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Suthep announces election must be blocked


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ETC states that there are 49,271,414 voters and 88,146 polling booths h/t

Difficult job for PDRC to block 49 million people. Lucky they have army to help them, but I still don't think they'll do it even with courts and ec on board.

For comparison, there were 50 in bangkok last weekend and most of those only closed down due to conniving EC. many were demanding to be re-opened.

Keep save in those armed trucks with those whistles this weekend mobsters. Police been seen out trainging with this.

Love to see 200 whistlers turning up with tinnitus after a dose of their own medicine from this.


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With the support Suthep enjoys from within the establishment, and shall we say the less than impartial approach from the agencies charged with conducting the election, then a poll is Pheu Thai's only card. If they win a lot of support at the poll, enough ordinarily to ensure that they would form the next government then that card is the trump card.

Given the amount of official and unofficial interference with the electoral process it is very likely that they will be prevented from forming a government. I still suspect that we will somehow end up with an appointed administration headed by Abhisit, but PT will be sitting there, understood both within Thailand and Internationally as having won an election and had it stolen. In the medium to long term that is a powerful place to be.

Incidentally, and also to PT advantage, does anybody see how an appointed government will have any power in the North and East of the country?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Suthep announces election must be blocked

clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif And Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts and announce: "Elections must be pushed through at all costs!!!!!" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

There is no here! Both sides are wrong! Instead of bashing each other maybe we may read some posts on how to eliminate the Shinawatra regime! Obviously many here believe that Suthep is on the wrong side. I agree that they should not stage an election that may be null and void, rather carry out reforms and then have the election. But by refusing to allow people to vote is not the right way! Because we all know what will happen if the PTP get back into power without reforms first! Do I need to say "Welcome back big brother"

Any alternative ideas from intelligent and rational members here!

Please no bashing as I am not taking sides but looking for possible solutions! Have a great day!

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This kind of polarization I am reading is what tears a country apart and is so dangerous. Both leaders are corrupt...no matter which has had more success at it. It is up to the people to do away with what is happening. If you support Suthep's actions, you are just making way for another Taksin. The thais making comments here are clueless to how a true democracy works and the civil responsibility that comes along with it. Peaceful change is brought with REAL education, petitions, and referendums. The change may take a little time but any good solution will when things have gone this far astray. You cannot change things through blocking a vote. It is illegal and will only cause more hatred and violence. IT CAN ONLY BE DONE THROUGH THE TOOLS OF REAL DEMOCRACY. I suggest you all take a class on it. I have a degree in political science (international governements and relations) if anyone wants to challenge what I have written.

Many governments around the world hide under the guise of "democracy" to do their unlawful deeds by writing their own unlawful laws to protect themselves and their overseers. There I just challenged you lol Everyone wants true democracy, but sometimes a revolution has to take place inorder to cleanse the system of all the corruptness and create and environment where true democracy can flourish. Is this happening in Thailand? Probably not. Looks like a power grab on both sides at the moment. That being said, Nelson Mandela was a true hero of peaceful democracy so it can happen sometimes.

I don't think that is a challenge...it is true. But those aren't true democracies either. I would compare Thailand to the former Yugoslavia and Suthep to Slobadon Milosevic. Very little difference in the political and social attmospheres involved. What you think is a challenge to what I said has no bearing. Please explaion...lol.

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This power hungry scoundrel is getting more and more out of control.

scoundrel is the perfect word for him....

I thought they were going to arrest him within 72 hours?

For any ultimatums issued in LOS, Thai timing applies. This is very convenient as it makes them completely flexible and no one has to take responsibility.

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This kind of polarization I am reading is what tears a country apart and is so dangerous. Both leaders are corrupt...no matter which has had more success at it. It is up to the people to do away with what is happening. If you support Suthep's actions, you are just making way for another Taksin. The thais making comments here are clueless to how a true democracy works and the civil responsibility that comes along with it. Peaceful change is brought with REAL education, petitions, and referendums. The change may take a little time but any good solution will when things have gone this far astray. You cannot change things through blocking a vote. It is illegal and will only cause more hatred and violence. IT CAN ONLY BE DONE THROUGH THE TOOLS OF REAL DEMOCRACY. I suggest you all take a class on it. I have a degree in political science (international governements and relations) if anyone wants to challenge what I have written. And to be quite frank, i see very little difference between the actions of suthep and the actions of slobadon milosevic before he became president...which ended in a long and bloody civil war laden with ethnic cleansing and the fall of a country that was starting to become an economic powerhouse. Suthep couldf do the same for you...and please have the foresight to think about the image of thailand to the international community, especially just before the aec starts...geeez

Some people have been trying very hard to remove the proper tools of democracy, it's one of the reasons for the current protests. And when they do use what is left of the real tools we get all the red lovers crying 'oh they were bought by the elites' and 'judicial coup'. It seems that neither side will ever accept defeat and there is no win win situation, so what to do ?

