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PM to be investigated on rice deal and impeachment bid

Lite Beer

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The probe and the impeachment will sure swing the votes to PTP - sympathy votes.

"Mr Vicha insisted that the probe against Ms Yingluck was not politically motivated or a political persecution against her."

The DEM and its PDRC/PCAD believes but not the rest of the Thais and some posters here.

You think politicians are above the law then? Or just certain ones.

Being elected doesn't mean corruption is legal. If she is innocent she has nothing to fear if she tells the truth.

No one would disagree....if it is clear that the process is being undertaken without fear or favour....sadly not the case

But that's not the case in Thailand period. Has the caretaker government acted in a lawful way, respecting parliamentary rules, awarding contracts with transparency and fairness, openly accounted for very large sums of money spent, held proper public meetings when needed etc etc.

Are any courts here applying law without fear or favor, or any civil servants.

That's the problem with endemic corruption. Unlikely to change when a convicted crook can run the country whilst on the run is it?

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Anti-graft body to probe Yingluck on rice charges
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Jan 29 – The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has vowed to speed up its investigation of the caretaker prime minister on charges of negligence in connection with the controversial rice pledging scheme.

NACC member Vicha Mahakhun said the investigation will include a Democrat Party petition seeking to remove Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra for being implicated in the rice programme which has created heavy losses and involved non-existent government-to-government rice deals with China.

The caretaker prime minister, chairperson of the National Rice Policy Committee, was charged with failing to stop the rice subsidy plan – an offence under the Criminal Code, he said.

The NACC earlier assigned a sub-committee to handle the investigation of Ms Yingluck.

The commission decided yesterday that all members will investigate the case and conclude it as soon as possible, said Mr Vicha.

Regarding an investigation on alleged corruption in rice deals under the Abhisit Vejjajiva government in 2009-2010, Mr Vicha said the NACC has interrogated 25 related officials from the Foreign Trade Department and Marketing Organisation for Farmers. Porntiva Nakasai was then commerce minister.

He said the NACC has asked for facts from 16 government agencies but some of them refused to supply information concerning the case, claiming that documents were damaged and lost during severe floods. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-01-29

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I don't like the rice pledging policy but have no idea if it has been handled corruptly...that is yet to be determined. What is very obvious to me and many like-minded objective observers is that these political appointees to key watchdog roles seem to have screwed up the timetable for their investigations. Ignore or delay allegations against one side but pursue the other side with Olympic speed

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No one would disagree....if it is clear that the process is being undertaken without fear or favour....sadly not the case

Are you suggesting that the NACC is manufacturing evidence? How do you falsify a (non-)attendance record for the chair of a scheme costing the country billions, because that is the basis of the negligence claim?

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I don't like the rice pledging policy but have no idea if it has been handled corruptly...that is yet to be determined. What is very obvious to me and many like-minded objective observers is that these political appointees to key watchdog roles seem to have screwed up the timetable for their investigations. Ignore or delay allegations against one side but pursue the other side with Olympic speed

some people see the situation only the way they want to see it without any objectivity.

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I don't like the rice pledging policy but have no idea if it has been handled corruptly...that is yet to be determined. What is very obvious to me and many like-minded objective observers is that these political appointees to key watchdog roles seem to have screwed up the timetable for their investigations. Ignore or delay allegations against one side but pursue the other side with Olympic speed

You will not commit yourself, or give an honest answer--in your opinion, "you have no idea if it has been handled corruptly" well I have an honest idea that it has been handled corruptly--a gut feeling- because Bla Bla......First and foremost where are the records of money payments ?? Why the cover up of "no comment from Yingluck every time she is asked about the rice scam.

Yes investigations are to be carried out, and we will wait for the outcome, But anyone conducting this will first want to see the invoices-- bank records--dates of all transactions and by WHO.

You sound afraid of voicing opposition to most government problems, sounds like you support them - no matter what.

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One thing has become blatantly obvious to me over the past month; there are people on TV that are just oblivious to what has taken place in Thailand for the past 10 years like the rise in the corruption index position.

To say they are sheep is an understatement, all I ask is PLEASE list and explain Just what the Shinawatras have actually done for Thailand.

