will come, for sure.

Utterly tasteless post.


The former Democrat MP on Saturday donated five million baht from his family’s account to the family of Mr Prakong Chuchan, a protester who was killed by a grenade attack at Banthanthong area on Friday. The PDRC, meanwhile, donated another one million baht to the family.

Whow! For this amount of money more suicide protestors will come, for sure.

Utterly tasteless post.

Whow! For this amount of money more suicide protestors will come, for sure.

Got news for you, you heartless drongo, he was not a suicide protester, he was an innocent man who was murdered by whoever was sent in to disrupt the protest march. Many believe it was the work of the redshirts, with good reason.

The above comment is typical of the low class of animals who are attracted to the PTP party support team. No brains, no class, no feelings.


Yes, it was a heartless comment, but not untypical of many posters on this forum.

However if I apply Thai logic, if he were not at the protest, he would not have been killed.

Better stay at home and vote on February 2nd for the government of your choice, rather than trying to unseat a democratically-elected (but incompetent) government.


Yes, it was a heartless comment, but not untypical of many posters on this forum.

However if I apply Thai logic, if he were not at the protest, he would not have been killed.

Better stay at home and vote on February 2nd for the government of your choice, rather than trying to unseat a democratically-elected (but incompetent) government.

Does that same Thai logic apply to the 90 people who died during the 2010 redshirt takeover of Bangkok ?

If so, a lot of the comments posted on this forum since then were a big fat waste of time. And my style of logic says that if not for the utter contempt of one Thaksin Shinawatra the tragic events of 2010 would never have happened, and those 90 people would still be here today.


Yes, it was a heartless comment, but not untypical of many posters on this forum.

However if I apply Thai logic, if he were not at the protest, he would not have been killed.

Better stay at home and vote on February 2nd for the government of your choice, rather than trying to unseat a democratically-elected (but incompetent) government.

Does that same Thai logic apply to the 90 people who died during the 2010 redshirt takeover of Bangkok ?

If so, a lot of the comments posted on this forum since then were a big fat waste of time. And my style of logic says that if not for the utter contempt of one Thaksin Shinawatra the tragic events of 2010 would never have happened, and those 90 people would still be here today.

isn't it Suthep who is charged with those murders and not Thaksin??

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Just heard that the protesters of Sichon will be marching past our school tomorrow to the government hall!!

All the way to Bangkok ? wow best start off early then

Our school is in Sichon dummy and they were travelling to Sichon government hall about 1 Km down the main highway!!!

The turnout was amazing, I, our teachers and some of the older children stood outside cheering them on all morning waving flags and blowing whistles as they passed in a very large convoy of people walking, on bikes and in pick-ups and cars!!!

They have closed down Tha Sala and Sichon government halls now and it looks like the South will come to a standstill soon - it shows how strong the feeling is here towards the Shinawatra family.

Yknow you really should get a sense of humour and act with a little less arrogance if you call yourself a teacher, the quality they employ is one of the reasons education is so bad here, try not to be an advertisement for that.

I know nothing much happens in places like Sichon im sure the carnival was good fun, I hope the south does come to a standstill it would make a pleasant change for people down there to feel the impact on their businesses and trying to make a living, about time reality hit home.

lets hope they shut down Phuket next that'll be just great :)

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Just heard that the protesters of Sichon will be marching past our school tomorrow to the government hall!!

All the way to Bangkok ? wow best start off early then

Our school is in Sichon dummy and they were travelling to Sichon government hall about 1 Km down the main highway!!!

The turnout was amazing, I, our teachers and some of the older children stood outside cheering them on all morning waving flags and blowing whistles as they passed in a very large convoy of people walking, on bikes and in pick-ups and cars!!!

They have closed down Tha Sala and Sichon government halls now and it looks like the South will come to a standstill soon - it shows how strong the feeling is here towards the Shinawatra family.

Well, way to go, teach those indoctrinated southern kids how to incite riot, obstruction of justice, extortion and the list goes on. Exactly what a teacher should strive for. Your work permit should be revoked, but since you live in the south, I doubt you have one.


Just heard that the protesters of Sichon will be marching past our school tomorrow to the government hall!!

All the way to Bangkok ? wow best start off early then

Our school is in Sichon dummy and they were travelling to Sichon government hall about 1 Km down the main highway!!!

