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How would Thailand be any different than your home country?


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I worked in Thailand for 4 years and for the most part enjoyed my time there.

The 2 biggest differances for me were education and rule of law. If Thailand could sort out those two issues there would be no stopping her.

I trust you understand the issues with rule of law; corruption, ineffectual police force, archaic judiciary, some archaic laws etc.

With education the issues most prevelant were the lack of ability to think outside the box, original thought, constructive input, fear of being differant, fear of disagreeing with someone in authority. Don't get me wrong we had several outstanding employees who I would have no problem hiring anywhere in the world; they were unfortunately few and far between. This is not meant to be a criticism of Thai people but rather the Thai education system. I was taught how to learn, to make my own enquiries, to come to my own conclusions, to question that which I did not understand or believe. From my observations that is what is most missing in the Thai education system.

Can you give any examples of archaic laws/judiciary?

I have always thought Thailand's laws and judiciary were very similar to my country.

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I worked in Thailand for 4 years and for the most part enjoyed my time there.

The 2 biggest differances for me were education and rule of law. If Thailand could sort out those two issues there would be no stopping her.

I trust you understand the issues with rule of law; corruption, ineffectual police force, archaic judiciary, some archaic laws etc.

With education the issues most prevelant were the lack of ability to think outside the box, original thought, constructive input, fear of being differant, fear of disagreeing with someone in authority. Don't get me wrong we had several outstanding employees who I would have no problem hiring anywhere in the world; they were unfortunately few and far between. This is not meant to be a criticism of Thai people but rather the Thai education system. I was taught how to learn, to make my own enquiries, to come to my own conclusions, to question that which I did not understand or believe. From my observations that is what is most missing in the Thai education system.

Can you give any examples of archaic laws/judiciary?

I have always thought Thailand's laws and judiciary were very similar to my country.

How about these two .......

Father has no rights over child, unless married to mother.

Statutory rape charges can be avoided by marrying the girl (if she is older than 13)

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People in my country are taught how to be inventive. For a country of 6 million people we have given the world so many things - tv, telephone, whisky, golf, tarmac roads, bicycle, pneumatic tyre,US Navy, anaesthesia, hyperdermic syringe etc.


Scotland records among the highest rates of heart disease, cancer, and strokes in the developed world, according to official figures. Residents also have the lowest life expectancy.

A major report for Scotland's Chief Medical Officer, which looked at the relationship between diet and disease, stated that Scots have the highest premature death rates from coronary heart disease in the world.

Meanwhile, the Public Health Institute for Scotland found that in 1998, 62 percent of men and 54 percent of women were either overweight or obese.


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There is far more respect for others in Thailand than in my country, people seem to go about their business without interfering with other people.

It is certainly much more friendly than the uk, by a long way.

Then there's the weather....

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It seemed people go all the trouble to be in Thailand, leaving their friend, family, and ways of life. Just about everyday I see question about visa extension, they have to leaveThailand get their visa stamp of some sort to stay in Thailand.

Actually, I am flattered that people like to come to Thailand and stay in Thailand. I think a lot of Thai people don't get why farangs ( I try not use the word farang but it seemed fit better in a sentence) would want to be in Thailand than their country. In Thais mind, western countries have more to offer than Thai country.

western and also some eastern countries have indeed more to offer than Thailand. for the retired Farang they offer in comparison to Thailand

-infinitely higher taxes and fees of all sorts,

-much higher day-to-day living expenses.

I hope I'm not forced to move abroad to a poorer country when I retire because I haven't got enough money.
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People in my country are taught how to be inventive. For a country of 6 million people we have given the world so many things - tv, telephone, whisky, golf, tarmac roads, bicycle, pneumatic tyre,US Navy, anaesthesia, hyperdermic syringe etc.


Scotland records among the highest rates of heart disease, cancer, and strokes in the developed world, according to official figures. Residents also have the lowest life expectancy.

A major report for Scotland's Chief Medical Officer, which looked at the relationship between diet and disease, stated that Scots have the highest premature death rates from coronary heart disease in the world.

Meanwhile, the Public Health Institute for Scotland found that in 1998, 62 percent of men and 54 percent of women were either overweight or obese.


I don't see how this is related but I'd like to see the 'official figures'.

My grandmother couldn't come to visit me last year as my parents wouldn't let her - she is a 99 year old. My parents are coming next month and we're going on a golfing holiday, playing everyday. They are 72 and 79. So it's residents have a lower life expectancy than Thailand? My wife's great-grandfather died recently aged 106 but apart from him I experience Thais having a much lower life expectancy.

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I worked in Thailand for 4 years and for the most part enjoyed my time there.