I want real facts and proof not just the usual idiotic reply of “he” helped the poor or more bull about their failed populist policy’s ……(that ALL Thailand tax payers are still paying for and that includes me)

All I see are higher prices more police and local government corruption, terrible service and very few smiles anymore

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As it should be. At least there are a few agencies left in the government that has the guts to do what's right and stand up against the Shinawatras. Whether or notyou're for or against the protests, you have to admit the PM has to take a fall for the rice scam. Hundreds of billions lost, farmers not paid, rice missing and Thailand dropping from number 1 to number 3 in rice production. Yingluck, time to go.

What a bunch of BS, "the NACC, is but another tool of the rich elite power structure, and only do as they are ordered" That hypocrite stated the action was " not politically motivated or a political persecution" How does he explain the fact that this agency the you state has the "guts to do what is right", when they have been dragging their feet on the charges of corruption against the Abhisit government and the Democrats for over 3 years since PTP came to power in 2011.The cases are "GT-200 explosive detectors scam, the construction of Racthaburi hospital, Procurement under the Thai Khen Kaeng scheme, the construction of 396 police stations and also the corrupt Rice case under the Democrats and the Abhisit government.

Why has the NACC fast tracked the PTP rice case, while failing to address charged democrat corruption cases for over at least 3 years! If you believe that it is not "politically motivated" or "political persecution" you could also believe in the "Easter bunny and the tooth fairy".

The NCAA is doing what the elite has ordered them to do!


Absolutely correct and a point well made in today's Bangkok Post ( but you won't read about it in The Nation). They drag their feet endlessly on anything to do with the Democrats but move with lightning speed against PTP. This is nothing more than a joke and a further embarrassment for Thailand's attempts to deal with corruption in an even-handed way. This is Dracula in charge of the blood bank material

Khun Wicha said the reasons the cases against the Democrats had gone nowhere was because Pheua Thai had failed to supply any documents to back up their claims against the Democrats.

Regarding the rice mortgage scam-the Democrats pointed out irregularities in this scheme way back in the censure debate of 2012 .

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IMO, if PM Yingluck is ousted or not taking part in the GE because of internal forces, PTP will lose votes. If it is external forces, then, PTP will gain more.

My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics. Voters, especially the younger ones will vote her because many see her not because of her being politically persecuted, but that she is compassionate, patience, not easily provoke, not arrogant and not confrontational. Above all, many see her as visionary. The disruptive politics of Thailand is blurring Thai societies of her long term views for Thailand and had disrupted the peace, progress, and prosperity of Thailand.

You can say she is not a good politician, but that does not matter, because she does not play political game. It is important that she is a real leader and she can use her leadership style in political arena.

My only criticism on her is that while it is commendable to have compassion, it is not necessary to the extend of being taken for granted and advantaged by people whose aim is to destroy. There come a time rule of law must apply swiftly and forcibly and talk about leniency later.

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One thing has become blatantly obvious to me over the past month; there are people on TV that are just oblivious to what has taken place in Thailand for the past 10 years like the rise in the corruption index position.

To say they are sheep is an understatement, all I ask is PLEASE list and explain Just what the Shinawatras have actually done for Thailand.

I want real facts and proof not just the usual idiotic reply of he helped the poor or more bull about their failed populist policys (that ALL Thailand tax payers are still paying for and that includes me)

All I see are higher prices more police and local government corruption, terrible service and very few smiles anymore

They instituted the highly successful Thailand Elite Card that has brought billions into the national treasury.

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As it should be. At least there are a few agencies left in the government that has the guts to do what's right and stand up against the Shinawatras. Whether or notyou're for or against the protests, you have to admit the PM has to take a fall for the rice scam. Hundreds of billions lost, farmers not paid, rice missing and Thailand dropping from number 1 to number 3 in rice production. Yingluck, time to go.

What a bunch of BS, "the NACC, is but another tool of the rich elite power structure, and only do as they are ordered" That hypocrite stated the action was " not politically motivated or a political persecution" How does he explain the fact that this agency the you state has the "guts to do what is right", when they have been dragging their feet on the charges of corruption against the Abhisit government and the Democrats for over 3 years since PTP came to power in 2011.The cases are "GT-200 explosive detectors scam, the construction of Racthaburi hospital, Procurement under the Thai Khen Kaeng scheme, the construction of 396 police stations and also the corrupt Rice case under the Democrats and the Abhisit government.

Why has the NACC fast tracked the PTP rice case, while failing to address charged democrat corruption cases for over at least 3 years! If you believe that it is not "politically motivated" or "political persecution" you could also believe in the "Easter bunny and the tooth fairy".

