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Lots of Freetime - What Options Are There?

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Lots of reading, lots of movies, starting to write again, working overseas on Elance.com (this one is suprisingly good if you have any web/writing/language skills if you target US/Aus/UK/NZ businesses)..

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You seem really self-absorbed, which will eventually lead to boredom and even despair.

Start investing your life in others (volunteer work, teaching, helping a neighbor with a project, joining a charity project, contact an NGO to see how you can help, etc.). Suddenly your life will help to take on more meaning, when you see others benefiting from your efforts.

Psychiatric TV evaluation team kicked in, I see.

As previously said, what makes you think I haven't done all these things? As a matter of fact done more with Red Cross and some other than most, I would guess. I bet that quite a many have benefited from my efforts. Maybe didn't help neighbor with any projects but helped a fellow expat with his building project for free (meaning I was laboring there probably against the Thai law).

Somebody mentioned inner boredom. Maybe. But it might also have something to do with the Thai family life. It is not like Europe where everything is discussed openly with the core family and all are well aware what is going on and so on. My family works every day or attends school so they have plenty of other social circles than I do. However, I feel that Thais are pretty "self-absorbed" bunch themselves. Me, myself and I -could be the Thai motto. Sometimes I feel that talking doesn't really sink in but maybe this is different in all other Thai-Farang relationships?

And as said, I don't do:




Holiday Resorts

Traveling in Thailand

BECAUSE I have done it quite enough in the past - except the hookers. If you feel good drinking yourself silly and talking to delusional drunken friends every night, please do so. Up to You as Thais say. These things are no interest to me.

I am more interested how people have come up with interesting solutions and activities passing their time here in LOS.

If you can read, reread the title:

Lots of Freetime - What Options Are There?

gambling gaming ,watching movies ,reading ,eating ,socialising ,exercising ,education,learning new skills or hobbies ,bettering yourself as a person ,masterbating ,investing ,depends on what you like really

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I truly liked this link. Thanks.


It could be my story except that I am still sort of semi-retired, not into computers at all and I have tried many of those things and can say that he absolutely correct about NGOs. They have their own staff and hanger-ons who like to get paid. There is plenty of money circulating in those circles and many willing to fill their own and family's pockets. Nothing new under the sun.

I believe I should probably do some sort of a plan that would excite me. Some here said I should travel...my family still owns couple travel agencies and i bet that if you don't fly for work, I might be the well-traveled person here. traveling without purpose is not my thing. I liked the links suggestion to get on one of those organized trips. Maybe something to do with literary places in UK or similar. I like culture and Arts in any form.

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Buy a house....that'll keep you busy......always something to do.

I have two houses and a two summer cottages already. Here in Thailand 5 Rais of garden to look after to.

No, not a solution for me even it certainly makes me busy sometimes.

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onni4me, on 24 Jan 2014 - 20:51, said:

I don't have a miserable life. Boredom? Perhaps after all these years here things start to repeat themselves.

What comes to going for a walk, bike ride, hiking, camping, buy a thousand fireworks and let them off, open a business, buy a Tuk-Tuk and ride across Thailand...who says that i haven't done all that in 10+ years...although, i was not aware that riding a Tuk-Tuk is legal on the motorways...I use a bike or a car.

I didn't expect much asking how others fulfill their days but it seems trolling and filling net with meaningless posts on ThaiVisa is a lifeline for some.

Just remember, the grass always looks greener on the other side. The hard part about leaving is the fact that you take yourself with you. What makes you think you won't be bored wherever you move to? You could always study Buddhism, do something creative like writing the novel you always wanted to write, learn how to paint, learn how to cook Thai, start an internet business, start working out and improving your health, help out someone who is disadvantaged and only needs a leg up on life, volunteer, or if you're really bored, take an extended vacation in Europe. If your life is renewed in Europe, then you have your answer. That is, at least until you get bored again. In my humble opinion (no offense), only lazy or unimaginative people get bored.

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Buy a house....that'll keep you busy......always something to do.

