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Pheu Thai Chief Warns Of 'Conspiracy' To Nullify Election

Lite Beer

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You don't have to agree with me. Election (a part of democracy) is still the best to choose a government that is by the people, of the people and for the people. This together with the progress of the people will make it difficult for politicians to encourage corruption.

PM YS has no hesitation in saying, "Vote me out". and I add - if you think my government is corrupted, not for the people and lost illegitimacy. I return my power back to you. Choose a legitimate power. She said it during the announcement of house dissolution and I paraphrased. She repeated her "vote me out" on FB etc.

My second pillar is not just about the prosperity of the people. This is when the democratic system that exist and continue to practice, the people are wakened to their political, social and judicial rights, duties and responsibility.

Tell me how you want to fight corruption.

I have said many times here, the DEM's PDRC/PCAD so called anti-government protests is to avoid their corrupt practices and irregularities discovered by the Government. They changed from demanding a house dissolution to reform before election. The 2007 constitution supported by the DEM and amended by the DEM's administration (I am talking about the election section) is the same election laws that this election is called. Is the DEM and its PDRC/PCAD wanted to amend it again to suit them?

I am not disagreeing that an election is part of democracy, but, in Thailand, it isn't something that is used to fight corruption.

What corrupt practices and irregularities have been discovered by the government?

The protesters were demanding the government step down and for reform. They didn't want an election until reform was completed. When the government dissolved parliament, their demands didn't change. It was still reform before elections.

Once again, HOW did the Democrat amendments to the constitution suit them over everyone else?

Is the demand of the DEM and its PDRC/PCAD the wishes of the people represented by the more than 50 political parties taking part in the election?

I don't think it is difficult for you to find out more on the corrupt and irregularities during the AV administration when you seriously wanted it.

Democrat amendments to the constitution did not help them win the election. The point I was making and of course PM YS in her rebuttal to AV that the election is unconstitutional is that, : the same election laws that AV administration amended are used in this election - not a single dot or letter changed.

Is the DEM and its PDRC/PCAD wanted to amend it again to suit them? And when they do not win election again, they will cry foul again? They are still living in a 'victim mentality' world and everyone has to suffer with them.

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With all the violence around this election, with parts of the country under an Emergency Decree, with an election to be stressed out over a four months period at would seem, with NO results or tallies to be made public before all is done, with boxes of cast votes to be 'secured' for so long, who would be surprised if these elections will be annulled.

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IMO. election (democracy) is one of the four pillars to fight corruption. The other is the progress and well being of the people. A judiciary free of politics. and a compassionate society.

Law or more laws is not the answer. Laws are made for those who are law abiding not the law breakers. Criminals are always ahead of the law. it only helps to prosecute and sentence. It is never a deterrent.

Education is not the solution either. Corrupt people are usually highly educated. Educating people on corruption only helps to understand what is and the consequence of corruption and in fact IMO increase corrupt practices.

I write this in context of the activity trying to block and nullify election and its result. People must be allowed to choose using their votes though democracy is not the only answer to all problems.

As democracy progress together with the progress on the well being (livelihoods) of the people, it becomes harder to encourage corruption. When we observe closely, people who are trying to avoid the people's right to elect are those who are corrupt. They are afraid of the people's mandate.

The 4 pillars of democracy - Justice, Equity, freedoms, representative.

I think the PTP version has 4 horses with Thaksin astride the frontmost tossing the hearts of the rice farmers for his hounds to chew

I was talking about fighting corruption not the 4 pillars of democracy.

You can vote PTP out - what is the problem?

When there are no mechanisms for dealing with cheating in the house, democracy feeds corruption absolutely as we saw in late 2013

Progress and well-being - so the sick are a bunch of cheats and the eminently healthy Thaksin is to be beatified for his purity?

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This would not be the only or the first conspiracy in this land.

There was a conspiracy to pass a law absolving Thaksin and thousands of corruption suspects of their crimes but luckily the Thai people rose up in indignant anger and it's been placed on the back burner.

