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Suthep announces election must be blocked


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Hmm. Voting for more of this.


Democracy under threat here.

Absolutely. Democracy under threat. You forgot to include in your propaganda material that her brother is the biggest human rights abuser in modern Thai history. We could expect more of the same if her governmenbt succeeds in bringing him back. Extra judicial killings, death squads,assassinations of human rights activists and independent journalists etc...etc...Halmark of Shinawatra&Chalerm Co.

By the way, you're wasting your time here with posting photos. Foreigners in Thailand know who Shinawatras are. Cute outfits and fake smiles fool no one. Only you perhaps.

You seem to have forgotten the 2010 slaughter of protestors and a number of journalists - ah, but that was Abbhisit and Suthep who were responsible which doesn't suit your rant!

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The problem that a lot of Thais face is they have NO ONE to vote for at all.

Does anyone have any suggestions or information on smaller parties contesting the election that aren't in Puea Thai's back pocket?

Election should be postponed as it will do nothing to move the country forward and will actually achieve the opposite and this is coming from someone who despises this little mob of hired thugs running around Bangkok at the moment.

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Hmm. Voting for more of this.


Or fighting for more of this scum? Democracy under threat here.


Oh wow...that is...so absolutely oversimplistic and dumb, I am almost lost for words!

Seriously, dude?

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Hmm. Voting for more of this.


Democracy under threat here.

Absolutely. Democracy under threat. You forgot to include in your propaganda material that her brother is the biggest human rights abuser in modern Thai history. We could expect more of the same if her governmenbt succeeds in bringing him back. Extra judicial killings, death squads,assassinations of human rights activists and independent journalists etc...etc...Halmark of Shinawatra&Chalerm Co.

By the way, you're wasting your time here with posting photos. Foreigners in Thailand know who Shinawatras are. Cute outfits and fake smiles fool no one. Only you perhaps.

You seem to have forgotten the 2010 slaughter of protestors and a number of journalists - ah, but that was Abbhisit and Suthep who were responsible which doesn't suit your rant!

Ouch. It seems that I've rattled your cage. I do apologise. wai2.gif

Before you post another rant of yours, educate yourself about 2010. Access hrw.org, Descent into Chaos and learn something about Thailand.


No need to thank me. The lesson was free. I hope you learned something today. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Mackie
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Hmm. Voting for more of this.


Or fighting for more of this scum? Democracy under threat here.


Oh wow...that is...so absolutely oversimplistic and dumb, I am almost lost for words!

Seriously, dude?


Not sure I like the look of the Bangkok Elite when you see them up close.

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This bloke is an idiot, the country is a mess. When is someone going to grow a pair and just rid the country of these muppets from both sides?

Not gonna happen all the time Supthep keeps his very influential backers.

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Last week he was saying the elections would be allowed and only peaceful demonstrations would take place this madman is a joke I bet he does not go near the north of Thailand as he knows he would not have a chance in stopping elections taking place when the shin family have won on Sunday he will be demanding the peoples revolution takes place on Monday what a pity this old fool and his party did not register and sit around the table for dialogue had he done so I for one believe something positive would have come out of discussions? I hope on Monday he will be arrested and charged for incitement he has tried to bring the country to its knees without any success he should put his energies into fighting the murder charges he is facing enough is enough time to get back to normal even if normal is corruption as it is not just government but the courts! the police as well as every single person who avoids paying there taxes and that is why Thailand will never change

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Hmm. Voting for more of this.


Democracy under threat here.

Absolutely. Democracy under threat. You forgot to include in your propaganda material that her brother is the biggest human rights abuser in modern Thai history. We could expect more of the same if her governmenbt succeeds in bringing him back. Extra judicial killings, death squads,assassinations of human rights activists and independent journalists etc...etc...Halmark of Shinawatra&Chalerm Co.

By the way, you're wasting your time here with posting photos. Foreigners in Thailand know who Shinawatras are. Cute outfits and fake smiles fool no one. Only you perhaps.

You seem to have forgotten the 2010 slaughter of protestors and a number of journalists - ah, but that was Abbhisit and Suthep who were responsible which doesn't suit your rant!

Ouch. It seems that I've rattled your cage. I do apologise. wai2.gif

Before you post another rant of yours, educate yourself about 2010. Access hrw.org, Descent into Chaos and learn something about Thailand.


