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Large explosion noise heard form nimmanhaemin, what was it?


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Dunno but Chinese New Year seems to have brought out the pyrotechnics this year near me - usual small crackers then the occasional boom like a canon going off - maybe just some of those big Chinese bangers. Seem to be letting them off during the day too - which is strange for fireworks. Hopefully its just that.

Could also be loading/unloading - if you have any construction going on. We had some new houses being built down the road, when they delivered, they just dropped them off the back of the truck - also sounded like a gun going off.

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Some of the fireworks used in the past were the size of large plum puddings. I saw one let of in a street in Phuket which shattered some plate glass windows.

There's probably rules about such things, but who listens??

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