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UDD leader, Ko Tee.

Quoted as saying "I want there to be lots of violence to put an end to all this" and "I'm bored by speeches. It's time to clean the country, to get rid of the elite, all of them."

UDD principle #3 - To promote non-violence as our modus operandi for all activities.

He is supposed to set the example for his supporters as a leader yet he doesn't even adhere to his own principles.

A lot of votes for the PTP will be out of fear.

You were doing fine until your last sentence. The people who voted for the PTP last time will vote for them again (minus the farmers who have suffered from the rice pledging scheme/scam). They didn't do so last time out of fear and they won't this time. Those who are anti-PTP have the perfect excuse not to vote in BKK constituencies. I imagine that were all the polling stations open, the PTP popular vote would be slightly down on last time, given abstentions due to the Dems boycott and political deadlock. However, the PTP would still have a majority of seats.

However, we all know the election results will be annulled anyway, so this is all academic.

It will still be interesting to see what percentage of people voted & what percentage of those votes went to the various parties & the no vote.

Sister-in-law just returned from voting in Ratchaburi - complained she only got 300 baht this time (someone is skimming off 200). Anyway, she voted NO. clap2.gif Politicians should not think their electorate is as stupid as they are.

Did she make a report? That's her duty.

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IMO. election (democracy) is one of the four pillars to fight corruption. The other is the progress and well being of the people. A judiciary free of politics. and a compassionate society.

Law or more laws is not the answer. Laws are made for those who are law abiding not the law breakers. Criminals are always ahead of the law. it only helps to prosecute and sentence. It is never a deterrent.

Education is not the solution either. Corrupt people are usually highly educated. Educating people on corruption only helps to understand what is and the consequence of corruption and in fact IMO increase corrupt practices.

I write this in context of the activity trying to block and nullify election and its result. People must be allowed to choose using their votes though democracy is not the only answer to all problems.

As democracy progress together with the progress on the well being (livelihoods) of the people, it becomes harder to encourage corruption. When we observe closely, people who are trying to avoid the people's right to elect are those who are corrupt. They are afraid of the people's mandate.

The 4 pillars of democracy - Justice, Equity, freedoms, representative.

I think the PTP version has 4 horses with Thaksin astride the frontmost tossing the hearts of the rice farmers for his hounds to chew

I was talking about fighting corruption not the 4 pillars of democracy.

You can vote PTP out - what is the problem?

When there are no mechanisms for dealing with cheating in the house, democracy feeds corruption absolutely as we saw in late 2013

Progress and well-being - so the sick are a bunch of cheats and the eminently healthy Thaksin is to be beatified for his purity?

Voting is the mechanism

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You don't have to agree with me. Election (a part of democracy) is still the best to choose a government that is by the people, of the people and for the people. This together with the progress of the people will make it difficult for politicians to encourage corruption.

PM YS has no hesitation in saying, "Vote me out". and I add - if you think my government is corrupted, not for the people and lost illegitimacy. I return my power back to you. Choose a legitimate power. She said it during the announcement of house dissolution and I paraphrased. She repeated her "vote me out" on FB etc.

My second pillar is not just about the prosperity of the people. This is when the democratic system that exist and continue to practice, the people are wakened to their political, social and judicial rights, duties and responsibility.

Tell me how you want to fight corruption.

I have said many times here, the DEM's PDRC/PCAD so called anti-government protests is to avoid their corrupt practices and irregularities discovered by the Government. They changed from demanding a house dissolution to reform before election. The 2007 constitution supported by the DEM and amended by the DEM's administration (I am talking about the election section) is the same election laws that this election is called. Is the DEM and its PDRC/PCAD wanted to amend it again to suit them?

I am not disagreeing that an election is part of democracy, but, in Thailand, it isn't something that is used to fight corruption.

What corrupt practices and irregularities have been discovered by the government?

The protesters were demanding the government step down and for reform. They didn't want an election until reform was completed. When the government dissolved parliament, their demands didn't change. It was still reform before elections.