The 2 biggest differances for me were education and rule of law. If Thailand could sort out those two issues there would be no stopping her.

I trust you understand the issues with rule of law; corruption, ineffectual police force, archaic judiciary, some archaic laws etc.

With education the issues most prevelant were the lack of ability to think outside the box, original thought, constructive input, fear of being differant, fear of disagreeing with someone in authority. Don't get me wrong we had several outstanding employees who I would have no problem hiring anywhere in the world; they were unfortunately few and far between. This is not meant to be a criticism of Thai people but rather the Thai education system. I was taught how to learn, to make my own enquiries, to come to my own conclusions, to question that which I did not understand or believe. From my observations that is what is most missing in the Thai education system.

Can you give any examples of archaic laws/judiciary?

I have always thought Thailand's laws and judiciary were very similar to my country.

How about these two .......

Father has no rights over child, unless married to mother.

Statutory rape charges can be avoided by marrying the girl (if she is older than 13)

These aren't laws and you've missed out a lot of information.
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I hope I'm not forced to move abroad to a poorer country when I retire because I haven't got enough money.

You are like a nine inch Nicky except you are using your country to wag.


Never heard of it - You mean like saying "My first wife bought me for $100,000, 100 houses and a liquor license. My second wife bought me for a 500 acre farm and two houses. My third wife was quite a bit younger than I and her folks only kicked in $50,000 cash (Wedding)."?
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I hope I'm not forced to move abroad to a poorer country when I retire because I haven't got enough money.

You are like a nine inch Nicky except you are using your country to wag.


Never heard of it - You mean like saying "My first wife bought me for $100,000, 100 houses and a liquor license. My second wife bought me for a 500 acre farm and two houses. My third wife was quite a bit younger than I and her folks only kicked in $50,000 cash (Wedding)."?

Exactly. The above was sarcasm at the loony tunes guys who think sinsod is buying a wife. The same freak would have thought that my wives were buying me!

The amount of nationalism seen on this forum would do a small country in Europe or Asia in the 1930's proud.

America should have let you all go to hades (sarcasm alert)!biggrin.png Did you get it?

If you want to google 9 inch Nicky try Nicky the stick.

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I think a lot of Thai people don't get why farangs ( I try not use the word farang but it seemed fit better in a sentence) would want to be in Thailand than their country.

Better than what? The proper term would be "foreigner", "white foreigner", "caucasian", or "westerner". "Foreigner" would be my pick.

I often use the word foreigner as a subsitute to the word farang. However, sometimes to make my point clear the word farang is better use in a sentence. The word foreigner applies to any who is not Thai. But, for Thai speaking, farang does not include Chinese, Japanese, Koran, Indian, and any other Asian counties.

For Thais, farang means westerner, easterner, mdidle eastern, caucasian, blacks that are from the west and east, so to pick just one of these words as an alternate won't quite translate. Anyway, in any case, please note that farang is not a derogatory term.

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You are exaggerating the very worst things, in very small areas of the US and giving no credit to the best parts.

1. Police officer shoot a motorist at a traffic stop for not putting his hands on the wheel? Link please?

2. And US police officers don't carry 9mm. That's Europe. Almost without exception they carry .40 S&W and they don't just randomly shoot people.

3. The US is huge. You can find any kind of weather and any kind of terrain and any kind of scenery you want and most of it isn't as you described. The people who live in those places always amaze me.

4. Taxes? You know that US taxes are low with lots of loopholes. You also know that I have to pay those taxes even if I live in LOS so there is no tax benefit for me to move.

5. I live in a beautiful, mild clean part of the US and to me Thailand is a hot, sweaty, stinking shit hole with bad roads and crazy drivers. It always smells like raw sewage to me and the air is often filthy.

It does have younger, pretty girls available, of course. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1443177670 width=25 height=19>

1. I don't know which case the OP is referring to, but it doesn't take long to google one: http://goo.gl/kl0Gg1

And lesser versions of this crap happen every day, e.g.: http://wp.me/p42WCP-uT

2. NYPD uses 9mm. I know it's a small town, but it only takes one to negate "US police officers don't carry 9mm" ( http://goo.gl/yQ7P3g )

3. The vast majority of the US has regular freezing temperatures in the winter. In fact the average temperature of the continental US in January is less than 0 C. ( http://wp.me/p7y4l-kJg ) Many of those same places have very hot summers. Places like where you (and I) live are in the minority (Southern/coastal California, parts of Texas, Florida, Hawaii.)