No need to thank me. The lesson was free. I hope you learned something today. thumbsup.gif

I wasn't ranting. Just pointing out the bias in your post.

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Or fighting for more of this scum? Democracy under threat here.


Oh wow...that is...so absolutely oversimplistic and dumb, I am almost lost for words!

Seriously, dude?


Not sure I like the look of the Bangkok Elite when you see them up close.

Not sure they even look Thai at all.

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The government should just relocate to an Island like Samui or somewhere... think of the things... that "would" go right... if he and the other protesters were there, and well they wouldnt have to go far to get each other... and being in an island environment... well they would probably do more drinking then fighting... so make love not war thinking would be promoted... then if all else fails... just drop a few bombs on the place and then rebuild... hehe hope no thai read this, they may take up the idea...

Why pick on Samui it is a peaceful island we do not want the crap of Bangkok on our doorstep already Suthep and his family have got a stronghold on the island with dodgy land deals as I speak sutheps son is facing serious charges in the courts for land corruption on our beautiful island he has already constructed a huge cement road which runs across tor por bor land Suthep and his family are no better than the shins they are most probably worse I cannot believe how many Falangs think that he would be good for the country he would if you wanted to live like the North Koreans with him as the head. The man in Dubai would be an angel compered to this guy if he got hold of power. And while were on the case I do not remember government being any better when he and his party got in by the back door sadly there are no winners it is the public who voted and elected the government they wanted who lose out and it will be the same again two years down the road

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Suddenly the foreign media is not so welcome, not that it has outed the great leader and the Coup plotter.

Shoved from behind in a totally non agressive manner, no danger to equipment of himself if he falls on the camera.

Just more examples of the transparant Coup attempt and the lenghts the master will go to to avoid it being filmed. Falangs coming in for lot of abuse last night bottom end of Rachprasong near Pratunam. Not long before they start beating them us as they think we are all journos... Must be those leaves they are chewing. Very very crazy eyed guys there at night and won't be going back again.... Which is good news for all the clothes shops in the area.


Hey Gemini81,

I tell you what... I'll go to your country and prevent YOU from being able to cast YOUR vote... then we'll see if you think that is a form of terrorism.

And keep in mind, BOTH SIDES have obstructed the democratic process in this election to a point where there is no possibility of a legitimate election being carried out. That's not a political stance supporting either side, it's a FACT under the rules that govern elections in the country. There is NO PATH to a legitimate seated government as a result of this election due to the illegal actions of BOTH SIDES!

I wish all of you would quit trying to argue that one side or the other in this situation is RIGHT. They are NOT! They are both as WRONG as it is possible to be and I can't believe that people are so stupid that they can actually get on this forum and try to make the case that one side or the other is RIGHT.

I don't know if it is ignorance, arrogance, or just plain old stupidity, but it is definately pathetic.

Lots of balls behind a keyboard, like chalerm behind a podium or thaksin abroad. Not like Suthep taking to the streets.


You want to talk to me about having a lot of balls behind the keyboard?? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Oh, my friend, I haven't even gotten started yet...

I live in Thailand, I'm married to a Thai, and I expect to live here for a long time.

Further, I work on education and social justice issues across the Asia Pacific region. So you might say that I know a little bit about what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to the historical root social causes that have created the current situation in Thailand. You have already illustrated that you don't have a clue.

Other than sitting around in your mom's basement surfing porn and fantasizing about making a trip to Pattaya, what qualifications do you have that would qualify you as being even slightly informed, let alone any kind of expert, on this issue in particular or Thailand in general?

Stay tunes TVF Readers, this is where we find out whether Gemini has the sense to quit talking smack about things he knows nothing about...

I wager he doesn't...wai2.gif


Dude get off your crack pipe !!

Their are only two people to blaim for all that's happen in Thailand right now and they are brother and sister one lives here and the other lives with the camels and the camels can't stand this scam bag either !! and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out !! I to have lived here for over 20 years have a Thai wife and kids and they even see this Shit going on but you can't <deleted> Oh that's right your a camel lover it all makes sense now carry on with your pipe smoking. Lol

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Peaceful protest because you don't like the government = fine.

Preventing law-abiding citizens from exercising their right to vote = borderline terrorism.

