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How would Thailand be any different than your home country?


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I don't want to try to list what's better about my country because it's everything. Even the weather where I live is better with clean air but without the suffocating heat and humidity. We have very mild winters and summers. I can trust the food I eat and the water I drink and even most other drivers.

The only thing that's better for me in Thailand is the availability of younger, pretty girls. That's it.

I think it is important to state that Thailand is a very safe place to walk about in if you are sober and mind your own business, unlike in the UK. Yes, I also mean Pattaya and Bangkok. I am never out in the early hours of the morning though.

Unlike the UK ??? Such a dangerous place to be walking around sober and especially if minding one's own business . Might get assaulted by a Lollipop lady ...........

Have you tried walking around in any of the cities in the UK at night? and you feel safe? It would not be the first time I ran because of young hooligans running towards me shouting, or somebody getting a sore face for threatening me with violence 100% unprovoked.

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Believe me when I tell you...Thai Visa posters are just as hard on their own native countries as they have been on Thailand. There are many things to love and, well, many dislikes as well. What happens here can happen anywhere. People and customs/culture are much more interesting here than, say, America. That has to do with your long history and homogenous people.

I think most TV posters are more inclined to be harder on their own countries than Thailand, especially those from the UK.

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I believe that Somsrionphimai has just had an abject lesson in western culture. 15 replies and not a serious answer.

Ok, I'll provide a serious answer from my perspective.

1. It's warmer than my home country, no snow

2. It's cheaper overall than my home country

3. The people are friendlier than in my home country

4. I feel more "free" in Thailand than I do in my home country

As far as differences in culture and society, most people are up tight in my country. You cannot smile and look a stranger in the eye without them freaking out, fearing some ulterior motive.

Unemployment and poverty are climbing in my country, unlike Thailand whose economy is producing more jobs than there are people willing to fill them.

In my country, people think too much most of the time. In Thailand, you have the mai pen rai mentality.

Would be nice to know what country you talk about.

My country is Scotland and I agree with 1,2 and 4 but not 3. Scottish people are friendlier. However, it's impossible to measure the exact degree of friendliness as I am a foreigner here and not there.

In my experience here, Thais are not friendly at first as so many foreigners don't learn the language and cultural taboos. Also, many tourists think that Thais are friendly as they can't see the truth behind the different smiles. IN Scotland, people don't smile when they're angry or embarrassed which may make us seem a glum lot but when we do smile we mean it.

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I think Loptr has summed up the salient points!

The weather is better, people more friendly and relaxed, far less expensive, less cameras - the average Briton who goes out to work is now estimated to be photographed no fewer than 34 times per day on CCTV etc. No charging for Hospital car parks, no speed cameras every 100 metres, no double yellow lines everywhere, no traffic wardens waiting to pounce or ensure you are clamped whenever possible, far less obesity, and still some values and respect for religion and their King.

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Remarkably, most people in my country of origin, ( USA ) are very similar to Thais in the respect that they are blind to the rest of the world.

Their way of life in the US is the only life they have ever known and can't imagine a life of any other kind in any other place

They can't imagine why anyone would ever want to live anywhere other than the USA.

They believe they live in the best place in the world.

They believe they have the best government in the world

That is what their government sponsored schools teach them.

Now, isn't it remarkable that Thais feel the same way about Thailand?

So, I guess my answer to your question would be:

No different,,,Same same!

