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Cambodian citizens implicated in murder of Thai protester in Bang-na


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Who are the forces providing protection, moral support and financing for Suthep's crusade? Who were the forces providing similar backing to the 1976 murderers including Krating Daeng? They wouldn't be the same by any chance? And if the backers were essentially the same wouldn't that be ironic?

It would be ironic, if it were as you indicate, but the chance is pretty slim. The only constant thing since then is the existence of the royalist Democrat Party.

And the thinking and feeling at that time was different. In '73, when the demonstrators managed to get rid of the Thanom/Prapass clique, the Vietnam war was in it's final stage, in '76, when the military overhtrew teh government, the Vietnam war was over, the fear of a domino effect, that the neighbourign countries would be the next to fall, was pretty strong and the military had started to run paramilitary training to villagers. In addition the mood in the cities had turned from relief from the dictators to being fed up with incompetent politicians.

Without looking into it in detail I would doubt, the backers of the Navaphon and Krating Daeng of those days are the same that back up Suthep these days.

As for protection today that is coming from top level military, but also business, etc. Moral suport comes from the demonstrators and the financing again from those, who hold their hand over the present demonstrations. I read somewhere, the demonstrations of the current extend cost about 10 million Baht a day, but that might be a ballpark figure. And remember, that lots of demonstrators are also handing over money each day. The are donation boxes at all stationary sites.

But overall I think the red shirts campaign some 3, 4 years ago was way more expensive.

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... Or was it an average voter p,seed off with the closing of his voting station

This one has got my vote ! The reds are the last ones to want violence of this degree, however it would suit Suthep to have the army involved and he has proved that he does not give a shit for anybody but himself, by telling his 'sheep' to fight with bare hands whilst keeping an armed mob of thugs around himself.

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So Suthep says it may be a Cambodian and this rates a news story? At least he can supply a credible source for such an inflammatory story, can't he? No? Then please don't repeat more of his outrageous statements as "news." Propaganda should be left in the streets where it originated.

I agree, 80 snipers on roof tops? the guy was probably shot because he was preventing other Thais from casting their votes, yet there will always be "someone" who will publish inflammanatory false statements for good reading! Cnn comes to mind. and maybe the nation? or thai visa forum?

SO IN YOUR WORLD, people go off to elections carrying rifles and weapons of aggression just in case someone gets in the way to the ballot box? Are you completely insane? One face crying 'my democratic right to vote' and the other face sneering 'I'll shoot anyone who dare stand in my way'.

Some village is missing its idiot.

Yes i agree Dave, its about time you returned home, they are missing you !

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With so many snipers on rooftops they must be freakin hopeless shots with only one dead! Why not take out the leader and have the whole protest thing fall over? Seriously Suthep must be on the Yahbah to dream up these cock n bull stories!

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[suthep] called on commanders of the three armed forces to assign military personnel to protect people who have been exercising their constitutional rights.

What about the voters?


Classic response coming from Suthep's supporters!

Suthep that poor excuse of a human requested the military protect the protesters constitutional rights to block Thai citizens from voting (their constitutional right) by stating "The rights and freedoms of the people are guaranteed under the Constitution" Should be a warning to all freedom loving Thai's that he does not regard them as people!

Beware of the Fascist.

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Plenty of rumour now and in the past on Thai media grapevine and gossip that Cambodians are being hired to do the dirty work, even voting on behalf of long deceased people.

What takes away credibility about the cambodia hit-man story is the lack of thai hit-men complaining their jobs are being taken away by foreigners.

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I have got no idea how much truth there is in Suthep's comments, but I really do wonder what he and the protesters expect.

They have blockaded Bangkok on a off for a number of months, and more severely for about a month, pissing off millions and infringing the rights of millions of people trying to go about their business. Not only do they infringe their rights on a daily basis, but this small minority then think they have the right to stop other Thais from casting their vote at an election. I mean what really gives this very small minority of Thais the right to block other Thais from casting their votes? (many of those going to vote maybe voting for smaller independents, or no voting etc) If you put yourself in your home country and some group decided to stop you voting what would your reaction be? I am sure some people going too vote sympathize with the cause of the rallies, but still want to vote.

After causing all this aggravation, they cannot really be surprised aggression is coming there way. In no way can you condone shootings/violence of any sort, but they have to be naive to the extreme to think that their actions and issues they are causing for millions of people/businesses are not going to piss off a few crazy people among those millions. Then they have the brass neck to ask the army for protection from their illegal acts!

Very good point!

it is disgusting that the old elite power structure has their supporter's placed in so many powerful political positions as a present of the military Junta from the 2006 coup.

Where else in the world is a small minority of the population allowed to disrupt the lives of so many law-abiding citizens and not face the consequences provided under the rule of law, because of the support for their cause by the Military, EC, the court, the Democrats and the bureaucrats of the elite power structure!

