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Korat Expats Club 2nd Installment

Korat Correct

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As far as he knows Korat Correct does not have ties with another site as Koratcat!

Korat Correct is now known to those who attended the ? successful first meeting of the Korat Expats Club.

Six other people have agreed to attend a meeting on 24th June to take the Club forward.

A meeting report has been circulated to those people.If those 6 did not receive a copy please re state their email address by sending me an email through this web.

As far as I know nothing has been decided formally.

Two main points were discussed

1. That the "Club" be essentially a "social" Club

2 That it should affiliate to an existing website.

To that end I have invited the sponsor of the Korat post to the next meeting and he has accepted.

He also has some other important information which I will add to the agenda.

If the sponsor of the other website ? Sportsrider would like to contact me and make representation of his website at the meeting I would be pleased to add his name to the agenda.

I do not think it fair that policies should be made on this forum or that emails that have been sent to me should be taken as read.

Decisions should be made at meetings and the first "committee" meets on the 24th June

By all means make suggestions.Agree or Disagree with the Clubs direction. This thread has not been short of comments in the past and no doubt will come alive again.

Following the next meeting on the 24th June,at 1pm the "quorum" will form themselves into a Committee and properly elect officers.

On a personal note I think it would be a disaster to essentially be a "Social" Club on the grounds that you don't need a Club to organise a Social. It makes the whole thing too "narrow" and I always preferred celebrating when I had achieved something. To hold Socials for their own sake seems to be aimless and an excuse to drink to excess.

Hasn't the decision already been made through this forum where the first Social will be and when.

On the question of the Clubs website, the proposals were fine but don't you think both suggested website "owners" should be invited to a meeting to discuss this,and the decision be a committee one.

Still on a personal note I think the Club, if it can become a Community Contributor should aim for its own website.

The suggestion that the Club should adopt an HIV orphanage, as suggested, is exactly the sort of Community Contribution that the Club could consider adopting and supporting financially. That means organising fund raising events which could include socials. Other members are welcome to make suggestions for inclusion at the next meeting. This should be done by emailing me through Korat Correct and of course I will include it in the agenda and invite the proposer to be present to represent the idea.

Edited by Korat Correct
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During the meeting Derklev made the suggestion to contact and invite SportRider.

If i'm correct he did so and SR has already accepted and will be present on the next meeting.

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I'm trying to be diplomatic but looking forward to the trip to hel_l!.

I surely disagree with some points (or should I say diplomatically; I doubt!)

But this is not the forum to discuss,should be done during the meeting.

May be I should send you a pm ahead.

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If the sponsor of the other website ? Sportsrider would like to contact me and make representation of his website at the meeting I would be pleased to add his name to the agenda.

On a personal note I think it would be a disaster to essentially be a "Social" Club on the grounds that you don't need a Club to organise a Social. It makes the whole thing too "narrow" and I always preferred celebrating when I had achieved something. To hold Socials for their own sake seems to be aimless and an excuse to drink to excess.

On the question of the Clubs website, the proposals were fine but don't you think both suggested website "owners" should be invited to a meeting to discuss this,and the decision be a committee one.

Still on a personal note I think the Club, if it can become a Community Contributor should aim for its own website.

The suggestion that the Club should adopt an HIV orphanage, as suggested, is exactly the sort of Community Contribution that the Club could consider adopting and supporting financially.

Hi folks, thanks to Cheeky to let me know about this thread, I don't visit here much. I look after a free non-profit board which if you are interested in KORAT and happen to be a FARANG then it might be worth a visit.

Just to confirm I am very happy to support the Korat Expats Club by dedicated forums on my little DOT COM. I'll add as moderators whoever the club nominates. This is a no-strings offer, I'm glad to help. If you prefer to use a different board or website that's fine by me!

A couple of my thoughts on the KEC. I agree that primarily social would be most of interest to me. I work full time and travel a lot, so organising socials is difficult for me, I'm fairly new in Korat so don't have the social networks that some of you guys do,... but if the KEC was to fix occasional dates for beer and good company that would be just great, count me in!

About charitable efforts. Also I agree. One idea to think about is have a rotating adoption, so that a different good cause can benefit each year (or other period), rather than the same one all the time.

Cheers all,


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I'll put it on the agenda if confirmed.

TheKoratpost will be represented too.

I have stated my preferred opinion.

I'm trying to be diplomatic but looking forward to the trip to hel_l!.

Sorry KC but what does this mean!??!

