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Thai govt told to restrain red shirts instead of invoking emergency decree


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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

"Normal people" You are painting with a very large brush indeed. What indeed in your world represents "normality"

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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Funny 2 days ago Yingluck said n the front page of the most popular Thailand Newspaper she was sending signals to the protestors she was ready to step down and postpone the elections

Today there is no comment about it

Myself and many posters have said their wives are out there in this protest and they are definatly not thugs

There is a good chance there are some

and there is a good chance their are a few falangs who are trying to stir up trouble

As you comments are made to stir up the protestors, not yellow thugs that seem to exist in you mind, it is easy to see what side you are on

But thank goodness you are allowed to have an opinion and express it even when the thugs are in control of the street

Is that not called democracy

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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

Neither would allowing Suthep and the army to resume their unrestrained corruption solve any problems.

What is know

If I came out and said it was dark in BKK

There will always be those that will argue and say no it isn't

is just that the lights have all been turned off

Proving even with the so call thugs ha ha controling the streets

Thailand still allows the right to say what you want, even though it is total BS

Edited by tezzainoz
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LOL, I guess the taxi driver that was nearly beaten to death or the police that where assulted, or the multaff coctails that where thrown etc. etc. etc. where all non violent.

You talk about a small group of people

when millions including Issan Farmers have had their live ruined by this corrupt government

OOps Red Shirts ripped ob by the Goverment

Sorry please delete that last sentance

where hundred where killed even the innocent in the war again drugs with no Trial

I could go on all night

but to you you not want to see the other side

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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

Creating a fascist council introduces a multiplicity of radically new problems.

But I notice you also not agree with a council hand picked by the Thai people that could include members of both sides

Oh sorry that would not benifit your beliefs would is

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Myself and many posters have said their wives are out there in this protest and they are definatly not thugs

They may not be thugs but a vast majority of them (the protesters I am referring to here) most definately are bullies.

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I think most people will have been amazed just how restrained the "reds" have been considering how much the PDRC have attempted provocation and failed miserably.


Yesterday Yingluck was sending out messages she was ready to stand down and pospone the election that can not form a govenment even if she wins

you have strange translation qualities

Sorry this is Thailand

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So the Government should let protesters terrorising the capital and keep away anyone who is against Suthep's terrorist's ????

Look's like the first step to dictatorship as they want the right to protest only for them .

And @ poisonus, you really think Suthep is in defense mode ?? So you also think violence is only violence when fighting, bombing etc... is involved, NO, I don't think so, this protesters are very violent to the country, to economy and democracy, but followers of a terrorist, they are in a sleep mode, but more and more are waking up now, lets hope all will.......

How are the protesters "terrorizing the capital"?

I live right next to one of the protest sites. There is no "terrorizing" going on.

My friend please do not say this

You will spoil all these s..t stirrers fun

they do not want peace

they would have nothing to complain about

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Great, the amnesty bill is off the table. Good job protesters. Congratulations on a job well don. Now go home. While I find this Prime Minister a disaster, she is an elected disaster and those protesting should be trying to win the hearts and minds of the people (without bribes) and try to win the next election. Anything is possible. All this talk of red shirts causing problems seems a bit ridiculous. What proof? There is nothing to be gained by the red shirts by attacking these former yellow shirts. It will only bring down the government they support. These murderers could be from either side of the political fence. The violence against itself actually works in the favor of the government opposition. Sad and sick situation.

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Here's an idea, how about pack up your protests in exchange for a delay in the election date and then contest the election using the momentum they have created, They keep calling themselves the people movement but they are terrified of losing. Even if they were in opposition they could crack down on the government by focusing on reform in a consistent way in parliament but they don't like this reform stuff becoming too real as it tends to expose all of their filthy little political histories which are littered with corruption and abuse of power.

Have you been asleep

2 days ago Yingluck said she was sending signals to the protestors to step down and postpone the election

Ha ha same as my wife she has the right to change her mind

Your idea has been, and gone and Yinglucks boss is hot happy about any delay that will stop him getting his GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD

Isn't this really what the full protest is about

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So the Government should let protesters terrorising the capital and keep away anyone who is against Suthep's terrorist's ????