The turnout was amazing, I, our teachers and some of the older children stood outside cheering them on all morning waving flags and blowing whistles as they passed in a very large convoy of people walking, on bikes and in pick-ups and cars!!!

They have closed down Tha Sala and Sichon government halls now and it looks like the South will come to a standstill soon - it shows how strong the feeling is here towards the Shinawatra family.

Well, way to go, teach those indoctrinated southern kids how to incite riot, obstruction of justice, extortion and the list goes on. Exactly what a teacher should strive for. Your work permit should be revoked, but since you live in the south, I doubt you have one.

My wife and I are the school owners and the parents in our school are probably 99% in favour of the PDRC's aspirations as they are intelligent people. Many of them passed by our school as part of the protest and came over to say hello and that they were pleased that we were against the corrupt Shinawatra's who should "org bpais"!!!

I am lucky that I ended up in a sensible place like Nakhonsithammarat rather than in Isaan or the North where the thugs thrive and people are indoctrinated.

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@SichonSteven //My wife and I are the school owners and the parents in our school are probably 99% in favour of the PDRC's aspirations as they are intelligent people. Many of them passed by our school as part of the protest and came over to say hello and that they were pleased that we were against the corrupt Shinawatra's who should "org bpais"!!!

I am lucky that I ended up in a sensible place like Nakhonsithammarat rather than in Isaan or the North where the thugs thrive and people are indoctrinated.//

laugh.png Two fails, one claiming only Isaan has indoctrinated people and number two being connecting the word "sensible" with NST. Nakhon Si Thammarat is an old gangster town or city if you wanna call it that, ruled by mobsters in decline. You
do bring some humor into this thread.


Yes, it was a heartless comment, but not untypical of many posters on this forum.

However if I apply Thai logic, if he were not at the protest, he would not have been killed.

Better stay at home and vote on February 2nd for the government of your choice, rather than trying to unseat a democratically-elected (but incompetent) government.

Does that same Thai logic apply to the 90 people who died during the 2010 redshirt takeover of Bangkok ?

If so, a lot of the comments posted on this forum since then were a big fat waste of time. And my style of logic says that if not for the utter contempt of one Thaksin Shinawatra the tragic events of 2010 would never have happened, and those 90 people would still be here today.

isn't it Suthep who is charged with those murders and not Thaksin??

It's a total farce that will come back to bite that prune Tarit!!!


@SichonSteven //My wife and I are the school owners and the parents in our school are probably 99% in favour of the PDRC's aspirations as they are intelligent people. Many of them passed by our school as part of the protest and came over to say hello and that they were pleased that we were against the corrupt Shinawatra's who should "org bpais"!!!

I am lucky that I ended up in a sensible place like Nakhonsithammarat rather than in Isaan or the North where the thugs thrive and people are indoctrinated.//

laugh.png Two fails, one claiming only Isaan has indoctrinated people and number two being connecting the word "sensible" with NST. Nakhon Si Thammarat is an old gangster town or city if you wanna call it that, ruled by mobsters in decline. You

do bring some humor into this thread.

People in the South are not indoctrinated at all!!

They think for themselves and understand what the Shinawatra's stand for. They don't need anyone to tell them that.

Admittedly, NST does have the most hit-men of any province in Thailand - the thing is, they are red shirted ex-policeman scum that have been brought up on corruption.


@SichonSteven //My wife and I are the school owners and the parents in our school are probably 99% in favour of the PDRC's aspirations as they are intelligent people. Many of them passed by our school as part of the protest and came over to say hello and that they were pleased that we were against the corrupt Shinawatra's who should "org bpais"!!!

I am lucky that I ended up in a sensible place like Nakhonsithammarat rather than in Isaan or the North where the thugs thrive and people are indoctrinated.//

laugh.png Two fails, one claiming only Isaan has indoctrinated people and number two being connecting the word "sensible" with NST. Nakhon Si Thammarat is an old gangster town or city if you wanna call it that, ruled by mobsters in decline. You

do bring some humor into this thread.

People in the South are not indoctrinated at all!!

They think for themselves and understand what the Shinawatra's stand for. They don't need anyone to tell them that.

Admittedly, NST does have the most hit-men of any province in Thailand - the thing is, they are red shirted ex-policeman scum that have been brought up on corruption.

