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Do you support your wife in the protests?

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He didn't say he hadn't had the 4 day silent sulks though. This is a Thai woman we are talking about.

I WISH the worst I got from some TGs in my past is a 4-day silent sulk, would have actually been a huge relief to get that much peace and quiet.

But to be fair, don't think this sort of problem is a Thai thing, more like mars vs venus. . .

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i saw one mean looking thai lady walk right past security-she wouldnt let them search her bag-in essence she told them to <deleted>.k off. And they did leave her alone.

There you see the problem. Nobody in authority knows what they are doing. Nobody has the balls to do the job they are paid for........rolleyes.gif

Which really shows where ever you look about anything, oh, except dealing with farang visas, they can do that alright.......coffee1.gif


Good question. Was just asking the mates over the weekend if they could date a girl that's staunchly anti-government. For me, no way, since I've yet to meet one that can really explain the issue in any amount of detail. In fact, the most insightful thing I've heard about the matter came from a bar girl. With regards to the week's bombings, she said, "It's not Red or Yellow; it's people that want to go back to work."

In turn, when I asked one of my 'educated', anti-government girl friends what she thought about all the small (and even large) businesses that are suffering as a result of all of this, she simply said, "I don't want to talk about politics."


Fortunately, my GF and I think the same. They are all a bunch of blithering idiots and far more than half of them don't have a clue what they are really fighting for or what the real issues and motives of the leaders are.


Do you support your wife in the protests?

Absolutely! She also feels sorry for both sides....................wai.gif

Actually, she has vowed never to vote again in this country as she is sick of all the BS. Yes, there are still some free-willed people around.

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If she knows you could get deported and she still wants you to risk it,,, then... oh dear oh dear.

She believes that if anything happens she can pay her way out. She earns far more than I do.

A fine sentiment for an anti-corruption protester.
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I would leave her with remarks like that. It took 15 years for you to find out she really isnt into you. Tomrorrow is the 1st day of the rest of your life.

You would make a fine marriage guidance adviser!!

Would anyone leave your clinic willing to give it another go -I don't think so!!

tell her you support her and agree with her position, but that your desire to be here and take care of her is your greatest concern, and if you were deported, you would not be able to do that.....


Tried that but she "is willing to die for her country." That makes it difficult to argue with.

You bought that? Man I am trying to be good here but look at it this way. She believes that what she sees is right. But if she is willing to call 2 political party's fighting her country then she is so far off it's sad. Tell her a government is there to be the voice of the people and neither side are doing this. They are in a power struggle and if she truly wanted to do what was best for her country then she would stay away from a struggle over money and power.

It's facts. The system is made to be a voice of the people not a voice of we want power. So many governments around of the world forget this and want the top spot to say look at me I am running my country. They should be saying look at me I am a person who listens to the people of my country and works to achieve the most we can to move forward and make a system in which we become better and closer together. Both sides here are driving a wedge.

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The first mistake was getting involved with this woman 15 years ago! Some of the men here in this country are so vaginized! Actually worldwide. Be a man and tell her the way it is. Grow some balls! Then show her the exit and let the rest of your life be stress free. AMP her. Make her Another Man's Problem.


Yes I support my wife in the Protest, she is pro government and is here at home. The people of the village knows who is their friends and who is not.

No one that we know are protesting in Bangkok!


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would you guys support your wives more if it meant more sex????????????

Most of us grow out of that just after our teen years...............coffee1.gif

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Tough call. I keep out of Thai politics because it is so stuffed but my Thai wife has visited many democratic countries and she understands that, even if the government is bad, democracy is all about changing it at the next election. What a country, glad I don't live there !!!!!!!!!!! I like the line that I heard from my Thai wife about something or other..........Not my problem


The wife is an ardent supporter of the anti-gov protesters. Her time home from the office is spent on Bluesky and Facebook with one or two times a week attending the protests. This is to be expected as she hails from the south however, I do feel some what neglected as our routine has been disrupted. I know it is important to her and what she believes in as a fight for her country. She used to ask me to go with her in the beginning, a couple of months ago that is, but I told her it wasn't my fight. We talked about reasons I shouldn't participate and now in light of the potential violence, she is glad I stay at home while she goes out to fight for what she believes in. I am proud she is doing something for what she believes in. We may or may not agree on the correct course of action to move Thailand forward when we are having discussions, but then that is one of the things I really love about her, the ability to agree to disagree on various topics. That is one way we keep our relationship healthy, by supporting each other in our various struggles, and not trying to control the each other.

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If you go with her to the rallys, she may feel encouraged to raise the stakes with your participation and ask you to blow whistles, wear anti-government buttons, clothing, wave the Thai flag, etc. I think it best to tell her that your mere presence in these protests not only may make the protesters targets for violence, but also yourself.


The first mistake was getting involved with this woman 15 years ago! Some of the men here in this country are so vaginized! Actually worldwide. Be a man and tell her the way it is. Grow some balls! Then show her the exit and let the rest of your life be stress free. AMP her. Make her Another Man's Problem.

Did you read the part about where the lady is the breadwinner?


I asked a lady friend (bar girl) which side she supported. She gave me a puzzled look and said "what you mean,

both side crook. I only support the King" I was actually surprised. She is of course correct. The choices as I see it are

between Hitler and Stalin. Which side do you support. Both are a bad choice. Your wife has swallowed the koolaid,

supporting a guy that preaches against corruption but stuffs his pocket at every opportunity. It seems to me he is

foaming at the mouth with rage because Thaksin was better at stuffing his pockets and gets elected because

he is more willing to share the spoils sprinkling a little sugar around with populist policies. On the other hand

Suthep wants to keep it all to himself and the party cronies. Reminds me of the joke/question So I know your not

gay but if you had to who would you rather sleep with,............ if you had to,.. Brad Pitt or George Clooney......if you had to

____________ or so your gay then. Between these two party choices, I choose neither, end of story. They are both

equally bad. How can you support you wife in either of two equally bad choices. bah.gif


whistling.gif Being the cynical old f_rt that I am I humbly suggest that for many Farangs married to Thai wives one of the main reason the Farang husbands political opinions will follow his Thai wife's opinion is what I could call "The P_ssey Factor".

Which, when you cut through all the verbiage, really means it's easier to agree with the wife's political views than to go without getting laid for a week or two..

Bit then, as I said, I'm a cynical old f_rt.



No right minded usa citizen would want to bcome thai. I dont know about you socialists out there-maybe thai is better for you.

Wow American at its best! Srs man why or how does that fit in this conversation. USA is corrupt and I won't get into the rest. Best you stay home in the good ole USA. Maybe marry your cousin while your at it. Last I checked this was about supporting your wife's choice on sides not how douched out Americans think they are better than most everyone.



You could be sent packing on the next boat home.

My wife hates both of them.

She is a bit of extremist, she wants them to kill each other and be done with it. This s##t has been going on to long.

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No right minded usa citizen would want to bcome thai. I dont know about you socialists out there-maybe thai is better for you.

I think the USA benefits much more from "socialism" (taxes being spend on the country, rather than stolen) than Thailand does for the forseeable future.


The first mistake was getting involved with this woman 15 years ago! Some of the men here in this country are so vaginized! Actually worldwide. Be a man and tell her the way it is. Grow some balls! Then show her the exit and let the rest of your life be stress free. AMP her. Make her Another Man's Problem.

Did you read the part about where the lady is the breadwinner?

I didn't say she was the breadwinner. I just said she earns a lot more than me. I pay for most things and we have no problems with that. I left a very good job in Europe to be with her and money is no problem.

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