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Thai govt told to restrain red shirts instead of invoking emergency decree


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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

They won't. They already dissolved the house and new elections have been scheduled. Now it is again the Thai electorate that can decide which political parties they support. Hopefully these protestors find it in their hearts and minds to respect the votes of their fellow citizens, without silly claims about vote buying or claims of people being uneducated.

When it comes to education and knowledge of the Thai constitution, it is clear these protestors have no clue what this constitution is all about, otherwise they would stop violating it.

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Neither would allowing Suthep and the army to resume their unrestrained corruption solve any problems.

Creating a fascist council introduces a multiplicity of radically new problems.

Yes. Agree with both of you.

I think Yingluck should step down, but that doesn't mean I think that Suthep's "Peoples Council" is the best solution.

If YL deserves to be re-elected she will be which I'm confident will happen.

Given you and I reject Suthep's fascist council proposal and I'm on my way out to lunch I'll hoist one to you. Cheers. wink.png

For those of us who are non believers, please explain to us why you believe YL deserves to be reelected......?What has she done in her time in office that makes her so deserving ?

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Creating a fascist council introduces a multiplicity of radically new problems.

Yes. Agree with both of you.

I think Yingluck should step down, but that doesn't mean I think that Suthep's "Peoples Council" is the best solution.

If YL deserves to be re-elected she will be which I'm confident will happen.

Given you and I reject Suthep's fascist council proposal and I'm on my way out to lunch I'll hoist one to you. Cheers. wink.png

For those of us who are non believers, please explain to us why you believe YL deserves to be reelected......?What has she done in her time in office that makes her so deserving ?

Its irrelevant what pubilcus thinks what constitutes deserving, it is the thai people who will decide and if they think she is deserving thats what i think he meant wink.png

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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

Neither would allowing Suthep and the army to resume their unrestrained corruption solve any problems.

Neither would allowing Thaksin and family rule of Thailand, be the answer,and getting rid of him and corruption is what this protest is all about!

If Suthep is a successful stepping stone to a Thaksinista interim purge,and the end of a Government from Dubai,then Suthep will have done a good job.

Where would Thailand go from there? who knows, one thing is certain allowing PTP to continue in any form would be a continuance of the problem, and no where near the answer.

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If YL deserves to be re-elected she will be which I'm confident will happen.

Given you and I reject Suthep's fascist council proposal and I'm on my way out to lunch I'll hoist one to you. Cheers. wink.png

For those of us who are non believers, please explain to us why you believe YL deserves to be reelected......?What has she done in her time in office that makes her so deserving ?

Its irrelevant what pubilcus thinks what constitutes deserving, it is the thai people who will decide and if they think she is deserving thats what i think he meant wink.png

Yes, quite thx.

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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

Please get real! Corruption in Thailand is as old as the country itself.

Do you need reminders of how deep it has always been during the occasional Democrat administrations and this one?

Instead of spewing generic barbs, provide specific data, names and dates. Try to conquer the temptation of not bringing up the rice pledge: others have already done ad nauseum.

Here is a short reminder for you and the usual other anti-Thaksinistas in TV:

In 1995, Suthep’s Sor Por Kor 4-01 land scheme scandal led to the downfall of the Democrat-led Chuan Leekpai government. As a Minister of Agriculture Suthep resigned under threat of being indicted.... Of course. there’s the rubber shenanigans during the Abhisit Vejjajiva-led government... and the Palm Oil Scheme.

Did you raise your voice at any time during those long years of Democrat systemic corruption?

You are not adding anything new to the issue. All you do is parrot the usual slogans.


Specific examples ... but don't mention rice pledging!?!


OK, since I mentioned "continue", how about the 350 billion baht flood bill, and especially the 2.2 trillion baht OFF BUDGET infrastructure bill?

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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

They won't. They already dissolved the house and new elections have been scheduled. Now it is again the Thai electorate that can decide which political parties they support. Hopefully these protestors find it in their hearts and minds to respect the votes of their fellow citizens, without silly claims about vote buying or claims of people being uneducated.