Terrorism?! That involves physical violence to the extreme. Red shirts?

Don't be so dramatic, unless you wanna star in a thai soap opera.

Hey Gemini81,

I tell you what... I'll go to your country and prevent YOU from being able to cast YOUR vote... then we'll see if you think that is a form of terrorism.

And keep in mind, BOTH SIDES have obstructed the democratic process in this election to a point where there is no possibility of a legitimate election being carried out. That's not a political stance supporting either side, it's a FACT under the rules that govern elections in the country. There is NO PATH to a legitimate seated government as a result of this election due to the illegal actions of BOTH SIDES!

I wish all of you would quit trying to argue that one side or the other in this situation is RIGHT. They are NOT! They are both as WRONG as it is possible to be and I can't believe that people are so stupid that they can actually get on this forum and try to make the case that one side or the other is RIGHT.

I don't know if it is ignorance, arrogance, or just plain old stupidity, but it is definately pathetic.


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Ouch. It seems that I've rattled your cage. I do apologise. wai2.gif

Before you post another rant of yours, educate yourself about 2010. Access hrw.org, Descent into Chaos and learn something about Thailand.


No need to thank me. The lesson was free. I hope you learned something today. thumbsup.gif

I've read the HRW report and question whether it really supports your portrayal of events. If you want another view (also controversial) look here.




The Accountability Project is very useful for getting the chronology right - something I have noticed the yellow side are not so good at (the roll call of fatalities on both sides - not just army - on April 10, for example).

It may be that the Accountability Project suffers from its association with Robert Amsterdam, but if you put the detailed information the website contains together with the findings of several recent inquests, you will see that the military and their political bosses have a lot to answer for. Some of the video footage of unarmed red protesters being shot is truly shocking. I think there are deficiencies, such as the account of grenade attacks and the neglect of M-79s, but there is some very useful material there. Take the time to study the website with an open mind, and don't forget to cross check with recent inquest findings.

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It seems very straight forward to me. If Suthep fails to stop the election and remove Thaksin from Thai politics the last opportunity for Thailand to have a clean start will be lost.

Thaksin's power base will strengthen as nobody will try to destroy him again. We can look forward to many years of corrupt government and the return of Thaksin to power.

The royalty will lose power and the move will be towards a republic with Thaksin as president. Marcos in the Philippines started out as the hero of the poor and initially he did a lot of good but he became a dictator.

While Suthep's tactics are anti democratic, I can't see what other options he has. You can argue that we should wait for the electoral processes to remove the Shinawatras from power, but by that time it may be too late.

If the Thaksin problem is not resolved now, it will fester and go underground leading to ongoing violence.

Careful what you wish for, you may come to regret it.

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its not the election that needs blocking but his fat mouth that needs blocking

no government can be allowed to overthrown by a lunatic band of thugs with a nutcase inc charge ,

history shows that ruin will follow

Edited by 3NUMBAS
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Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

Only an intelligent person with half an ounce of common sense would say such a thing!! Let's remember that a large percentage of the posters are not able to comprehend the difference.

To them blocking the road to Nana is a terrorist offence. In fact anyone daring to interrupt the daily schedule of their banal lives is probably a terrorist and definitely a fascist! I never used to understand why some Thais disliked foreigners, but I can see why now. We are not as a whole, a very likeable group.

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Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

Preventing the people from casting their vote in an election is not terrorism?

What if a minority of people stoped you from voting in your country through intimidation and threats of violence? would you then class it as an act of terrorism?

Can I ask what country you come from?

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It seems very straight forward to me. If Suthep fails to stop the election and remove Thaksin from Thai politics the last opportunity for Thailand to have a clean start will be lost.

Thaksin's power base will strengthen as nobody will try to destroy him again. We can look forward to many years of corrupt government and the return of Thaksin to power.

The royalty will lose power and the move will be towards a republic with Thaksin as president. Marcos in the Philippines started out as the hero of the poor and initially he did a lot of good but he became a dictator.

While Suthep's tactics are anti democratic, I can't see what other options he has. You can argue that we should wait for the electoral processes to remove the Shinawatras from power, but by that time it may be too late.

If the Thaksin problem is not resolved now, it will fester and go underground leading to ongoing violence.

Careful what you wish for, you may come to regret it.

