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asylum seeker with HIV working as prostitute illegally in uk

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i have videos of this ladyboy claiming that she entered uk illegally , i have her admitting to taking ice and cocaine and meth, she is currently working in uk as escort. she pretended to immigration that if she was to return to thailand or laos then the thai mafia will kill her, now immigration believe her, she is getting money from womans aid etc to stay here, i have her on record / video saying that she made the whole story up , that she lied to get visa and asylum here.

if i tell and give immigration the video, can i remain annonymous ? the video was taken in our house with me and my wife present, i done this because ladyboy caused so many problems for our family and even stole out of our house.

so can i remain annonymous if i give evidence? there is a whole lot to this story and basically this ladyboy can give me a lot of problems in thailand if i were to go back there even on holiday, im concerned that if i do tell immigration that she will only be detained in immigration centre and then get bail and go on run and maybe they wont even ship her back home to thailand. she once told me that if i gave her a problem that she will give me a very big problem , i have her on record threatening me also.

she has caused so much hurt and pain in our house that i want her removed from country to go back to thailand where she will have to pay for her HIV medicines etc and i want her to hurt like she has hurt us, she had our daughter crying in hysterics twice because she was shouting names etc at me in our house and i wanted to slap her but couldnt ( the least the bitch deserved )

she is currently advertising her business on a website and i have pictures , her phone number etc from that website to give to immigration but as i say they will probably just lift her then release her in to community again.

Edited by kranuan
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I think that you had better get this video and website verified by someone of status --TV Mod maybe ??- not that I don't believe you wacko.png but it would help the learned person's on this site to advise you

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First you need help getting a "restraining order", a solicitor or Citizens Advice or the Police should be able to help with this.

This is a court order, you need one to tell this person to keep away from you and your home, once served on this person should they still continue to harass you they will be subject to arrest and maybe imprisonment.

What you are saying it is not just yourself that needs protecting from this person but others if she is prostituting herself and has HIV, the police probably can deal with this if you have evidence, further more they can pass on information to the UKBA/Home Office and any other information their enquirers reveal regarding her status in the UK.

If you are so worried about her not knowing who informed then call Crime Stopper on 0800 555111, they are not the police but pass on information anonymously, tell them that she has HIV and is prostituting herself and harassing you.

Edited by Basil B
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There really are some vile specimans about i'm afarid, i'm not sure if this creature is still bothering you, if so contact the police simple, if they have moved on then you need to turn your anger into something more positive and that means letting go, no matter how hard that might be, think of your familys future don't let the LB destroy your future hapiness, people like this will always come unstuck in the end, but that's not your problem . How can she cause problems in Thailand i asume she knows family etc etc, in that case even more incentive to walk away now and not escalate things, one thing that always helped me when i was naive enough with people like this was to write the persons name on paper and wipe my arse with it, lt always made me feel better, and made me much more carefull who i befriended

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this ladyboy told us her family is laos police and says she is well connected with thai mafia ( not the young drug filled a**holes riding around on motorbikes on beach rd ) but high ranking police and people with influence. i suspect she has caused problems with 2 ex boyfriends alleady in uk before i met her, he/she basically grassed on every thai laos ladyboy in london who were here on false pretence ( now i am grassing on her ) ive waited long for this tiome and she will be getting her / his collar felt.

you know my wife is also scared because this person is from laos near thai border and she does magic , its true , i told my wife this is nonsence but my wife totally believes her and because of that my wife is afraid to cut thai,s with her or fall out with her. i know this sounds mumbo jumbo but many thai,s believe this !!!

i am going to contact ukba , maybe go to their office in person . what i need to know is this - if i hand over all videos will ukba show her them ? will ukba just give her an interview and then let her back into community ? thats what i need to know as if that is case then why should i waste my time and put my family future at risk.

by the way , ladyboys ex boyfriend recently got a terrible beating by ladyboys in walking street ( she told them to do it ) because he snubbed her , got a new girlfriend and so katoey was jealous and wanted him hurt.

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The person you are dealing with is a born lair, so mafia and police connections are a lie too, probably the incident in Walking St if it ever happened probably unconnected, just more lies.

What is happening to you is harassment, extortion and theft these are police matters, go to the police.

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You need this person out of your life, they will eventually move on when you/wife are of no use to him/her, you might try contacting local health authority they might have a deparment that has an interest in Hiv sex workers, but it very true that some Thais do stongly believe in this magic, and the ladyboy will use this to get your wife to do all sorts of things, and will try to split you up, definatley time to contact the police, once he/she sees you are doing something she/he will move on to easier pickings,

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