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Headache from alcohol


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I never ever got a headache from booze. I felt a little rough occasionally and over the last 15 years needed the hair of the dog to feel back to 100% again! I'm over 50 now and have cut back a lot over the years, in fact I rarely drink now. I think I managed to escape without any serious liver damage...

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Anything else in the mix? From personal experience I know some Viagra or Cialis can give u a serious headache as a side effect. Regular excess caffiene also.

The more water u can drink after alcohol the better. I always have water next to the bed. I have also become very partial now to the Thai way of drinking beer.with ice. This takes care of the cerebral dehydration problem as u drink. And after all its lager not beer, I think the ice compliments the taste and, in this climate, ice cold lager never tasted better. Keep adding small amounts of beer to the ice and it stays fresh and lively. Large bottles and glasses of beer get flatter and warmer much quicker in this climate.

.........If it persists, as the headache is only on one side I would definitely get it checked out. Having said that, me Thai missus often complains of a headache on one side. I tell her its because she only has half a brain!

I think switching from beer to 40% spirits is a backward step regarding aging and health.

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Do you wear glasses or use glasses when you need to read something? If you go out drinking do you take your glasses with you? Sometimes I found that after 40 was when I first needed reading glasses and if you forget to use them whilst knockin'

back a few cold ones or more; its possible this strain on your eyes could cause the headache.'

Advise : If you can afford Doctors or have health insurance if you are ill more then just headaches and be covered. Go get a

good Bangkok Hospital Doctor's opinion to be sure !!! BB

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Go to the Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya, get the Comprehensive Physical, I was surprised to find out I had hyper-tension, and was border line type II diabetic - both silent killers.............I took medicine for a year and watched my diet & alcohol consumption - 2 beers a day no more and no Binge Drinking like we did when we were young - I am 64 now and although take 2 pills twice a day, my BP is normal 120-130/80.......blood sugars down to around 100............I went because, I too was having terrible hangovers, I thought my Teelock bartender was poisoning me (just kidding, but I wanted to know for sure)thumbsup.gif

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Change your drink and see what happens...firstly change the beer brand and see...then if no change, change from beer to spirits, choose one and stick to it.

I had headaches from beer almost instantly several years ago, stopped drinking it altogether and went to gin and then whiskey soda...never a problem since and wake up tired, but fine the next day.

Why not just quit drinking alcohol?-wai2.gif

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I'm not a doctor, but I did play one when I was younger. Here's my thoughts on it:

I would think a cerebral aneurysm would be more likely than a tumor if the headache only occurs after drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol causes dehydration which in turn causes higher blood pressure. I think an aneurysm is unlikely but an MRI would rule that out.

Try drinking champagne one night instead of beer. If you still wake up with a headache, it's probably due to the effects of the alcohol (or dehydration) instead of allergens/adulterants in the beer. I used to get nasal congestion if I drank beer, and a headache. I can drink 3 bottles of Moët and as long as I drink some water afterwards, I wake up feeling fine.

Drink 500ml of water and take an aspirin before going to sleep. If that works, try it without the aspirin.

The Gatorade was a good suggestion also. It rehydrates and restores electrolytes.

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Another possible cause of headaches is sleep apnea . If you snore (your missus will tell you if you do ), it is a sign of sleep apnea and drinking alcohol before sleep is not advisable as it relaxes you too much and you will stop breathing thru the night thus starving your brain of oxygen .

The main thing is to get it checked out by an expert . Everybody has given you good advice about the possibilities but you do need to follow it up.

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Change your drink and see what happens...firstly change the beer brand and see...then if no change, change from beer to spirits, choose one and stick to it.

I had headaches from beer almost instantly several years ago, stopped drinking it altogether and went to gin and then whiskey soda...never a problem since and wake up tired, but fine the next day.

"never a problem since and wake up tired ..." I'd say that's a problem.

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Rickard's Red back home in Canada does it for me. One beer and I have a splitter next day. Don't really know why.

But I have a buddy that gets bad headaches and sometimes nose bleeds if he takes two much Viagra.

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Where are you drinking these beers?

If you're at home and you cook for yourself then it probably is the beer.

If you're eating out and consuming massive amounts of MSG, then I would say the MSG

is the problem. Just a tad of MSG and I get a massive headache which is why I cook

for myself.

MSG....the blight of Asia.


Bullshit. If you eat processed/packaged farang food (crackers, potato or corn chips, salad dressing, ANY Western fast food, etc.), you're getting a TON of MSG, at least as much as you get in Asian food, if not more.

There's nothing wrong with MSG (we criminalize it in English by insisting on calling it by a chemical name...think about it, do we call table salt "Sodium Chloride"?) as long as it's in moderation, it's just a spice. No research study has ever proven a link between headaches and MSG (and keep in mind, as I said, that the people--Westerners--who usually report this only report it when they've had Asian food, while MSG is just as plentiful if not more in Western food). It's an imaginary ailment.

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There's nothing wrong with MSG (we criminalize it in English by insisting on calling it by a chemical name...think about it, do we call table salt "Sodium Chloride"?) as long as it's in moderation, it's just a spice. No research study has ever proven a link between headaches and MSG (and keep in mind, as I said, that the people--Westerners--who usually report this only report it when they've had Asian food, while MSG is just as plentiful if not more in Western food). It's an imaginary ailment.

I guess I have a vivid imagination, then.

You can discount MY experiences all you want. I'll be polite enough to not discount yours.

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For my own info. which beer do you drink?

Two sips of Singha or three of Chang and I get a ripper headache. Leo, no problem.

I'm sure I'm in the minority.

Same here...singh too strong.

Chang not that nice.

