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Why are there so many negative Farang in Thailand?


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and why oh why, the thai apologist on this webboard always get upset for minor stuff.

Hope we dont make you cry or disturb your sleep, little queeniecoffee1.gif

Nothing about apologizing for Thailand, I would just say growing a pair and going on with life.

"Most of the people I see whining about Thailand, seemed to have never lived very many other places"

Totally agree as a lot of these posters think they have overpowering knowledge of the world living among 60 million in Thailand, I have worked in NYC population of 60 million, and several other countries.

By NYC do you mean New York?

If so, since when does NYC have 60 million?

count the rats and it will...

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2. Pathologically discontented: There is a certain type of expat who became an expat because they were unhappy where they were and convinced the problem was wholly the fault of that country, and decided to come to Thailand believing it would be a paradise in which everything was designed for their satisfaction. They arrive and find out this is not the case, and moreover, the Thais do not appear at all concerned with rushing to fix the various imperfections they complain of. The women turn out to be people with their own motives and desires, again not what they expected and feel entitled to. The higher the expectations of a "perfect" country that would revolve around them, the greater the anger when it becomes clear this is not the case. These types become extremely embittered and negative. Sometimes they move on to another expected paradise (or they may have tried others before coming here). If so, the cycle repeats itself.

Replace expat with woman and country with boyfriend and you have a decent description of the average entitled narcistic woman.

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I don't know about the negative people, but I do know that Thaivisa has some of the most bitter, angry, least knowledgeable expats posting. It is one long whine fest and the disinformation thrown around is incredible. The blind leading the blind, moaning, whining and passing on baseless rumors.

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For those who are happy here, the dominant viewpoint of TV wrt Thailand is unnecessarily negative.

For those who have suffered for whatever reason it represents a valuable counterpoint to the scammers' rosy PR.

Both POV are correct - we all have our individual POV.

Personally I think an intelligent person will take the extremes of both sides with a truckload of salt, and be much better informed on avoiding the pitfalls as a result of having participated here.

It is true that if they are too cautious due to the cynicism, they may well prevent themselves from being fully open to the best possible outcomes. But I think helping to prevent the naive noobs from getting completely taken to the cleaners is worth that price.

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If you really think half the TVF members live in Thailand then you're in for a shock.

I can assure you the negative ones don't live here permently.

Well, I can also "assure" you that I live here and have for some time.

I'm successful here and work among many of the most successful falangs in Thailand. And plenty of them/us are on almost constant rants. It's ridiculous to think that it would be otherwise.

But, we do get on with our lives and make the best of things.

Urhhh I do and have done for 12 climaxicle years.

PS. I know I just made that word up but it sounds so good I just couldn't do without it, sorry

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get used to it EVERYONE hates americans whereever they are. unfortunately online has far too many of them so thats what you are seeing.

So its all about americans? I wonder why they hate americans lol

You mean guests from the USA?

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get used to it EVERYONE hates americans whereever they are. unfortunately online has far too many of them so thats what you are seeing.

So its all about americans? I wonder why they hate americans lol

You mean guests from the USA?

What LMDAO means is "Why do so many ENVY the US?"

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Thais have probably one of the worst views of any country on earth regarding how normal falangs are. AND, it's a reflection of THIER country, of Thailand.

So, the question SHOULD be: "What is it about Thailand that attracts so many poor quality people from all over the world?" or "Why can't Thailand attract and retain decent, normal tourists, immigrants, expats?".

Much more interesting questions.

Good post.

My experience has been that this is very true. Thais projecting their own feelings/problems onto others is truly bizarre until one figures it out and sees it for what it is.

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Because all life is suffering?

Why is it compulsory for everyone to be happy?

Don't Take Anything Personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

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If you really think half the TVF members live in Thailand then you're in for a shock.

I can assure you the negative ones don't live here permently.

I think you malign the non residents. A small number criticise Thailand and are quick to say why they will not come back, but many more stress the ppositive and obstructive aspects of their cross-cultural relationships. For me, there are some joys and challenges of living in Thailand. The joy I could manage, but the challenges, I appreciated help
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I don't see many people complaining in every day life. Those that do... well just avoid them, "what you surround yourself with is what you'll get".

Note that Thailand has way more expats than most countries, who are here long-term, for careers, for fun, or for retirement.

-Go to a different country and you may find yourself only ever meeting 3 or 4 other foreigners, there for one or two years... obviously the atmosphere will be completely different.

