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i was bitten by a spider that was hidden in my laundry earlier today... everything's fine so i guess it is not poisonous, but it led me to wonder if there are any poisonous spiders in thailand? i have spiders all over my house and they don't really bother me, but are there any to watch out for, especially in southern thailand?

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Don't know, but my son comes up with spider bite marks. Hopefully they don't have the

"Brown recluise (sp) spider here. This bite destoys meat. :o


Haplopelma Minax, Black Tarantula, or Bird eating spider of Thailand, a fully grown female can reach 10cm, poisonus but not very strong, they can cause a bad reaction in some people especialy children, There quite common Ive seen quite a few myself over the years but the good new's is they much sooner live out in your garden than in your house, There are many other much smaller poisonus spider's here, even those small jumping spider's bite, Snake's is the other problem, they will come in your home, especialy in the rain season, unless you know what your doing don't aproach one in your home, get someone to keep an eye on it and go and call a Thai man, they are well used to them !

are there any to watch out for, especially in southern thailand?

yeah, H. minax is one of biggest and perhaps the most agressive (as its name sugests), but not letally dangerous for humans.

in S. Thailand there are few other tarantula species, mostly famous due to their diferrent from H. minax color - bluish, another one is "red knee", and as I recall there is one striped as zebra.

but as I know there are no any spider with strong enough poison to be a real threat.

in fact even Centipedes (Scolopendra) can't kill human.


Note that he said 'small jumping spiders', so likely not that Mimax beast which is a tarantula. Never seen any tarantula sized spider in over 10 years in Thailand BTW.

Would be fair to say though that a bite from a centipede would be more harmful/painful than virtually any spider..?


All spiders have venom. They are venomous, not poisonous.

There are no seriously venomous spider here.

On another note, I got stung in the inner thigh by a huge hornet yesterday. Man, it still hurts almost as bad as when it first happened. Too bad it wasn't a spider. ;-)


as a cautionary note ... do treat all insect bites with a bit of serious respect ... while you are not LIKELY to die/get horribly sick from the bite ... infections afterwards can be bad


I have heard about this. Kinky spiders hiding in ones undies.. Sick perverted little bugs..I guess it runs in the whole theme of ants in your pants? :o

  • 1 year later...

I found a large spider inside the toilet cistern In the hut i was staying in on koh panghan..what kind is it most likey to be...

To me it looked like the house spiders we have here(scotland) except 4 billion times the size..(yes, I did freak out a bit and just exaggerate the size) :o


while i have never seen or heard of a dangeroulsy venomous spider, i was bitten by a 10 cm+ centipede some months back and could not walk for the better part of a month. my leg tripled in size to the knee. all this in bangkok in front of my house.

while i have never seen or heard of a dangeroulsy venomous spider, i was bitten by a 10 cm+ centipede some months back and could not walk for the better part of a month. my leg tripled in size to the knee. all this in bangkok in front of my house.

been here 14 years only seen one big spider ,that was up the waterfall ,real jungle ,it was as big as my fist and i was 20 metres away .

while i have never seen or heard of a dangeroulsy venomous spider, i was bitten by a 10 cm+ centipede some months back and could not walk for the better part of a month. my leg tripled in size to the knee. all this in bangkok in front of my house.



Hmmm big spiders must be a bit of a Lao thing then as many people saying they ain't seen any in Thailand!

A few months back we had a couple of beautiful tarantulas knocking around - light brown body in colour with creme hairs. One positioned itself on the gate near the handle - fortunately the wife saw it before going to grab the handle. Removed it and set it on it's way not before it did its fighting pose standing on its back legs trying look big n scary! :o I never kill spiders.

We have loads of huntsman spider around seen numerous about 4 inchs from toe to toe - but again they do really bite and aren't particuarly venomous.