No listen it really is very simple to get rid of him. Run a campaign off the back of the protest movement that focuses totally on the massive corruption that took place under Thaksin's rule and also the incompetent blundering and majority dictatorship bullshit that went on under her sister. The problem about this is that no one has the balls to do it as they all have filthy grubby little histories of corruption as well. The democratic system is there in place and ready to boot him out, he only has a strangle hold on power because he has given so much to the poor, Democrats need to start looking at more policies that actually benefit more people on the ground and that would start eating into the Puea Thai vote.

There's no such thing as a clean start for a country anyway, there is no magic button to restart it back to zero. It will takes years and years to clean off the stain of corruption and right now there is no one brave enough to start that process properly including Suthep as if the country was reformed in a serious manner he would probably be in jail rather quickly.

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Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

Only an intelligent person with half an ounce of common sense would say such a thing!! Let's remember that a large percentage of the posters are not able to comprehend the difference.

To them blocking the road to Nana is a terrorist offence. In fact anyone daring to interrupt the daily schedule of their banal lives is probably a terrorist and definitely a fascist! I never used to understand why some Thais disliked foreigners, but I can see why now. We are not as a whole, a very likeable group.

What a bunch of arrogant BS!

The same people who are now praising Suthep and his "Bangkok Shutdown", are the same people who screamed bloody murder, when the Reds camped at Ratchaphrasong.

And to make it clear: I am talking about the days BEFORE the <deleted> hit the fan and streets were on fire!

Yes...there were such days!

I know, selective memory is a great thing, but....seriously...

Edit: before I get the whole "red supporter"- <deleted> again: I am 100% FOR the Bangkok- shutdown as a measure of civil disobedience!

I don't like it- but I am all for it!

Edited by DocN
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Ouch. It seems that I've rattled your cage. I do apologise. wai2.gif

Before you post another rant of yours, educate yourself about 2010. Access hrw.org, Descent into Chaos and learn something about Thailand.


No need to thank me. The lesson was free. I hope you learned something today. thumbsup.gif

I've read the HRW report and question whether it really supports your portrayal of events. If you want another view (also controversial) look here.




The Accountability Project is very useful for getting the chronology right - something I have noticed the yellow side are not so good at (the roll call of fatalities on both sides - not just army - on April 10, for example).

It may be that the Accountability Project suffers from its association with Robert Amsterdam, but if you put the detailed information the website contains together with the findings of several recent inquests, you will see that the military and their political bosses have a lot to answer for. Some of the video footage of unarmed red protesters being shot is truly shocking. I think there are deficiencies, such as the account of grenade attacks and the neglect of M-79s, but there is some very useful material there. Take the time to study the website with an open mind, and don't forget to cross check with recent inquest findings.

Thanks for the links and the objective analysis.

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This kind of polarization I am reading is what tears a country apart and is so dangerous. Both leaders are corrupt...no matter which has had more success at it. It is up to the people to do away with what is happening. If you support Suthep's actions, you are just making way for another Taksin. The thais making comments here are clueless to how a true democracy works and the civil responsibility that comes along with it. Peaceful change is brought with REAL education, petitions, and referendums. The change may take a little time but any good solution will when things have gone this far astray. You cannot change things through blocking a vote. It is illegal and will only cause more hatred and violence. IT CAN ONLY BE DONE THROUGH THE TOOLS OF REAL DEMOCRACY. I suggest you all take a class on it. I have a degree in political science (international governements and relations) if anyone wants to challenge what I have written.

Many governments around the world hide under the guise of "democracy" to do their unlawful deeds by writing their own unlawful laws to protect themselves and their overseers. There I just challenged you lol Everyone wants true democracy, but sometimes a revolution has to take place inorder to cleanse the system of all the corruptness and create and environment where true democracy can flourish. Is this happening in Thailand? Probably not. Looks like a power grab on both sides at the moment. That being said, Nelson Mandela was a true hero of peaceful democracy so it can happen sometimes.

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BTW. Thats 7 PDRC closing down post office to inhibit polling papers.

No corruption ore real factor ruling chuporn then. The only hope from this is enough people in the South have the courage to stand up to this mob. Not holding my breath though as there is a reign of terror down there with all them corrupt politician/maffia types. The ones that don't need reforming though so you don't confuse them with PT

Is it my old eysight. Arn't 2 of these muppets falangs?


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