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get used to it EVERYONE hates americans whereever they are. unfortunately online has far too many of them so thats what you are seeing.

So its all about americans? I wonder why they hate americans lol

I don't, but do wonder why you lot tend to be so flaky (false even?) and speak too much. giggle.gif

On your op, I don't know about negative farang but think people fall into one of two categories: those who have realised how it really is here (you need to have been here at least three or four years full-time to quality) and those who have very thick skin.

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Farang is such a huge word and ugly word that is given for any person that is not Thai. Making a statement that Farang are negative depends on each persons understanding of what each person says or wether any person agrees or not.

There are as many negative and positive people all over the world and coming from al walks of life, unfortunately I have experience Farang to be type casted of being too different, fat, loud, most being negative. If you put yourself in our shoes , me being Farang to Thai standards and if I meet a Thai person anywhere in world who is drunk, very short, lazy, would you be happy for us to typecast Thais all being this way?

I believe you will Answer your own question, time to change hats, by the way, I'm Mexican, now I'm no longer a Farang since you now know where I'm from.

Wish you much happiness and positive thinking smile.png

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Mexican is still farange to the Thai's


Farange is what they call ALL foreigners,

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and why oh why, the thai apologist on this webboard always get upset for minor stuff.

Hope we dont make you cry or disturb your sleep, little queeniecoffee1.gif

Nothing about apologizing for Thailand, I would just say growing a pair and going on with life.

"Most of the people I see whining about Thailand, seemed to have never lived very many other places"

Totally agree as a lot of these posters think they have overpowering knowledge of the world living among 60 million in Thailand, I have worked in NYC population of 60 million, and several other countries.

By NYC do you mean New York?

If so, since when does NYC have 60 million?

NYC has, and has for decades had around 8-10 million people living in the actual city, with another 6 million entering and leaving daily


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and why oh why, the thai apologist on this webboard always get upset for minor stuff.

Hope we dont make you cry or disturb your sleep, little queeniecoffee1.gif

Nothing about apologizing for Thailand, I would just say growing a pair and going on with life.

Wrong, it is the thai apologists that need to grow a pair, and get a life. Why are they so sensitive?

They're irritated by the complainers, who usually bring their problems upon themselves and can't take responsibility. As I said, most don't seem to have very much experience living in other places. If you want to see bad driving, go to the Middle East, double pricing, try Africa or again the Middle East. While they're at it, they may as well complain again that Thai's don't speak English.

Thailand is so far, by far, the place where I have seen, the most hookers, the least educated and the ugliest females on the planet,

that said, there are some pretty one's. but take off their makeup and they no longer look the same....

and, what is it that makes them all want to bleach their skin?

I could make a fortune by opening a skin whitening salon, but, then, I would have to play the police, the mafia, the police bosses, then the "new" police boss, <deleted>, they are the gestapo here, they even rape girls here and get away with it, in fact, this entire country is one big rape,

of farange

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get used to it EVERYONE hates americans whereever they are. unfortunately online has far too many of them so thats what you are seeing.

So its all about americans? I wonder why they hate americans lol

I don't, but do wonder why you lot tend to be so flaky (false even?) and speak too much. giggle.gif

On your op, I don't know about negative farang but think people fall into one of two categories: those who have realised how it really is here (you need to have been here at least three or four years full-time to quality) and those who have very thick skin.

I have been here approximately 4 months, and I don't need 3 years to learn about the country;

It is a third world country masquerading as a "developing" country; which it isn't.

It is a counterfeit retail mecca for merchants who steal goods from factories in Cambodia and Laos,

And the Chinese will ultimately take over the country the old fashioned way,

they will just buy it,

Everything is for sale here, starting with the women,

Negative you say? Have you seen some of the internet "dating" sites here?

they are loaded, I mean overloaded with girls, "selling" themselves, for a better life, because thailand offers them nothing.

they do have educated whores here, I will give them that

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In what area of Thailand have you been living for the 4 months you have been here?

In these 4 months you seem to have been in an area of high prostitution and have obviously had some bad experiences.

Quite ironic that your posts are negative.

Basically, if you don't like it, move on........simple.

Edited by soihok
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Perhaps they need to vent. Many people accept things the way they are, while putting up with lots of BS.

Do Thais who live abroad complain????

When living in the US I was very close to the Thai community. Many, many of them complained and complained about how bad it is in the US, the food is expensive and no good, transportation is expensive etc., can't get permanent residency etc. People expect them to actually work hard etc.