I offered the use of my house for the July 29th ONLY if the majoruty wanted it. I live in a village and have room for kids to freely roam!

The concesus at the meeting was for social so if that is your idea of hel_l you should have said so then!

By the by I volunteered to contact the yahoo.com owner on behalf of us all so the email I sent was on everyones behalf. If you didn't like my email a PM to me might have been in order!

SportsRider will attend our next meet.

Again I will repeat what has been said here by many and at the meeting by many more a formal club will be of no interest to many of us.

Committees, minutes and agendas belong to a life that many of us have happily left behind!

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I believe it covers ( in better english and more detailed) my previous 2 posts!!

Derek don't be angry,I know that you took it upon you to contact SR of Korat Farang.

I also apreciate your offer for hosting the 29th, if people would like to come.

All of this would be discussed on the 24th.

This first meeting was more or less to find out IF we can get a group together and that was successful, wasn't it...??

I remember my loud outcry : " I am retired and I am happy to have NO rules any more ".It came from the bottom of my heart :D

If smaller interest groups will raise, there will be no problems.Just if everybody accepts that not everybody is interested in their interest :o

Let's make the 24th meeting a happy and nice one.

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OK, if thats what is wanted?

No formality, minutes, agenda or committee?

Derek has emailed to say that he has asked the Korat Farang website to be our home.

So thats decided!

If everyone is happy to continue to conduct the Clubs affairs by website and the majority are in favour of the social at Non Thai,why have a meeting?

Edited by Korat Correct
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OK, if thats what is wanted?

No formality, minutes, agenda or committee?

Derek has emailed to say that he has asked the Korat Farang website to be our home.

So thats decided!

If everyone is happy to continue to conduct the Clubs affairs by website and the majority are in favour of the social at Non Thai,why have a meeting?

Well gee Korat Correct. Why not have a "meeting" on the 24th. Afterall, I thought we already decided to "take it slowly". If push comes to shove, well I think we can pretty much already see where that's going to lead us. Hey, lets have some "fun", enjoy and get used to each other. There are still many things we can do on a more informal basis, which at the moment anyway is what the "majority" want. Anyway, informal meet again on the 24th, I'll be there. The "social" and Cheeky's birthday at Derek's, I'll be there. :o:D By the way, nice to see you at the Pasinee today. Cheers. :D

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OK, if thats what is wanted?

No formality, minutes, agenda or committee?

Derek has emailed to say that he has asked the Korat Farang website to be our home.

So thats decided!

If everyone is happy to continue to conduct the Clubs affairs by website and the majority are in favour of the social at Non Thai,why have a meeting?

Hey KC I think you are going well over board with this, I was interested to join in but to me it looks like it is getting to be somewhat like jioning the Masons and I do not think your attitude is going to last as from what I can read everyone wants it to be more of a social and have fun and also get to know other farangs in the neighborhood.

I for one will now not be interested as there are too many negative things that you have posted and you are being to bossy to eveyone. Maybe you should chill out and let either Ken or Dutch head the commitee as they seem to be more or less on the right wave lengths as to what we are looking for.

I did not leave the UK to get back into politics but.... And I for one am enjoying my life here without the hassles and am a very good supporter of the village I live in and have made very good friends with the locals and had alot of help from them.

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If smaller interest groups will raise, there will be no problems.Just if everybody accepts that not everybody is interested in their interest

Gents lets clam down, Please don't break it before it has started, as quoted above by Dutch we all have different views, and the way this is heading it will have splinter groups.

KC- I personally think that posting the above email / Pm that was supposed to be private to you is BANG OUT OF ORDER. Surely, instead of posting it here you could have discussed it with the sender at the next meet who ever he is.

( Sorry that is just my opinion )


:o Greetings one and all,

I agree with most of what KORATLOVER says in his missle, and agree wholeheartedly with Cheeky Farang.

Just one comment to CHEEKY,- DO NOT BE SORRY, for giving your opinion. You are entitled to do so, and it should be accepted without recrimination, infact it should be welcomed, as it shows that you, like most of us, are "interested" so far.

Regards LAWMAN :D

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People we really do need ALL of you.

Small interest groups will form and that is good.

During the meeting I stated that we have to accept the variety of people that will show up and be "member". That includes KC and me and D and...and...

Also remember that a written statement looks sometimes more bossy than when it would be a spoken word.

Please accept KC's efforts to have a paper on the table with some issues.

Some need to be addressed and some not.

