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Deaths linked to Thai govt rice-pledging scheme


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The tragedy of this story is that at one end of it - politicians and those officials overseeing the scheme - got enormously rich in a massive application of graft. But at the other end of it - the farmers themselves - the ones who were least able to defend themselves - they paid a much greater price. Like ENRON - those at the top benefited, while those at the bottom had their lives ruined. When corruption meets its end - when avenues for cash finally dry up and the graft come back on itself - the most vulnerable pay. Dearly. When farmers are treated as pawns in a programme meant to enrich those at the top, there is a tragedy in the making. There is a moral to every story. Yet Pheu Thai gives every indication that it has not learned it, as they embark on their ongoing diet of campaign slogans and jingles, which for many, will have a hollow ring.

Do you really think the Shin clan and the PTP care about a couple of farmers. They have there stronghold in the north and managed to pay 8 of the 9 districts for their rice. Although they claim this was done because the rice in the north was pledged first however managed to keep her people complacent while the rest of thai farmers are struggling and getting desperate enough to kill themselves. The gov should be offering the families of these men some form of compensation if they truly cared.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Shows again how corrupt and devious the Shin Clan is.. they must go and fast. But there is a movie about something even worse. The one who distributed the G2G deals was a close trustee of Taksin. They skimmed of the G2G deals for Taksin and the PTP. So in fact they stole from the scheme (no surprise there but details are coming out) and that is partly why they have no money. So in a way they are not only responsible by stupidity but now directly by theft too. Its in the topic of the loan bridge and translation curtsy of the user Trembly. I shared the link with as many as my Thai friends as i could to make this more known. (its in Thai). If this is proven YL is toast she chaired the rice program she is responsible.

THe Anti Goverment protesters Logo should read " SHOW US THE BOOKS " . . If the Shin goverment are a Democratic Goverment and have NOTHING to hide ... Then OPEN THE BOOKS !! get a TRANSPARENT Independent ( be it International whatever) Commision into inspecting the books ... The Farmers , Tax Payers, ALL THAIS Deserve the TRUTH !! Where is the MONEY ??????

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This country is now definitely beyond salvation! The problem is not only corrupted politicians from all the parties be it Pheu Thai or Democrats or others but also the people, be it the poor farmers, middle class thais etc. Eversince the "Western Culture" of credit came into thailand, people do not know how to live within their means and take everything for granted.They are always looking for handouts and easy money.

Poor Thaksin, I may not like him but really he wasted his time helping the wrong people.....look at these farmers, when they were getting monies thru the populists policies of thaksin, he was great but just miss one payment as a result of political interferences, and they start protesting! They do not even look back at the good that he had done for them in the past. There is no loyalty or gratitude and they complain that they have no money not realising their incompetetence in managing their finances.

The middle class thais are the same, trying to live lifestyles like in their thai lakhon, buying cars on credit, houses on credit and hanging out in fanciful restaurants and pubs on credit! I have seen young thais with fancy cars and clothes borrowing monies from the pathetically dressed Indian Money lenders on bicycles.....what a laugh!

My way and family way has always been , we live within our means and we never even use credit cards (except my better half and even then everything is settled to the bank within a few days), we save our hard earned cash and buy what we can afford.We never borrow from banks nor from individuals nor do we also lend money out. We made it big thru hard work and self reliance and started from humble beginnings.

The rich and hisos in thailand are another anomalous lot.....most became rich by illegal means , cheating and corruption and they have no hearts for the rest of the society and they think that their fathers own the country and taliking about philanathropy, they cannot be compared to the real hisos form Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia etc. The thai hisos would even ask for money for their transportation and hair dos to attaned a charity event and expect everything free for them. Real Garbage!

Anyway wahtever violenece and problems that may come, the locals deserve it. Pity The country by itself is a great place with lots to offer. maybe its time for some foreign power to colonise it.

But the media , please stop creating stupid stories like these. Thai people should be responsible for their own lives.

"Poor Thaksin" ????

Your type disgust me, as this topic is about a poor farmer who took his own life because he was ripped off by the Thaksin family regime who are absolutely rolling in (other peoples') money and you come out with a stupid and heartless comment like that.

You are either a psychopath or a bored troll looking for a response, which you have received. Crawl back under your rock ! bah.gif

Why are you accusing this poster of being a troll and a psychopath, it a well written post, even if you don't agree with the contents of the post, you should debate him then on his statements not resort to name calling very childish indeed

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This country is now definitely beyond salvation! The problem is not only corrupted politicians from all the parties be it Pheu Thai or Democrats or others but also the people, be it the poor farmers, middle class thais etc. Eversince the "Western Culture" of credit came into thailand, people do not know how to live within their means and take everything for granted.They are always looking for handouts and easy money.