The NCAA is doing what the elite has ordered them to do!


Absolutely correct and a point well made in today's Bangkok Post ( but you won't read about it in The Nation). They drag their feet endlessly on anything to do with the Democrats but move with lightning speed against PTP. This is nothing more than a joke and a further embarrassment for Thailand's attempts to deal with corruption in an even-handed way. This is Dracula in charge of the blood bank material

Khun Wicha said the reasons the cases against the Democrats had gone nowhere was because Pheua Thai had failed to supply any documents to back up their claims against the Democrats.

Regarding the rice mortgage scam-the Democrats pointed out irregularities in this scheme way back in the censure debate of 2012 .

Double ouch.

Reality is painful.

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One thing has become blatantly obvious to me over the past month; there are people on TV that are just oblivious to what has taken place in Thailand for the past 10 years like the rise in the corruption index position.

To say they are sheep is an understatement, all I ask is PLEASE list and explain Just what the Shinawatras have actually done for Thailand.

I want real facts and proof not just the usual idiotic reply of he helped the poor or more bull about their failed populist policys (that ALL Thailand tax payers are still paying for and that includes me)

All I see are higher prices more police and local government corruption, terrible service and very few smiles anymore

They instituted the highly successful Thailand Elite Card that has brought billions into the national treasury.

Some of their policies have been flawed. On the other hand, they have led Thailand through a period of very strong economic growth....and growth that has been of benefit to a far wider proportion of the Thai population. This has been a Thailand for ALL rather than the few. Sure, lots of mistakes along the way but Thaksin has been great for Thailand in many ways

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IMO, if PM Yingluck is ousted or not taking part in the GE because of internal forces, PTP will lose votes. If it is external forces, then, PTP will gain more.

My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics. Voters, especially the younger ones will vote her because many see her not because of her being politically persecuted, but that she is compassionate, patience, not easily provoke, not arrogant and not confrontational. Above all, many see her as visionary. The disruptive politics of Thailand is blurring Thai societies of her long term views for Thailand and had disrupted the peace, progress, and prosperity of Thailand.

You can say she is not a good politician, but that does not matter, because she does not play political game. It is important that she is a real leader and she can use her leadership style in political arena.

My only criticism on her is that while it is commendable to have compassion, it is not necessary to the extend of being taken for granted and advantaged by people whose aim is to destroy. There come a time rule of law must apply swiftly and forcibly and talk about leniency later.

I'm hoping that she will be sentenced top a prison term of at least 5 years, making her ineligible for public office - not that you can run from some extradition haven.

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IMO, if PM Yingluck is ousted or not taking part in the GE because of internal forces, PTP will lose votes. If it is external forces, then, PTP will gain more.

My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics. Voters, especially the younger ones will vote her because many see her not because of her being politically persecuted, but that she is compassionate, patience, not easily provoke, not arrogant and not confrontational. Above all, many see her as visionary. The disruptive politics of Thailand is blurring Thai societies of her long term views for Thailand and had disrupted the peace, progress, and prosperity of Thailand.

You can say she is not a good politician, but that does not matter, because she does not play political game. It is important that she is a real leader and she can use her leadership style in political arena.

My only criticism on her is that while it is commendable to have compassion, it is not necessary to the extend of being taken for granted and advantaged by people whose aim is to destroy. There come a time rule of law must apply swiftly and forcibly and talk about leniency later.

I'm hoping that she will be sentenced top a prison term of at least 5 years, making her ineligible for public office - not that you can run from some extradition haven.

So you hope for Civil War, Yingluk elevated to Aung San Su Khu Kyi, Sanctions against Thailand, and Elite mob ruling the country.

Well, news for you all. Ain't happening. Air Force Stood Squarly with Yingluck yesteday and The Courts just again demostrated that their Elite background matters far more than the Country.

I think they are getting very desperate now as the Election will show clearly that Suthep has not got the numbers. Even if he had 6 million they could not make a dent in the voting anywhere North of Bangkok :)

Suthep does have enemies in the South as well and more than likely there will be movenment down there whilst he is away!!!

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IMO, if PM Yingluck is ousted or not taking part in the GE because of internal forces, PTP will lose votes. If it is external forces, then, PTP will gain more.