When it comes to education and knowledge of the Thai constitution, it is clear these protestors have no clue what this constitution is all about, otherwise they would stop violating it.

Right. They'll get elected and won't continue the corruption?

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Then you are admitting that corruption existed prior to 2001, as everyone in Thailand knows!

The issue that drives the protest is the Thai Farmers/Red shirts right to vote! That they did not vote the 'right way" and since they did, they do not deserve the right to vote!

The demonstrations are against a Democracies equal voting rights for all, one person-one vote and the Majority rules concept of an open and free election!

Your statement about the Navy seal BS, did not answer the question I asked about the strange behavior of Suthep's people as captured on the released video! Answer it if you can!


<deleted>. When did I ever suggest it didn't exist???

I'm a bit confused now. The Thai Farmers are joining the PRDC in their protests. What are the Thai Farmers protesting for?

NO. The demonstrations are not against equal voting rights for all. That's just the red shirt propaganda version.

My statement about the Navy seal BS was a question, which you didn't answer!

I can't explain "the strange behaviour" of the driver from a grainy 30 second video. DID they pick up evidence of the explosive device? Can you even be sure it was the driver that (supposedly) picked up "the evidence"?

Do you know what you would do if you were nearly blown up by a grenade?

Why are you confused?

Thai farmers are not joining the Protest, They are protesting a different issue RE: " The governments failure to pay them for their rice" members of my wife family were demostrading outside of Nakhon Sawan, I say were because they have been paid for the rice yesterday!

You fail to document your statement by including the number of alledged "Thai Farmers" that joined the protest was there 1, 3, 6, 10, makes a great difference!

Equal voting rights, you either do not have a clue or you are intentionally misrepresenting the facts as they exist, At the beganing of the call for a shut down, the BP newspaper had a big spread on protesters statements Re: Farmers were to dumb to have the right to vote!,

Navy Seals, Rear Admiral Winai, admitted he made his own decision to send navy seals to infiltratrate the protesters, "To look out for their safety", (Which you label BS) look in this morning newspaper, not (BS) but fact!

I know what I would do if I was the victim of a grenade attack, "was there, done that" more times then I cared to remember!

I know I would not run into the unknown, where more danger may wait, I know I would not come back to pick up something on the ground, I know I would not leave my truck and I would stay at the scene for medical attention.

Look at the tape the person that jump out of the truck and ran, was the same person that came back with the man in the white hat to pick something up from the ground!

I will not await any answers to my question from ypu, as in two of your post you have failed to address the questions I asked, as I did reply to your questions because I can back up what I post, unlike many others on this thread.


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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Letting the government continue with their unrestrained corruption doesn't solve any problems either.

They won't. They already dissolved the house and new elections have been scheduled. Now it is again the Thai electorate that can decide which political parties they support. Hopefully these protestors find it in their hearts and minds to respect the votes of their fellow citizens, without silly claims about vote buying or claims of people being uneducated.

When it comes to education and knowledge of the Thai constitution, it is clear these protestors have no clue what this constitution is all about, otherwise they would stop violating it.

Right. They'll get elected and won't continue the corruption?

The poster had some valid points, why can you not address them?

Maybe you do not have all the answers, "Right"!

Care to expand on your reply?


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The poster had some valid points, why can you not address them?

Maybe you do not have all the answers, "Right"!

Care to expand on your reply?


He may have some valid points, but there is nothing to suggest that the government corruption won't continue. Being "elected" doesn't change that.

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If YL deserves to be re-elected she will be which I'm confident will happen.

Given you and I reject Suthep's fascist council proposal and I'm on my way out to lunch I'll hoist one to you. Cheers. wink.png

For those of us who are non believers, please explain to us why you believe YL deserves to be reelected......?What has she done in her time in office that makes her so deserving ?

Its irrelevant what pubilcus thinks what constitutes deserving, it is the thai people who will decide and if they think she is deserving thats what i think he meant wink.png

Yes, quite thx.