Poor Thaksin, I may not like him but really he wasted his time helping the wrong people.....look at these farmers, when they were getting monies thru the populists policies of thaksin, he was great but just miss one payment as a result of political interferences, and they start protesting! They do not even look back at the good that he had done for them in the past. There is no loyalty or gratitude and they complain that they have no money not realising their incompetetence in managing their finances.

The middle class thais are the same, trying to live lifestyles like in their thai lakhon, buying cars on credit, houses on credit and hanging out in fanciful restaurants and pubs on credit! I have seen young thais with fancy cars and clothes borrowing monies from the pathetically dressed Indian Money lenders on bicycles.....what a laugh!

My way and family way has always been , we live within our means and we never even use credit cards (except my better half and even then everything is settled to the bank within a few days), we save our hard earned cash and buy what we can afford.We never borrow from banks nor from individuals nor do we also lend money out. We made it big thru hard work and self reliance and started from humble beginnings.

The rich and hisos in thailand are another anomalous lot.....most became rich by illegal means , cheating and corruption and they have no hearts for the rest of the society and they think that their fathers own the country and taliking about philanathropy, they cannot be compared to the real hisos form Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia etc. The thai hisos would even ask for money for their transportation and hair dos to attaned a charity event and expect everything free for them. Real Garbage!

Anyway wahtever violenece and problems that may come, the locals deserve it. Pity The country by itself is a great place with lots to offer. maybe its time for some foreign power to colonise it.

But the media , please stop creating stupid stories like these. Thai people should be responsible for their own lives.

The backbone of your post is "ALL Thais are <deleted> and deserve what they get, I live within my means and I am great cos I made it big"

Where are you from you muppet?

Where is the muppet from ? Probably a crowded boiler room !

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This country is now definitely beyond salvation! The problem is not only corrupted politicians from all the parties be it Pheu Thai or Democrats or others but also the people, be it the poor farmers, middle class thais etc. Eversince the "Western Culture" of credit came into thailand, people do not know how to live within their means and take everything for granted.They are always looking for handouts and easy money.

Poor Thaksin, I may not like him but really he wasted his time helping the wrong people.....look at these farmers, when they were getting monies thru the populists policies of thaksin, he was great but just miss one payment as a result of political interferences, and they start protesting! They do not even look back at the good that he had done for them in the past. There is no loyalty or gratitude and they complain that they have no money not realising their incompetetence in managing their finances.

The middle class thais are the same, trying to live lifestyles like in their thai lakhon, buying cars on credit, houses on credit and hanging out in fanciful restaurants and pubs on credit! I have seen young thais with fancy cars and clothes borrowing monies from the pathetically dressed Indian Money lenders on bicycles.....what a laugh!

My way and family way has always been , we live within our means and we never even use credit cards (except my better half and even then everything is settled to the bank within a few days), we save our hard earned cash and buy what we can afford.We never borrow from banks nor from individuals nor do we also lend money out. We made it big thru hard work and self reliance and started from humble beginnings.

The rich and hisos in thailand are another anomalous lot.....most became rich by illegal means , cheating and corruption and they have no hearts for the rest of the society and they think that their fathers own the country and taliking about philanathropy, they cannot be compared to the real hisos form Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia etc. The thai hisos would even ask for money for their transportation and hair dos to attaned a charity event and expect everything free for them. Real Garbage!

Anyway wahtever violenece and problems that may come, the locals deserve it. Pity The country by itself is a great place with lots to offer. maybe its time for some foreign power to colonise it.

But the media , please stop creating stupid stories like these. Thai people should be responsible for their own lives.

"Poor Thaksin" ????

Your type disgust me, as this topic is about a poor farmer who took his own life because he was ripped off by the Thaksin family regime who are absolutely rolling in (other peoples') money and you come out with a stupid and heartless comment like that.

You are either a psychopath or a bored troll looking for a response, which you have received. Crawl back under your rock ! bah.gif

Why are you accusing this poster of being a troll and a psychopath, it a well written post, even if you don't agree with the contents of the post, you should debate him then on his statements not resort to name calling very childish indeed

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"he was great but just miss one payment as a result of political interferences, and they start protesting!" says ayrianaristocrat

There is more than one payment missed, these greedy officials have stolen money owed to the hard working farmers, they are not complaining for missing one payment. Farmers are not living high on credit, they were promised a certain price for their crops(that is a whole new can of worms) and not only do they not get the price, they end up with nothing. You clearly have no idea about the facts relating to this scheme.