I have two houses and a two summer cottages already. Here in Thailand 5 Rais of garden to look after to.

No, not a solution for me even it certainly makes me busy sometimes.

Seems like you've been there, done that. It's your life....find something to do. There are plenty of suggestions in previous posts, none of which appear to be of you liking, or you have already done. What more do you expect from us? Volunteer for 6 months duty in the Antarctic, climb a mountain, up to you, and only you can decide what is right for you.

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OP, curious what you did back home before as self improvement and self mastery things. PM me if you would rather not get too personal. I do free life coaching.


You seem really self-absorbed, which will eventually lead to boredom and even despair.

Start investing your life in others (volunteer work, teaching, helping a neighbor with a project, joining a charity project, contact an NGO to see how you can help, etc.). Suddenly your life will help to take on more meaning, when you see others benefiting from your efforts.

Psychiatric TV evaluation team kicked in, I see.

As previously said, what makes you think I haven't done all these things? As a matter of fact done more with Red Cross and some other than most, I would guess. I bet that quite a many have benefited from my efforts. Maybe didn't help neighbor with any projects but helped a fellow expat with his building project for free (meaning I was laboring there probably against the Thai law).

Somebody mentioned inner boredom. Maybe. But it might also have something to do with the Thai family life. It is not like Europe where everything is discussed openly with the core family and all are well aware what is going on and so on. My family works every day or attends school so they have plenty of other social circles than I do. However, I feel that Thais are pretty "self-absorbed" bunch themselves. Me, myself and I -could be the Thai motto. Sometimes I feel that talking doesn't really sink in but maybe this is different in all other Thai-Farang relationships?

And as said, I don't do:




Holiday Resorts

Traveling in Thailand

BECAUSE I have done it quite enough in the past - except the hookers. If you feel good drinking yourself silly and talking to delusional drunken friends every night, please do so. Up to You as Thais say. These things are no interest to me.

I am more interested how people have come up with interesting solutions and activities passing their time here in LOS.

If you can read, reread the title:

Lots of Freetime - What Options Are There?

You have asked others for their opinions. Twice now you have responded negatively to suggestions. In this case above, you have become insulting to the contributor who cannot possibly have known what you have done in your time here. How dare you be so rude?

If you don't want comments that you may not like, either do not ask the question or supply a list of what you have done. I find your response above to be outrageous and completely without thought.

Of course, just maybe, you are trolling to fill your boring life?


Go somewhere else for awhile, then you'll know and understand exactly why you stayed here for so long and will want to return.

Especially if that somewhere else is the UK.

Why are you always slagging off Britain?


Go somewhere else for awhile, then you'll know and understand exactly why you stayed here for so long and will want to return.

Especially if that somewhere else is the UK.

Why are you always slagging off Britain?

Because I hate every UK government in my adult lifetime, they overcrowd the country with emigrants, they overtax us, this tax, that tax, etc etc etc. I hate the hypocritical, cheating MPs. They allow energy companies to keep putting their prices up, causing OAPs to die every winter in their thousands through cold related illnesses. Give them the smallest pensions in Europe. Rob them of their annual pension increases if they live outside the EU. Should I go on?

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Go somewhere else for awhile, then you'll know and understand exactly why you stayed here for so long and will want to return.

Especially if that somewhere else is the UK.

Why are you always slagging off Britain?

Because I hate every UK government in my adult lifetime, they overcrowd the country with emigrants, they overtax us, this tax, that tax, etc etc etc. I hate the hypocritical, cheating MPs. They allow energy companies to keep putting their prices up, causing OAPs to die every winter in their thousands through cold related illnesses. Give them the smallest pensions in Europe. Rob them of their annual pension increases if they live outside the EU. Should I go on?

Ok well I don't wanna turn this thread into a debate on Britain's woes -real or, in your case, imagined - so all I'll say is this:

If you actually are British, you should consider surrendering your passport and renouncing your citizenship.

With Brits like you, who needs the French?



