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Using the same clothes 2 days in a row is it really a DON'T in Thailand?


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Hi. I'm using the same clothes 2 day if they don't look dirty or smells bad. I'm not doing any work now, just waking up late and walking around. of course I sweat like any other person but I'm not doing any heavy activity that would make me sweat extra. also this period in Bangkok with a cool winds and its not so hot. I'm taking at least 4 showers a day.

I can understand it if you wake up early and go to work comes home all tired and sweaty.

an argument against me is: This is no Northern Europe. This is Thailand with tropical weather and you sweat more here then back home in Europe.

I just don't think its necessarily to go to laundry every 3 days even though my gf does the laundry. every 6-7 days is OK. I'm raising this question to see if its really a DON'T. anyway I'm using lotions for men, par-fume and all that. many women think I have good skin so, its no that I don't take care of myself biggrin.pngooo3.bmp

if you wanna keep the missus happy go get some more clothes so you can go every 6-7 days as you said do you only have 4 pairs of underwear? The turkish perfume shower dont hide your sweat smell.

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You must be pulling our chains! Only an excentric would shower 4 times a day and then wear the

same clothes for 2 days! Appearance and hygiene are important in Thailand. People look down

on many farangs because of careless appearnce and poor hygiene so you may be causing your

girlfriendto lose face. And face is very important to Thais. Maybe you can get a couple of days

out of jeans or slacks -just not 2 days in a row. Then again some people lack self pride.

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Guess if you don't work you can. I don't like to use second day clothes cause this gives me de javue, when I was drunk night and woke up some-where at next noon. Not nice feeling.

But don't tell to local people, they don't use same clothes 2 days if they have two or more clothes.

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I was teaching an English class once, it was about the 5 senses, and we were talking about the sense of smell. Some kid scrawled "BODY ODOUR" on a piece of paper and clandestinely flashed it at me whilst I was passing by. I wasn't sure if he was telling me something or not.

...but I started changing my shirts daily after that.

Edited by jackspade
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I was teaching an English class once, it was about the 5 senses, and we were talking about the sense of smell. Some kid scrawled "BODY ODOUR" on a piece of paper and clandestinely flashed it at me whilst I was passing by. I wasn't sure if he was telling me something or not.

...but I started changing my shirts daily after that.

Love it, very subtle. Flash cards methodology....maybe with pointing. Very Thai Edited by Prbkk
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I'm always doing laundry. Unlike a lot of foreigners I know, like my neighbor, I enjoy washing my own clothes by hand, so I always have clean clothes.

Many foreigners get their laundry done at a service, either because they are used to getting things done for them, or never did learn to do their own laundry. At most once a week.

Either way, I always tell them that's where the term smelly farang comes from. They are walking around in skank because they can't do their own laundry. Anyone who can't do their own laundry sucks.

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Haha - take back your manhood man ! Your shower rate per day is my shower rate per week ! One thing is true - individuals vary hugely in the extent to which they smell and sweat - it's the bacteria on the skin i guess - i've known guys with feet that could drop a dog at 5 miles, when mine are fresh as a daisy. Seriously - it's common knowledge that Thais are obsessed with cleanliness (reminds me of the 'next to godliness' proverb from the west) - and i too cannot see why everything has to be washed (which knackers it anyway) after only ONE wearing.

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...if you buy 10 copies of exactly the same shirt and trousers, then nobody will be able to guess whether you are changing your clothes daily or whether you are wearing the same ones for a week.....

Won't work. Once had two shirts almost exactly the same style and color. Wore them a day apart in Thailand and got told I'm wearing "yesterday's clothes". Ended up going back to the place after the next laundry day to show the shirts to "save face". Smell was not a factor, just being seen in the same clothes twice in a row is plenty enough...

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What really qualifies as a "Don't" around here anyway? I mean, look at the behavior of some of our fellow foreigners get away with on a daily basis...Anyway, I'm told body odor and general hygiene issues are among the negative stereotypes Thais maintain about foreigners. So if you're really concerned about your image here, then you might want to change things up a bit. Doesn't mean you have to wash your clothes every day. You can always have a Monday/Thursday set, a Tuesday/Friday set, and a Wednesday/Saturday set. And on Sundays, wear your cleanest dirty shirt.