But leo no problem

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Where are you drinking these beers?

If you're at home and you cook for yourself then it probably is the beer.

If you're eating out and consuming massive amounts of MSG, then I would say the MSG

is the problem. Just a tad of MSG and I get a massive headache which is why I cook

for myself.

MSG....the blight of Asia.


Bullshit. If you eat processed/packaged farang food (crackers, potato or corn chips, salad dressing, ANY Western fast food, etc.), you're getting a TON of MSG, at least as much as you get in Asian food, if not more.

There's nothing wrong with MSG (we criminalize it in English by insisting on calling it by a chemical name...think about it, do we call table salt "Sodium Chloride"?) as long as it's in moderation, it's just a spice. No research study has ever proven a link between headaches and MSG (and keep in mind, as I said, that the people--Westerners--who usually report this only report it when they've had Asian food, while MSG is just as plentiful if not more in Western food). It's an imaginary ailment.

Thanks but I don't eat processed or packaged farang food and any other thanks, but you are right, there is MSG is just about everything as well as they use different names to disguise it.

MSG is not a spice and never was, it's an exitotoxin that was created in a lab. Do some foods naturally contain glutamates, yes, daikon or the white chinese radish is one of them.

To say publicly and strongly that there is no research about MSG and the effects it has on the body, was pretty darn ridiculous.

when you disagree with the expert here, please post your credentials and published documentation, thanks "Ajaan"


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To say publicly and strongly that there is no research about MSG and the effects it has on the body, was pretty darn ridiculous.

when you disagree with the expert here, please post your credentials and published documentation, thanks "Ajaan"



For how many decades were there "no studies" indicating that smoking was addictive, or linked to cancer?

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Forget all that crapola about changing brands or types of alcohol. The body breaks it down all the same, and the alcohol causes dehydration. Notice how much you urinate....does not make a difference wine, beer or liquor.....you will piss it all out, and then some more. Replace your fluid with a sports drink and lots of water. Eating something with potassium will help to....(bananas).

If you only get a headache after drinking, it is just exactly that....otherwise, see a doctor. Stop drinking for a month and see if that works.

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Some serious good advice here, and hopefully it is possible to a few headache free drinks in the future.

My blood pressure is 70/110, stress free job and no signs of diabetes from my yearly health check.

Since I am not drunk after 3 beers, I have taken the time to sit down, watch TV, drink water and have some snacks before going to bed. I found that chocolate made the headache worse, but potato chips might help a bit. The following day coffee does relief the headache a bit, so caffeine combined with dehydration could be a factor.

As for testing different beers, Singha is a big NO, havent had one for 10 years. Heineken = headache, Chang Light is better and San Miguel Light best. Also tried Erdinger with better results.

Wine is hit and miss. I one had a one month headache after a free for all wine bar at Pullman Hotel, will never do that again. White wine seems to be easier on the head than red. I will defiantly try the Champagne suggestion.

No a big drinker of stronger spirits, but will give it a try.

MSG is also a good suggestion, but I try to avoid it as much as possible.

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You mentioned you ate chocolate afterwards. I used to eat my body weight in chocolate yearly but now it gives me headaches. Try skipping the chocolate and see what happens.

I already gave up on the chocolate, but it sure tasted nice.

My other big drawback in term of tolerance to alcohol is that I stay dry 30 day ever second month, due to work. The first beer dosn't even taste that nice, but I also doesn't want to give up social drinking. 3 beers hang-over free 2 times a week would be perfect for me.

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Crikey I was drinking 30+ drinks a night during the peak of my career. Approaching 50 I can still drink the occasional 20 and I ain't even the best drinker out of my friends. I don't really get headaches.

Yes, but this is in the gay forum.

innit ?

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Crikey I was drinking 30+ drinks a night during the peak of my career. Approaching 50 I can still drink the occasional 20 and I ain't even the best drinker out of my friends. I don't really get headaches.

Yes, but this is in the gay forum.

innit ?

Does being gay give you a headache?

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I would guess that if it did, then you're doing it wrong...

Crikey I was drinking 30+ drinks a night during the peak of my career. Approaching 50 I can still drink the occasional 20 and I ain't even the best drinker out of my friends. I don't really get headaches.

Yes, but this is in the gay forum.

innit ?

Does being gay give you a headache?

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If you are drinking only 5 bottles of beer, then this leads me to believe you do not have the same kind of headache I always have the morning after.

My friends told me that after 10 beers I would forget that I am an adult and over 6 feet tall,

For some reason I would forget all the years from when I was 11 years old until the present.

Then since I would think I was still 4 feet tall, as I was when I was 11 years old,

I would bump my head into the lowest branch of a tree in our front yard.

I always went on that path when I was 11 years old without mishap,

But now I am actually much taller and the branch hits me square in the upper forehead.

This gives me a huge headache in the morning, but it is something I never remember doing,

Either from a near concussion, or just because I am also now losing my memory from having too many brain cells killed off by Lao.

I do not advise this route because staying sober is probably better.

What do you think?

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I'm no doc, but fwiw...

Toxins may be building up. Plastics hold our food, especially in LOS.





Xeno estrogens


Which brings up allergies to what we consume. Maybe it's ethyl alcohol. Maybe it's just something like nightshades. Alcohol may aggravate something - additive inflammation.


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Crikey I was drinking 30+ drinks a night during the peak of my career. Approaching 50 I can still drink the occasional 20 and I ain't even the best drinker out of my friends. I don't really get headaches.

Drinking the most made me the "worst" drinker of all my friends. Do you see people bragging about being the best smoker or heroin user? I never got headaches too. When drinking two large bottles of whisky plus a few Changs, there was no time for that.

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