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My wife and I have just retired here from San Francisco Bay area, we have been coming here for over 20 years for vacation every year, we chose to live her because all of my wife's family and friends are here, my wife lived and worked in the US for 35 years, but she knew one day she would move back to her home, Bangkok Thailand. In the US, we have many friends, but only a few close ones, everyone worry's about money, everyone wonders what will happen when they retire, will they be able to live on there retirement? And how many restrictions will they have to deal with, and will they be safe. So we decided about 10 years before retirement that we would buy a new condo, pay it off, furnish,it, and wait, using it for vacation every year Now that we are living here, it's better that we are around family and friends, and easier and more fun, that we don't have to worry about money so much. But for me, I miss the open space, the Fresh Air, the less crowded driving conditions, the streets and empty lots and canal's not being full of garbage, rivers that don't have garbage and dead fish floating in them, they say you always give up something for something else, they sure are right. And this used to be the country of Smiles, hard to find anyone smiling now, think it is the protest's, people can't get to work, and the Thai's don't know there future. For me Im just trying to adjust. Flang in Nothaburi Thailand

Edited by Patrick Mills
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Remarkably, most people in my country of origin, ( USA ) are very similar to Thais in the respect that they are blind to the rest of the world.

Their way of life in the US is the only life they have ever known and can't imagine a life of any other kind in any other place

They can't imagine why anyone would ever want to live anywhere other than the USA.

They believe they live in the best place in the world.

They believe they have the best government in the world

That is what their government sponsored schools teach them.

Now, isn't it remarkable that Thais feel the same way about Thailand?

So, I guess my answer to your question would be:

No different,,,Same same!

You're right. Look at Never, up there. Never sure cause he's never been.

So you have well traveled Thai bar girls and freaks from the States. Check out the passports of the better bar girl boomers and you see European travelers, and walk about wanderers. Some of these ladies have really been around.

I was a freak 40 years ago. Didn't fit in the US; Thailand was a lot closer to my style.

In politics Thais are much like democrats in the US. They still think Al Gore won his election. No amount of facts will convince them otherwise and no amount of facts will convince the yellow shirts that elections are a necessary cog in the gear of democracy.

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As much as I love Thailand and its people (most of them anyway), after nearly 10 years here, the staring still sometimes surprises me. I know I'm different to the locals but c'mon, there have been westerners here for decades! biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png alt=biggrin.png pagespeed_url_hash=14303579 width=20 height=20>

Actually don't really mind that ,gives one an easy excuse to converse.

On the other hand it could just be something to do with the bowler hat,rolled up brolly,pin stripes and brogues while shopping in Big C...or...... the Hunting Stewart kilt of a weekend....including ...of course ..ma "sken dhu".......MKjai

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As much as I love Thailand and its people (most of them anyway), after nearly 10 years here, the staring still sometimes surprises me. I know I'm different to the locals but c'mon, there have been westerners here for decades! biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png alt=biggrin.png pagespeed_url_hash=14303579 width=20 height=20>

Actually don't really mind that ,gives one an easy excuse to converse.

On the other hand it could just be something to do with the bowler hat,rolled up brolly,pin stripes and brogues while shopping in Big C...or...... the Hunting Stewart kilt of a weekend....including ...of course ..ma "sken dhu".......MKjai

Or the smoking jacket when out in the clubs of Bangkok!

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Remarkably, most people in my country of origin, ( USA ) are very similar to Thais in the respect that they are blind to the rest of the world.

Their way of life in the US is the only life they have ever known and can't imagine a life of any other kind in any other place

They can't imagine why anyone would ever want to live anywhere other than the USA.

They believe they live in the best place in the world.

They believe they have the best government in the world

That is what their government sponsored schools teach them.

Now, isn't it remarkable that Thais feel the same way about Thailand?

So, I guess my answer to your question would be:

No different,,,Same same!

We (Americans) have been well-programmed, haven't we?

I would say a big difference is in obtaining employment. I may be wrong on this because it's been a good 30 years since I had to look for a job. The last job I had was in the USA and I was hired on my ability to do the work required.

Since living in Thailand I have met Thais who have had to either know someone where they were seeking employment or have a substantial amount of Thai baht to "pass under the table" to buy a sought after position. Their ablitiy to do the required work was not the priority and in a couple cases, not necessary, in getting the position.