Once again, HOW did the Democrat amendments to the constitution suit them over everyone else?

Is the demand of the DEM and its PDRC/PCAD the wishes of the people represented by the more than 50 political parties taking part in the election?

I don't think it is difficult for you to find out more on the corrupt and irregularities during the AV administration when you seriously wanted it.

Democrat amendments to the constitution did not help them win the election. The point I was making and of course PM YS in her rebuttal to AV that the election is unconstitutional is that, : the same election laws that AV administration amended are used in this election - not a single dot or letter changed.

Is the DEM and its PDRC/PCAD wanted to amend it again to suit them? And when they do not win election again, they will cry foul again? They are still living in a 'victim mentality' world and everyone has to suffer with them.

What does the demands of the protesters have to do with an election fighting corruption?

You are the one bringing up supposed irregularities and corrupt practices discovered by the Yingluck government. How about you mention what they are, and I can find out what you're talking about.

You continue to say that the Democrats amended the constitution to suit them. HOW did it suit them? And what does it have to do with THIS election being unconstitutional?

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PT see conspiracy every where, I remember them that Constitutional court said that they could differ election, but they prefer to go ahead with risk of nullification

Don't blame other, blame yourself.

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We all know this anyway.

I dont think they will get away with it this time. They still trying, but in 2014 it can't work... Of for 2010 all over again smile.png

Meanwhile voters in Din deang have seen of the vile PDRC and infront of the worlds media, battled and re-open the polling station. Great image contrast the people against the PDRC armed mob yesterday.

PDRC finding stony ground in Yala. Might have overstretchd there. @Rusembilan: "

@Isra_News: reporting only 5 out of 577 polling stations in Yala blocked by PDRC mobs.

Nobody will side with Coup or judicial coup, Thailand will get sanctions and they will have to get the army to physically install a Junta against the mass uprising that would follow.. Courts... You have been warned!!! Anyone listening?


Great news, Pipkins. Also great to see that the overseas news programmes are almost unanimous in condemning Suthep's thugs for blocking the voting. The right to vote is held as sacrosanct in most of the free world, and Thailand will be taking a massive risk if the elites think they can spit in the face of the World and get away with it. A reality check may well be coming soon with a quiet whisper into someone's ear.

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is there a no box to put your x on then is no a party ?? i honestly dont know

There is a "None of the above" box. So if you don't like any of the candidates you can select that.

Apparently, Thaksin/Phue Thai brought in a newly named 4th party at the last minute called "None Of The Above" . . . I wonder why?

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With all the violence around this election, with parts of the country under an Emergency Decree, with an election to be stressed out over a four months period at would seem, with NO results or tallies to be made public before all is done, with boxes of cast votes to be 'secured' for so long, who would be surprised if these elections will be annulled.

Some of us think that's why the EC made only token efforts to run these elections, to give the appearance of compliance with their job under the law.

Hence they're saying an election, which should take 60 days under the constitutiion may take another 4 months, for a total of 180 days = the time to run 3 full elections!!

Why 180 days? Perhaps because if they take 181, they can then annul the election under the 180 day rule.

Even if they ran another full election, it should only take 60 days according to the constitution and to normal practice. Yet here they are saying just to run the by elections will take a further 2 election cycles length?!

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IMO. election (democracy) is one of the four pillars to fight corruption. The other is the progress and well being of the people. A judiciary free of politics. and a compassionate society.

Law or more laws is not the answer. Laws are made for those who are law abiding not the law breakers. Criminals are always ahead of the law. it only helps to prosecute and sentence. It is never a deterrent.

Education is not the solution either. Corrupt people are usually highly educated. Educating people on corruption only helps to understand what is and the consequence of corruption and in fact IMO increase corrupt practices.

I write this in context of the activity trying to block and nullify election and its result. People must be allowed to choose using their votes though democracy is not the only answer to all problems.

As democracy progress together with the progress on the well being (livelihoods) of the people, it becomes harder to encourage corruption. When we observe closely, people who are trying to avoid the people's right to elect are those who are corrupt. They are afraid of the people's mandate.