My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics. Voters, especially the younger ones will vote her because many see her not because of her being politically persecuted, but that she is compassionate, patience, not easily provoke, not arrogant and not confrontational. Above all, many see her as visionary. The disruptive politics of Thailand is blurring Thai societies of her long term views for Thailand and had disrupted the peace, progress, and prosperity of Thailand.

You can say she is not a good politician, but that does not matter, because she does not play political game. It is important that she is a real leader and she can use her leadership style in political arena.

My only criticism on her is that while it is commendable to have compassion, it is not necessary to the extend of being taken for granted and advantaged by people whose aim is to destroy. There come a time rule of law must apply swiftly and forcibly and talk about leniency later.

You may be correct in your assesment of a possible future political nich for Yingluck. Not wanting to lower the standards claimed by Thai politics, I would throw out that her attributes as you pointed to, may be more suitable for dog catcher or even possible head of a non profit animal shelter.

The many who see her as a 'visionary' may want to schedule an appointment at the eye doctor for themselves, as this lady may be headed to be declared blind, to how politics needs to operate for the good of the people, not the family.

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. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics.


New style, indeed.

She represents people that wouldn't want to form a political party in the first place and secondly, needed to be coerced by a father-like brother to even enter politics, let alone become PM, preferring instead to remain as a do-nothing figurehead of one of the aforementioned brother's businesses. Only finally capitulating after having said no for months and months.

on 2 December 2008, former People's Power Party MPs formed the Pheu Thai Party. Yingluck was asked to become the leader of the party but she declined, stating that she did not want to be Prime Minister and wanted to focus on business.


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As it should be. At least there are a few agencies left in the government that has the guts to do what's right and stand up against the Shinawatras. Whether or notyou're for or against the protests, you have to admit the PM has to take a fall for the rice scam. Hundreds of billions lost, farmers not paid, rice missing and Thailand dropping from number 1 to number 3 in rice production. Yingluck, time to go.

What a bunch of BS, "the NACC, is but another tool of the rich elite power structure, and only do as they are ordered" That hypocrite stated the action was " not politically motivated or a political persecution" How does he explain the fact that this agency the you state has the "guts to do what is right", when they have been dragging their feet on the charges of corruption against the Abhisit government and the Democrats for over 3 years since PTP came to power in 2011.The cases are "GT-200 explosive detectors scam, the construction of Racthaburi hospital, Procurement under the Thai Khen Kaeng scheme, the construction of 396 police stations and also the corrupt Rice case under the Democrats and the Abhisit government.

Why has the NACC fast tracked the PTP rice case, while failing to address charged democrat corruption cases for over at least 3 years! If you believe that it is not "politically motivated" or "political persecution" you could also believe in the "Easter bunny and the tooth fairy".

The NCAA is doing what the elite has ordered them to do!


Well first off the Dems are not swindling billions of baht out of the country's coffers and dragging it down the toilet. Secondly, care to give details of these 'cases' you believe they are dragging their feet on ?

The rice scam case should bee dealt with as quickly as possible despite your bias since it is ruining the economy very quickly.

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One thing has become blatantly obvious to me over the past month; there are people on TV that are just oblivious to what has taken place in Thailand for the past 10 years like the rise in the corruption index position.

To say they are sheep is an understatement, all I ask is PLEASE list and explain Just what the Shinawatras have actually done for Thailand.

I want real facts and proof not just the usual idiotic reply of he helped the poor or more bull about their failed populist policys (that ALL Thailand tax payers are still paying for and that includes me)

All I see are higher prices more police and local government corruption, terrible service and very few smiles anymore

They instituted the highly successful Thailand Elite Card that has brought billions into the national treasury.
Some of their policies have been flawed. On the other hand, they have led Thailand through a period of very strong economic growth....and growth that has been of benefit to a far wider proportion of the Thai population. This has been a Thailand for ALL rather than the few. Sure, lots of mistakes along the way but Thaksin has been great for Thailand in many ways

I'll defer to terryp's third paragraph for your non-answer.

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He said the NACC has asked for facts from 16 government agencies but some of them refused to supply information concerning the case, claiming that documents were damaged and lost during severe floods.

How terribly convenient. Do I believe this for even a single millisecond ? NOPE ! Sadly they will face obfuscation at every turn in this investigation, same as in the issuing a diplomatic passport to a convicted fugitive on the run case. The innocent have no need of obfuscation.....

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One thing has become blatantly obvious to me over the past month; there are people on TV that are just oblivious to what has taken place in Thailand for the past 10 years like the rise in the corruption index position.