4. And one big loophole in US taxes is the $97600 foreign earned income exemption for people who LIVE ABROAD.

5. The rest of your asinine comments don't deserve a reply, but have a good day.

It is better to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

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I believe that what makes a difference between countries is its people.

Comparing middle class Thai people, with westerners..

Good things.... all the time

Thai women are more affectionate and caring than western women....and take care of their body better than western women...

Thai women not only smile and likes to have fun....not taking life so seriously..Happy most of the times..Western women don't.

Thai families are very close and caring, about them and other people and families too...even not relatives. Western families don't..

Thai people are very superstitious. Westerners don't.

Thailand's Buddhist traditions creates more decent and honest people. In Western countries, religion no makes a difference in behavior.

Thailand people is very art oriented and have a deep appreciation for beauty. Most foreigners don't.

Thai people are more understanding and tolerant of western customs than westerners are with Thai customs..

Bad things...all the time

Thai people will do unethical things just to make more money.....and thinks its normal. Westerners will do it to...some times......but it is not a "norm"

Thai people like to gossip, be in middle of other people affairs, creates conflicts....all the time. Westerners don't.

Thai people is easily manipulated by other people's opinions. Westerners don't.

Thai people do not know how to say NO to a request, even if the do not like or want to accept the request...or will not do it at all.

Thai men don't care or do not understand women feelings and it is not family oriented. Most foreigners do.

Thai people believes that love can be demonstrated and obtained just with money. Foreigners don't.

Thai people do not like to dialog about anything...will just act .... and confront the consequences. Westerners don't.

This is my perception after few years of dealing with Thai people and living in several Western countries.. Am I wrong?

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I worked in Thailand for 4 years and for the most part enjoyed my time there.

The 2 biggest differances for me were education and rule of law. If Thailand could sort out those two issues there would be no stopping her.

I trust you understand the issues with rule of law; corruption, ineffectual police force, archaic judiciary, some archaic laws etc.

With education the issues most prevelant were the lack of ability to think outside the box, original thought, constructive input, fear of being differant, fear of disagreeing with someone in authority. Don't get me wrong we had several outstanding employees who I would have no problem hiring anywhere in the world; they were unfortunately few and far between. This is not meant to be a criticism of Thai people but rather the Thai education system. I was taught how to learn, to make my own enquiries, to come to my own conclusions, to question that which I did not understand or believe. From my observations that is what is most missing in the Thai education system.

I hope the Thai department of education read this and take into consideration that Thai educational system needs change and improvement ASAP or sooner.

Edited by Somsrisonphimai
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Which thai people you refer 2 ?

Many people, but no one forced you to response, so...

I guess it is ok for people to ask about Thailand, but it is not ok for Thai people to ask about other country. But, then they like to say Thai people are uneducated and uninformed about things.

So many similarities and differences between Thai's and Americans in my case. Many sincere warm aand friendly Thais almost everty place I go

I have never been treated badly by taxi drivers or anyone else except a few Baht gouging tuk tuk drivers and of course paying three times what my Thai wife pays when shoppping, in many instances. Many Thai's assume all Americans are rich, and by some standards of living I guess that is true. I have been called a rich Farang many times, mostly in a joking manner, but I strugggle to balance my monthly pension whie supporting my Thai wife and helping the extended famiy of 12 every month also. Between the family and our farm, the expenses are enough to leave me almost with empty pockets at month's end or earlier most months.

One huge difference is the way illegals are treated here vs in America. I this case i speak only of how I have seen Lao friends and family who are here without work permits. When caught, Lao's are quickly sent back across the river, maybe after two or three days in the local lock up as just happened in my Lao sister in law.. She spent two nights in jail sleeping on a bare concrete floor with a month old infant. The jailer tok the baaby's blankets and the mom's jacket and the temps were in the low 50's where they live.She was fed a small portion of rice and salad once a day and had to fight to keep it. If word reached the Ameerican media of any mom and infant being treated this way in America, there would be six lawyers lined up ready to sue the jail over this sort of treatment.

Illegals in America, mostly poor Mexicans. looking for better money, just as the Lao's are, walk Across the Rio Grande river, or go through tunnels that reach for miles across the border into border cities in Texas and Arizona mostly, but the open border runs from southern Texas, west to California, a distance of roughly 3,000 km so illegals can easily pick thir point of entry. The list of entiotlements for illegal mexicans would shock ,ost people. In many cases free housing or fifteen people sharing a two bedroom flat while working usuallly as famr labor, construction labor or in restaurants.Terer are probably 40 million illlegal mexicans in the US that cost US taxpayers more than 350 billlion dollars a year to support; free medicaal, free schools through grade 12, free social services, foood stamps, welfare money bi lingual speakers to help the Mexicans do all their paperwork, which does not include bank accounts because they send millions in cash back to Mexico each month. They ay no taxes either because they have no Tax ID number like all Americans of age with a social security number. Thoussands of mexican pregnant women cross the border to give birth in the USA. This automatically gives the child US citizenship because of being born in America. That automatically qualifies the infant, not the mom in many cases, with all the benefits mentiioned above, but since the infant is not of age, the mom and father reap the benefits...

