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All Bangkok's 50 election directors resign


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its probably been said already by someone more knowledgeable than me in the previous 8 pages and they may well correct me but here goes:

i think this current stand by the government is about one thing only . PT somehow have to cling to power for the next 180 days.

If they succeed the amnesty bill will pass and their paymaster proxy PM Thaksin will be absolved of his crimes and be free to return to Thailand.

Once absolved of his conviction he can stand again for a place in Thai politics.

As a convicted criminal, he cannot.

If they succeed Thailand will forever be under the thumb of this megalomaniacal tyrant and his corrupt family

I don't think you know much about Thailand

And nature abhors a vaccuum.

Even Prayuth has acknowledged that.

I trust you are in Thailand now. You better hope that Yingluck doesn't toss in the towell- if she does- then there are many people well armed waiting in the wings.. And neither you nor I want another Bosnia.


been here 15 years

seen thaksins rise and fall first hand

i THINK i know enough to know whats right and wrong

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This is a shameful day for Thailand.

Seems like every gotdam day is a shameful day for Thailand, lately.

And I say that from a place of love.

It's beginning to wear on me; all this cartoon bs.

I keep wondering when the average, level-headed, jai dee Thai citizens are going to get fed up and step into the fray on behalf of basic reason.... and then I sink a bit lower when I realze, they are- but not forming a proactive third party- they're just choosing sides and joining the circus.

Very, very sad.

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If the election doesn't happen on Sunday there will be at least 15 million very, very, unhappy voters on Monday morning. The coup mongers don't realise what they're walking into.

A lot more than 15 million, i think.

Count up the other parties who are preparing to contest the election.

I think about 50 of them nationwide, who will probably get 5 or 6 million votes, additionally some of the 12 million or so who voted democrat last time may now want to switch to a party that actually represents them.

Thailand is heading for a storm and those on here who think it is only about Thaksin are about to have their obsession redirected.

There will soon be a very unhappy electorate, nationwide.

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On the december 22. march - I was counting not under 30 peoples in every row of peoples on Vibhawadi road going from government complex... The line of peoples at that time was over 6 km when they reached the big intersection at Lat Prao - Pahon Yothin, and more were added to the line... I think the distance between one person in front and one person behind was less than 1 meter at any point of the line - making that one demonstration march carrying at least 180,000 peoples - the demonstration that day came from 9 places in the city - the Vibhawadi being the biggest (with Suthep) so maybe the others only had 150,000 marching...

Many was at the endpoints, and more added on the way - do the math : (8 * 150,000) + 180,000 = 1,380,000 marching probably as thai peoples really don't like to walk - as many in the endpoints - making it a 2.5 million demonstration at least...

I know a lot who went there, and went homw as they had to get to work, they are still there after work and before work on average days, and most of the days in weekends... There are not millions now, right now there are less than 100,000 spread all over the town, but I am very sure that if this (caretaker)government tries to make another hidden move (as the amnesty bill) You will see millions in the streets again...

I know peoples in Surat (government) who are very freely here in Bangkok in support of this protest, in south the rubber farmers are quite dissatisfied by the government giving to ricefarmers but not helping the rubber industry...

The Students are "Student and people" movement - peoples meaning old guys too...

The ricefarmers are in grave problems - they are pawning their land, loaning money from loan sharks and has already long time ago pawned their harvest, but the peoples they are in debt to, do not want them to march... That is why the march and closing of big roads leading into Bangkok (Rama II last week) are being done by independant farmers who have the resources to look over their own nose and into another future...

Sadly the poorest in this country either aren't told (shame on the democracy movement) or are being intimidated away from protesting their rightful dissatisfaction with the fact that they are just getting more and more poor...

Lets pretend your "fuzzy" math was not so fuzzy, we will go with your outrages numbers, so that would leave the other 60 million Thai's backing the "Thai election process" not how they would vote but they choose to vote and not support Suthep anti-democratic tactics.