Any one of you ,who has attended meetings will know that. This is only one of the founding meetings.There need to be some guidelines (during the meeting) otherwise it will (surely )die.

Later we will enjoy life,say hello to eachother while encountering in the streets and develop some new friendships :o

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People we really do need ALL of you.

Small interest groups will form and that is good.

During the meeting I stated that we have to accept the variety of people that will show up and be "member". That includes KC and me and D and...and...

Also remember that a written statement looks sometimes more bossy than when it would be a spoken word.

Please accept KC's efforts to have a paper on the table with some issues.

Some need to be addressed and some not.

Any one of you ,who has attended meetings will know that. This is only one of the founding meetings.There need to be some guidelines (during the meeting) otherwise it will (surely )die.

Later we will enjoy life,say hello to eachother while encountering in the streets and develop some new friendships :o


I think that this project is starting abit like a bull in a China shop and is running before it can walk (so to speak), it would be alot better to have social events to start with and get to know the members (or potential ones) before even thinking of starting up this type of club as firstly everyone should vote for a chairman, but before anyone can do this they need to know them well enough and be confident in the person they vote for as afterall they need to trust them, know that they will do a good job of it and most importantly be happy with that person.

Guidelines and agendas and minutes are far far away in my opinion and tends to put people off at this early stage.

Just get a social going and see what people really think about getting more involved as otherwise interest will soon die away and no one will bother which would be a shame as this can really be a good thing but as the Thais say "die yen yen" (I think that is how you say it)

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I think we both speak the same language.

I agree.

I spoke about SOME guidelines and by that I mean:

When is the next meeting?Where is the next meeting?Share emails (if you want).Socialize!(if you want)

Nothing really official yet.

Let's please join the gathering on the 24th and see if the bull can change into a lamb :o

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I think we both speak the same language.

I agree.

I spoke about SOME guidelines and by that I mean:

When is the next meeting?Where is the next meeting?Share emails (if you want).Socialize!(if you want)

Nothing really official yet.

Let's please join the gathering on the 24th and see if the bull can change into a lamb :o


You are spot on. Lets not turn this into something that many do not want. Let's get to know each other first. Minutes agendas quroms and schedules is what I came over here to escape. I participate in my village and with other worthy projects but will not join any group of do gooders. I did not make the first meeting but will try to attend the 24th and I am looking forward to July 29th in Non-Thai closer to home. Lets become friends and maybe enemies before we try to become something we or the the Thais don't want. Ugly know all falangs.

My two cents 1 selung. :D

Thai Ranger

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:o Ahhhh. The last few posts seem to be putting us back on track. And like Dutch, I also think we should appreciate KC's efforts to put some of this on paper. It is nice to have some kind of "agenda". Kind of helps set the pace and mood of our "informal" meeting. The fact that KC took the time an effort to do this for the first "meeting" was commendable. I also liked Dutch's "bull to lamb" thing; that would be good, or maybe something in between (bull and lamb). :D
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:o Ahhhh. The last few posts seem to be putting us back on track. And like Dutch, I also think we should appreciate KC's efforts to put some of this on paper. It is nice to have some kind of "agenda". Kind of helps set the pace and mood of our "informal" meeting. The fact that KC took the time an effort to do this for the first "meeting" was commendable. I also liked Dutch's "bull to lamb" thing; that would be good, or maybe something in between (bull and lamb). :D

What about Goat? :D

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:D Ahhhh. The last few posts seem to be putting us back on track. And like Dutch, I also think we should appreciate KC's efforts to put some of this on paper. It is nice to have some kind of "agenda". Kind of helps set the pace and mood of our "informal" meeting. The fact that KC took the time an effort to do this for the first "meeting" was commendable. I also liked Dutch's "bull to lamb" thing; that would be good, or maybe something in between (bull and lamb). :D

I could not agree more and I have already thanked him for this here on and on KF.

Without KC I doubt we would have got as far as even having the first meeting.

I hope that somehow the Club can accomodate all our needs.

It would be a great pity for the KEC to die so soon after birth.

Just my 2 satangs worth..... :o

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:D Ahhhh. The last few posts seem to be putting us back on track. And like Dutch, I also think we should appreciate KC's efforts to put some of this on paper. It is nice to have some kind of "agenda". Kind of helps set the pace and mood of our "informal" meeting. The fact that KC took the time an effort to do this for the first "meeting" was commendable. I also liked Dutch's "bull to lamb" thing; that would be good, or maybe something in between (bull and lamb). :D

What about Goat? :D

:o Is that like the saying, "you old goat". :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a reminder....................... :D

There is a meeting of the fledgling Korat Expats Club at Pasinee's Restaurant on Saturday 24th June at 1pm.