She was elected by the majority of Thai voters (more like a lopsided Majority) in an election that international poll watchers said was relatively free of voting irregularities, such as vote buying, ballot box stuffing etc.

If she in fact violated the law in office, the constitution provides for "impeachment" , charge her and bring her up on impeachment charges. That is the proper way to deal with that issue in a Democracy,

The constitution also has a provision for calling an early election, which the PM has done, now The demostrators do not want an election. because the majority still backs PTP.

Could you explain how Suthep is deserving of being appointed PM? Is he free of all allegations of graft and /or, as a person facing a murder charge, How would it be possible for him to hold political office.?

By the way what is the Democrats platform, what are they planning to do if they are appointed to power again?

What are the Democrats major accompaniments in the last 20 years?

The question before the voters of Thailand, is whoever comes into power, needs to uphold the Democratic principle of ,one person-one vote and the rule of the majority. Every persons vote is equal!


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She was elected by the majority of Thai voters (more like a lopsided Majority) in an election that international poll watchers said was relatively free of voting irregularities, such as vote buying, ballot box stuffing etc.

If she in fact violated the law in office, the constitution provides for "impeachment" , charge her and bring her up on impeachment charges. That is the proper way to deal with that issue in a Democracy,

The constitution also has a provision for calling an early election, which the PM has done, now The demostrators do not want an election. because the majority still backs PTP.

Could you explain how Suthep is deserving of being appointed PM? Is he free of all allegations of graft and /or, as a person facing a murder charge, How would it be possible for him to hold political office.?

By the way what is the Democrats platform, what are they planning to do if they are appointed to power again?

What are the Democrats major accompaniments in the last 20 years?

The question before the voters of Thailand, is whoever comes into power, needs to uphold the Democratic principle of ,one person-one vote and the rule of the majority. Every persons vote is equal!


The Democrats have been in power for 2 of the last 20 years. Their major accomplishment was stopping an armed mob from kicking them out of government. Besides dealing with that, they didn't have much chance to do anything else. But they did get a chance to make healthcare free, and education free to more students. The PTP changed that when they got elected though.

Why would the Democrats need a platform? They have boycotted the election and I would expect aren't expecting to be appointed to power. Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.
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But Suthep's group did not come to the bargaining table - so the deal is off.

Now you are surprised that Ms. Yingluck will not do what she offered to do to de-escalate the problem?

I think most people will have been amazed just how restrained the "reds" have been considering how much the PDRC have attempted provocation and failed miserably.


Yesterday Yingluck was sending out messages she was ready to stand down and pospone the election that can not form a govenment even if she wins

you have strange translation qualities

Sorry this is Thailand

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She was elected by the majority of Thai voters (more like a lopsided Majority) in an election that international poll watchers said was relatively free of voting irregularities, such as vote buying, ballot box stuffing etc.

If she in fact violated the law in office, the constitution provides for "impeachment" , charge her and bring her up on impeachment charges. That is the proper way to deal with that issue in a Democracy,

The constitution also has a provision for calling an early election, which the PM has done, now The demostrators do not want an election. because the majority still backs PTP.

Could you explain how Suthep is deserving of being appointed PM? Is he free of all allegations of graft and /or, as a person facing a murder charge, How would it be possible for him to hold political office.?

By the way what is the Democrats platform, what are they planning to do if they are appointed to power again?

What are the Democrats major accompaniments in the last 20 years?

The question before the voters of Thailand, is whoever comes into power, needs to uphold the Democratic principle of ,one person-one vote and the rule of the majority. Every persons vote is equal!


The Democrats have been in power for 2 of the last 20 years. Their major accomplishment was stopping an armed mob from kicking them out of government. Besides dealing with that, they didn't have much chance to do anything else. But they did get a chance to make healthcare free, and education free to more students. The PTP changed that when they got elected though.