To say they are sheep is an understatement, all I ask is PLEASE list and explain Just what the Shinawatras have actually done for Thailand.

I want real facts and proof not just the usual idiotic reply of he helped the poor or more bull about their failed populist policys (that ALL Thailand tax payers are still paying for and that includes me)

All I see are higher prices more police and local government corruption, terrible service and very few smiles anymore

They instituted the highly successful Thailand Elite Card that has brought billions into the national treasury.

Some of their policies have been flawed. On the other hand, they have led Thailand through a period of very strong economic growth....and growth that has been of benefit to a far wider proportion of the Thai population. This has been a Thailand for ALL rather than the few. Sure, lots of mistakes along the way but Thaksin has been great for Thailand in many ways

Re-Thaksin----Most NORMAL leaders do good for their respective countries, BECAUSE THEY GET PAID TO DO IT. and they promise to do on oath. For the crown.

"some polices have been Flawed" MOST should have been your comment.

Your "strong economic growth" statement covers the last 3 years does it ??.............so we should be in fine fettle then ?? no corruption, no disturbance, no dictatorial attitude, and a brilliant cabinet to deal with everyday problems ???

I am not bashing Thailand I bash those who are running the job, whoever it may be--if it was the demo's and we had this deceit I would bash them.

Whatever Thaksin did for the country it was because it was his job, he didn't do it for a favour.

So he had no need to abuse his power if he loved the country so much. As is the same now, he is the hidden Ghost out there dictating --TROUBLE.

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IMO, if PM Yingluck is ousted or not taking part in the GE because of internal forces, PTP will lose votes. If it is external forces, then, PTP will gain more.

My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics. Voters, especially the younger ones will vote her because many see her not because of her being politically persecuted, but that she is compassionate, patience, not easily provoke, not arrogant and not confrontational. Above all, many see her as visionary. The disruptive politics of Thailand is blurring Thai societies of her long term views for Thailand and had disrupted the peace, progress, and prosperity of Thailand.

You can say she is not a good politician, but that does not matter, because she does not play political game. It is important that she is a real leader and she can use her leadership style in political arena.

My only criticism on her is that while it is commendable to have compassion, it is not necessary to the extend of being taken for granted and advantaged by people whose aim is to destroy. There come a time rule of law must apply swiftly and forcibly and talk about leniency later.

HAHAHAHAHA what a load of crap. She is finished ! In PT she has never been more than a figurehead stranding in for the fugitive. She has no clue about how to be a politician. She has done nothing good for the country - NOTHING ! If you think I am wrong then please list for me her many stellar achievements that have passed me by....?

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IMO, if PM Yingluck is ousted or not taking part in the GE because of internal forces, PTP will lose votes. If it is external forces, then, PTP will gain more.

My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics. Voters, especially the younger ones will vote her because many see her not because of her being politically persecuted, but that she is compassionate, patience, not easily provoke, not arrogant and not confrontational. Above all, many see her as visionary. The disruptive politics of Thailand is blurring Thai societies of her long term views for Thailand and had disrupted the peace, progress, and prosperity of Thailand.

You can say she is not a good politician, but that does not matter, because she does not play political game. It is important that she is a real leader and she can use her leadership style in political arena.

My only criticism on her is that while it is commendable to have compassion, it is not necessary to the extend of being taken for granted and advantaged by people whose aim is to destroy. There come a time rule of law must apply swiftly and forcibly and talk about leniency later.

I'm hoping that she will be sentenced top a prison term of at least 5 years, making her ineligible for public office - not that you can run from some extradition haven.

So you hope for Civil War, Yingluk elevated to Aung San Su Khu Kyi, Sanctions against Thailand, and Elite mob ruling the country.

Well, news for you all. Ain't happening. Air Force Stood Squarly with Yingluck yesteday and The Courts just again demostrated that their Elite background matters far more than the Country.

I think they are getting very desperate now as the Election will show clearly that Suthep has not got the numbers. Even if he had 6 million they could not make a dent in the voting anywhere North of Bangkok smile.png

Suthep does have enemies in the South as well and more than likely there will be movenment down there whilst he is away!!!

The only person who has said 'civil war' on this thread is YOU so it seems that it is only you who wants that.

I don't care if she gets 100% of votes, she still has to face her crimes and pay the price for them.

