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Where are my ancestors.


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The ones who died early first century AD and before? Christianity wasnt invented then ,along with heaven and hell, so, where did they go when they died? Also, if my wife is athiest and me christian, does that mean we wont go to the same place when we are dead? Cant sleep for wondering.

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As a dyslexic, agnostic insomniac I lie awake at night wondering if there is a dog

I lay awake at night wondering why TV doesn't start a mentally deranged forum for some of our members one suspects there would be plenty of contributors

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The answer is that we do not know and that we can only have faith.

We cannot easily erase the information put on our virgin brain between the age of 0 and 5 years (mostly by our mothers)

I am educated as a Christian and my wife is educated as a Buddhist : in Buddhism the existence of God is not an issue because it is a way of life ...

My conclusion is that mankind must learn to differentiate the meaning of the words "to know" and "to believe"

- we can say that we "know" if we can have access to and measure the size, the temperature, the colour, the weight, etc...of things

- if we do not have this access then we must decide to believe or not believe

About God we are all believers : "yes believers" and "non believers" because nobody on this planet has the brain power to come up with scientific evidence which proves or rejects the existence of God.

In the end I consider this as an ultimate justice so that everybody from the humblest of minds to the most powerful brains has the same hurdle when facing the "WHY" of our existence...and facing God.

That is why the deep and devote faith in God of my father and mother (both born in 1912) who could hardly read and write, was certainly as good or even better than the faith of me, their more educated son.

If you and your wife live according to the 10 Commandments (putting aside the first Commandment about which everybody needs to make his own choice) I am sure you both will be OK because the God I believe is not Saddam Hussein or Pol Pot or Hitler. Indeed in my opinion God will not reject the more than one billion people in East and South East Asia who are born as Buddhists or Confucianists or even atheists...more important will be how those people have lived.

Those Commandments have roots in ancient countries such as Egypt (and so many other things such as Creation in the Jewish holy books have their roots in the Gilgamesh Epic) :

See :

Edited by fvw53
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The ones who died early first century AD and before? Christianity wasnt invented then ,along with heaven and hell, so, where did they go when they died? Also, if my wife is athiest and me christian, does that mean we wont go to the same place when we are dead? Cant sleep for wondering.

Yes, it was invented then. The scriptures back to Genesis speak of the redeemer.

I'm not a hard core person that debates religion for any sake of desire to contend, but if you want truths, they can be had. The philosophies of men mingled with scripture will never give a sense of enlightenment.

pm me if you want to chat more. I have solid answers to those questions that work for me.

BTW, while I am a Christian, I find most Thai Buddhist followers are better Christians than most Christians I know, at least in terms of how they treat others.

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The answer is that we do not know and that we can only have faith.
We cannot easily erase the information put on our virgin brain between the age of 0 and 5 years (mostly by our mothers)
I am educated as a Christian and my wife is educated as a Buddhist : in Buddhism the existence of God is not an issue because it is a way of life ...
My conclusion is that mankind must learn to differentiate the meaning of the words "to know" and "to believe"
- we can say that we "know" if we can have access to and measure the size, the temperature, the colour, the weight, etc...of things
- if we do not have this access then we must decide to believe or not believe
About God we are all believers : "yes believers" and "non believers" because nobody on this planet has the brain power to come up with scientific evidence which proves or rejects the existence of God.
In the end I consider this as an ultimate justice so that everybody from the humblest of minds to the most powerful brains has the same hurdle when facing the "WHY" of our existence...and facing God.
That is why the deep and devote faith in God of my father and mother (both born in 1912) who could hardly read and write, was certainly as good or even better than the faith of me, their more educated son.
If you and your wife live according to the 10 Commandments (putting aside the first Commandment about which everybody needs to make his own choice) I am sure you both will be OK because the God I believe is not Saddam Hussein or Pol Pot or Hitler. Indeed in my opinion God will not reject the more than one billion people in East and South East Asia who are born as Buddhists or Confucianists or even atheists...more important will be how those people have lived.
Those Commandments have roots in ancient countries such as Egypt (and so many other things such as Creation in the Jewish holy books have their roots in the Gilgamesh Epic) :
See :

You need to read The God Delusion.

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