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Suthep threatens to shut down CMPO within a day

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78 protesters at Ratchaprasong at 1630...I counted them

Crowd must have swelled since I went through @ around 3.oopm biggrin.png

Crowd ZERO at 10.00am. About 100 or so of the rent-a-crowd had headed off in trucks to cause trouble somewhere else in Bangkok. The photo in one of the posts above is misleading..what appears to be part of the crowd is, in fact, tents set up by the out-of-town mob. The area between the stage and the tents is quite small. While I'm sure the scheduled concert last night did attract a few more ( for the music or protest, who knows?)...but the ever-dwindling numbers is a sure sign that this is not gathering any momentum. A flop in anyone's definition.

Same here in Asoke. I counted about 12 small trucks loading up and heading off - to Chaeng Wattana perhaps?

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78 protesters at Ratchaprasong at 1630...I counted them

Crowd must have swelled since I went through @ around 3.oopm biggrin.png

Crowd ZERO at 10.00am. About 100 or so of the rent-a-crowd had headed off in trucks to cause trouble somewhere else in Bangkok. The photo in one of the posts above is misleading..what appears to be part of the crowd is, in fact, tents set up by the out-of-town mob. The area between the stage and the tents is quite small. While I'm sure the scheduled concert last night did attract a few more ( for the music or protest, who knows?)...but the ever-dwindling numbers is a sure sign that this is not gathering any momentum. A flop in anyone's definition.

Number even down on last week. I go most nights past there. The bands and the markets draw many in who would be passing anyway.

The pics are great the more photos spread around of the shrunken mob, and their arrogant ways, the more pressure on the Army to stay out. Can't say this enough... Pic circulating like crazy this time and they far outweigh the snide remarks on here and the hilarious 2010 quotes. or saw it on Bluesky smile.png

Less trouble here at the weekend than on any normal day in Pattani. Which is under Army (snigger) control (hahahahaha) down there. So Army in does nothing to lessen the violence, it actually kicks it off for real and the Army are no more professional and capable than the Police. Luckily nobody is at war with Thailand to show what a clueless bunch they are.

The Temple farce. I think they shot more of their own by mistake than Cambodians. Some got lost behind enemy lines and some of the fascist PDRC leaders creating the trouble got arrested and jailed in Cambodia right under the noses of the Thai Army. Coup.... They daren't!!!

So army see mob of 200, can't coup as the 67 million who are not marching might raise the odd eyebrow!

Edited by pipkins
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This is really boring now

I hope the UN does not start to impose sanctions on Thailand as they don't like unstable counties with no democracy

They should be looking for evidence of election fraud or some legal way to push out the government

These protests are not going to help anyone while mean while taksin is laughing his head off in Dubai from his luxury surroundings

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In any other developed/developing countries, cretins such as Suthep would have been labelled "terrorist" with intent to disrupt peace, cause public unrest, and charged with sedition at least. This clown has been blabbering for over 2mths, even his monkey supporters are tired and dwindling in numbers exponentially each day. So if earlier reports were true(and it must be true, after all, it's Thaland) that X dollars were paid out each day to sustain the "supporters", Suthep must have deep pockets and huge financial backers, all of whom want to see their own croonies in power so they can all get a bigger slice of the pie into their own pockets/mouths.

Saw on TV awhile back one of those ignorant clowns saying that the incumbent gvnt must submit to the "will of the majority of Thais"(??? delusional & conveniently self-deceived) and allow "us" to reform the gvnt/country???!!!!!!!!

His shameless statement will put N.Korea's Kim to shame.

Corruption calling for eradication of corruption.

Suthep the murderer calling for justice to be done.

Suthep the terrorist, who disrupts the livelihoods of countless Bangkokians, destroying businesses, country's economy and tarnishing further Thailand's international standing, is pitching himself as the "saviour" of Thailand and self-declared "voice of the people".

In all this charade, he's is telling the Thais and the world that he is bigger than any authority, that he can and will do as he deems fit, that he, or for that matter anyone who's unsatisfied with the authority or anything, can run amok and go around destroying lives/livelihoods/properties. What a fantatic piece of example he is. Such a wuss!