Law should apply to all, not just the ones a FUGITIVE chooses. Taksin has no right to have any say in what happens in this country. If he comes back and serves his 2 years then maybe I would believe he has a right to continue in politics, but whilst he is a fugitive on the run he has none and how dare he do what he has done to this country over the last 7 years. 92 dead in 2010 because of him, 10 dead now because of him and the split betweeen red and yellow is because of him, others are perpetuating it now but he started it. As far as I am concerned the entire PT administration are guilty of aiding and abetting a criminal. This in itself should be punished let alone anything else they have done....

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IMO, if PM Yingluck is ousted or not taking part in the GE because of internal forces, PTP will lose votes. If it is external forces, then, PTP will gain more.

My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics. Voters, especially the younger ones will vote her because many see her not because of her being politically persecuted, but that she is compassionate, patience, not easily provoke, not arrogant and not confrontational. Above all, many see her as visionary. The disruptive politics of Thailand is blurring Thai societies of her long term views for Thailand and had disrupted the peace, progress, and prosperity of Thailand.

You can say she is not a good politician, but that does not matter, because she does not play political game. It is important that she is a real leader and she can use her leadership style in political arena.

My only criticism on her is that while it is commendable to have compassion, it is not necessary to the extend of being taken for granted and advantaged by people whose aim is to destroy. There come a time rule of law must apply swiftly and forcibly and talk about leniency later.

I'm hoping that she will be sentenced top a prison term of at least 5 years, making her ineligible for public office - not that you can run from some extradition haven.

So you hope for Civil War, Yingluk elevated to Aung San Su Khu Kyi, Sanctions against Thailand, and Elite mob ruling the country.

Well, news for you all. Ain't happening. Air Force Stood Squarly with Yingluck yesteday and The Courts just again demostrated that their Elite background matters far more than the Country.

I think they are getting very desperate now as the Election will show clearly that Suthep has not got the numbers. Even if he had 6 million they could not make a dent in the voting anywhere North of Bangkok smile.png

Suthep does have enemies in the South as well and more than likely there will be movenment down there whilst he is away!!!

Don't elevate your wishful thinking to being on my want list. When sufficient evidence is presented, the majority of the public will accept it, despite the propaganda artists whining "judicial coup" or whatever the nonsense of the day happens to be.

The final accounting of the rice scam is yet to come, and when it does, shinawatra will be used as an insult.

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IMO, if PM Yingluck is ousted or not taking part in the GE because of internal forces, PTP will lose votes. If it is external forces, then, PTP will gain more.

My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics. Voters, especially the younger ones will vote her because many see her not because of her being politically persecuted, but that she is compassionate, patience, not easily provoke, not arrogant and not confrontational. Above all, many see her as visionary. The disruptive politics of Thailand is blurring Thai societies of her long term views for Thailand and had disrupted the peace, progress, and prosperity of Thailand.

You can say she is not a good politician, but that does not matter, because she does not play political game. It is important that she is a real leader and she can use her leadership style in political arena.

My only criticism on her is that while it is commendable to have compassion, it is not necessary to the extend of being taken for granted and advantaged by people whose aim is to destroy. There come a time rule of law must apply swiftly and forcibly and talk about leniency later.

You may be correct in your assesment of a possible future political nich for Yingluck. Not wanting to lower the standards claimed by Thai politics, I would throw out that her attributes as you pointed to, may be more suitable for dog catcher or even possible head of a non profit animal shelter.

The many who see her as a 'visionary' may want to schedule an appointment at the eye doctor for themselves, as this lady may be headed to be declared blind, to how politics needs to operate for the good of the people, not the family.

"My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years. She can form her own party after five year and in direct competition with PTP. She represents the new style of leadership in politics. Voters, especially the younger ones will vote her because many see her not because of her being politically persecuted, but that she is compassionate, patience, not easily provoke, not arrogant and not confrontational. Above all, many see her as visionary. The disruptive politics of Thailand is blurring Thai societies of her long term views for Thailand and had disrupted the peace, progress, and prosperity of Thailand."

Reality is not present in the above post.

Do you really believe she would have any interest in forming her own party? And with no connection to the family 'set-up'?

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"My opinion and that of many is that it will work to the advantage of PM Yingluck if she is impeached and leave politic for five years.

Isn't this what is the biggest problem in this country, that they can get banned for 5 years only, and then return repeating the same offences ?

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