So said Kris Kristofferson.....and Johnny Cash

Only when they woke up on a sunday morning and had a beer for breakfast.

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...if you buy 10 copies of exactly the same shirt and trousers, then nobody will be able to guess whether you are changing your clothes daily or whether you are wearing the same ones for a week.....

Won't work. Once had two shirts almost exactly the same style and color. Wore them a day apart in Thailand and got told I'm wearing "yesterday's clothes". Ended up going back to the place after the next laundry day to show the shirts to "save face". Smell was not a factor, just being seen in the same clothes twice in a row is plenty enough...

Why on earth would you care so much about what someone else thinks?

If you wear exactly the same identical outfit day after day they'll get the idea, you're a wacko. If you're rich then they'll just call you eccentric. Who cares?

But making other people gag from your BO, that's a different story.

Arabs and Indians are often much worse than the Brits. . .

Edited by wym
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What really qualifies as a "Don't" around here anyway? I mean, look at the behavior of some of our fellow foreigners get away with on a daily basis...Anyway, I'm told body odor and general hygiene issues are among the negative stereotypes Thais maintain about foreigners. So if you're really concerned about your image here, then you might want to change things up a bit. Doesn't mean you have to wash your clothes every day. You can always have a Monday/Thursday set, a Tuesday/Friday set, and a Wednesday/Saturday set. And on Sundays, wear your cleanest dirty shirt.

So said Kris Kristofferson.....and Johnny Cash

And the beer they had for breakfast wasn't bad either.wink.png

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People who stink, don't know they stink because their receptors are used to the smell.

I'm not saying you stink but you might and not realizing it.

Dosing a stinky body with lotions and deodorants only making matters worse.

It's beyond me why you'd go into troubles of taking 4 showers per day but not changing your clothes once a day?

I like good arguments and you had the best argument of he year so far. Yes I sopped now. 1 day clothes from now on. thanx :)

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In these clothes you wear for 2 days ... do you also sleep in them?

Some guys wear a polo/T-Shirt to bed, then continue to wear it during the day.

No I don sleep in them.

I hope youfold them and hang them up to air. Could get at least 4 days out of one item once the sweat dries wacko.png

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I will reuse a set of clothing to go jogging in anticipation it will have to be washed. However, I take 2-3 showres a day and put on fresh clean cloths everytime. I'm not sure why anyone would ask.... I personally enjoy feeling clean and fresh all day long.

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ich... i realize that maybe europeans from cold countries dont change clothes every day (we notice in israel cause people here are obsessed with perfumes, body sprays, hair shampoo with heavy scents, lotions with scents..but we notice that on busses who launders and who doesnt launder their clothes every day.etc.. but even the poorest of the poor, will absolutely change every day.

my husband, thai, changes his jeans every day and also his shirts and his 'vest' under his shirt, but for evening around the house will wear the same t shirt and shorts/jogging pants)...he works in a resataurant so also launders his winter jacket so we have more then one, and he also launders his small back pack that he uses for his wallet, and whatever that he likes to have with him at work.

its one of the wierd things i ve noticed in conventions from overseas here: americans change sevearl times a day, israelis will hcange twice (day wear and evening/going wear), and europeans wear the same clothes all day and the next day. and people here notice that. also there seems to be less use of deoderant and body sprays etc.

some of my colleages are so obsessed that htey keep spray deoderant in a hand bag (my daughter falls int his category also)...

thailand is a hot country. how can anyone not change all their clothes at least once ... ?...i foudn that i , as a female, changes underclothes and shirts more often, pants/skirts were used two days and that was only because i was living bannork and didnt have much with me.

hubby's family are poor, but his siblings showered, and changed clothes every day. his mother and father also did but there clothes were falling apart, and the new clothes we gave as presents were wrapped up nicely and stored in a box.

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