Our family is mostly made up of rice farmers about 30 families in the village most by the grace of God have been paid for their rice last week after a 3 month wait,

Many are very Upset at PTP, but most know who has looked out for their needs over the last 13 years and it is not the Democrats, if they do not vote for PTP they will not vote for the democrats! the vast Majority of the family still will vote for PTP, knowing that in the last 2 months they have waited for their money the EC had the power to approve a loan by PTP to pay off the farmers but refused to for their own political reasons.

They allowed the farmers and their families to suffer in the hopes they would be mad at PTP and vote for the Democrats.


An awfull lot of assumptions and a good example why Thailand is not really a democracy. People living in fear of voting 'incorrectly'.

People having been fed mis-information as to why they were not paid. People who think nothing wrong with 400 billion of taxpayer money having disappeared in fat cats' pockets.

Time for some education mythinks.

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If the election doesn't happen on Sunday there will be at least 15 million very, very, unhappy voters on Monday morning. The coup mongers don't realise what they're walking into.

A lot more than 15 million, i think.

Count up the other parties who are preparing to contest the election.

I think about 50 of them nationwide, who will probably get 5 or 6 million votes, additionally some of the 12 million or so who voted democrat last time may now want to switch to a party that actually represents them.

Thailand is heading for a storm and those on here who think it is only about Thaksin are about to have their obsession redirected.

There will soon be a very unhappy electorate, nationwide.

See you on Monday on this. For now even numbers on abroad or advance voting registration only seem to indicate hundreds of thousands or hardly 10% of the numbers in 2011.

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Quitting parliament need some sort of punishment. What the democrats did is anti-democratic and is first steps to a failed state. minimum 3 years in prison if resigning as MP without a good reason. Disagreeing with other MP is not a good reason. Disagreement is the foundation of Democracy, quitting is not.

Same should go for public appointed jobs like this. Quit or don't do you job and you should be held personally responsible.

Were you be locked up for quitting your last job? I don't know of any democracy where that would happen.

You get locked up for "quitting" the army...in "any democracy".

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Given the fact that many posters on this and other threads have mentioned the fact that Suthep and his crowd are anti-foreigner, I find it amazing that so many seem to want the man to get what he's aiming for.

I sincerely hope that, as we're all exiting the kingdom without our money, homes, possessions, valuables, dogs, hopes, dreams and even families, you remember to thank him for giving you the opportunity to return to your beloved home countries where you can live in style and continue failing to understand the reality of life.

If I meet any of you on the way out - watch out!

Do you have any references for this? ie what exactly has he said regarding foreigners?

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Quitting parliament need some sort of punishment. What the democrats did is anti-democratic and is first steps to a failed state. minimum 3 years in prison if resigning as MP without a good reason. Disagreeing with other MP is not a good reason. Disagreement is the foundation of Democracy, quitting is not.

Same should go for public appointed jobs like this. Quit or don't do you job and you should be held personally responsible.

Were you be locked up for quitting your last job? I don't know of any democracy where that would happen.

You get locked up for "quitting" the army...in "any democracy".

That, my friend, was a mighty weak analogy.

Soldiers and so-called public servants both use their particular skills to serve the greater good of the nation. But that's where the similarities end. Hell, you could say that of engineers, farmers and icecream men.

Gawd forbid I ever live in a country where the elected official is sworn to blindly follow the orders of the lowest ranking man above him.

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So sick of all this meaningless nonsense. Can we just skip to the coup already?

Sorry to disappoint but there is no Army coup coming. Never has been if people actually bothered to listen to the Army.

Some will say that once the courts have busted the Shinawatra's and the Pheu Thai's lawless, lazy, incompetent and morally corrupt <deleted> again for their misdeeds that it will be a judicial coup. But hey thats what courts do when you think you are above the law and the constitution.

So the ultra corupt Judiciary, Constitution court and EC get to remove the PTP..what then. Thaksin has a majority on his own he does not need the coalition and I belive unlike before when Newin sold him up the river for his few million dollars and the promise of a bus maintainence contract, these coalition members will stand firm (even when they are made offers they cant refuse) So we have another election and guess what Thaksin wins again.