Why would the Democrats need a platform? They have boycotted the election and I would expect aren't expecting to be appointed to power. Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

If, by "armed mob", you mean the UDD, surely you know that abhisit decided to hold elections earlier than he wanted to after he had ordered the crackdown on the "armed mob" and in his words "unfortunately, some people died" (around 96, abhisit). He was then "kicked" out by 15 million people voting against his party - not quite the same as your version, I know.

Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

Of course they did, The Friends of Newin group of MP's having been bought off with cash (allegedly) and cabinet posts (definitely - translates to cash eventually) to support abhisit earlier.

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The Democrats have been in power for 2 of the last 20 years. Their major accomplishment was stopping an armed mob from kicking them out of government. Besides dealing with that, they didn't have much chance to do anything else. But they did get a chance to make healthcare free, and education free to more students. The PTP changed that when they got elected though.

Why would the Democrats need a platform? They have boycotted the election and I would expect aren't expecting to be appointed to power. Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

If, by "armed mob", you mean the UDD, surely you know that abhisit decided to hold elections earlier than he wanted to after he had ordered the crackdown on the "armed mob" and in his words "unfortunately, some people died" (around 96, abhisit). He was then "kicked" out by 15 million people voting against his party - not quite the same as your version, I know.

Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

Of course they did, The Friends of Newin group of MP's having been bought off with cash (allegedly) and cabinet posts (definitely - translates to cash eventually) to support abhisit earlier.

Of course it's not the same as my version. I was talking about him being elected. You went off on some other tangent.

Why do you think Friends of Newin were in Thaksin's proxy party? Maybe you think it had nothing do with money, and they were all there because they just loved Thaksin. rolleyes.gif

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Another solution is to get the yellow thugs off the streets and let normal people get on with their lives!!

Another meaningless march or yet another D-day don't solve any problems!!

Stop trowing Yellow in this protest, these aren't the ones in control of this peaceful demonstrations, the only color which is correct in this story is the REDS for using violence

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She was elected by the majority of Thai voters (more like a lopsided Majority) in an election that international poll watchers said was relatively free of voting irregularities, such as vote buying, ballot box stuffing etc.

If she in fact violated the law in office, the constitution provides for "impeachment" , charge her and bring her up on impeachment charges. That is the proper way to deal with that issue in a Democracy,

The constitution also has a provision for calling an early election, which the PM has done, now The demostrators do not want an election. because the majority still backs PTP.

Could you explain how Suthep is deserving of being appointed PM? Is he free of all allegations of graft and /or, as a person facing a murder charge, How would it be possible for him to hold political office.?

By the way what is the Democrats platform, what are they planning to do if they are appointed to power again?

What are the Democrats major accompaniments in the last 20 years?

The question before the voters of Thailand, is whoever comes into power, needs to uphold the Democratic principle of ,one person-one vote and the rule of the majority. Every persons vote is equal!


The Democrats have been in power for 2 of the last 20 years. Their major accomplishment was stopping an armed mob from kicking them out of government. Besides dealing with that, they didn't have much chance to do anything else. But they did get a chance to make healthcare free, and education free to more students. The PTP changed that when they got elected though.

Why would the Democrats need a platform? They have boycotted the election and I would expect aren't expecting to be appointed to power. Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

The only reason he was elected because TRT was dissolved, the Military was in power, and he purchased the job of PM.

As you use "he was elected" as a response to Fab4, you use an elected position only if it suits your reply, Let me remind you, Yingluck was elected by over 13 million votes, to the Democrats 8 million votes nation wide. Suthep states he had 6 million protesters in Bangkok,

Then if Suthep was not "lieing" and the Rice farmers are up in arms about the rice payments (PTP power base) Why are the rich afraid of a good old election? No one has money to buy anyones vote, as they can not paid their power base.

I noticed you conveniently forgot to respond to the released video of the bombing, and the damage it done to the lawful non-violent protest scenario Suthep has been pushing, The Red shirts have nothing to gain by fomenting violence before the election, It is the last ditch effort by Sutheps mob, to have the army stage a coup.