The 4 pillars of democracy - Justice, Equity, freedoms, representative.

I think the PTP version has 4 horses with Thaksin astride the frontmost tossing the hearts of the rice farmers for his hounds to chew

I was talking about fighting corruption not the 4 pillars of democracy.

You can vote PTP out - what is the problem?

When there are no mechanisms for dealing with cheating in the house, democracy feeds corruption absolutely as we saw in late 2013

Progress and well-being - so the sick are a bunch of cheats and the eminently healthy Thaksin is to be beatified for his purity?

Are you suggesting we should throw away democracy of which election is a part of it? Democracy consistently practice and persist will make corruption difficult.

An elected government will be voted out if the livelihood of the people do not improve. When the livelihood of the people improved, awakening of people's political, social and judicial rights, duties and responsibility follow. People 'have no time' to think about corruption when they are still struggling with their 'bread and butter' or 'rice and somtam'. Those who is not afraid of democracy are sincere to see corruption practices become difficult. Dictatorship feed corruption not democracy. Election is about improving the life of the people not just about fighting corruption and irregularities.

"Progress and well-being - so the sick are a bunch of cheats and the eminently healthy Thaksin is to be beatified for his purity?"

You are trying to argue a situation that is baseless, unsubstantiated. Purely speculation and assumption.

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You don't have to agree with me. Election (a part of democracy) is still the best to choose a government that is by the people, of the people and for the people. This together with the progress of the people will make it difficult for politicians to encourage corruption.

PM YS has no hesitation in saying, "Vote me out". and I add - if you think my government is corrupted, not for the people and lost illegitimacy. I return my power back to you. Choose a legitimate power. She said it during the announcement of house dissolution and I paraphrased. She repeated her "vote me out" on FB etc.

My second pillar is not just about the prosperity of the people. This is when the democratic system that exist and continue to practice, the people are wakened to their political, social and judicial rights, duties and responsibility.

Tell me how you want to fight corruption.

I have said many times here, the DEM's PDRC/PCAD so called anti-government protests is to avoid their corrupt practices and irregularities discovered by the Government. They changed from demanding a house dissolution to reform before election. The 2007 constitution supported by the DEM and amended by the DEM's administration (I am talking about the election section) is the same election laws that this election is called. Is the DEM and its PDRC/PCAD wanted to amend it again to suit them?

I am not disagreeing that an election is part of democracy, but, in Thailand, it isn't something that is used to fight corruption.

What corrupt practices and irregularities have been discovered by the government?

The protesters were demanding the government step down and for reform. They didn't want an election until reform was completed. When the government dissolved parliament, their demands didn't change. It was still reform before elections.

Once again, HOW did the Democrat amendments to the constitution suit them over everyone else?

Is the demand of the DEM and its PDRC/PCAD the wishes of the people represented by the more than 50 political parties taking part in the election?

I don't think it is difficult for you to find out more on the corrupt and irregularities during the AV administration when you seriously wanted it.

Democrat amendments to the constitution did not help them win the election. The point I was making and of course PM YS in her rebuttal to AV that the election is unconstitutional is that, : the same election laws that AV administration amended are used in this election - not a single dot or letter changed.

Is the DEM and its PDRC/PCAD wanted to amend it again to suit them? And when they do not win election again, they will cry foul again? They are still living in a 'victim mentality' world and everyone has to suffer with them.

What does the demands of the protesters have to do with an election fighting corruption?

You are the one bringing up supposed irregularities and corrupt practices discovered by the Yingluck government. How about you mention what they are, and I can find out what you're talking about.

You continue to say that the Democrats amended the constitution to suit them. HOW did it suit them? And what does it have to do with THIS election being unconstitutional?

You can read about my comment/opinion in my replies to other posters.