Does he think he's heading the Peace Corps? Does any fool out there subscribe to his notion that "they come in peace" and are holding olive branches? Throughout this episode, it's the gvnt who's holding out the olive branch - too much and for ridiculously long already i would say.

If PTP or it's predecessors are corrupt, well viola!, it's exactly the same as Abishit and his gang of demoncrats, including Shoothep, who ordered the murder of 90+ lives(by official count only) yet unpunished. They are only crying out loud because their own greeds know NO bounds. THEY WANT MORE. No, in fact, THEY WANT ALL. That's the only REAL reason(in my view) for all these rubbish that Suthep is sprouting, amidst the heaps of rubbish that he has already created, of course with the help of the demoncrats and their financial backers, who want the majority of Thais to remain poor and die in sickness.

To think they go temples so often, they really don't believe in karma or they reap what they sow, even though they are indeed reapin what they sowed, now and in future and forever more.

Gd luck to your call to close down whatever you claim to close down. This painfully long and meaningless show is coming to an end, or rather to your end. Toast!

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Every country solve their problems differently, but will poll blockade stop corruption ?
Instead of unify seems it's forcing public to take sides.
Didn't they had a reform council after the last coup,
Didn't the dems rewrite constitution with voting approval,

Protest leader is a Member of Parliament since 70s,
Had he done anything to stop corruption during these 40 years,
Democrat Party dissolved the House of Representatives after the SorPorKor 401 scandal.
Did it sounded right when he say he's patriot.
Is the corrupted blocking another corrupted.

Say this scenario we have corrupted fugitive vs another corrupted,
Can't they find their own fighting ground,
Without making civilians victims and holding them hostage.
Must they use mobs and shut downs instead of good deeds.
Do they have any considerations for others besides their goal.
How can we have faith in corrupted politicians serving only themselves.

There are countries sentenced corrupted politicians to jail,
We have get out of jail free provided lawfully.
Seems a long winding road leads who knows where.

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What a joke. Seriously, why is the coup taking so long?

Are you insane? Not a coup / martial law - there is a difference. In the US, the troops would have closed this illegal assembly down in the first three days.

Sure they would have, just waste a few demonstrators along the way - Oh sh1t, a bit of collateral damage - never mind just sweep it under the carpet.

Maybe that points out the difference between America the brave, home of the free etc (I know it's a big joke) and Thailand where you are allowed to protest for your rights.

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Let us be serious and reasonable. Count the chips.

Gov't vs Antigov't. Yingluck vs Suthep. Democratic elections vs Council of 400 honest citizens. Some Law&Order vs Mob Rule.

Coup, Coup, Coup. Thailand needs it to stop madness.

Army doesn't want to act - not enough incentives. Police doesn't want to act - not enough incentives.

Result - no Gov't. Mob Rule is the order of the day.

No doubts that Suthep&Company are acting illegally - thus they are criminals.

No doubts that the Gov't are criminally inactive.

Impasse stage has been reached long ago. Killings of people are already norm of the day. No matter who kills who.

Thailand needs a Coup. Again. And it will not be the last one.

All talk of Democracy means nothing without Law, Order and Enforcement of Law&Order.

And this is what Thais never had and never will have. Sorry.

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WhizBang, on 27 Jan 2014 - 21:23, said:
Prbkk, on 27 Jan 2014 - 18:30, said:

78 protesters at Ratchaprasong at 1630...I counted them

Yeah, right. Like anyone believes even a single word you write.

How much is Thaksin paying you again?

Whizbang You need to get real. His comment is pretty well correct. Barely anyone at Asoke Intersection. Only ones there are the tourists buying at all the market stalls that have been set up. Its more like a weekend market place than protest.

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englishoak, on 27 Jan 2014 - 21:37, said:
WhizBang, on 27 Jan 2014 - 21:23, said:
Prbkk, on 27 Jan 2014 - 18:30, said:

78 protesters at Ratchaprasong at 1630...I counted them

Yeah, right. Like anyone believes even a single word you write.

How much is Thaksin paying you again?