This behaviour is amount to dereliction of duty, like being a spy for the enemy in times of war, and they will not be able to put a Reform Council in place because the only answer to that is Civil War. For sure these gutless b4stards will be nowhere to be seen

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Actually the interesting thing is I know a couple of well educated red shirts - they also was opposed to the amnesty bill, because it would let Abhisit government off the hook for the crackdown on 2010 protesters...

Apart from that - there were protest against the government . that is thai political tradition - 4-500 yellow shirts were protesting - but seriously no one was taking notice...

The amnesty bill was the political suicide - actually the democrats was in normal state of politics (as performed in Thailand) but with absolut majority the government didn't consider listening to any opposition - and kept lending money from the outside world... To pay the CityBank economy system they tried to enforce...

Old money new money - no no no - go into Bangkok, to MBK - ask peoples WHY the hell they are there - and I can guarentee You they are NOT there to protect any form of old money, or money at all, yes most I know are annoyed to pay tax to a government that is openly corrupt... Peoples I have been talking to in the MBK camp is there to get reforms... As they say "shutdown Bangkok - to restart Thailand" - ALL Thailand... Not the south, not central, not the north east but Thailand...

And as I am born in a democratic society I hope they will succeed...

Didn't you know the yellow shirts already have amnesty.

The original bill was for an amnesty for the red shirts, locked up for 3 years without trial, who languish behind bars.

I guess you conveniently forget about that.

Yellow shirts have amnesty, now really. Since when?

Whatever the original 'amnesty bill' was, by the time the Pheu Thai led parliamentary commission (which needed to look it over again after the first reading) was finished with it it looked really different. 'blanket amnesty' and extended covering period. Maybe you conveniently forget that, and that that was what really started the anti-government protests. Even red-shirts protested, although UDD leader and Pheu Thai party list MP Korkaew voted for his amnesty,

So, shall we now return to the 50 ex-election directors?

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Not unexpected at all, and apparently, the only way that they could possibly make the lady see sense.

What is now required is for her to make a public appearance announcing that the election is off, she and her caretaker government are stepping down, Suthep can therefore call off the street protests, and the business of carrying out necessary reforms can get under way.

She must also make it very clear to the Red Shirt extremists that their cause is over, and they should return to their homes; furthermore, anyone caught involved in any acts of shootings or bombing in response to the resignation of the government should be made to face the full extent of the law.

And if the caretaker govt steps down, who will govern? And do you think that there won't be further protests?

If the REDs were to take to the streets, I would then believe in claims of millions marching.

Depends if someone (in a desert overseas) who knows its a lost cause will continue funding them.

If you think the Red Shirts will ONLY march for Thaksin (and by inference, his money), I think you will be wrong. The Reds are starting to understand the meaning and power of one man (woman), one vote. They will not surrender this easily.

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Given the fact that many posters on this and other threads have mentioned the fact that Suthep and his crowd are anti-foreigner, I find it amazing that so many seem to want the man to get what he's aiming for.

I sincerely hope that, as we're all exiting the kingdom without our money, homes, possessions, valuables, dogs, hopes, dreams and even families, you remember to thank him for giving you the opportunity to return to your beloved home countries where you can live in style and continue failing to understand the reality of life.

If I meet any of you on the way out - watch out!

hahahahaha scary eh...would love to see you take your home with you...broad shoulders no-doubt...safe flight now....clap2.gif

Mimi, stop being such a drama queen. It's not that bad, you're just scaremongering. Now be a good dog and lie down now.

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You get locked up for "quitting" the army...in "any democracy".

That, my friend, was a mighty weak analogy.

Soldiers and so-called public servants both use their particular skills to serve the greater good of the nation. But that's where the similarities end. Hell, you could say that of engineers, farmers and icecream men.

Gawd forbid I ever live in a country where the elected official is sworn to blindly follow the orders of the lowest ranking man above him.

I'm just saying that he said that no one in any democratic country can get locked up for quitting their job...which is clearly false.

I'm not saying that in this case these people should be put in prison.