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This country is now definitely beyond salvation! The problem is not only corrupted politicians from all the parties be it Pheu Thai or Democrats or others but also the people, be it the poor farmers, middle class thais etc. Eversince the "Western Culture" of credit came into thailand, people do not know how to live within their means and take everything for granted.They are always looking for handouts and easy money.

Poor Thaksin, I may not like him but really he wasted his time helping the wrong people.....look at these farmers, when they were getting monies thru the populists policies of thaksin, he was great but just miss one payment as a result of political interferences, and they start protesting! They do not even look back at the good that he had done for them in the past. There is no loyalty or gratitude and they complain that they have no money not realising their incompetetence in managing their finances.

The middle class thais are the same, trying to live lifestyles like in their thai lakhon, buying cars on credit, houses on credit and hanging out in fanciful restaurants and pubs on credit! I have seen young thais with fancy cars and clothes borrowing monies from the pathetically dressed Indian Money lenders on bicycles.....what a laugh!

My way and family way has always been , we live within our means and we never even use credit cards (except my better half and even then everything is settled to the bank within a few days), we save our hard earned cash and buy what we can afford.We never borrow from banks nor from individuals nor do we also lend money out. We made it big thru hard work and self reliance and started from humble beginnings.

The rich and hisos in thailand are another anomalous lot.....most became rich by illegal means , cheating and corruption and they have no hearts for the rest of the society and they think that their fathers own the country and taliking about philanathropy, they cannot be compared to the real hisos form Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia etc. The thai hisos would even ask for money for their transportation and hair dos to attaned a charity event and expect everything free for them. Real Garbage!

Anyway wahtever violenece and problems that may come, the locals deserve it. Pity The country by itself is a great place with lots to offer. maybe its time for some foreign power to colonise it.

But the media , please stop creating stupid stories like these. Thai people should be responsible for their own lives.

"Poor Thaksin" ????

Your type disgust me, as this topic is about a poor farmer who took his own life because he was ripped off by the Thaksin family regime who are absolutely rolling in (other peoples') money and you come out with a stupid and heartless comment like that.

You are either a psychopath or a bored troll looking for a response, which you have received. Crawl back under your rock ! bah.gif

Why are you accusing this poster of being a troll and a psychopath, it a well written post, even if you don't agree with the contents of the post, you should debate him then on his statements not resort to name calling very childish indeed


Southpeel, I don't think I have ever agreed with one thing you have posted on this forum in the past 5 or 6 years, but I have never called you a troll, as is the case with many other TV members. But when the hat fits...........................................................

If you are going to respond to everyone who does not agree with (or like) this guy you are going to be kept very busy.

(I think his use of the words "poor" and "Thaksin" in the same phrase really threw me) biggrin.png

Edited by mikemac
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Last year I sold my modest tonne of rice (1000 kilos) at the scales, without my wife opting into the program. We got a few baht lower (14 vs 18 or so, I think it was at the time). When I drove out my truck weighed just under 1600 kilos.

This year we opted in to the govt program and went to the same station. We got offerred 13 baht per kilo (we were told before leaving the house people not opting in were getting 9 or 10 baht). Most importantly though, when I drove out over the scale after unloading my truck miraculously weighed just under 1900 kilos. Naturally, raising hell could do nothing about it except make me look like the crazy farang, which I succeeded at. I'm not saying the govt program is good, but I think the real failure is with local corruption at the scales. My wife assures me the local police had already been paid off so our complaints would amount to nothing.

However, a couple kilos away, the REAL sellers were waiting 8 hours a day in a line over a kilo long. My assumption is they weren't rigging the scale. If it wasn't for such a modest yeild i probably would have been willing to sit in that line (as such, I lost about 4000 baht, I think, due to the rigging, so really, an 8 hour wait would have been well worth it).

But I've noticed a lot of our family farmers can't seem to really think for themselves and go which ever way wind of conversation blows them, which doesn't exactly bode for good decision making. Even the smartest member of my wife's family sold his yeild (also modest at around a tonne) to a shark without bothering with the scales personally. My best bet is that he just gave up hope. It didn't help that we all had crummy yeilds this year thanks to low rainfall when we needed it most.

In any case, scheme or no scheme, I've had enough of this nonsense. I'm renting all my land next year and we'll just take our 30%.

I guess the lesson here is that I have a choice in the matter and can move onto greener pastures. These farmers, many of them, do not and their fields are their lot, good or bad. It must feel suffocating at times like this.

Edited by firebasejay
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Anyone who commits suicide over money is a very weak human being.

... says somebody, who never was hungry (I guess) and who never had to feed his family.

That is not suicide over money, it's over the lack of it. That makes all the difference!