I've a neighbor (Thai) who's returned from Canada where she went to college and received a degree in engineering who was denied a position here in Thailand with a Western company (hiring staff is Thai) because she was more qualified than an older Thai gentleman already employed in the department she would be a part of. The Thai hiring her was extremely disappointed. He wanted to hire her but couldn't because of the age and gender difference. She would have to be the older Thai gentleman's subordinate when she was clearly far more qualified than him.

I've seen that in the local schools as well. I don't know how teaching in Thailand will ever change when every enthusiastic new teaching graduate gets re-educated by the old teachers in their old methods.

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Ok, sorry about the Spelling, I was in a Hurry, am mixing my Thai/English together like everyone else does here. And even though the word Farang is written this way I think it look's better spelled Falang.

now i have to delete it from my collection crying.gif

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Actually, I am flattered that people like to come to Thailand and stay in Thailand. I think a lot of Thai people don't get why farangs ( I try not use the word farang but it seemed fit better in a sentence) would want to be in Thailand than their country. In Thais mind, western countries have more to offer than Thai country.

Why not use 'foreigner' so we don't all look down on you for being one of:-

1) Ignorant

2) Racist

3) Troll

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Remarkably, most people in my country of origin, ( USA ) are very similar to Thais in the respect that they are blind to the rest of the world.

Their way of life in the US is the only life they have ever known and can't imagine a life of any other kind in any other place

They can't imagine why anyone would ever want to live anywhere other than the USA.

They believe they live in the best place in the world.

They believe they have the best government in the world

That is what their government sponsored schools teach them.

Now, isn't it remarkable that Thais feel the same way about Thailand?

So, I guess my answer to your question would be:

No different,,,Same same!

We (Americans) have been well-programmed, haven't we?

I would say a big difference is in obtaining employment. I may be wrong on this because it's been a good 30 years since I had to look for a job. The last job I had was in the USA and I was hired on my ability to do the work required.

Since living in Thailand I have met Thais who have had to either know someone where they were seeking employment or have a substantial amount of Thai baht to "pass under the table" to buy a sought after position. Their ablitiy to do the required work was not the priority and in a couple cases, not necessary, in getting the position.

I've a neighbor (Thai) who's returned from Canada where she went to college and received a degree in engineering who was denied a position here in Thailand with a Western company (hiring staff is Thai) because she was more qualified than an older Thai gentleman already employed in the department she would be a part of. The Thai hiring her was extremely disappointed. He wanted to hire her but couldn't because of the age and gender difference. She would have to be the older Thai gentleman's subordinate when she was clearly far more qualified than him.

I've seen that in the local schools as well. I don't know how teaching in Thailand will ever change when every enthusiastic new teaching graduate gets re-educated by the old teachers in their old methods.

You are joking right? Google "

Bush–Davis–Walker family political line

Too many to list above.

Do you want me to start naming the other families? 555 America the home of family politics. Chicago, hmm Daley comes to mind 40 years of the Daley family. Clinton, and Kennedy and........

Then of course there are the mob families. It helps to be from Sicily and the family trees is quite long.

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You are exaggerating the very worst things, in very small areas of the US and giving no credit to the best parts.

1. Police officer shoot a motorist at a traffic stop for not putting his hands on the wheel? Link please?

2. And US police officers don't carry 9mm. That's Europe. Almost without exception they carry .40 S&W and they don't just randomly shoot people.

3. The US is huge. You can find any kind of weather and any kind of terrain and any kind of scenery you want and most of it isn't as you described. The people who live in those places always amaze me.

4. Taxes? You know that US taxes are low with lots of loopholes. You also know that I have to pay those taxes even if I live in LOS so there is no tax benefit for me to move.

5. I live in a beautiful, mild clean part of the US and to me Thailand is a hot, sweaty, stinking shit hole with bad roads and crazy drivers. It always smells like raw sewage to me and the air is often filthy.