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Not unexpected at all, and apparently, the only way that they could possibly make the lady see sense.

What is now required is for her to make a public appearance announcing that the election is off, she and her caretaker government are stepping down, Suthep can therefore call off the street protests, and the business of carrying out necessary reforms can get under way.

She must also make it very clear to the Red Shirt extremists that their cause is over, and they should return to their homes; furthermore, anyone caught involved in any acts of shootings or bombing in response to the resignation of the government should be made to face the full extent of the law.

Nice idea, and perhaps one that would actually lead out of the current mess.

But I'd say there's about a ZERO chance of YL doing all that, at least as things stand now.

Especially the last part about the Red Shirts... Can you even imagine that message coming out of YL's mouth???

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So sick of all this meaningless nonsense. Can we just skip to the coup already?

Sorry to disappoint but there is no Army coup coming. Never has been if people actually bothered to listen to the Army.

Some will say that once the courts have busted the Shinawatra's and the Pheu Thai's lawless, lazy, incompetent and morally corrupt <deleted> again for their misdeeds that it will be a judicial coup. But hey thats what courts do when you think you are above the law and the constitution.

So the ultra corupt Judiciary, Constitution court and EC get to remove the PTP..what then. Thaksin has a majority on his own he does not need the coalition and I belive unlike before when Newin sold him up the river for his few million dollars and the promise of a bus maintainence contract, these coalition members will stand firm (even when they are made offers they cant refuse) So we have another election and guess what Thaksin wins again.

This behaviour is amount to dereliction of duty, like being a spy for the enemy in times of war, and they will not be able to put a Reform Council in place because the only answer to that is Civil War. For sure these gutless b4stards will be nowhere to be seen

BTW THaksin has no majority, he's not involved, he's just the friendly golf caddy. During the last censure debate PM Yingluck herself told us no one gives her orders and she's in charge.

Of course if you were right, with Thaksin a criminal fugitive leader a political party that would be enough reason to ban that political party, both according to the 2007 and according to the 1997 constitution.

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its probably been said already by someone more knowledgeable than me in the previous 8 pages and they may well correct me but here goes:

i think this current stand by the government is about one thing only . PT somehow have to cling to power for the next 180 days.

If they succeed the amnesty bill will pass and their paymaster proxy PM Thaksin will be absolved of his crimes and be free to return to Thailand.

Once absolved of his conviction he can stand again for a place in Thai politics.

As a convicted criminal, he cannot.

If they succeed Thailand will forever be under the thumb of this megalomaniacal tyrant and his corrupt family

Thaksin not interested in direct involvment in politics. hes a 'shoe in' for another job. Thats why Suthep is on his soap box every night.

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PTP, Yingluck and Thaksin. Your shit is piling up, big time. Well "som nam na"

Hope somebody is logging all these names of the"outed" just in case the 16,000,000 need to vent their anger at someone

For those who seem a bit confused, this is what a fascist looks like.

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Not unexpected at all, and apparently, the only way that they could possibly make the lady see sense.

What is now required is for her to make a public appearance announcing that the election is off, she and her caretaker government are stepping down, Suthep can therefore call off the street protests, and the business of carrying out necessary reforms can get under way.

She must also make it very clear to the Red Shirt extremists that their cause is over, and they should return to their homes; furthermore, anyone caught involved in any acts of shootings or bombing in response to the resignation of the government should be made to face the full extent of the law.

And if the caretaker govt steps down, who will govern? And do you think that there won't be further protests?

If the REDs were to take to the streets, I would then believe in claims of millions marching.

The only way the reds will take to the streets is, if they get paid. Yingluck knows already that this election won't put her back in power, because she will not have a quorum, along with many other problems. So they are not even paying this election. I hear the reds already talking up here, saying "No money - No vote!". We have a mix of Thai people here, at our bar tonight. Some are Reds, some are supporting the demonstrators and some claim no color. They all agree on one thing so (laughingly), No money - No vote!