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Condolences to his family, but.....

Unfortunately, he didn't think of his family ......he may have been a good person, but he's left his family an awful mess now and most likely, they'll sell the farm and be worse off......the cowards way is not a way out for anyone except the coward!

Calling a suicide victim a "coward" isn't of any condolence or sign of respect to his family.

You evidently have no compassion or any experience in suicide.

I have both as I know what it's like to lose a family member to suicide.

Two things I would say to you;

1) Just take a moment to really think about how much courage and determination it would take for you to kill yourself,.. to pull the trigger, jump off a chair with a rope tied around your neck or whatever. It may not be responsible act from a rational human being who values his life and his family but such people have taken leave of their senses in that regard at that moment in their darkest hour.

2) Depression is a terrible thing and can be a killer. Prolonged depression, aided by financial stress, alcohol, drugs, and perhaps shame can be and often are a powerful enough cocktail to kill a person.

People that kill themselves are commonly referred to as "suicide victims" because that's exactly what they are, - victims!

This life is wonderful but also very fragile. Don't think it couldn't happen to you or someone you know because such things often lurk in the shadows and pounce without warning.

"..and there but for the grace of God go I"

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This country is now definitely beyond salvation! The problem is not only corrupted politicians from all the parties be it Pheu Thai or Democrats or others but also the people, be it the poor farmers, middle class thais etc. Eversince the "Western Culture" of credit came into thailand, people do not know how to live within their means and take everything for granted.They are always looking for handouts and easy money.

Poor Thaksin, I may not like him but really he wasted his time helping the wrong people.....look at these farmers, when they were getting monies thru the populists policies of thaksin, he was great but just miss one payment as a result of political interferences, and they start protesting! They do not even look back at the good that he had done for them in the past. There is no loyalty or gratitude and they complain that they have no money not realising their incompetetence in managing their finances.

The middle class thais are the same, trying to live lifestyles like in their thai lakhon, buying cars on credit, houses on credit and hanging out in fanciful restaurants and pubs on credit! I have seen young thais with fancy cars and clothes borrowing monies from the pathetically dressed Indian Money lenders on bicycles.....what a laugh!

My way and family way has always been , we live within our means and we never even use credit cards (except my better half and even then everything is settled to the bank within a few days), we save our hard earned cash and buy what we can afford.We never borrow from banks nor from individuals nor do we also lend money out. We made it big thru hard work and self reliance and started from humble beginnings.

The rich and hisos in thailand are another anomalous lot.....most became rich by illegal means , cheating and corruption and they have no hearts for the rest of the society and they think that their fathers own the country and taliking about philanathropy, they cannot be compared to the real hisos form Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia etc. The thai hisos would even ask for money for their transportation and hair dos to attaned a charity event and expect everything free for them. Real Garbage!

Anyway wahtever violenece and problems that may come, the locals deserve it. Pity The country by itself is a great place with lots to offer. maybe its time for some foreign power to colonise it.

But the media , please stop creating stupid stories like these. Thai people should be responsible for their own lives.

But times have changed old boy.. credit is where it is... alcohol, drugs, fast cars and credit make the world go around.. most modern society people would say you have lived a boring life.. I tend to agree cause you sound like my grandad..!

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for most of you it maybe new, but the reds are exposed to more intimidation and even death than one might think.

When the red mob was recently in Bangkok they set up "hong muet"(dark rooms) where the have beaten up their own people so that nothing can come through to the public. No phones, SMS, radios or emails were used during the operations. Police was present too, probably their chosen ones, and did nothing except to say enough when the torture went to far. Just to keep the poor folks in line.

I know this from one who organized 5000 red shirts for Bangkok and who works in Bangkok. The village gestapos are very present in many red shirt districts.

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This country is now definitely beyond salvation! The problem is not only corrupted politicians from all the parties be it Pheu Thai or Democrats or others but also the people, be it the poor farmers, middle class thais etc.


But the media , please stop creating stupid stories like these. Thai people should be responsible for their own lives.

Without doubt, one of the most pathetic posts of the week.

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strange lack of red supporters in here posting on this, why is that, looks like they dont have the balls to accept it is the ptp's fault entirely, craven cowards just like the all the other reds. I just hope that karma does return to the shina's for this, poor devils that are pushed to this suffering at the hands of people more interested in ripping off the country.

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strange lack of red supporters in here posting on this, why is that, looks like they dont have the balls to accept it is the ptp's fault entirely, craven cowards just like the all the other reds. I just hope that karma does return to the shina's for this, poor devils that are pushed to this suffering at the hands of people more interested in ripping off the country.

Kicked out by your Isan lady?