Oh yes, one of biggest yellow painted spots on the map of Thailand and the only criminal you could find was a red-shirt ex- policeman. How convenient....

Your response is so pathetic that I don't know what I wanna do... laugh or cry. You have admitted it does have the most hit-men of any province in Thailand and you still want put the word sensible into this?

The NST police departments are known for their corruption, involving setting their own comrades up when they don't follow "the correct procedure".

This is a PAD controlled province where there has been more than a few times where candidates for a local election have been the victims of an assassination/attempted assassination and you still want to talk about sensible? Unbelievable... blink.png

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Is it more than coincidence that the heart of tourist corruption in Thailand lies in Democrat strongholds - Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, and that the main tourist destination in the 'red' north (Chiang Mai) has no such reputation?


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@SichonSteven //My wife and I are the school owners and the parents in our school are probably 99% in favour of the PDRC's aspirations as they are intelligent people. Many of them passed by our school as part of the protest and came over to say hello and that they were pleased that we were against the corrupt Shinawatra's who should "org bpais"!!!

I am lucky that I ended up in a sensible place like Nakhonsithammarat rather than in Isaan or the North where the thugs thrive and people are indoctrinated.//

laugh.png Two fails, one claiming only Isaan has indoctrinated people and number two being connecting the word "sensible" with NST. Nakhon Si Thammarat is an old gangster town or city if you wanna call it that, ruled by mobsters in decline. You

do bring some humor into this thread.

People in the South are not indoctrinated at all!!

They think for themselves and understand what the Shinawatra's stand for. They don't need anyone to tell them that.

Admittedly, NST does have the most hit-men of any province in Thailand - the thing is, they are red shirted ex-policeman scum that have been brought up on corruption.

Im not getting into this south and north fallacy because only a fool would think one is smarter than the other but im curious. you talk about indoctrinated yet these police or ex police you call scum are mostly born and raised in NST, so it begs the question if they are so corrupt then where and who do they deal with in NST but the local populous ?

I don't think there is much to shout about indoctrination or corruption. your claims dont make any sense, if they are brought up on corruption there then your basically saying NST is corrupt as thats where they come from, which of course it is like everywhere else.

Also there is the little matter of the south being the most violent and dangerous terrorist supported and active region in Thailand but thats way off topic so ill leave it there.


@SichonSteven //My wife and I are the school owners and the parents in our school are probably 99% in favour of the PDRC's aspirations as they are intelligent people. Many of them passed by our school as part of the protest and came over to say hello and that they were pleased that we were against the corrupt Shinawatra's who should "org bpais"!!!

I am lucky that I ended up in a sensible place like Nakhonsithammarat rather than in Isaan or the North where the thugs thrive and people are indoctrinated.//

laugh.png Two fails, one claiming only Isaan has indoctrinated people and number two being connecting the word "sensible" with NST. Nakhon Si Thammarat is an old gangster town or city if you wanna call it that, ruled by mobsters in decline. You

do bring some humor into this thread.

People in the South are not indoctrinated at all!!

They think for themselves and understand what the Shinawatra's stand for. They don't need anyone to tell them that.

Admittedly, NST does have the most hit-men of any province in Thailand - the thing is, they are red shirted ex-policeman scum that have been brought up on corruption.

Im not getting into this south and north fallacy because only a fool would think one is smarter than the other but im curious. you talk about indoctrinated yet these police or ex police you call scum are mostly born and raised in NST, so it begs the question if they are so corrupt then where and who do they deal with in NST but the local populous ?

I don't think there is much to shout about indoctrination or corruption. your claims dont make any sense, if they are brought up on corruption there then your basically saying NST is corrupt as thats where they come from, which of course it is like everywhere else.

Also there is the little matter of the south being the most violent and dangerous terrorist supported and active region in Thailand but thats way off topic so ill leave it there.

It doesn't matter where they are born or raised - once they become a policeman their brain shrinks and their mind turns to what schemes they can best use to maximise their income. It is the same all over Thailand.

Think police - think corruption - think red inclinations (same as their mentor Thaksin).

The rest of the people (on the whole) in NST are fine upstanding citizens that are law abiding.

As to the question of most violent and dangerous terrorists I think you have confused the South with the deep South (Malay/Thai insurgency). I can assure you that there are no terrorists in Nakhonฯ. and the gun men are retired police officers that are mercenaries.

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