It does have younger, pretty girls available, of course. thumbsup.gif

1. I don't know which case the OP is referring to, but it doesn't take long to google one: http://goo.gl/kl0Gg1

And lesser versions of this crap happen every day, e.g.: http://wp.me/p42WCP-uT

2. NYPD uses 9mm. I know it's a small town, but it only takes one to negate "US police officers don't carry 9mm" ( http://goo.gl/yQ7P3g )

3. The vast majority of the US has regular freezing temperatures in the winter. In fact the average temperature of the continental US in January is less than 0 C. ( http://wp.me/p7y4l-kJg ) Many of those same places have very hot summers. Places like where you (and I) live are in the minority (Southern/coastal California, parts of Texas, Florida, Hawaii.)

4. And one big loophole in US taxes is the $97600 foreign earned income exemption for people who LIVE ABROAD.

5. The rest of your asinine comments don't deserve a reply, but have a good day.

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Thai people still have a soul in my estimation, unlike in the West where everything seems to be about money and looking important or joining the upper-class.

You can't join the upper class, it's something you are born into.

As for Thailand not being about money, have you ever been to Thailand, Thai people want money so much you can buy their daughters for the right price.

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Thai people still have a soul in my estimation, unlike in the West where everything seems to be about money and looking important or joining the upper-class.

You can't join the upper class, it's something you are born into.

As for Thailand not being about money, have you ever been to Thailand, Thai people want money so much you can buy their daughters for the right price.

and many times the price guys pay is way too high.....................................................lol.

i dont get people who say there are segments in society who dont want money. I have some i want more. nothing wrong with desire for money.

the sad part is some places offer no oppurrunity to get it.

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Thai people still have a soul in my estimation, unlike in the West where everything seems to be about money and looking important or joining the upper-class.

You can't join the upper class, it's something you are born into.

As for Thailand not being about money, have you ever been to Thailand, Thai people want money so much you can buy their daughters for the right price.

What percent of Thai daughters are for sale? Unless you are starting another sinsod thread? Ha ha ha. What percent of sons are for sale (dowry)?

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Thai people still have a soul in my estimation, unlike in the West where everything seems to be about money and looking important or joining the upper-class.

You can't join the upper class, it's something you are born into.

As for Thailand not being about money, have you ever been to Thailand, Thai people want money so much you can buy their daughters for the right price.

You would want money too and sell your own children if you were hungry no doubt, anything to save the rest of your family. Perhaps whoever sold their children thought that they might have a better life for the children also, who knows - you don't know unless you know the family personally. If people were not so greedy, there would be enough for everyone to survive on. I can criticise the people who do have money and don’t help these poor people, instead they prefer to give their money for sex and booze.

Have you seen how some people live? They don't even have the basics, so you can hardly criticise them. The people that I have commented on have all had enough money, more than I have in the bank, but it is never enough for them!

In any case, you obviously haven’t even thought about the Westerners that sell their children for sex to paedophiles – how about criticising them instead of Thais all the time.

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Thai people still have a soul in my estimation, unlike in the West where everything seems to be about money and looking important or joining the upper-class.

You can't join the upper class, it's something you are born into.

As for Thailand not being about money, have you ever been to Thailand, Thai people want money so much you can buy their daughters for the right price.

You should get your facts right! Maggie Thatcher's was the daughter of common people, her parents owned a grocery shop - did she not become upper class when she became prime minister and eventually baronness?

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Thai people still have a soul in my estimation, unlike in the West where everything seems to be about money and looking important or joining the upper-class.

You can't join the upper class, it's something you are born into.

As for Thailand not being about money, have you ever been to Thailand, Thai people want money so much you can buy their daughters for the right price.

You would want money too and sell your own children if you were hungry no doubt, anything to save the rest of your family. Perhaps whoever sold their children thought that they might have a better life for the children also, who knows - you don't know unless you know the family personally. If people were not so greedy, there would be enough for everyone to survive on. I can criticise the people who do have money and dont help these poor people, instead they prefer to give their money for sex and booze.

Have you seen how some people live? They don't even have the basics, so you can hardly criticise them. The people that I have commented on have all had enough money, more than I have in the bank, but it is never enough for them!