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A low point in Opposition opposition....Trying to put a sheen of life-and-death on their anti-Govt. agenda.

My only advice for them, if they have a problem with a Govt. policy, go to Parliament, explain your Opposition and hope voters agree for next election.

Crying self-serving faux crocodile tears about farmers selling tractors and killing themselves is over the top....Who knows the financial jam those people were in, beyond anything to do with a Govt. policy.

For the opposition to blame Govt. policy is ridiculous. If everything is that dire, the voters will vote accordingly on Sunday. Let their votes advise the reality of this thing....Not Opposition agenda.

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A low point in Opposition opposition....Trying to put a sheen of life-and-death on their anti-Govt. agenda.

My only advice for them, if they have a problem with a Govt. policy, go to Parliament, explain your Opposition and hope voters agree for next election.

Crying self-serving faux crocodile tears about farmers selling tractors and killing themselves is over the top....Who knows the financial jam those people were in, beyond anything to do with a Govt. policy.

For the opposition to blame Govt. policy is ridiculous. If everything is that dire, the voters will vote accordingly on Sunday. Let their votes advise the reality of this thing....Not Opposition agenda.

Wow! Well I agree with one thing you mention. There is defiantly a low point being reached on this thread. Not by the opposition though.

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A low point in Opposition opposition....Trying to put a sheen of life-and-death on their anti-Govt. agenda.

My only advice for them, if they have a problem with a Govt. policy, go to Parliament, explain your Opposition and hope voters agree for next election.

Crying self-serving faux crocodile tears about farmers selling tractors and killing themselves is over the top....Who knows the financial jam those people were in, beyond anything to do with a Govt. policy.

For the opposition to blame Govt. policy is ridiculous. If everything is that dire, the voters will vote accordingly on Sunday. Let their votes advise the reality of this thing....Not Opposition agenda.

Talking about low points, this comment is the Mariana Trench of comments. facepalm.gif

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Condolences to his family, but.....

Unfortunately, he didn't think of his family ......he may have been a good person, but he's left his family an awful mess now and most likely, they'll sell the farm and be worse off......the cowards way is not a way out for anyone except the coward!

"The cowards way?!"

I tire of people like you who think they know so much about this topic.

You think its an easy way to go? Are you daft? Suicide is an extremely difficult choice to make and is never an easy one.

I suppose you'll also say it's a "selfish act" as well. Is it not also selfish for the friends and family to demand an individual live an unhappy life in perpetuum?

"If you perceive you are overmatched ... you may give life the slip, but do this without anger. Walk simply, gravely, and freely into the other world,and thus the last."

-Marcus Aurelius

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This country is now definitely beyond salvation! The problem is not only corrupted politicians from all the parties be it Pheu Thai or Democrats or others but also the people, be it the poor farmers, middle class thais etc. Eversince the "Western Culture" of credit came into thailand, people do not know how to live within their means and take everything for granted.They are always looking for handouts and easy money.

Poor Thaksin, I may not like him but really he wasted his time helping the wrong people.....look at these farmers, when they were getting monies thru the populists policies of thaksin, he was great but just miss one payment as a result of political interferences, and they start protesting! They do not even look back at the good that he had done for them in the past. There is no loyalty or gratitude and they complain that they have no money not realising their incompetetence in managing their finances.

The middle class thais are the same, trying to live lifestyles like in their thai lakhon, buying cars on credit, houses on credit and hanging out in fanciful restaurants and pubs on credit! I have seen young thais with fancy cars and clothes borrowing monies from the pathetically dressed Indian Money lenders on bicycles.....what a laugh!

My way and family way has always been , we live within our means and we never even use credit cards (except my better half and even then everything is settled to the bank within a few days), we save our hard earned cash and buy what we can afford.We never borrow from banks nor from individuals nor do we also lend money out. We made it big thru hard work and self reliance and started from humble beginnings.

The rich and hisos in thailand are another anomalous lot.....most became rich by illegal means , cheating and corruption and they have no hearts for the rest of the society and they think that their fathers own the country and taliking about philanathropy, they cannot be compared to the real hisos form Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia etc. The thai hisos would even ask for money for their transportation and hair dos to attaned a charity event and expect everything free for them. Real Garbage!

Anyway wahtever violenece and problems that may come, the locals deserve it. Pity The country by itself is a great place with lots to offer. maybe its time for some foreign power to colonise it.

But the media , please stop creating stupid stories like these. Thai people should be responsible for their own lives.

You feel sorry for Thaksin? The rice farmers got scamed by Thaksin and PTP many of them got rich on this rice sceme but not the poor farmers, shame on you sir.

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