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Yingluck dithers as emergency decree proves to be a dud


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So Thanong didn't realize that the Navy commander is red? Even if he wasn't and was willing to stage a coup, remember the last time the Navy tried to stage a coup? Seems Prayuth is being criticized by both sides. Not surprising as he's obviously trying to play both sides of the coin. I believe he and Thanasak have ruled out a coup, despite the fact that they might be willing to give tacit support to the protesters while ostensibly aiding the government. So if you see Prayuth and Thanasak leaving the country, there's a good chance of a coup, but otherwise...

Problem is Suthep seems to be wandering around aimlessly collecting money despite the fact he knows there's no way out of this without a coup. The anti-govt side don't know what the end game is. That much is clear from Thanong's article. He can't see past the military. Court action alone will not create a "People's Council".

Edited by Emptyset
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A naval coup. Would that be a first?

Check out the 1976 coup and the Manhaten Rebellion 1951

76 coup was lead by an Admiral but with backing of most of the military. Manhattan Rebellion was the one I was thinking of - and was obviously a disaster. In any case, the point is moot because I'm pretty sure the Navy Chief is with the government. Vinai obviously isn't, but I don't think the SEALs could pull off a coup alone.

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Army Chief Prayuth Chan-ocha and Supreme Commander General Thanasak Patimaprakorn have been betting on the wrong horse all along by providing support to the Yingluck government.

What the author has got very astray 'IMHO' that the Army has been supporting the people not this current government. This have been civil to Yingluck and Thaksins Pheu Thai government during Yinglucks puppeteer show. Army Chief Prayuth Chan-ocha is proving to be the best leader of any that are currently on display in the politicial field, and by a long show.

You're saying what a lot of reds are saying. Anti-govt people are saying different, they think Prayuth should've at least done more to support them, if not launched an outright coup. I think it's more complicated than those on both sides generally have it. John Cole and Steve Sciacchitano's recent analysis in the Asia Times was spot on. They've been pretty much correct since they started writing. If anyone wants to know what's been going on with the military during the past few years, there's no better source in English (probably in Thai too actually) than their articles. It's worth remembering too - that these entities aren't monolithic - Yingluck talks to Prayuth often and trusts him (supposedly anyway). Others in the government don't. Prayuth doesn't want to stage a coup, certain subordinates would like nothing better...

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"Recent failures in the implementation of emergency decrees were witnessed first under the Samak government and then under the Somchai administration. In both cases, the military took charge but were reluctant to employ force against the yellow-shirt protesters. The emergency decree was thus reduced to a paper tiger. The Abhisit government also declared a state of emergency, responding to the red-shirt protests. In that case, the military, after an initial delay, did step in to drive the red shirts from the Ratchaprasong area and end one of the bloodiest episodes in modern Thai history"

>A neat encapsulation of the 'double standards" thing....At least the military version and their Elitist anti-democratic overseers.......

>"....end one of the bloodiest episodes in modern Thai history"..........Really?...With over 90 deaths as a result of this Soldier-in-Civilian perversion, wasn't it rather the beginning?......

>Calling that Coup-rooted Govt. the "..Abhisit government..." also gives it a veneer of normalcy by omission of its' genesis, even though the two principle leaders of this current coup-intentioned version are subject to judicial proceedings for alleged murder in that previous coup incarnation.

>Talking about double standards, another skin-to-this-onion is comparing the military enforcement of the current Emergency Decree and that of clearing the airport. It has an eerily similar pattern. While their attack on a primarily female populated protest in 2010 was conducted as-and-when ordered while the airporters were left undisturbed....No mutiny then.

Is it any wonder the UDD/RS's look upon this military as not only being an extension of the Elitist-rooted coup-mongers, thereby being no better than a foreign occupying force...And all I'm doing is reflecting what I hear from them..

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Blatant tabloid trash, about as opinionated as it gets... opinion all one sided of course... this paper is about as credible and unbiased as the SUN back home .... except it peddles itself as a broadsheet intellectual paper... pathetic really cant even quote people in full and has to hack out snippets and realign them...example.... Mr Navy nutjob game changer said things very differently in the original interview lol

Sounds like the western media's coverage of Thailand


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Heavens sake! It used to be embarrassing to tell folks back home that you live in Thailand. all those winks, nudge nudge, is your wife a ladyboy, are you some sort of sex pervert etc

Now the sniggers and comments have changed...

'Thailand? That's the Keystone Cops place isn't it? That's the Yes Minister country? How on earth can you live in a failed state like that?

I think on my next trip to the UK I'm going to say that I live in Cambodia and smuggle drugs for a living. At least I won't get laughed at so much smile.png

cheesy.gif Nice one. Be careful though who you say it to as arriving / leaving you may be introduced to the joys of a body cavity search and if you're suffering from piles ... double Ouch !

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