We have trap door spider all over the place outback - well I see the webs anyway never seen any actual spiders.



we often have brown spiders in the house about 4-5 inches toe to toe at the very most. The wife says they are not dangerous but if you are bitten , your skin will itch like crazy when it rains. :o anyone else heard of this? sounds a bit iffy to me :D


I am very scared of spiders and when I see one I either go running or try to kill them no matter big or small.

But a Thai friend of me told me that it are the smaller ones you have to be carefull of as some of them when bitten can cause some real harm.


Spiders scare the h-ll out of me, big ones or small ones, dunno why, ive never been bitten.

one day i was in my office and was going through my desk and a hugh brown spider ran over the back of my hand, wooohhaaa, I ran out of the room like you couldnt imagine. anyway, one of my staff laughed and said they dont hurt and went in to find it. a little later even he came running out of the office. dont know what it was.

it freaked us all out.........


Be aware peeps that there are brown widows (Latrodectus elegans) in Thailand my garage is full of them. Though they have a strong venom similar to their cousin the Black widow they are very shy and less likely to bite. They also tend to be smaller than the Black Widow or Red Back of Australia but I would suggest care be taken if you have young children. I have to regularly spray my garage to get rid of them.


As to which spiders are poisonous? They all are, it's just a matter of how poisonous. Any one know what this one is. It is Yellow and black, across the legs about an adults hand size. It builds a big web easily 1 metre diameter.

Hmmm big spiders must be a bit of a Lao thing then as many people saying they ain't seen any in Thailand!

A few months back we had a couple of beautiful tarantulas knocking around - light brown body in colour with creme hairs. One positioned itself on the gate near the handle - fortunately the wife saw it before going to grab the handle. Removed it and set it on it's way not before it did its fighting pose standing on its back legs trying look big n scary! :D I never kill spiders.

We have loads of huntsman spider around seen numerous about 4 inchs from toe to toe - but again they do really bite and aren't particuarly venomous.

We have trap door spider all over the place outback - well I see the webs anyway never seen any actual spiders.



Not to kill spiders.


This is a spider that ventured into my kitchen on Koh Phayam close to Ranong

The locals that saw it said that they had never seen one like it. Can anyone verify species?

I don't know whether it's poisonous, but it certainly is showing some venom!


I live just outside Pattaya and the Tarantula count in my garden so far is 5, the largest was about 10cm. Last night I got a phone call from the guy across the road just to see what he had found, must have been mummy/daddy to my spiders, it was close to 8 inches across!!!!!


Not to kill spiders.

Scorpions however get a stick through them on first glance!!! :D

Kebabs? :D Yummy.

I live in Rayong. Have seen a few grey coloured tarantulas in the garden and environs over the years. Not very big, mind. Those huge spindly buggers that like to get into the house usually get the "Garfield treatment" though... :o

This is a spider that ventured into my kitchen on Koh Phayam close to Ranong

The locals that saw it said that they had never seen one like it. Can anyone verify species?

I don't know whether it's poisonous, but it certainly is showing some venom!

Sure looks like a variation of the Trantuala's in America. You know the fuzzy type the expos & the petting zoo's have.

I had a couple in my hand & on my arm & was assured they wouldn't bite! Still didn't care for the experience.

I have been bit by spiders in Pattaya & surrounding area's & while they itch & welt up I think I would rather that then a hornet or wasp anyday. The brown widow does not look like fun. I got nailed by a black widow in Santa Cruz California & sent me to the hospital for a lancing.Thank God it wasn't a recluse spider as they are prevalent in that area in California. Hopefully they are not here. They do rot limbs worse than gang green AIIIIIII!

  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to bring back this old tread, but I have a question regarding a spider.

My wife and my visiting niece went up to Kanchanaburi the other day.

During a visit to the restroom, my niece looked strait at this spider (attached) on the restroom door infront of her.

Nedless to say but she got extremely scared.

My wife went in and took this pic.

Can anyone tell me about this spider?

it is prox 4-5 inches (total width).



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