Everyone knows what the Democracts will do if they are again appointed to power, just as the old power structure orders them to do! Nothing more, nothing less!,

Misrepresent the facts as much as you like, but the healthcare in Thailand was enacted by Thaskin,

I believe Suthep would bomb his own family,, to get what he wants, head of a fascist unelected government


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She was elected by the majority of Thai voters (more like a lopsided Majority) in an election that international poll watchers said was relatively free of voting irregularities, such as vote buying, ballot box stuffing etc.

If she in fact violated the law in office, the constitution provides for "impeachment" , charge her and bring her up on impeachment charges. That is the proper way to deal with that issue in a Democracy,

The constitution also has a provision for calling an early election, which the PM has done, now The demostrators do not want an election. because the majority still backs PTP.

Could you explain how Suthep is deserving of being appointed PM? Is he free of all allegations of graft and /or, as a person facing a murder charge, How would it be possible for him to hold political office.?

By the way what is the Democrats platform, what are they planning to do if they are appointed to power again?

What are the Democrats major accompaniments in the last 20 years?

The question before the voters of Thailand, is whoever comes into power, needs to uphold the Democratic principle of ,one person-one vote and the rule of the majority. Every persons vote is equal!


The Democrats have been in power for 2 of the last 20 years. Their major accomplishment was stopping an armed mob from kicking them out of government. Besides dealing with that, they didn't have much chance to do anything else. But they did get a chance to make healthcare free, and education free to more students. The PTP changed that when they got elected though.

Why would the Democrats need a platform? They have boycotted the election and I would expect aren't expecting to be appointed to power. Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

The only reason he was elected because TRT was dissolved, the Military was in power, and he purchased the job of PM.

As you use "he was elected" as a response to Fab4, you use an elected position only if it suits your reply, Let me remind you, Yingluck was elected by over 13 million votes, to the Democrats 8 million votes nation wide. Suthep states he had 6 million protesters in Bangkok,

Then if Suthep was not "lieing" and the Rice farmers are up in arms about the rice payments (PTP power base) Why are the rich afraid of a good old election? No one has money to buy anyones vote, as they can not paid their power base.

I noticed you conveniently forgot to respond to the released video of the bombing, and the damage it done to the lawful non-violent protest scenario Suthep has been pushing, The Red shirts have nothing to gain by fomenting violence before the election, It is the last ditch effort by Sutheps mob, to have the army stage a coup.

Everyone knows what the Democracts will do if they are again appointed to power, just as the old power structure orders them to do! Nothing more, nothing less!,

Misrepresent the facts as much as you like, but the healthcare in Thailand was enacted by Thaskin,

I believe Suthep would bomb his own family,, to get what he wants, head of a fascist unelected government


What? Were the military in power in 2008??? When were TRT dissolved??

You need to do some more research I think.

Sent from my phone ...

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She was elected by the majority of Thai voters (more like a lopsided Majority) in an election that international poll watchers said was relatively free of voting irregularities, such as vote buying, ballot box stuffing etc.

If she in fact violated the law in office, the constitution provides for "impeachment" , charge her and bring her up on impeachment charges. That is the proper way to deal with that issue in a Democracy,

The constitution also has a provision for calling an early election, which the PM has done, now The demostrators do not want an election. because the majority still backs PTP.

Could you explain how Suthep is deserving of being appointed PM? Is he free of all allegations of graft and /or, as a person facing a murder charge, How would it be possible for him to hold political office.?

By the way what is the Democrats platform, what are they planning to do if they are appointed to power again?

What are the Democrats major accompaniments in the last 20 years?

The question before the voters of Thailand, is whoever comes into power, needs to uphold the Democratic principle of ,one person-one vote and the rule of the majority. Every persons vote is equal!


The Democrats have been in power for 2 of the last 20 years. Their major accomplishment was stopping an armed mob from kicking them out of government. Besides dealing with that, they didn't have much chance to do anything else. But they did get a chance to make healthcare free, and education free to more students. The PTP changed that when they got elected though.