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I will like to see if Mr. Suthep in person will be on the streets to block the elections......If he is killed or arrested...at least he will be remembered with some respect and not because he was a coward. In any case.....he will be out of the picture, and all this commotion and shame, and the loss for the country were in vain...If a military coup doesn't happen, in any new elections Mrs. Yinluck will kept her position. I only hope that she will give a lesson to this man and to his supporters calling for changes and reform, and more...dialog with the opposition's new leader. I know I am dreaming, but between 2 corrupted Governments, I prefer the one elected by the people and not imposed by the minority or the military.

Unfortunately not better options, even in the Western World.

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I have a Thai friend in Bangkok who is taking part in all of this and he posted some interesting photos on his facebook page showing groups of Thai people in various countries rallying to show their support of the shutdown (attached). Personally I have a somewhat ill-informed opinion on what is happening but as I am a guest in this Country and can't vote, as I would expect most TV posters are, I keep my thoughts to myself. I think you would need a good understanding of written and spoken Thai plus access to "people in the know" from both sides to get a "real" understanding of the situation and the history behind the obvious social differences of the two groups.


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Hard to believe there are still Suthep supporters on this forum, amazing!


As Grouco Marx would have put it, "There ain't no Sanity Clause". I sometimes wonder if the tiny handful of pro-Suthep trolls are just advertisers trying to keep the traffic on their ads up. I mean, no one could seriously believe some of the guff they come out with.

Well UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has just released strong statement urging Thais to uphold democracy.

Add that to USA on Monday, Human Rights Watch, UN, EU and Suthep is pretty much going it alone here with his elites.

I too find id hard to believe that westerners could support Suthep and try and justify it in writing. Every post though just shows the shallowness of the argument. 2010 Thaksinistas, man in Dubai ref. etc. It also shows they have dreadfully poor understanding of Thai 20th Century politics and structures.

Other than not realising reform actually started with Thaksin last decade or realising times change and the Thails have had enough of their elite elders and betters, they are pretty much on the ball smile.png

Human Rights Watch, The English, The Americans, UN, EU...well, it won't be long before they will start blaming all this on the farangs then. Oh, here we go...just in...

BANGKOK: -- The struggle between the caretaker administration and the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) will last another three to six months, PDRC key member Anek Nakabut predicted Wednesday.

"A decisive moment will only come in three to six months," Anek, who played a part in the 1973 revolt, said.

Anek, speaking at a symposium on "learning from the great mass of people", organised by the Rung Arun School, blamed foreign powers for being behind the ills of Thai politics - not just the incumbent administration and fugitive former PM Thaksin Shinawatra. However, he did not elaborate what role these foreign powers play in Thai politics.

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The PDRC should really adapt their tactic at this point, banging the same old drum is getting no where fast and only helping to legitimise their critics.

Obviously this election, without any real opposition to the ruling party for voters to choose, is a farce. That it is being forced through with no hope of electing enough MPs to formally appoint a PM and government, at great cost which could be better used to pay some rice farmers, and under media censorship which limits discussion of policies makes it clear that the intention is a power grab and suppression of information about the government's mismanagement/corruption.

But to actively oppose the rights of people to vote, however pointless, is a big own goal.

The PDRC should call on all who reject the Shinawatra regime to vote 'none of the above' as a vote against the election and the Pheu Thai government.

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What's stopping the 88,000 polling station to pack up and go on hearing the very 1st fire-cracker.

They have the right to decide, fear for their life, and fear that if they do not pack up, the situation may escalate.

Better save than sorry.

Voters can still file for they rights to vote at the local police station.

This way, no one gets hurt.

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The PDRC should really adapt their tactic at this point, banging the same old drum is getting no where fast and only helping to legitimise their critics.

