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Bananas anyone ?


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Not at first sight, but this is Thailand related.

In the 50ies,60ties and early 70ties central america was riddled with so called "Banana-Republics". I fail to see any difference between those old "Banana-Republics" to the Thailand of 2014.

The fact, that those countries were in the "front-yard" of the US was reason enough to send in the "Marines" when things got too grotesque. Of course, this is not going to happen here (= not in the front-yard, too far away and the US-Boys will probably confuse Thailand with Taiwan.)

Now the question for the "Investment-Hungry" Farang:

- Is this the country, I would want to invest in?. Possibly my live-savings? (Even excluding "Property Rights" for Farangs, well understood.)

- Farangs general-attitude of "what do I care about Thai-unrest" may change upon discovery that some forces in Thailand are willing to at least tolerate the presence of Farans as opposed to the powers that don't think along those lines. = Visa conditions for Farangs may become an issue and possibly not in favor of the Farang.

Nevermind, it's Thailand-related and the subject is Bananas. This for the Mod's.

Bananas anyone ?


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