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Transiting With Dual Passports

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Hi everyone,

I know most of the topics are about thai and other immigration issues, but I am a lil confused with this question I have. I have been reading many posts regarding dual nationality issues, but this situation seems a bit different so any advice will be greatly appreciated.

If dual passports holder (US and other Asian country) is transiting in BKK (staying a few days in BKK), is passport swapping ok like what other thai dual nationals doing?

Meaning.. leaving US with US passport, and then entering BKK with other passport, exiting BKK with other passport, entering the other country (where the second citizenship is) with that other passport.

Then when returning to US with the reversed process. I have heard about the rule regarding using the same passport for exit at the departure country and entering the destination with the same passport. Is it true? If that's the case, how can people leave US with US pp, and enter Thailand with Thai passport. Does Thai immigration give problem for switching the passport upon entry in BKK airport?

Thank you in advance for your kind advice.

Confusedone :o

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Thailand has no problems. Simply make sure you enter and leave Thailand on the same passport.

Thank you for your prompt reply, Samran. Will I need to show airline checkins both passports? If I have to, will it create confusion and questions?

Another question with my situation is - I don't need visa on US pp, but need thai visa for entry on other pp. I'd get thai visa prior to entry in BKK, so it shouldn't have any problem using that other pp, am i right?

So the whole thing about immigration checking the info (nationality/pp used on exit ) from airline manifest does not apply in Thailand yet??

I just have so many questions before I even plan to travel. I am so glad to have found this forum. :o

Thank you so much.

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Since Wifie got her UK PP about 2 years ago (my...dont time fly)she has been back to LOS at least 6 times but since she uses her Thai PP to enter and leave (bangkok) then she has never had any visas /stamps/in-out in her UK/EU PP.

On Arrival back in London she shows her empty (virginal) red one at PP control but like in Thailand once we/they see the "correct" gods own Book then its just a case of .... welcome...have a nice ...one etc... :o

We wanna go to OZ on next trip so Au visa this time will go in UK "book" and on way back hopefully.. via Suwana then we/she will simply enter back into LOS on Thai......

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Since Wifie got her UK PP about 2 years ago (my...dont time fly)she has been back to LOS at least 6 times but since she uses her Thai PP to enter and leave (bangkok) then she has never had any visas /stamps/in-out in her UK/EU PP.

On Arrival back in London she shows her empty (virginal) red one at PP control but like in Thailand once we/they see the "correct" gods own Book then its just a case of .... welcome...have a nice ...one etc... :D

We wanna go to OZ on next trip so Au visa this time will go in UK "book" and on way back hopefully.. via Suwana then we/she will simply enter back into LOS on Thai......

Thanks, Rinrada. That's also one of my concerns.. the brand new blank pp. Coz when I return to US, all the stamps would be in the other pp, and I don't want to bring extra attention and questions because of it. But knowing you guys have done it makes me feel so much better. :o

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another related question i have is .. regarding thai visa. when i get thai visa from consulate in US, they ask for green card or any proof. well.. i now have a US pp, so would they ask me why i want to use my other pp since US pp doesn't need thai visa for 30 days?? :o

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Thailand has no problems. Simply make sure you enter and leave Thailand on the same passport.

I have this question and I'm sure some of you have discussed this in the forum. But I just need some specific clarification again.. so please bare with me. :o

1) when i get to the airline checkin for departure from US, what passport do i use? Do I have to show both passports? Do you use a different passport when going thru security with immigration and stuff??

2) since US immigration does not stamp on departure, what does it mean by using US passport when leaving US?

3) i was reading this article from this website http://www.newcitizen.us/dual.html , it mentioned about flight manifests. So if I use US pp at departure in US, will that flight information go to Thailand where my next entry is? If then how would i be able to use my other passport if it needs to be matched. I also heard that airlines give that data to US CBP or something.

Are the rules contradicting or is it just me being so confused?

Thank you so much in advance for all the advice I could get. This is my first time traveling with two passports so .. I'm a lil more nervous than usual.

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When you check in, just show the airline both passports. They don't care, they just want to see you have the right to enter the destination of the final country.

Show your US passport to all officials until you board the plane (lest they think you are an illegal immigrant of some sort).

Upon arrival to wherever, just show the passport to immigration which is going to give you the most benefits in terms of visa's/right to stay.

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Another question with my situation is - I don't need visa on US pp, but need thai visa for entry on other pp.

I'm intrigued. It would be so much simpler to enter Thailand on your US passport, especially since you indicate you'll be staying less than 30 days. Why, then, do you want to use your non-US passport? I can only guess that your other country doesn't allow dual citizenship and thus when you arrive at this other Asian country, you don't want to answer questions about why your 'other Asian country' passport has no immigration stamps from Thailand..........

another related question i have is .. regarding thai visa. when i get thai visa from consulate in US, they ask for green card or any proof. well.. i now have a US pp, so would they ask me why i want to use my other pp since US pp doesn't need thai visa for 30 days??

They might, but tell them the truth, as Thailand does allow dual passports, so shouldn't really care about your Asian country's preference.

As far as what passport to show leaving the US, I'd say use the US. Yes, some day computer data banks will track everyone's worldwide travels, and if you switch passports after takeoff, this fact will be obvious at the landing country's immigration. But "some day" isn't here yet. And even so, where dual citizenship is allowed, just showing both passports is a valid explanation. And by using the US passport when you leave, you'll (in theory) be logged out of the country -- so when you return, logging in should (in theory) be a normal event (and not a red flag, requiring explaning why you left on your other passport).

If dual passports holder (US and other Asian country) is transiting in BKK (staying a few days in BKK), is passport swapping ok like what other thai dual nationals doing?

In answer to your first question, having two passports is not a problem in Thailand (or US). As many others have posted on this forum, it's best to minimize the flashing of both passports at the same time, since routine immigration clerks don't come up against dual citizenship issues that often. Worst that can happen, tho, is a long run-around while the correct pooyai is found to solve this perplexity -- and maybe you'll miss your flight. But you're doing nothing illegal (in Thailand or the US), so eventually the situation will resolve.

Ok, what 'othe Asian country' are you from? :o

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