What a very strange and disturbing thing to say as a reply ... crazy.gif

Appears Whizbang is a colleague from the same mental institution as Suthep

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Protesters warned against seizing CMPO command
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Jan 28 – The Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO), set up in response to the escalating anti-government protests, will not be dissolved as demanded by demonstrators, Caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yubamrung asserted today.

In his capacity as CMPO director, Mr Chalerm said a new venue for the CMPO headquarters has been reserved in case access to the present one, located in the Police Narcotics Suppression Bureau building, is obstructed by protesters.

“I was ordered to perform my duty as CMPO director. I don’t have the power to close it,” he said, referring to protesters’ repeated calls to abolish the new agency.

Mr Chalerm warned protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban against trying to seize the CMPO office and said police have prepared prevention measures against protesters.

“It’s the police authority to arrest Mr Suthep. They have to be patient and abide by the law. They will not disperse demonstrations the way Mr Suthep did when he was director of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (in 2010),” he said. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-01-28

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and still he spouts his b#llox about democracy? It's like two kids in a school yard "If you hit me I'm going to hit you first".. "yeah? well, nur nur" except this will end in bloodshed as it was always meant to by Suthep. He won't be happy untill a load of protesters (and anybody in the vacinity) get slaughtered

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lol...he won't disperse protesters as Suthep did in 2010. As though that is an option! Suthep and co. have HUGE backers. The military will never move on them. It will be up to Chalerm and his hired mercenaries to deal with the protesters. Police are bloody useless as well.

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What a joke. Seriously, why is the coup taking so long?

American Aid. It cuts off in the event of a coup. Most American aid goes to the military.

Well what you loose on the American aid you can take from the state money (I speak about the part that you put in your own pocket).

As well with the tensions between USA and China, I wouldn't be sure. Some talks with China if they want to rent Satahip as port for their vessels and airforce base might let the American money flow again. They have no problems supporting undemocratic governments.

A joint Cobra Red Star with the exercise to protect/conquer islands or hunt submarines would be a change the USA doesn't want to see.

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78 protesters at Ratchaprasong at 1630...I counted them

Yes, it is not turning out as expected for Overlord Suthep. He must be quite frustrated, hence these childish declarations of power. It is a very complicated scenario. My Thai girlfriend ended up in a government hospital a few days ago. She fell and nearly broke her shoulder and hit her head on the pavement. She was in the hospital for two days and one night. They did x-rays, scans, imaging, and she had a few visits with a neuro and an ortho. The whole thing cost her 30 baht! Her family told me prior to Thaksin there was no universal health care for Thais, and that she would not have had this access to nearly free medical care. I do not like Thaksin. I am not a supporter. But, I can see how some may feel he is the only leader in recent history to actually create policy that benefitted the masses. That is a very big deal, as it is tangible. So, a lot of people feel that replacing one elected leader, with a self appointed leader who has no interest in an election is a dangerous precedent. The reality is that they are nearly all corrupt and power hungry. So, which corrupt and power hungry leader is best suited to run the country?

Besides, what has this man ever really accomplished except to consolidate power in the south, and amass a huge fortune in the process. Perhaps that is why this goombah is getting so little support?

Just a little recent history on this class clown, to refresh some memories, from wiki:

1995 to present corruption scandal[edit]

As part of the Sor Por Kor 4-01 (สปก.4-01) land reform scheme, Suthep gave title deeds to 592 plots of land in Khao Sam Liam, Kamala and Nakkerd hills of Phuket province to 489 farmers. It was later found that members of 11 wealthy families in Phuket were among the recipients. Suthep addressed a huge crowd in his Surat Thani constituency a month before a no-confidence debate and called on his supporters to march on Bangkok in the hundreds of thousands to defend his reputation.[5] The scandal led Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai of the Democrat Party to dissolve the House of Representatives in July 1995 in order to avoid the no-confidence debate.[6] In subsequent elections, Thai Nation Party won a majority, leading to the downfall of Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government.

