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I would say the Eye Clinic at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. Not cheap, but some good eye doctors and the best equipment.

From personal experience I would agree, impressive all round service. thumbsup.gif


Yes and no, BPH is I would guess the best on the island although they are too eager to rush patients into lens replacement etc, Dr Captain in particular. For something as serious and important as eye surgery I would almost certainly go to the Rutin Eye Hospital in Bangkok, the added cost of airfare and hotel for one night is likely to make the cost the same but the quality of diagnosis and treatment is without doubt.



completely agree. Dr Captain has been my eye doctor for the past 5 years. Nice enough man, great English talker, no doubt he is a fine doctor, but all the doctors appear to be under the orders of BPH hospital policy to maximise revenue. He starts to initiate extra tests, but i just give him a quizzing look and he quickly backs off.

Yes, the Rutnin is most liikely the best Eye Clinic in all Thailand, but from personal experience make an appointment in advance. And once there then expect the bedlam of a packed waiting room. Unlike the quiet tranquility of the unpacked BPH...

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It's easy to fall into the trap of what is thought to be the best AND the most convenient, personally I am happy to suffer inconvenience in favour of what is truly the best I can achieve and afford, each to their own however.


Is it Painful?

I know that sounds like a woosie question, but they do it while you are awake don't they? Any details appreciated.


In my experience (had both eyes done a week apart,) the operation itself is not painful but the recovery period is a pain. It took a couple of months for my eyes to heal completely, perhaps because one of the stitches was placed where it irritated my eye and taking it out was necessary for the eye to settle down. Even after that, I had eye irritation and pain until I discovered Refresh Liquigel eyedrops. Now that I use them, my eyes are in pretty good condition. Incidentally, if you need to wear glasses for reading and astigmatism correction, it is better to wait for a while before you have the prescription strength determined. My eyes required stronger reading strength two months after the operation than they did immediately after the operation (increased from 1.5 to 2.25.) I had to have new glasses made. Good luck with your operation.


Sorry, I have to reply. It's "Rutnin" in Bangkok. I know Bangkok is not Phuket. I had both eyes done by Dr. Roy. I wouldn't have expected such excellence even in America. Lovely result! Check it out on the net. It's on Asoke, so you would have to wait a while for the political problems to go away, if they will go away.

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My apologies for the misspelling of Rutnin.

But one other point about BPH and Captain, he's got really good eyesight, he spotted a cataract in my left eye that no other optometrist/ophthalmic specialist in Asia or the UK had ever seen before, or since! He was really keen for me to have the surgery, until I told him I take Plavix, after which he decided it was a non-important issue.


Karen Bravo, where did you have it done?

Bangkok Hospital in Phuket by Dr. Captain.

Best money I have ever spent in my life.

I went from having to have reading glasses and another set for far sight to 20/20 vision (it was tested at that).

It is permanent, so, I should keep this quality eye-sight until I shuffle off this mortal coil.


Use Dr Captain if you can afford it; he saved my left eye twice -- including once after an infection after a cataract surgery when my eye got infected and I developed a very dangerous condition called endophthalmitis.

I got my cataract surgery (as well as two vitrectomies) done at the weekend clinic at the Prince of Songkla University Hospital in Had Yai. Although I did get an infection after the surgery I have to accept that is was possibly my own fault for taking off the eye patch prematurely (wanted to sneak a peak at my new vision); not taking the antibiotics as prescribed, etc.

Anyway, Dr Mansing at PSU is Dr Captain's mentor and a real hero as well, in my opinion. He cancelled a trip to Isarn to give me the second 'dry vitrectomy' to save my left eye after the infection.

I guess my point is this: whoever you choose to do the surgery, make sure you keep on the patch afterwards and take the antibiotics as prescribed; don't make the same mistake I did.

As for pain, the cataract procedure was not very painful.

The recovery after the second vitrectomy was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life; felt like a shotgun blast to my eye.

Thank god for morphine.




Karen Bravo, where did you have it done?

Bangkok Hospital in Phuket by Dr. Captain.

Best money I have ever spent in my life.

I went from having to have reading glasses and another set for far sight to 20/20 vision (it was tested at that).

It is permanent, so, I should keep this quality eye-sight until I shuffle off this mortal coil.

Same scenario, almost to a tee, same result and vision, different doctor.

I saw Dr.Captain once when my Dr. Sinchia ( who did my surgery ) was

on holiday, and I did find him a bit pushy but not so Dr. Sinchai, he laid

everything out for me gave me all the time I wanted to decide on the lens

replacement, about six months if I recall after I had asked everyone I know

that had the same surgery and I was convinced it was the way to go. It has

been over a year now and I definitely have no regrets also the best money

I have spent. thumbsup.gif Thanks Dr. Sinchai.


Posted 2014-02-01 15:13:18

KarenBravo, on 01 Feb 2014 - 11:21, said:snapback.png

long klong, on 01 Feb 2014 - 00:51, said:snapback.png

Karen Bravo, where did you have it done?

Bangkok Hospital in Phuket by Dr. Captain.

Best money I have ever spent in my life.

I went from having to have reading glasses and another set for far sight to 20/20 vision (it was tested at that).

It is permanent, so, I should keep this quality eye-sight until I shuffle off this mortal coil.

Same scenario, almost to a tee, same result and vision, different doctor.

I saw Dr.Captain once when my Dr. Sinchia ( who did my surgery ) was

on holiday, and I did find him a bit pushy but not so Dr. Sinchai, he laid

everything out for me gave me all the time I wanted to decide on the lens

replacement, about six months if I recall after I had asked everyone I know

that had the same surgery and I was convinced it was the way to go. It has

been over a year now and I definitely have no regrets also the best money

I have spent. thumbsup.gif Thanks Dr. Sinchai.

That's quite a testimonial for Dr. Sinchai. Thanks for ypour frank comments. Hope you contnue to enjoy good eyesight.


Phuketjock: You say you had the surgery done by Dr. Sinchai.a year ago. Did you have to visit him occasionaly since the surgery? Also what kind of lense replacement did you choose? Thanks.


Phuketjock: You say you had the surgery done by Dr. Sinchai.a year ago. Did you have to visit him occasionaly since the surgery? Also what kind of lense replacement did you choose? Thanks.

Yes long klong there were several follow up checks as you would expect after

interocular lense ( I think it is called ) replacement. I visit him every three months

or so for regular check ups, nothing to do with the surgery but other issues related

to my type 2 diabetes, otherwise I would not need to see him unless I had some

problems. I would recommend that you go and get your eyes checked, it is not

very expensive to have your eyes assessed, and I would certainly have no hesitation

in recommending Dr Sinchchai, Good luck. thumbsup.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Karen Bravo, where did you have it done?

Bangkok Hospital in Phuket by Dr. Captain.

Best money I have ever spent in my life.

I went from having to have reading glasses and another set for far sight to 20/20 vision (it was tested at that).

It is permanent, so, I should keep this quality eye-sight until I shuffle off this mortal coil.

dont be so sure you can get secondary cataract,like myself 3 years after the operation.but that can be fixed easily with laser treatment.done in the Rutnin clinic

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  • 1 month later...

Long klong: sorry for the very late reply. My surgery was done by Dr. Kittiwat at Bumrungrad in Bangkok.

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