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Have the Red shirts grown out of the Shinawatras?

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It is probably true that without Thaksin, and his TRT Party (at descendants) that the Red shirts would never have got the traction. Whatever you think of Thaksin, he did bring the dispossessed poor into politics. Many of the early Red ideas were good ones, they looked at welfare and tackling the problems of poor, protecting the farmer from the millers and middlemen/agents, and so on. Whether this was Thaksin's real agenda is a big argument and one that cannot really be easily won either way - and subjective.

Many of the problems these parties have had, and the Red movement as a whole, has been directly related to the Shinawatra family, whether fairly or not (I leave that for another discussion).

Imagine if, rather than Suthep's council, YS falls on her sword and the vote is done again - imagine if the Reds split into Pro and non Pro (not necessarily anti) Shinawatra - this might appease the anti-government protestors enough (at least those that are not hard line Yellow) to allow an election (with ballot boxes). H3ll the Dems might even stand, they may think they have a chance against a divided PTP, at least at being a competent opposition.

The questions now are:- Do the Reds really need the Shinawatras any more? and are they actually more of a hindrance than the gateway they (he) once were? Could the coalition hold without them? With a party of the people rather than the age old party of the few - that is, a party that would not necessarily put money into the pockets of those coalition partners and the elites we are often told are behind the scenes? Would the military allow such - or would they actually welcome it? Could it actually happen, or would it just end up with some other elite pushing their way to the top spot? Are the people motivated enough - or is it as often said, just pay outs and wishful promises that motivates them? Would it have the desired effect of finally bringing peace to politics and a real move to curb graft and corruption - or just another set of noses at the trough?


just more noses

people don't know or accept their true power

elite will fight tooth and nail if they ever do

in reality US style pseudo democracy is the best-case scenario

oppo should just accept that and actually get in the game


The problem is that all the red shirt leaders are bought by Thaksin. They are actually his staff. That is also the reason why there is not one bad word against the government. For example in case of the not paid rice.

So it is very hard to impossible that a leader who is not installed by Thaksin get any chance to speak there.

There are numerous red shirts who changed to the anti-government protesters. But I think most even if they don't like Thaksin anymore, still wouldn't like Suthep or Abhisit. They would rather vote Chuvit or more probable the next one who gives them money.


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