Look's like the first step to dictatorship as they want the right to protest only for them .

And @ poisonus, you really think Suthep is in defense mode ?? So you also think violence is only violence when fighting, bombing etc... is involved, NO, I don't think so, this protesters are very violent to the country, to economy and democracy, but followers of a terrorist, they are in a sleep mode, but more and more are waking up now, lets hope all will.......

How are the protesters "terrorizing the capital"?

I live right next to one of the protest sites. There is no "terrorizing" going on.

My friend please do not say this

You will spoil all these s..t stirrers fun

they do not want peace

they would have nothing to complain about

enough drinks for tonight son. have a rest away from the computer.

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If YL deserves to be re-elected she will be which I'm confident will happen.

re-elected by whom exactly?

Please learn about politics

Or read over Posts that are not written by your self, there have been many

Yingluck can not become the PM as the people do not vote for the Prime Minister the people vote for Mps

who then vote for the PM

As there will not be enough Mps voted in, there can not be No Parliment

No Parlimen no PM

Where do you people make up this BS From, not the rule book

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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

Creating a fascist council introduces a multiplicity of radically new problems.

But I notice you also not agree with a council hand picked by the Thai people that could include members of both sides

Oh sorry that would not benifit your beliefs would is

"a council hand picked by the Thai people that could include members of both sides" i don't remember Suthep said so.What he said was esaan people are to stupid to vote.Well if my party did not win an election for 20 yrs .................

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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

Creating a fascist council introduces a multiplicity of radically new problems.

But I notice you also not agree with a council hand picked by the Thai people that could include members of both sides

Oh sorry that would not benifit your beliefs would is

Welcome back - The elected caretaker government has organized a broad based and diverse National Reform Commission that includes members who want YL to resign immediately and to postpone the Feb 2nd GE. The new commission met openly late last week. I've stated in many posts to many threads that I support this broad based commission that wants to devise and implement reforms openly within a democratic and open system and to present the reforms to popular referendum.

This is in stark contrast to Suthep's elite and closed fascist council whose prospective members continue to remain anonymous, which continues to have a secret agenda, and which would rule absolutely and behind closed doors for an extended, likely indefinite period of time.

I say "welcome back" because your post obviously suggests you have been away for some period of time, right?

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You wrote in your post presented fully below:

Please learn about politics

Or read over Posts that are not written by your self, there have been many

Yingluck can not become the PM as the people do not vote for the Prime Minister the people vote for Mps

who then vote for the PM

Well known. I'm from the USA so I'm used to saying 're-elected'. You don't recognize this so I must needs be point it out to you. Harmless stuff you take super seriously.

As there will not be enough Mps voted in, there can not be No Parliment

No Parlimen no PM

Where do you people make up this BS From, not the rule book

I want you to know I'm concerned you're giving yourself an ulcer.

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Let's face it, the Reds could put any candidate up to replace Yingluck and Suthep and his cronies would still accuse them of being run by the Shinawatra family, whether true or not.

The issue here is that the Bangkok snobs don't think the dirty farm folks' opinions are as important as theirs.

I don't know why people keep going on about "Bangkok snobs" and "Bangkok elites". I thought all the protesters were from the south.

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I think most people will have been amazed just how restrained the "reds" have been considering how much the PDRC have attempted provocation and failed miserably.

They are just following orders, and payments from the DL.

The Thugs cam down caused a bit of mayhem, and then got ordered back.

Not over b a long shot.

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If YL deserves to be re-elected she will be which I'm confident will happen.

re-elected by whom exactly?

Please learn about politics

Or read over Posts that are not written by your self, there have been many

Yingluck can not become the PM as the people do not vote for the Prime Minister the people vote for Mps

who then vote for the PM

As there will not be enough Mps voted in, there can not be No Parliment

No Parlimen no PM

Where do you people make up this BS From, not the rule book

I seriously hope you're not referring to me here despite you quoting my question to Publicus - who doesn't know the caretaker Transport Minister from the caretaker PM's Security Detail..