That is enough..I was first here during the war in the late 60's and always wanted to retire here. I still love Thailand and their people after being here almost 7 years. I just wish there was healthcare insurance for expats. For that reason alone, meaning my poor health, I may be forced soon to go back to America just for medical treatment and sadly, my Thai fmily will not be going with me.

Reading your last sentences

Now there is Thai Government Healthcare Insurance free for foreigners. Just go to your local hospital and ask about.....or ask me.

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This is my opinion and only an opinion. Ok, most of the differences I found are relating to people behaviours and culture:

I found Thai people to be:

- Less mature (i.e. having opinions, processing ideas, discussing topics, etc.)

- Less honest (i.e. lying about many topics, maybe just to avoid confrontation, but lying)

- More insecure (i.e. get easily upset and take critics personally)

- Smile more and are more positive (don't need explanation)

- More helpful (i.e. people is in general more helpful offering things, help, a hand even if they don't know you, etc.)

- Family focused (i.e. mum and dad are everything)

- Girls are more submissive

I find western people to be opposite to those:

- More negative thinking

- More worrying about things constantly instead to enjoy the moment

- More honest

- More independent (i.e. I have only one life and I need to live the way I want, mum and dad had their live)

- Girls have more character and are more equal in society

I don't know how to explain it but I feel Thai have immature minds, in general, and I would like to hear if you think like me or disagree, but let's put an example. If I'm talking to my French ex gf about something I find bad about her country, she will listen, try to understand, ask questions, give her opinion and agree or disagree with me. If I talk to my Thai ex gf about something bad about her country, she will start screaming, say that I don't know, get upset and tell me "if you don't like it, go to your country".

I found weather better in my country (Spain) as it's also hot but not always hot, so we can relax from the heat sometimes, and also social benefits as healthcare, education, pension, unemployment benefit, etc, to be better here in Europe, even if taxes are higher I believe this system is more fair than to leave poor people with no resources.

But I find Thailand landscape so beautiful, the fruits are so tasty, amazing underwater life, more crazy at night, cheaper to have fun, easier to pick pretty girls, even though I'm successful in Europe too, but let's say that here is easier to pick specially young girls.

I'm not trying to offend anyone and if I have done, please accept my apologies but I'm just trying to express my opinion.

Thank you for pointing out the differences. I think you are right on many subjects. As much as I love my country, I am also more criticial of it, I will defend but I will point out its flaws as well.

Edited by Somsrisonphimai
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More decent and honest....yeah right !

Yes right...but not...if you think that the typical Thai men are the ones you see around the tourist areas of Pattaya, Phuket, BK, etc....and the typical Thai women are the ones looking to meet farangs in bars and streets...What happens there ...stays there...like in Las Vegas....

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great question, heres just a couple of things. In Australia we dont throw our rubbish whereever we like, we put it in bins, if we do throw it on the street we get bloody great fines from the police because they actually work in Australia.

We dont kill every living thing we can just to eat it, we have minimum sizes on fish and stick to them so that they will be there in the future unlike Thailand.

We actually learn to drive and learn the road rules and then have to pass a driving test on the city roads in trafficso that the examoner \kn ows we are capable of driving(unlike Thailand) and also have to know the road rules, we are not allowed to make them up as we go.

Our police do not sit in air conditioned offices all day and night and refuse to actually do what they are paid for, another reason we dont have as many road deaths as Thailand. They also do real police work and catch the crooks and lock them up without giving them bail if they are rich.

We issue arrest warrants for criminals and any associating with them are also arrested unlike Thailand and we do not issue passports to them because they are family.

Our roads, bridges, railway lines, buildings etc etc do not fall apart within a year or so because the money for the work was put into someone elses bank account, we actually do it properly and to a specified safety standard.

We have building inspectors so that the walls are straight and secure, wiring is done by qualified electricians(not somchai from Myanmar), plumbing also by qualified tradesman as is every other part of building new homes etc, again unlike here.

Our politicians can be crap too like here but they are not so blatant in their lies and covering for their kids when they kill people.

Of course there are a lot more things I could write here but it doesnt make any difference because people only see what they want to, especially when it costs them face(something else we dont have to worry about in Australia).