The hypocrisy they spout they are trying to save Thailand from a dictatorship of a man that has not set foot in Thailand for 7 years, It is just a Fascist grab for power!


Edited by kikoman
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Well it could be any of a list of viable suspects, including this version.

Clearly there is no longer any compunction not to shoot protest leaders.

Who benefits from their deaths is also a unclear and flexible concept.

Factions in BOTH sides can use it to their benefit, the main losers are of course the deceased,

and the silent majority of Thais wishing to get on with their lives and have this political war close down.

Elite vs elite is only partly the story, it is also about the will of the people

to not be trampled by the winning side any more than for their side to go trampling others.

That would be the majorities position if one can be stated.

Fairness for ALL and no one takes undue advantage.

But that doesn't fit in the feudal Kow Tow mindset of politicians

You didn't really address the assertion of the PDRC.

Do you agree with the assertion that Cambodians are responsible?

In the absence of any supporting evidence, the claim is tantamount to blood libel, hate speech. How is it different than in the US south when a white girl was raped or murdered, a black man was conveniently accused, and then lynched?

The Europeans used to do this to Jews and Roma whenever a crime needed a neat and tidy ending.

The Romans would accuse the early Christians of all manner of horrid crimes.

Do you see the pattern? Do you understand why we should not make unsubstantiated allegations against specific nationalities or ethnic groups?

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So he is insinuating that the hitmen (all 80) were escorted back to the border by the Thai police??

And the motorcade seen by the Rear-Amiral again!!cheesy.gif

Has he completely lost it? No need to answer!!coffee1.gif

Now we are just waiting for his supporters here to join in with some classic in 2010 rhetoric!

when the 80 were on the way back they even organised a raffle ak 47 was first prize!

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Regardless as to whether one may place credence in Suthep's story, a man has been killed. He was shot. He was unarmed. The police were not there, as is always the case. The police arrived well after the fact, as is always the case. The police gathered evidence, as is always the case. And that is the sum total of their investigation, as is always the case. What reality do you find more acceptable ? - that the police through their lack of presence become the defacto enablers of armed vigilante murderers ? - or that others might have been involved ? Does it change the nature of the crime ? Does it change the monstrousness of the act ? Or like the Nazi generals who refused to look at the video clips at Nuremberg, do you prefer to look the other way ?

Wrong again.

They were armed,, they were firing from the speker truck as well as eintimidating Gov Officials.

Youtube video showed it clearly. Not may rooftops downther for 80 snipers.

This is not even for Thai Conmption. This idiot statement is just for the mob. Thai people outside of his braindead clan do not believe a word he says. Again.. Not news, just sutheps propaganda spread from his propaganda arm who are also pulling out the stops.

Looks like some backers going to be outed this week. Be nice to see the slime that can pay to back this clown.

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Quote: "He called on commanders of the three armed forces to assign military personnel to protect people who have been exercising their constitutional rights." Unquote.

By that, I assume he meant the constitutional right to protest. Well and fine. It should be protected. But what about voting - isn't that a constitutional right too? And what/who gave him and his people the right to stop others from exercising THEIR constitutional right (to vote)? Shouldn't ALL constitutional rights be protected? I can understand why some people want the Shins politically removed, and as some posters in TV have already mentioned, how do the PDRC, PCAD whatever, know that some of these voters aren't in fact going to vote AGAINST the Shins?

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Who are the forces providing protection, moral support and financing for Suthep's crusade? Who were the forces providing similar backing to the 1976 murderers including Krating Daeng? They wouldn't be the same by any chance? And if the backers were essentially the same wouldn't that be ironic?

Without looking into it in detail I would doubt, the backers of the Navaphon and Krating Daeng of those days are the same that back up Suthep these days.

Hmm.You might want to look into it in detail then.The background to support for the Krating Daeng etc is all recorded in respect of 1976 in various historical accounts.As to the Suthep led protests it's simply a matter of keeping abreast of which powerful influences are providing support now.I think you will find there's a common denominator.

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Many yellows hate Cambodians as much as (if not more than) they hate the Shins. My yellow-shirt ex-gf once went on a wicked rant about how Cambodians should be wiped off the planet and claimed that Khmer ruins in Thai territory were not actually build by Khmers. I parted ways with her after that craziness. Seems like some members of the latest incarnation of the yellow brigade think along the same lines: that Cambodians are evil and are plotting to bring the country down. [Of course, Thaksin's jaunts to Cambodia only serves to stir up the paranoia and hatred]. I just worry about the consequences of scapegoating a distrusted (by some) minority. If this story gets legs, I wouldn't want to be a Cambodian living in Thailand. Irresponsible and bizarre claims to be making (80 snipers??? Such lousy shots??)

Your post is very good. Groundless accusations (until some proofs can be produced) that Khmer's are involved might hurt their being in Thailand. Without Khmer workers a lot of factories have problems, and they work hard for their money.

Suthep is adding xenofobic oil on an existing xenofobic fire in a xenofobic country. Very worrying.

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