Why would the Democrats need a platform? They have boycotted the election and I would expect aren't expecting to be appointed to power. Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

If, by "armed mob", you mean the UDD, surely you know that abhisit decided to hold elections earlier than he wanted to after he had ordered the crackdown on the "armed mob" and in his words "unfortunately, some people died" (around 96, abhisit). He was then "kicked" out by 15 million people voting against his party - not quite the same as your version, I know.

Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

Of course they did, The Friends of Newin group of MP's having been bought off with cash (allegedly) and cabinet posts (definitely - translates to cash eventually) to support abhisit earlier.

If you think the election of Abhisit was somehow illegal or even immoral, I suggest that you google New Aspiration, and then move on to the other small parties absorbed by Thaksin's current version of the time.

Multi-party democracy seems to be just a tad too difficult to gasp for some of out american posters.

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The only reason he was elected because TRT was dissolved, the Military was in power, and he purchased the job of PM.

As you use "he was elected" as a response to Fab4, you use an elected position only if it suits your reply, Let me remind you, Yingluck was elected by over 13 million votes, to the Democrats 8 million votes nation wide. Suthep states he had 6 million protesters in Bangkok,

Then if Suthep was not "lieing" and the Rice farmers are up in arms about the rice payments (PTP power base) Why are the rich afraid of a good old election? No one has money to buy anyones vote, as they can not paid their power base.

I noticed you conveniently forgot to respond to the released video of the bombing, and the damage it done to the lawful non-violent protest scenario Suthep has been pushing, The Red shirts have nothing to gain by fomenting violence before the election, It is the last ditch effort by Sutheps mob, to have the army stage a coup.

Everyone knows what the Democracts will do if they are again appointed to power, just as the old power structure orders them to do! Nothing more, nothing less!,

Misrepresent the facts as much as you like, but the healthcare in Thailand was enacted by Thaskin,

I believe Suthep would bomb his own family,, to get what he wants, head of a fascist unelected government


I believe Suthep would bomb his own family,, to get what he wants, head of a fascist unelected government

Dedicated to you kikoman giggle.gif :


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What? Were the military in power in 2008??? When were TRT dissolved??

You need to do some more research I think.

Sent from my phone ...

Kikoman's response.

It is enlightening as how clueless you are and yet you suggest I do some research on the subject! I think you need to take your own advise and do a complete research on the subject!

The military seized power on 9-19-2006 and canceled the upcoming election. In 2006 a "junta-tribunal" acquitted the Democrats of the vote fraud charges, but convicted and banned the Thai Rak Thai party and its entire executive team.

In the junta-administered 2007 election the Peoples Power Party (the old TRT party) won the election, in 2008 a group allied with the Democratic Party leadership (The group know as People's Alliance for Democracy PAD) After taking over and occupying the Airports, Pad declared it would only accept as PM was Abhisits and the Democrat party! As the sieges ended the Constitution Court banned the People's power party and two of it coalition allies. General Anupong Paochinda coerced former PPP MPs mainly those friends of Newin Group to endorse the Democrat party-led coalition, which resulted in Abhist being named PM on a vote of 235 to 198.

Not only the TRT party was dissolved but also the PPP was banned and now the attention is focused on PTP, all the parties having been resurrected from the old TRT party!

Now you show me where that is not "factual" !


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What? Were the military in power in 2008??? When were TRT dissolved??

You need to do some more research I think.

Sent from my phone ...

Kikoman's response.

It is enlightening as how clueless you are and yet you suggest I do some research on the subject! I think you need to take your own advise and do a complete research on the subject!

The military seized power on 9-19-2006 and canceled the upcoming election. In 2006 a "junta-tribunal" acquitted the Democrats of the vote fraud charges, but convicted and banned the Thai Rak Thai party and its entire executive team.