I hope many of you will be there.

If only to have a few beers..... :o:D

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Just a reminder....................... :D

There is a meeting of the fledgling Korat Expats Club at Pasinee's Restaurant on Saturday 24th June at 1pm.

I hope many of you will be there.

If only to have a few beers..... :o:D

Well, it's my wife's birthday today and I think she's planning a trip into Korat for some birthday shopping. :D So, I should be able to make the meeting "if only to have a few beers....". :D

Blue eyes: Those "dancing girls" could be looking really good for some entertainment, as I'm a bit skeptical that there will be much in the way of a "serious" meeting. But that's me and my skeptical outlook. :D Cheers.

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Just a reminder....................... :D

There is a meeting of the fledgling Korat Expats Club at Pasinee's Restaurant on Saturday 24th June at 1pm.

I hope many of you will be there.

If only to have a few beers..... :o:D

Well, it's my wife's birthday today and I think she's planning a trip into Korat for some birthday shopping. :D So, I should be able to make the meeting "if only to have a few beers....". :D

Blue eyes: Those "dancing girls" could be looking really good for some entertainment, as I'm a bit skeptical that there will be much in the way of a "serious" meeting. But that's me and my skeptical outlook. :D Cheers.

Didn't think you wanted anything too serious Ken.............. :D:D

By the by, Giles has sent me an email saying he is unable to attend today.

Happy Birthday Mrs Ken. :D

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  • 3 months later...

Well what has happened here, not only did KC ######kk-up the well being of what could have been a real sociable club, he has also got him self banned from here on TV. Now I wonder if someone of his age can change his belligerent attitude and actually become an easy going person in his later years. Or is it too late to teach an old dog new tricks ?

KC, if you have a new moniker have you learnt to keep ones attitude to an acceptable level for the rest of mankind?


from Korat

I know there have been several attempts to get an Expats Club going in the Issan region and all have failed,which is why it is important to try to get this one right.

An initial meet at Passinee Cafe on June 1st at 12noon hopes to get the Club off the ground, but what issues are important to you?

Please let us have your ideas for discussion.

At the moment the main meet is on the 29th July in Korat.

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One of the reasons I decided to set up home and eventually settle in Isaan was to get away from this kind of thing.

There is nothing wrong with a social network of Farangs that can get together now and again and are there to help out when the need arises, but the way Korat Correct was talking made me shudder.

Rules and regulations and committees and more rules and his agenda to change the social structure of Isaan and …….., well it just went on and on

I for one was real glad that this died a death.

I didn’t want to post at the time and perpetuate this mince, but now that CF has brought it up again and now that it looks like Korat Correct, ( Je sus even the name is PC), has hopefully given up, it might be safe to comment.


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Well what has happened here, not only did KC ######kk-up the well being of what could have been a real sociable club, he has also got him self banned from here on TV. Now I wonder if someone of his age can change his belligerent attitude and actually become an easy going person in his later years. Or is it too late to teach an old dog new tricks ?

KC, if you have a new moniker have you learnt to keep ones attitude to an acceptable level for the rest of mankind?


from Korat

:o Well, I hate to say I told you so, but :D I told you so. :D

I think KC might be leading the choir now.


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Oh well Ken, at least the social aspect of the rest of lives on.

Shame he killed it, if he had been cha-cha it may have well turned out to be a good thing with social meetings and helping a needy cause along the way sometimes.

I wonder how he feels when he sees us all sat at the Passenee, and he feels to humilated and embarrassed or stop by and have a drink, or is he being just to proud to join in and admit he was wrong.


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Oh well Ken, at least the social aspect of the rest of lives on.

Shame he killed it, if he had been cha-cha it may have well turned out to be a good thing with social meetings and helping a needy cause along the way sometimes.

I wonder how he feels when he sees us all sat at the Passenee, and he feels to humilated and embarrassed or stop by and have a drink, or is he being just to proud to join in and admit he was wrong.


:D 5555555 KC admit he was wrong. :o

Me thinks not allowed to discuss why banned....but if you take a look at his last couple of posts you might get an idea. :D

Anyway, the "social aspect" as you say, indeed does live on, though I think we had a bit of that before his endeavor. Cheers. :D

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