I live in a quite isolated area and there isn't much social life with other expats and like you, I have grown extremely intolerant of local social venues and now avoid them as much as I can because I do get tired of trying to converse with locals that have a 4 yr old's comprehension of English and just want to be friendly.


Hmm, did you ever think that, since YOU'RE the immigrant here, perhaps YOU should learn to speak Thai "better than a four year old" after all this time?

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You have too much free time because You don't do see other options. I go to school to learn tai twice a week.I have a very nice and professional teacher with whom I can discuss different things and I must do my homework on top of that.. I exercise an hour a day, swim,walk whatever..I have massage 3-4 times a week. Only massage, I say that to stop any comments concerning the massage :). Everyone up to his own, but for me it's very important that I have this schedule for my everyday life. When Your done with Your homework or Your exercise a beer or two taste just delicous...

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I don't have a miserable life. Boredom? Perhaps after all these years here things start to repeat themselves.

What comes to going for a walk, bike ride, hiking, camping, buy a thousand fireworks and let them off, open a business, buy a Tuk-Tuk and ride across Thailand...who says that i haven't done all that in 10+ years...although, i was not aware that riding a Tuk-Tuk is legal on the motorways...I use a bike or a car.

I didn't expect much asking how others fulfill their days but it seems trolling and filling net with meaningless posts on ThaiVisa is a lifeline for some.

It's not for everyone but to some it would be self gratifying. With all your life experiences you could easily share it with younger people. Do some volunteer work or see if you can do something creative at the university. Start-up something new! Share your experiences! There are many people that come here to live and don't have a clue what's going on or where to find something they need. You have a tremendous wealth of knowledge but it seems that your keeping it all to your self. Idle hands make Devil play. The reason why you think things repeat themselves is because your mind or attitude is the same. I think if you should think of what brings you happiness and gives you a feeling of worth. Your intelligence is fast and bordedom is quick to settle in. Share something and help others. You know Thailand and all it's people need your help. And people from other countries that come here, well they need your guidance too. I hope that I can meet you someday. I would be honored to here of your many experiences here in Thailand. We all have times of boredom! Don't bail out on us just yet. You still have value but you need to see it in yourself first. The best to you Sir!


I can kind of feel what you are going through. And I certainly agree that the intellectual stimuli here are rather sparse.

Like you I have had my share of family events, bar visits, trips around the country and disgust from the beaches, but you know, it doesn't really matter where you are, the same or similar feelings creep up wherever you are. So, what can change that?

I believe and have experienced that the company of the right people with a similar attitude can make a bif difference. I was fortunate enough to get invited to a group of people, all academics, who use their time and resources to improve the life of others. It's a challenging up-hill battle but if you believe like me that it's worth the efforts, it can be very satisfying, both intellectually and emotionally.

Contact me if you would like to know more, I don't want to go into details here. Just one detail: no religion and no politics involved.

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I live in a quite isolated area and there isn't much social life with other expats and like you, I have grown extremely intolerant of local social venues and now avoid them as much as I can because I do get tired of trying to converse with locals that have a 4 yr old's comprehension of English and just want to be friendly.


Hmm, did you ever think that, since YOU'RE the immigrant here, perhaps YOU should learn to speak Thai "better than a four year old" after all this time?

Sorry I don't meet your standards, but my handicap in learning Thai is that I'm tone deaf..............meaning that I can't distinguish the 5 tones in Thai and therefore can't repeat them and I almost consider that a blessing, as I see so many 'wanna be Thai' falangs trying to speak their limited Thai and it comes out of their mouths as a 4 yr old Thai and they revert to 'hand language' and a lot of misunderstanding on both sides.

Not to say that there are not exceptions, but it seems that most 'wanna be Thai/falangs' fit that.............some people are blessed with the talent to learn languages and songs and music etc, but that's not my strong point, so please forgive me................

And if you read my post, I was referring to drunk Thais speaking like 4 yr olds and I should have mentioned drunk falangs as well.....

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