Obviously this election, without any real opposition to the ruling party for voters to choose, is a farce. That it is being forced through with no hope of electing enough MPs to formally appoint a PM and government, at great cost which could be better used to pay some rice farmers, and under media censorship which limits discussion of policies makes it clear that the intention is a power grab and suppression of information about the government's mismanagement/corruption.

But to actively oppose the rights of people to vote, however pointless, is a big own goal.

The PDRC should call on all who reject the Shinawatra regime to vote 'none of the above' as a vote against the election and the Pheu Thai government.

They should be allowed to protest outside of the polling booths but NOT prevent anyone from casting their vote, neither should any intimidation tactics be used... instead protest outside of the polling booths with a campaign slogan "Vote No to Thaksin/PTP" (or similar)

But then they should also be allowed to protest peacefully without getting shot at, granades thrown at them and police standing idely by picking their noses whilst watching the show...

Sadly i dont think any of this is gunna happen, sadly they will try to block the vote, sadly the police wont give two schits about the protestors getting attacked, they may even decide to publically attack the protestors on Sunday...

Either way, this election will not solve anything, no real opposition in the poll to legitimise the vote, as the smaller parties are either proxy PTP groups or simply dont have enough clout to get a decent slice of the votes to make any difference... the Democrats boycotting this poll was a mistake on their part IMHO.

For everyone saying Suthep should be shot, locked up whatever, pray that doesnt happen... i beleive that should anything happen to Suthep the resulting protests/riots will make this round look like childsplay.

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This kind of polarization I am reading is what tears a country apart and is so dangerous. Both leaders are corrupt...no matter which has had more success at it. It is up to the people to do away with what is happening. If you support Suthep's actions, you are just making way for another Taksin. The thais making comments here are clueless to how a true democracy works and the civil responsibility that comes along with it. Peaceful change is brought with REAL education, petitions, and referendums. The change may take a little time but any good solution will when things have gone this far astray. You cannot change things through blocking a vote. It is illegal and will only cause more hatred and violence. IT CAN ONLY BE DONE THROUGH THE TOOLS OF REAL DEMOCRACY. I suggest you all take a class on it. I have a degree in political science (international governements and relations) if anyone wants to challenge what I have written. And to be quite frank, i see very little difference between the actions of suthep and the actions of slobadon milosevic before he became president...which ended in a long and bloody civil war laden with ethnic cleansing and the fall of a country that was starting to become an economic powerhouse. Suthep couldf do the same for you...and please have the foresight to think about the image of thailand to the international community, especially just before the aec starts...geeez

Some people have been trying very hard to remove the proper tools of democracy, it's one of the reasons for the current protests. And when they do use what is left of the real tools we get all the red lovers crying 'oh they were bought by the elites' and 'judicial coup'. It seems that neither side will ever accept defeat and there is no win win situation, so what to do ?

Well, the solution is not to block elections...the solution will lie somewhere within the realm of not supporting either candidate or party. Think of the greater good of all Thais and and come together. Learn to take it step by step. If you are going to revolt, don't revolt on behalf of one party or the other...revolt in the name of all parties and common thai people. Second, in any election, there will be a loser...grow up and suck it up. Be patient and campaign better next time. Also, you might want to add some minority rights to the constitution and demand laws against corruption. FOr example" no family member of a previously found to be corrupt politician shall be considered for future office...or Any person found to block the democrate process or otherwise infringe on the civil right sof the citizens of thailand shall face trial and a minimum sentence of 20 years."

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Whistle Mob aka Democratic Party is desperate and to be honest I cant believe they are that stupid to block voting. They seem to want Western support, but blocking voting is a sure way to get condemnation. facepalm.gif

Did you mean PDRC not the Democrat party?

No I meant the Democratic party which is the same thing as PDRC. wink.png

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Whistle Mob aka Democratic Party is desperate and to be honest I cant believe they are that stupid to block voting. They seem to want Western support, but blocking voting is a sure way to get condemnation. facepalm.gif

Did you mean PDRC not the Democrat party?

No I meant the Democratic party which is the same thing as PDRC. wink.png

No it isnt.. whilst there may be some support from within the Democrat party, they are not the same entity...

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Sutthep is the front man for the senior military officers, senior civil servants and senior judges in collaboration with business dynasties who have lost out under the rise of PTP and its previous pseudonyms.

Correct and succinctly put.

If we could all start from that assumption (which in my estimation is fact) there could be real dialogue. Sadly too many think that the upper echelon support for this has something to do with Thaksin's character.

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