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It will soon be impossible for Thailand's politicians on all sides to be taken seriously by anyone. The whole situation has become a mad hatter's tea party!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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With all the violence around this election, with parts of the country under an Emergency Decree, with an election to be stressed out over a four months period at would seem, with NO results or tallies to be made public before all is done, with boxes of cast votes to be 'secured' for so long, who would be surprised if these elections will be annulled.

Some of us think that's why the EC made only token efforts to run these elections, to give the appearance of compliance with their job under the law.

Hence they're saying an election, which should take 60 days under the constitutiion may take another 4 months, for a total of 180 days = the time to run 3 full elections!!

Why 180 days? Perhaps because if they take 181, they can then annul the election under the 180 day rule.

Even if they ran another full election, it should only take 60 days according to the constitution and to normal practice. Yet here they are saying just to run the by elections will take a further 2 election cycles length?!

Or perhaps they are stringing it out only until May 11th when the Amnesty Bill will be well and truly off the table at last and can't be resurrected in any way, shape or form.

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With all the violence around this election, with parts of the country under an Emergency Decree, with an election to be stressed out over a four months period at would seem, with NO results or tallies to be made public before all is done, with boxes of cast votes to be 'secured' for so long, who would be surprised if these elections will be annulled.

Some of us think that's why the EC made only token efforts to run these elections, to give the appearance of compliance with their job under the law.

Hence they're saying an election, which should take 60 days under the constitutiion may take another 4 months, for a total of 180 days = the time to run 3 full elections!!

Why 180 days? Perhaps because if they take 181, they can then annul the election under the 180 day rule.

Even if they ran another full election, it should only take 60 days according to the constitution and to normal practice. Yet here they are saying just to run the by elections will take a further 2 election cycles length?!

Some us of think that the EC has made the effort one could except in the current situation which in a way was created by the not-so-caretaking government itself.

As for the 60 days, 4 months, 180 days or whatever, later in February new 'advance voting'; sessions are planned. now that tells a lot about the status of these elections. Bloody waste of money, but then what was to be expected with this defunct government.

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Elections are the cornerstone of any democracy provided they themselves are free of corruption - in Thailands case they obviously are not and the populist policies of PTP are also right out there - impractical and very obviously unworkable, not to mention the promise to everyone working of a 30% payrise

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Another Khaosod winner. One side of the story - period. That's the Khaosod motto. And what a story. Pheu Thai's chairman has accused the EC of a conspiracy. It is an institution empowered by the Constitution Court. Both bodies have been heavily criticized by Pheu Thai, but now we have this blatant accusation. If Khaosod were a legitimate news body, they would ask why. They would ask the chairman what is his proof. Khaosod is the National Enquirer of the journalistic world. And Pheu Thai's latest feeble attempt to ascribe blame to everyone but themselves remains unabated.

At least your rambling posts are getting shorter as you run out of nonsensical things to say.

Today the people have spoken through the ballot box. Your last hope is for the crooked courts to back the crooked EC.

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Another Khaosod winner. One side of the story - period. That's the Khaosod motto. And what a story. Pheu Thai's chairman has accused the EC of a conspiracy. It is an institution empowered by the Constitution Court. Both bodies have been heavily criticized by Pheu Thai, but now we have this blatant accusation. If Khaosod were a legitimate news body, they would ask why. They would ask the chairman what is his proof. Khaosod is the National Enquirer of the journalistic world. And Pheu Thai's latest feeble attempt to ascribe blame to everyone but themselves remains unabated.

At least your rambling posts are getting shorter as you run out of nonsensical things to say.

Today the people have spoken through the ballot box. Your last hope is for the crooked courts to back the crooked EC.

today some people have spoken and some have voted. The "respect my vote" campaign will try to make sure that their vote is also respected once it's cast. The reform group likes to reach the same result.

In the mean time it would seem someone said the election results would be made known on the 23 of this month, that's adter the renewed 'advance voting'. No news on all stations which weren't or couldn't open.

Seems no crooked court is needed or even a crooked EC to have these elections nullified. The HRW will complain for us rolleyes.gif

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Nobody will side with Coup or judicial coup, Thailand will get sanctions and they will have to get the army to physically install a Junta against the mass uprising that would follow..