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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My saviour? I have consistently said that Suthep shouldn't be involved in the next "government".

I don't care if PTP get elected again (although I would prefer the Democrats), but if the government want the protests to stop, then Yingluck needs to step down.

Yingluck stepping down DOES NOT mean that Suthep will instantly, or ever, be PM.

Let's face it, the Reds could put any candidate up to replace Yingluck and Suthep and his cronies would still accuse them of being run by the Shinawatra family, whether true or not.

The issue here is that the Bangkok snobs don't think the dirty farm folks' opinions are as important as theirs.

Bangkok snobs? It's the red shirts on here that keep banging the drum that the red shirt vote is more important than letting anyone question one man and his family rape the country and it's finances and be above the law. As long as it's a democratic vote they are happy for him to do what he wishes.

But hey he got the majority vote so what's important or relevant of a Bangkokonian who's seeing his taxes disappear into the pockets of a chosen few as long as it's not us that don't pay taxes.

That's snobbery, ignorance and dam_n right cruel too.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

You may need to do some research. Check what happened when the likes of the Europeans and others came here and had money to invest. They could only invest within a certain radius of Bangkok (thats why Bkk is 40 times bigger than the next biggest city in Thailand, which is Nontaburi) . Lack of investment, at that time, in all parts of Thailand is the reason Thailand is still in this cycle of Elections and coups. Now who insisted on all the investment being spent around BKK ?

Policies like this created the infamous Amart, who still benefit from those policies and now pay clowns like Suthep to protect their "privledges" from the dark prince Thaksin, who may redistribute their entitlement

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We expect to be able to sit here unopposed until we get our way and the government is completely responsible for our safety while we over throw the government.

I am all for peaceful protest but expecting the government to provide security for the agency that wants its overthrow is expecting a bit much don't ya think?

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We expect to be able to sit here unopposed until we get our way and the government is completely responsible for our safety while we over throw the government.

I am all for peaceful protest but expecting the government to provide security for the agency that wants its overthrow is expecting a bit much don't ya think?

The police could let the bomb throwers and shooters free reign to do what they like, but that will just lead to a civil war eventually.

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We expect to be able to sit here unopposed until we get our way and the government is completely responsible for our safety while we over throw the government.

I am all for peaceful protest but expecting the government to provide security for the agency that wants its overthrow is expecting a bit much don't ya think?

The police could let the bomb throwers and shooters free reign to do what they like, but that will just lead to a civil war eventually.

Well, I doubt that is going to happen. Now that the emergency decree is in, the next step is who is going to be asked to enforce it?

Police? Army?. I have often wondered what would happen if someone dropped 50,cannisters of tear gas into these crowds whilst there is a speech going on. Its not needed to send lethal weapons.

Who says that the police is doing much to prevent anyone attacking these guys anyway?, seems they are not doing much at all.

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When I think about the Reds confronting the Yellows it always reminds me of a memorable line from a great movie. Chalerm is playing the lead role. Sitting on his horse he says to his Lieutenant "on my command...let hell rain down on them" (Anybody remember the movie)

Maximus in Gladiator: "At my signal, Unleash Hell".

But you were close.


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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

Please get real! Corruption in Thailand is as old as the country itself.

Do you need reminders of how deep it has always been during the occasional Democrat administrations and this one?

Instead of spewing generic barbs, provide specific data, names and dates. Try to conquer the temptation of not bringing up the rice pledge: others have already done ad nauseum.

Here is a short reminder for you and the usual other anti-Thaksinistas in TV:

In 1995, Suthep’s Sor Por Kor 4-01 land scheme scandal led to the downfall of the Democrat-led Chuan Leekpai government. As a Minister of Agriculture Suthep resigned under threat of being indicted.... Of course. there’s the rubber shenanigans during the Abhisit Vejjajiva-led government... and the Palm Oil Scheme.

Did you raise your voice at any time during those long years of Democrat systemic corruption?

You are not adding anything new to the issue. All you do is parrot the usual slogans.

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