Believe me, I am not making this up and this is not a joke. This is how the population thinks up here. They are also not happy, about the rice scam. Even people, who are not farmers, are pissed off about it.

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Anarchy!!. The rebels appear to win and total chaos is the future of Thailand. Mr.Suthep is responsible, accountable for every victim of this rebellion. Any government would arrest this hooligan!

Nice try, but really, who are you talking to with that post?

You think we just got here? It looks like you did. coffee1.gif

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Omg. They actually had a band with themes like that on stage. <deleted>.

These people think they are educated. My lord. Its the movement of the thai supremacists.lol

And these people think they are the superior educated?

Yeah well we can not all have long educations : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika

The Nazis just took an old symbol and gave it a different meaning - but as all educated peoples know - it's real meaning is way better than it's later reputation...

Bla bla bla. We've been through that one 100 times on thaivisa. Yes cultures have used the swastika for many times.

I will remember that when the national front march up the road and remind myself that they are peace loving Hindus.

As for slash metal rockers, yes...

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Omg. They actually had a band with themes like that on stage. <deleted>.

These people think they are educated. My lord. Its the movement of the thai supremacists.lol

And these people think they are the superior educated?

Yeah well we can not all have long educations : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika

The Nazis just took an old symbol and gave it a different meaning - but as all educated peoples know - it's real meaning is way better than it's later reputation...

As i just said that is not the hindu swastik and cannot be confused or the meaning. There is a subtle difference in the angle and the poster one is 100% nazi in symbol and meaning do not try to fudge or confuse it with the indian one.

Still Swastica is a symbol - and the fact that I like Black Sabbath - does that make me anti christ ?? Or Rammstein do that make me antidemocratic ?? What kind of music should a real democrat listen to ? Johnny Logan and The Osmonds ??

No it is not just any symbol it is more than that to millions it represents the horror of genocide. i happen to love metal as well but do not wear the symbols of oppression you have to get that when your in a movement any neo nazi symbolism will be associated with it.

Id respect you more if you admitted this is totally unacceptable and didnt try to just make excuses... if something is wrong then have the decency to admit it... both sides should be condemning these shootings and killings and violence of their own even if only suspected to come from thier own camps but they arnt.

ill ask you a simple Question are you a Thai citizen ?

And if so do you really think by not condemning these acts of racism sexism violence and Nazi symbolism it will be seen as anything but a barbaric and misplaced supported movement ?

If you do you are going to find out there is a price to be paid and i pity the cost. My thai family is disgusted by it all and so are most Thais i know. Irrespective of political preference they are all pretty much of the opinion the only way out is by talking not killing and no one will talk just demand.... this isnt the way to peace or a solution.

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So the ultra corupt Judiciary, Constitution court and EC get to remove the PTP..what then. Thaksin has a majority on his own he does not need the coalition and I belive unlike before when Newin sold him up the river for his few million dollars and the promise of a bus maintainence contract, these coalition members will stand firm (even when they are made offers they cant refuse) So we have another election and guess what Thaksin wins again.

This behaviour is amount to dereliction of duty, like being a spy for the enemy in times of war, and they will not be able to put a Reform Council in place because the only answer to that is Civil War. For sure these gutless b4stards will be nowhere to be seen


One of the good things about the present crisis is that it has forced the anti democracy conspirators out from under their rocks and into the light of day. Now everyone knows who they are and can clearly see their contempt for the ballot box. When the dust settles on the crisis there will be a day of reckoning for these people.

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PTP, Yingluck and Thaksin. Your shit is piling up, big time. Well "som nam na"

Hope somebody is logging all these names of the"outed" just in case the 16,000,000 need to vent their anger at someone

For those who seem a bit confused, this is what a fascist looks like.


noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\

: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

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Given the fact that many posters on this and other threads have mentioned the fact that Suthep and his crowd are anti-foreigner, I find it amazing that so many seem to want the man to get what he's aiming for.

I sincerely hope that, as we're all exiting the kingdom without our money, homes, possessions, valuables, dogs, hopes, dreams and even families, you remember to thank him for giving you the opportunity to return to your beloved home countries where you can live in style and continue failing to understand the reality of life.