Apart form these things I actually love it here because I can see the good amongst the crap, we have some people over there that are just as bad as those here but no where near as many(I believe they said 65% of thais think graft is good so there you go). If you dont like the answers dont ask the questions.

I am here for my wife and family, we have great friends but that does not mean I cannot see the bad, I just chose to ignore it until someone asks what is different in Australia, your bad.

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Khun Somsrison, its great that you are interested in how others view your country. Compliments smile.png

I am from the US and we often criticize our country; that does not mean that we hate the USA (some TV posters hate the US for us already, 555!) We disagree with some aspects of our government/culture and we voice those issues.

Personally I like that some Thai people are non aggressive, avoid confrontation and I have tried to learn and adopt that trait of your (Thai) culture. However, if I do have a problem and try to resolve it with some Thais, some -not all- become very defensive and the situation can quickly spiral out of control.

So, from my point of view Thai culture is usually better at avoiding conflicts but often lack the mediation skills to resolve them. In the west we are more confrontational when we fell we have been wronged; however, I fell that westerners are usually better at resolving conflicts after they have occurred.

In any case, good topic! smile.png

Almost feel like you were describing my behaviors at time.

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You are exaggerating the very worst things, in very small areas of the US and giving no credit to the best parts.

1. Police officer shoot a motorist at a traffic stop for not putting his hands on the wheel? Link please?

2. And US police officers don't carry 9mm. That's Europe. Almost without exception they carry .40 S&W and they don't just randomly shoot people.

3. The US is huge. You can find any kind of weather and any kind of terrain and any kind of scenery you want and most of it isn't as you described. The people who live in those places always amaze me.

4. Taxes? You know that US taxes are low with lots of loopholes. You also know that I have to pay those taxes even if I live in LOS so there is no tax benefit for me to move.

5. I live in a beautiful, mild clean part of the US and to me Thailand is a hot, sweaty, stinking shit hole with bad roads and crazy drivers. It always smells like raw sewage to me and the air is often filthy.

It does have younger, pretty girls available, of course. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1443177670 width=25 height=19>

1. I don't know which case the OP is referring to, but it doesn't take long to google one: http://goo.gl/kl0Gg1

And lesser versions of this crap happen every day, e.g.: http://wp.me/p42WCP-uT

2. NYPD uses 9mm. I know it's a small town, but it only takes one to negate "US police officers don't carry 9mm" ( http://goo.gl/yQ7P3g )

3. The vast majority of the US has regular freezing temperatures in the winter. In fact the average temperature of the continental US in January is less than 0 C. ( http://wp.me/p7y4l-kJg ) Many of those same places have very hot summers. Places like where you (and I) live are in the minority (Southern/coastal California, parts of Texas, Florida, Hawaii.)

4. And one big loophole in US taxes is the $97600 foreign earned income exemption for people who LIVE ABROAD.

5. The rest of your asinine comments don't deserve a reply, but have a good day.

It is better to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

In that specific case I think you're talking about the wrong end of the horse.

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A simple question you ask, but the answers are very complex.

What is Thailand? Bangkok is not Thailand. Nor is Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin, Buriram, Sisaket, etc. And even in Bangkok, there are many Thailands.

The same socio-cultural and political-economic differences which exist in Thailand, are present in most other countries.

Can a non-Thai really understand Thailand without understanding the Thai language, and knowing Thai history and Thai culture?

In 2540, I did some research into Thai youth in Bangkok, when I was attached to Mahidol University. And many of the Thai youth I spoke with admired or worshipped Western (read the United States of America) culture, and wanted to live in USA. But in reality, they knew very little about real life in America. Their impressions of the West were largely obtained from Hollywood and American music videos.

All countries have good and bad aspects to them (however you define "good" and "bad"). Many of my Thai friends in Australia (predominanetly university-educate professionals) chose to emigrate to Australia because they believed that Australia would offer them and their families better future opportunities and security than if they remained in Thailand. Why to "farangs" choose to come to Thailand to work, live or retire? The answers to the latter question are also very complex and diverse; but in essence, many of us who live here or have decided to retire here see Thailand as offering us better opportunities than if we had remained in our county of birth or country of last residence.

I suppose more important questions are - how do Thais see themselves and see Thailand? Do Thais see Thailand as a humane modern developed country, as a country that has the best of everything? How can Thailand "improve" and "development", if there needs to be improvement and development?

I have chosen to live out my life here, having first visited Thailand in 2517 ... a very very different Thailand to the Thailand of 2557. No country is perfect, no country has everything ... but for me, personally, Thailand has much to offer, and I willingly have to accept the "good" with the "bad".

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