In the junta-administered 2007 election the Peoples Power Party (the old TRT party) won the election, in 2008 a group allied with the Democratic Party leadership (The group know as People's Alliance for Democracy PAD) After taking over and occupying the Airports, Pad declared it would only accept as PM was Abhisits and the Democrat party! As the sieges ended the Constitution Court banned the People's power party and two of it coalition allies. General Anupong Paochinda coerced former PPP MPs mainly those friends of Newin Group to endorse the Democrat party-led coalition, which resulted in Abhist being named PM on a vote of 235 to 198.

Not only the TRT party was dissolved but also the PPP was banned and now the attention is focused on PTP, all the parties having been resurrected from the old TRT party!

Now you show me where that is not "factual" !


That doesn't really match your original statement:

"The only reason he was elected because TRT was dissolved, the Military was in power, and he purchased the job of PM."

TRT were dissolved nearly 2 years before he was elected. The military was in power a year before he was elected. He formed a coalition just as TRT and PPP did before him - with money.

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I do not take dedications and will not bother to view your clip,

As i do not know you or remember having posted to anything you opined on, If you have something to say to me, man up and say it.

Till then,


Thaksin supporters are such nice people. That's how I know the man is good.

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She was elected by the majority of Thai voters (more like a lopsided Majority) in an election that international poll watchers said was relatively free of voting irregularities, such as vote buying, ballot box stuffing etc.

If she in fact violated the law in office, the constitution provides for "impeachment" , charge her and bring her up on impeachment charges. That is the proper way to deal with that issue in a Democracy,

The constitution also has a provision for calling an early election, which the PM has done, now The demostrators do not want an election. because the majority still backs PTP.

Could you explain how Suthep is deserving of being appointed PM? Is he free of all allegations of graft and /or, as a person facing a murder charge, How would it be possible for him to hold political office.?

By the way what is the Democrats platform, what are they planning to do if they are appointed to power again?

What are the Democrats major accompaniments in the last 20 years?

The question before the voters of Thailand, is whoever comes into power, needs to uphold the Democratic principle of ,one person-one vote and the rule of the majority. Every persons vote is equal!


The Democrats have been in power for 2 of the last 20 years. Their major accomplishment was stopping an armed mob from kicking them out of government. Besides dealing with that, they didn't have much chance to do anything else. But they did get a chance to make healthcare free, and education free to more students. The PTP changed that when they got elected though.

Why would the Democrats need a platform? They have boycotted the election and I would expect aren't expecting to be appointed to power. Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

If, by "armed mob", you mean the UDD, surely you know that abhisit decided to hold elections earlier than he wanted to after he had ordered the crackdown on the "armed mob" and in his words "unfortunately, some people died" (around 96, abhisit). He was then "kicked" out by 15 million people voting against his party - not quite the same as your version, I know.

Of course, last time they were in power, a majority (ie more than 50%) of elected MPs voted for Abhisit as PM.

Of course they did, The Friends of Newin group of MP's having been bought off with cash (allegedly) and cabinet posts (definitely - translates to cash eventually) to support abhisit earlier.

If you think the election of Abhisit was somehow illegal or even immoral, I suggest that you google New Aspiration, and then move on to the other small parties absorbed by Thaksin's current version of the time.

Multi-party democracy seems to be just a tad too difficult to gasp for some of out american posters.

Where have I posted that the election of Abhisit was illegal, I would have to say it was "immoral" your words. Because of the Military Junta involvement with banning TRT and not banning the Democrats also for voter fraud, and the wide spread allegations that General Anupong Paochinda (a coup leader) involvement with securing the vote for the Democrats.

My point was aimed at another posters statement that

"A majority (ie more than 50%) of elected M.P.s voted for Abhist"

That vote was 235-198, but taking into account of 105 TRT elected M.P.s and also those banned from PPP, could not vote.Then it was not by the majority that represented the wishes of the all the Thai voters, as in the next election ,Abhist was soundly defeated!

Which may be a tad to difficult for our NON-American posters to gasp!


