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Do you support your wife in the protests?


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My wife is a fanatic anti-government supporter (she is also one of the so-called "hi so" girls) and often goes to the rallies in the evenings after work. I don't join her as I think it's a Thai thing and at the same time I don't want to be deported (I don't really think that would happen but who knows?). I must admit that I agree with her and feel that the present government should quit and make way for a national reform (but leave that out of this discussion).

Today, after the Victory Monument bombings she is even more determined to go amd protest every evening and today she said I should join her.

I told her that I didn't want to because of the above reasons. Her reply was that I don't like Thailand and am not willing to fight for freedom so I should go back to my own country.

We have had 15 years of happiness and this is the first really serious argument we have had in that time.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

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Grab hold of the image showing the statement that foreigners taking part in the protest may be subject to deportation. get hold of the story of the red supporter that go deported/jailed (??) for taking part in the red demo.

tell her you support her and agree with her position, but that your desire to be here and take care of her is your greatest concern, and if you were deported, you would not be able to do that.....

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Grab hold of the image showing the statement that foreigners taking part in the protest may be subject to deportation. get hold of the story of the red supporter that go deported/jailed (??) for taking part in the red demo.

tell her you support her and agree with her position, but that your desire to be here and take care of her is your greatest concern, and if you were deported, you would not be able to do that.....

Yes, I have been searching for this.

Actually I went to the "big" demo last week but I don't want to go every day.

I work near Asoke and sala Daeng so I have to walk through these two sites quite often and I find the atmorsphere pleasant. Almost like a weekend market or pop concert but to actually take part in the demos is another thing.

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tell her you support her and agree with her position, but that your desire to be here and take care of her is your greatest concern, and if you were deported, you would not be able to do that.....


Tried that but she "is willing to die for her country." That makes it difficult to argue with.

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If she knows you could get deported and she still wants you to risk it,,, then... oh dear oh dear.

She believes that if anything happens she can pay her way out. She earns far more than I do.

you painting the picture of a lunatic. it seems she dont value you at all.

I anm sure she values me. Lunatic.... well maybe at the moment. Hopefully, It will die down.

There's a lot of advice here but is anyone in a similar situation?

I have seen photos of farang wearing "full uniform" at the demos.

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I told her it is very dangerous, and if she goes there she will be making me unnecessarily worried for her safety. I told her if she still decides to go, she obviously doesn't care about me and I will dump her.

Don't think she is happy but it worked!

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My wife supports the eviction of the current "Government"

She is not a "loony" but recognises that the present corrupt regime cannot be allowed to continue. or be re-elected on the basis of yet more corrupt "populist" policy.

I support her in her belief but she would not ask that I join a "demo" because she says " this is a Thai issue which only Thais can resolve"

That's the sort of answer I am looking for and will show her.

I support her 100% in her beliefs but refuse to join the demo.

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I told her it is very dangerous, and if she goes there she will be making me unnecessarily worried for her safety. I told her if she still decides to go, she obviously doesn't care about me and I will dump her. Don't think she is happy but it worked!

Here we have a person skilled in the use of manipulation and the art of emotional blackmail ! xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.Fhb0_rLJqX.webp

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I told her it is very dangerous, and if she goes there she will be making me unnecessarily worried for her safety. I told her if she still decides to go, she obviously doesn't care about me and I will dump her. Don't think she is happy but it worked!

Tried that. Her whole family go there, so there is no way she wouldn't. I let her go but tell her to leave before 9 pm.

As I mentioned she "is willing to die for Thailand". I haven't said how old she is but she was in the demos when many students died years ago (sorry I forget how long)

Edited by petedk
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i think its going to get worse be4 it calms down. my evidence-notice how they are using tires as barricades.

im even thinking of fleeing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all i do is stay in my hotel now anyway. las vegas seems a bit safer for the time being.

Yes, I agree with you that it's going to get worse ..... much worse. (although TIT and maybe tomorrow all parties will be kissing each other).

I won't flee the country though. This is my home now. I have no ties (apart from grown up kids) in Europe.

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i think its going to get worse be4 it calms down. my evidence-notice how they are using tires as barricades.

im even thinking of fleeing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all i do is stay in my hotel now anyway. las vegas seems a bit safer for the time being.

Nothing has happened anywhere outside of the protest sites. Stay away from those and you will be fine. Really it is a good time to be in Bangkok if you use your head - tourist sites are all empty, shopping malls empty, no traffic, and I don't know but I guess that hotels are offering discounts? Just stay away from any protests, they are too unpredictable.
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You're wife has been sucked into fanaticism, so just as if she became addicted some substance of abuse, be patient and do what you can to help her overcome this hopefully temporary condition.

There really is no harm in going along with her if you want to give in, but do let her know you are NOT willing to sacrifice ANYTHING much less your health & safety to the cause, and as soon as things start to seem unsafe you will decamp for a calmer part of the city.

If she honestly wants you to risk your life for her cause, then I'd say it's time to reconsider your relationship.

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Ones political & religious beliefs are very very individual and should not be used as basis for emotional manipulation/blackmail especially with close family or friends.

Equally our response to such encounters are very individual.

I am sure it was a very disappointing incident for you and I trust it was just frustration a 'spur of the moment' thing that prompted such an outburst from your wife?

Hope it works out for you.

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15 years wo an agreement is not healthy. I think has been a doormat all these years, and he about to burst. Maybe he should go to the protests and blow his whistle and let it all hang out...................lol.

He didn't say he hadn't had the 4 day silent sulks though. This is a Thai woman we are talking about.

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Me and my gf don't agree too. but this subject isn't something that bother us. we understand each other and laugh about it. she is also very anti government. She even told me not to put a red t shirt this week. I didn't put it on cuz it was red. but it was a red bull-dead bull khoasan road t-shirt and all others were in the laundry. I didn't think it was a big deal. I had it on yesterday too. nobody cares and I go anywhere everywhere. Remind your wife that you two are a couple all that politic bullshit is outside the home. don't believe that everything is divided between yellow and red. I daily met many Bangkok Thai residents who are tired of all this. waiting for bus NR 3 40 min and it didn't even show up cuz of the mob. in the end we took it all the way to mo chit and from there the same bus in other direction to go to were we wanted. luckily both buses were free. but the half day went in traffic.

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