In any case, you obviously havent even thought about the Westerners that sell their children for sex to paedophiles how about criticising them instead of Thais all the time.

My wife was first sold when she was 18, nobody in the family was hungry, they had a decent farm. She didn't like the guy and ran off to BK. They kept the money.

They sold her again to me, age 34, mum was on her own, but they still had the farm, just lazy.

Been offered several more as mia nois, aged from 15 to 25.

I usually know the families, or my wife does, nobody seems to be hungry.

And if they were the temple would feed them for free.

Not seen a Thai without food or a roof over their heads, ever in Thailand.

Seen plenty who would like a new pickup and happy to sell their daughters to get it.

Seen a mother rent out her 15 yo daughter (guessing the age) in a village, when she needed some money for cards, didn't seem hungry.

Can't say I was ever offered anyone of any age for cash in the UK.

Here in Thailand, it's a regular occurrence (about once a year on average).

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Thai people still have a soul in my estimation, unlike in the West where everything seems to be about money and looking important or joining the upper-class.

You can't join the upper class, it's something you are born into.

As for Thailand not being about money, have you ever been to Thailand, Thai people want money so much you can buy their daughters for the right price.

You should get your facts right! Maggie Thatcher's was the daughter of common people, her parents owned a grocery shop - did she not become upper class when she became prime minister and eventually baronness?

No she didn't.

Getting a title doesn't make you upper class, MT was never more than middle-class, and her children wouldn't be upper-class either, unless it was a hereditary peerage (which I suspect it wasn't).


Mark Thatcher is in line to inherit the peerage (when Dennis dies), the only hereditary peerage awarded since 1964, but he was born before the title was awarded to MT so still not upper-class. Any of Marks children born after the award to MT, will indeed be upper-class. Marks wife IS upper-class, sister of Vicountess Rothemere.

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My wife was first sold when she was 18, nobody in the family was hungry, they had a decent farm. She didn't like the guy and ran off to BK. They kept the money.

They sold her again to me, age 34, mum was on her own, but they still had the farm, just lazy.

Been offered several more as mia nois, aged from 15 to 25.

I usually know the families, or my wife does, nobody seems to be hungry.

And if they were the temple would feed them for free.

Not seen a Thai without food or a roof over their heads, ever in Thailand.

Seen plenty who would like a new pickup and happy to sell their daughters to get it.

Seen a mother rent out her 15 yo daughter (guessing the age) in a village, when she needed some money for cards, didn't seem hungry.

Can't say I was ever offered anyone of any age for cash in the UK.

Here in Thailand, it's a regular occurrence (about once a year on average).

My first wife bought me for $100,000, 100 houses and a liquor license. My second wife bought me for a 500 acre farm and two houses. My third wife was quite a bit younger than I and her folks only kicked in $50,000 cash (Wedding).

In the West it is normally the male who is bought. What is the difference? Wife's parents pay for the wedding and normally give a substantial gift to the groom or couple that includes, cash, real estate or a job.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Little while ago Karl Lagerfeld was editor in chief for a day for the newspaper "DIE WELT". Not that I care about him, but the only thing that fascinates me about him is that he sells products and services that nobody needs to rich people for ridiculous prices.

He was responsible for a Sunday edition. There was a lot of fuss about him and, of course, he talked much.

KL has his very different perspective on life. This is how it works for him:

+ good sleep

+ sun

+ to be alone ("What is this obsession of wanting to constantly surrounded with people? Solitude is the greatest luxury. ")

+ No pondering ("I want to have a pleasant life without any problems.")

+ Economize "properly" ("Throw your money out the window, then it will come back through the door.")

Is he Thai?

Just kidding but when I look at my life.....well,le voilà.

OK- I have a little less money than him, but I have drivers licenses which he doesn't have. He has cars and drivers. Even a private jet. For me it is the greatest luxury NOT to travel.

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