Some of the ones complaining were RECEIVING WELFARE BENEFITS from my government and NOT working, yet still complaining. They would say things like "the president is stupid," "America will not last etc."

One guy who was working ILLEGALLY, hurt himself on the job and had the nerve to ask me, with a big group of Thais, how he could sue to get workmens comp. The whole group of them were complaining how bad our government is and he should get paid his full salary and be paid medical expenses etc.

My answer to all of them: "if you don't like it, get the F.... out of here. This is my country, YOU are a foreigner and have NO right to complain."

Actually I thought that, didn't say it as I am a polite person.

But I'm sure YOU, the OP can understand that sentiment right? After all, that is the line you take when Westerners complain about Thailand.

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I think you have been living in some seedy areas, that's all. That in itself is negative.

Four months mate, you only just scratch the surface.

Brother, I am in a gated community, surrounded by what would probably be considered wealthy Thai's

wealthy that is, until their 3% teaser rate mortgages adjust and they are confronted by 50% more in mortgage payments,

they will sell their teenage daughters

this is a fact

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By NYC do you mean New York?

If so, since when does NYC have 60 million?

L<FAO Manhattan has 6 million peoples my bad ... its what I meant to say my haters ....


how do you manage to fill Manhattan island with 6 millions peoples?clap2.gif

OK fukers the 5 borough of NYC but I personal only recolonize Manhattan as New York, have you ever been there my brother???
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I think you have been living in some seedy areas, that's all. That in itself is negative.

Four months mate, you only just scratch the surface.

Brother, I am in a gated community, surrounded by what would probably be considered wealthy Thai's

wealthy that is, until their 3% teaser rate mortgages adjust and they are confronted by 50% more in mortgage payments,

they will sell their teenage daughters

this is a fact

I saw the, "Buy your teenage daughter" truck going through my gated community this morning. Somchai was on the loud speaker quoting the top current rates.

Edited by thailiketoo
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My experiences are completely positive, I have not had negative experiences,

I am born and raised in NYC, and have lived in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami,

there is nothing that the charlatans, hustlers and whores can teach me here,

including the FACT that they are the largest retail outlet for stolen goods I hav ever seen,

that, and most of the girls are for sale......

your interpretation that my posts are negative, is that you don't like having reality, in your face

perhaps you have been living too long with an ugly dominant thai female too long, and your reality is what SHE says it is?

I like the fact that this place is an open air whore house,

why wouldnt I

Only 4 months in the country and knows it all.

I have been knocking the country for almost 20 years now. Seen allsorts, the place ain't perfect but then again - where is?

I find it quite amusing how you keeping harping on about negative stuff. You obviously see Thailand as a whorehouse. Whilst this exists it is not the be and end all, I think you should get out more - in some less savoury locations.

No mate, I am not dominated by any female.

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I think you have been living in some seedy areas, that's all. That in itself is negative.

Four months mate, you only just scratch the surface.

Brother, I am in a gated community, surrounded by what would probably be considered wealthy Thai's

wealthy that is, until their 3% teaser rate mortgages adjust and they are confronted by 50% more in mortgage payments,

they will sell their teenage daughters

this is a fact

I saw the, "Buy your teenage daughter" truck going through my gated community this morning. Somchai was on the loud speaker quoting the top current rates.

The part i liked best about this article, was at the end, when it stated "prositution is illegal in thailand"

from what I have seen, it is their number one commodity


Edited by Scarpolo
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You seem to have a fixation with prostitution, well fair enough, what ever floats your boat.

Have a nice day all the same.

Discussion of prostitution is against forum rules by the way.

I'm off out to lunch with friends, and no, whore is not on the menu.

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You seem to have a fixation with prostitution, well fair enough, what ever floats your boat.

Have a nice day all the same.

Discussion of prostitution is against forum rules by the way.

I'm off out to lunch with friends, and no, whore is not on the menu.

At Cabbages and Condoms in BKK they guarantee the food won't cause pregnancy.

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You seem to have a fixation with prostitution, well fair enough, what ever floats your boat.

Have a nice day all the same.

Discussion of prostitution is against forum rules by the way.

I'm off out to lunch with friends, and no, whore is not on the menu.

At Cabbages and Condoms in BKK they guarantee the food won't cause pregnancy.

You may be right, and my opinion may change, after I move out of the home I am staying in, which is of course, owned by a whore

There is always the possibility of googling, "Economy of Thailand."

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