Yeah well. At least they've had a lot of practice with Juntas, seems like the country called Thailand has spent the majority of it's history under military command: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_junta

Hub of Juntas, for sure.

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Pipkins hasn't posted for 22 minutes ... is that a record ....

Took the wife to vote and stayed on to watch and take pics. Thaksin forgot to pay any of us, but we still voted as thats what it is a about.

No idiots this far south in Bangkok. lots of locals on look out incase they were crazy enough to march on the edge of Klong Toey.

Didn't hear a peep from the whistle blowers here. Nice to be missed though and thanks.

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My bet is this election will be discarded for whatever reason they can make up with, then YL will be charged with the rice scheme corruption case before the next election date, ousting her from politics and so on. The question is who's going to take care of governing for the next half year.

Under the laws they wrote to keep her out.... Yinkgluk stays on.

that the Courts moved on her and left Abhisit is widely spread around the globe.

Many now calling for total scrapping of Thai Court and start from fresh. Thailand cannot reform and leave these dinosaurs in place!!!

Your law, and Yingluck stays. I really think they will physically have to right their way into power this time as Sutheps coup and picnic have failed and the Courts Judicial coup is too blatant even for some of their own... and that is saying something.

Can I be the first to say that this next pic of Prayuth shows a distinct lack of zombie whislte blowers. shrieking badly educated middle class BKKians and armed PDRC guards. Wonder why.

PS, your attempt to disguse is as bad as the army in Bangkok dressed up as shruberrys. Ni NI NI


what are you trying to say...cut to the chase...

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RT@Saksith: TR @jeerapong_nna: 16.40 PM confirms putting ballot in wrong box, says she followed officials’ instructions, notified EC already

So it would seem she needed instructions on how to put a ballot paper in a ballot box.

This is the person who was PM and wants to be PM again.

Perhaps she has become so used to being told what to do by big brother that she has lost all idea of how to do anything.

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You were doing fine until your last sentence. The people who voted for the PTP last time will vote for them again (minus the farmers who have suffered from the rice pledging scheme/scam). They didn't do so last time out of fear and they won't this time. Those who are anti-PTP have the perfect excuse not to vote in BKK constituencies. I imagine that were all the polling stations open, the PTP popular vote would be slightly down on last time, given abstentions due to the Dems boycott and political deadlock. However, the PTP would still have a majority of seats.

However, we all know the election results will be annulled anyway, so this is all academic.

It will still be interesting to see what percentage of people voted & what percentage of those votes went to the various parties & the no vote.

Sister-in-law just returned from voting in Ratchaburi - complained she only got 300 baht this time (someone is skimming off 200). Anyway, she voted NO. clap2.gif Politicians should not think their electorate is as stupid as they are.

So, said sister-in-law, who decided to vote NO (if I;m not mistaken, a NO vote is akin to an anti PT vote as PT is a corrupt govt) is very happy to accept money for her vote (corruption?) yet subsequently votes against that party that paid her (dishonest, as well as corrupt).


Your clap2.gif icon seems to suggest that you agreed with her actions

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Robbynz post # 91.

So it would seem she needed instructions on how to put a ballot paper in a ballot box.

This is the person who was PM and wants to be PM again.

Perhaps she has become so used to being told what to do by big brother that she has lost all idea of how to do anything.

Indeed it would seem as if the lady is certainly in need of some sort of assistance regarding her thought processes, her dear brother must by now be spitting feathers.

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Gweiloman post # 93

So, said sister-in-law, who decided to vote NO (if I;m not mistaken, a NO vote is akin to an anti PT vote as PT is a corrupt govt) is very happy to accept money for her vote (corruption?) yet subsequently votes against that party that paid her (dishonest, as well as corrupt).

Considering your admiration for the P.T.P do you really think you are able to comment with a clear heart on matters of deceit and dishonesty/ Your hero's seem to practice recidivism with nary a pang of conscience.

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