Wikileaks diplomatic cables from the US embassy revealed that many members of his own party have long complained of his corrupt and unethical behavior.[7][8][9]

2009 disqualification as MP[edit]

In 2009, Suthep was accused of violating the Constitution of Thailand by holding equity in a media firm that had received concessions from the government. Under the 1997 Constitution of Thailand, which Suthep had supported, Members of Parliament are banned from holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions. In July 2009, the Election Commission announced that it would seek a ruling by the Constitutional Court to disqualify Suthep.

Suthep held a press conference a day later, announcing his decision to resign from Parliament. Suthep's resignation as an MP did not affect his status as a Deputy Prime Minister and as a Cabinet member. If his case had been submitted to the Constitution Court, he would have been suspended from duty as Deputy Prime Minister. He insisted his resignation was not a proof that he had done anything wrong but that he was worried about status as Deputy Prime Minister.[10]

2011 elections[edit]

In the general election on 3 July 2011, the Democrats were defeated, receiving 34% of the votes in contrast to the Pheu Thai Party's 47%. In response, Suthep immediately stepped down as the party's secretary-general. When the government of Pheu Thai Party-leader Yingluck Shinawatra took office on 9 August 2011, his term as deputy prime minister ended.

2013 Indictment for murder charge over 2010 strife[edit]

After several Criminal court ruling that deaths and injuries sustained by red-shirt protesters during the political unrest in April and May 2010 are the direct result of order to soldier given by Suthep Thaugsuban, the director of the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES), the Department of Special Investigation, public prosecutors and police agreed to file murder charges against him.[

All that plus the palm oil scam perpetuated by Suthep (in his role in the government) which lined his family's pockets with untold millions!

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78 protesters at Ratchaprasong at 1630...I counted them

Three pro-Government Redshirts, at their headquarters, at Chang Phuak Gate, this afternoon. I counted them too and this is their strong hold, Chiang Mai. cheesy.gif

BTW, my wife was talking, to the person paying red shirt voters, every election (municipal and federal) and this time, they are not paying, which means, that this election is a farce and Thaksin already knows, that there will have to be another election.

I have never seen such low turnouts of redshirts. No idea why and I would hate to speculate, but 3 people, that is just too funny. Everyone, who is driving, or walking along the vote, can see their headquarters, which makes them look even more pathetic. I think, Thaksin better open his wallet, if he wants some people to show up there.

Yeah yeah, my wife was talking with a random person who's 2nd cousin's, best mates, sister in law's, 10 year old son overheard someone saying that.........

Give us a break.

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lol...he won't disperse protesters as Suthep did in 2010. As though that is an option! Suthep and co. have HUGE backers. The military will never move on them. It will be up to Chalerm and his hired mercenaries to deal with the protesters. Police are bloody useless as well.

How ever hugh the backers are... they are not many!!

IF you knew anything about what this, you would know Thaksin also has huge backer.

But, you don't know anything so you must dream on. The Army FYI could not control the country if there was a coup. Everybody knows it and they even admit to being split.

Things change. With the internet now, everybody in Thailand knows what is happening. Nobody can stem the free flow of information out there.... Not even the chinese can do it very well.

Now go google and go read and go follow real journalists on twitter..... you might learn something you don't like

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Situations remind me of Charlie Chan saying - 'Somebody always about to put fly in ointment'

Tuesday will certainly be interesting and the rest of the week ending in election day.

General Prayuth affirming their co-operation with the police and without contradictory words this morning.

Chalerm making it clear he means business arresting protest leaders and reclaiming the seige sites.

Suthep threatening and heading into the Alamo for a standoff with his protestors bare hands.

hmmm, tbd...

Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna gonna resurrect and break the siege! Well nothing much (other than that) would surprise me in LOS!!

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Not always getting it wrong. He scored a few passes even from me

Shut down CMPO Fail

Shut down Pre voting fail

Kidnap Yingluk - Fail

No violence - fail

Bring in army for coup Fail

Isolate facist movement and antagonise most of population of Country (BKK don't count as they are clever and know what to do in these situations :) ) Pass

Unit pretty much every foreign Government, NGO and media outlet against your Coup and Poodles Council idea - Pass

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