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Where have I posted that the election of Abhisit was illegal, I would have to say it was "immoral" your words. Because of the Military Junta involvement with banning TRT and not banning the Democrats also for voter fraud, and the wide spread allegations that General Anupong Paochinda (a coup leader) involvement with securing the vote for the Democrats.

My point was aimed at another posters statement that

"A majority (ie more than 50%) of elected M.P.s voted for Abhist"

That vote was 235-198, but taking into account of 105 TRT elected M.P.s and also those banned from PPP, could not vote.Then it was not by the majority that represented the wishes of the all the Thai voters, as in the next election ,Abhist was soundly defeated!

Which may be a tad to difficult for our NON-American posters to gasp!


The banned TRT MPs are irrelevant as an election was held after that happened.

There were by-elections to replace banned PPP constituency MPs, so all constituencies were represented.

At that point, there were 480 MP positions, less about 5 which were PPP banned party list MPs.

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The only reason he was elected because TRT was dissolved, the Military was in power, and he purchased the job of PM.

As you use "he was elected" as a response to Fab4, you use an elected position only if it suits your reply, Let me remind you, Yingluck was elected by over 13 million votes, to the Democrats 8 million votes nation wide. Suthep states he had 6 million protesters in Bangkok,

Then if Suthep was not "lieing" and the Rice farmers are up in arms about the rice payments (PTP power base) Why are the rich afraid of a good old election? No one has money to buy anyones vote, as they can not paid their power base.

I noticed you conveniently forgot to respond to the released video of the bombing, and the damage it done to the lawful non-violent protest scenario Suthep has been pushing, The Red shirts have nothing to gain by fomenting violence before the election, It is the last ditch effort by Sutheps mob, to have the army stage a coup.

Everyone knows what the Democracts will do if they are again appointed to power, just as the old power structure orders them to do! Nothing more, nothing less!,

Misrepresent the facts as much as you like, but the healthcare in Thailand was enacted by Thaskin,

I believe Suthep would bomb his own family,, to get what he wants, head of a fascist unelected government


I believe Suthep would bomb his own family,, to get what he wants, head of a fascist unelected government

Dedicated to you kikoman giggle.gif :


Well. The biggest advantage of extremism is that it makes you feel GOOD because it provides you with enemies.

Let me explain. The great thing about having enemies is that you can pretend that all the badness in the whole world is in your enemies, and all the goodness in the whole world is in YOU. Attractive, isn't it?

So, if you have a lot of anger and resentment in you anyway and you therefore enjoy abusing people, then you can pretend that you're only doing it because these enemies of yours are such very bad persons! And if it wasn't for them, you'd actually be good natured, and courteous, and rational all the time. So, if you want to FEEL GOOD, become an extremist

You can strut around, abusing people, and telling them you could eat them for breakfast and still think of yourself as a champion of the truth. A fighter for the greater good. And not the rather sad paranoid schizoid that you really are.

—John Cleese

That right most of his supporter i have met are nice prople, unlike the jerks that back Suthep!



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A protest leader has suggested the government to try to restrain hard-core red-shirt followers instead of pondering the invocation of Emergency Decree to deal with escalating violence in Bangkok.

Can a "care-taker" government accept, and act on "suggestions", to restrain citizens?

Seems we're told every day that a "care-taker" government is prohibited, by various and sundry interpreters of the nuanced Thai constitutional/legal system, from pretty much doing anything. I assume that would extend to the "suggestion" as well?

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Your question was

"Were the military in power in 2008?? When were TRT dissolved?? I answered them,

I find your math somewhat lacking, if there was 480 MPs, except for the banned PPP MPs and the official vote was.

235 to 198 =433 votes???? what happened to the 47 missing MP voters??? banned!

(the difference was Abhist won by 37 votes, the 47 missing votes could have kept him from being elected PM)

Having extracted two important facts from your post, #1.Corruption has been in Thailand forever and did not begin with the election of Thaskin in 2001 #2. Abhist also brought his coalition members with money!.

That all the information I desired that Abhist was not free of the so called "corruption".,thanks!


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