If I meet any of you on the way out - watch out!

Do you have any references for this? ie what exactly has he said regarding foreigners?

Like I said before, the reason I don't like Thaksin is, that he has made many racist remarks, in the past and also has brought in racist polices, since he came to power. I do not see Khun Suthep as racist.

Remember, when Thaksin blamed us Farang (white guys), saying it is because we bought up most of the land in Thailand, that some Thai people don't have enough to eat? (He was trying to cover up the mess, when he did his push for Gasohol and Biodiesel, using valuable farm land, to grow plants for fuel)

How about, when he kept changing the visa rules, for foreigners, making it harder and harder, to stay in the Kingdom? How about the time, he doubled the money requirement for foreigners to stay here on retirement and marriage visas, or when he tightened up "business visas", that you now need an invitation from a limited Thai company, to get a business visa?

When you accuse Khun Suthep of being racist, you have the wrong man. It is Thaksin and his clan, who are racist.

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Given the fact that many posters on this and other threads have mentioned the fact that Suthep and his crowd are anti-foreigner, I find it amazing that so many seem to want the man to get what he's aiming for.

I sincerely hope that, as we're all exiting the kingdom without our money, homes, possessions, valuables, dogs, hopes, dreams and even families, you remember to thank him for giving you the opportunity to return to your beloved home countries where you can live in style and continue failing to understand the reality of life.

If I meet any of you on the way out - watch out!

Do you have any references for this? ie what exactly has he said regarding foreigners?

Like I said before, the reason I don't like Thaksin is, that he has made many racist remarks, in the past and also has brought in racist polices, since he came to power. I do not see Khun Suthep as racist.

Remember, when Thaksin blamed us Farang (white guys), saying it is because we bought up most of the land in Thailand, that some Thai people don't have enough to eat? (He was trying to cover up the mess, when he did his push for Gasohol and Biodiesel, using valuable farm land, to grow plants for fuel)

How about, when he kept changing the visa rules, for foreigners, making it harder and harder, to stay in the Kingdom? How about the time, he doubled the money requirement for foreigners to stay here on retirement and marriage visas, or when he tightened up "business visas", that you now need an invitation from a limited Thai company, to get a business visa?

When you accuse Khun Suthep of being racist, you have the wrong man. It is Thaksin and his clan, who are racist.

Oh my lord.

Suthep the non racist, but thaksin the farang hater?

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Given the fact that many posters on this and other threads have mentioned the fact that Suthep and his crowd are anti-foreigner, I find it amazing that so many seem to want the man to get what he's aiming for.

I sincerely hope that, as we're all exiting the kingdom without our money, homes, possessions, valuables, dogs, hopes, dreams and even families, you remember to thank him for giving you the opportunity to return to your beloved home countries where you can live in style and continue failing to understand the reality of life.

If I meet any of you on the way out - watch out!

Do you have any references for this? ie what exactly has he said regarding foreigners?

Like I said before, the reason I don't like Thaksin is, that he has made many racist remarks, in the past and also has brought in racist polices, since he came to power. I do not see Khun Suthep as racist.

Remember, when Thaksin blamed us Farang (white guys), saying it is because we bought up most of the land in Thailand, that some Thai people don't have enough to eat? (He was trying to cover up the mess, when he did his push for Gasohol and Biodiesel, using valuable farm land, to grow plants for fuel)

How about, when he kept changing the visa rules, for foreigners, making it harder and harder, to stay in the Kingdom? How about the time, he doubled the money requirement for foreigners to stay here on retirement and marriage visas, or when he tightened up "business visas", that you now need an invitation from a limited Thai company, to get a business visa?

When you accuse Khun Suthep of being racist, you have the wrong man. It is Thaksin and his clan, who are racist.

Think you have it a bit confused, quite a lot of us are saying Suthep is just as racist and corrupt, Please stop trying to paint ~Thaksin as a devil and Suthep as a saint its laughable. You dont use a crook to get rid of one, if youve any sense.

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