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Film director Woody Allen's adopted daughter renews sex abuse allegations


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LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (BNO NEWS) -- Dylan Farrow, the adopted daughter of Woody Allen, on Saturday renewed her claims that she was sexually abused by the American film director when she was seven years old. It was the first time she discussed the allegations publicly.

"What's your favorite Woody Allen movie?" Dylan Farrow, 28, asks in an open letter published by the New York Times. "Before you answer, you should know: when I was seven years old, Woody Allen took me by the hand and led me into a dim, closet-like attic on the second floor of our house. He told me to lay on my stomach and play with my brother's electric train set. Then he sexually assaulted me."

She adds: "He talked to me while he did it, whispering that I was a good girl, that this was our secret, promising that we'd go to Paris and I'd be a star in his movies. I remember staring at that toy train, focusing on it as it traveled in its circle around the attic. To this day, I find it difficult to look at toy trains."

The child abuse allegations first surfaced in 1992 after his long-time girlfriend, actress Mia Farrow, discovered Allen was having an affair with her then 19- or 21-year-old adopted Korean daughter, Soon-Yi. She made the discovery by finding nude photos of Soon-Yi at Allen's home, but the film director later defended the relationship, saying he had never lived with Mia and was not a father figure to Soon-Yi.

It would later ensue a bitter and highly-publicized custody battle for Allen's three children with Mia Farrow, whose allegations that Dylan was sexually abused triggered a police investigation. But doctors found no physical evidence of sexual abuse and the Connecticut State Police filed no charges, although New York Supreme Court Justice Elliott Wilk expressed his doubts over those findings.

The allegations were all but forgotten after Allen lost the custody battle and continued his successful career, which recently earned him the prestigious Cecil B. DeMille Oscar for "outstanding contributions" to the world of entertainment. He also married Soon-Yi in the Italian city of Venice in December 1997.

Allen did not immediately respond to Dylan Farrow's renewed accusations, which were previously discarded by the film director's lawyers as either a fabrication of Dylan or a fabrication of Mia that she talked the girl into telling. They also said Allen passed a lie-detector test and pointed out a 'suspicious' series of stops and starts in a videotape in which a young Dylan confirms the abuse.

"For as long as I could remember, my father had been doing things to me that I didn't like. I didn't like how often he would take me away from my mom, siblings and friends to be alone with him," Dylan wrote in Saturday's letter. "I didn't like it when he would stick his thumb in my mouth. I didn't like it when I had to get in bed with him under the sheets when he was in his underwear. I didn't like it when he would place his head in my naked lap and breathe in and breathe out."

Dylan claims the abuse happened so often that she began to believe it was normal behavior for a father, but says she later told her mother after the alleged abuse in the attic at age 7. "I didn't know the firestorm it would trigger. I didn't know that my father would use his sexual relationship with my sister to cover up the abuse he inflicted on me," she wrote.

The adopted daughter adds: "I didn't know that he would accuse my mother of planting the abuse in my head and call her a liar for defending me. I didn't know that I would be made to recount my story over and over again, to doctor after doctor, pushed to see if I'd admit I was lying as part of a legal battle I couldn't possibly understand."

Dylan, who says she is now happily married, says it "haunted" her while growing up that Allen had gotten away with the alleged abuse and that she was "terrified" of being touched by men. "I developed an eating disorder. I began cutting myself. That torment was made worse by Hollywood. All but a precious few - my heroes - turned a blind eye," she writes.

The open letter also blamed celebrities for working with Allen, and said the recent Cecil B. DeMille Oscar and other awards in the past felt as a way to tell her to "shut up and go away." She added: "What if it had been your child, Cate Blanchett? Louis CK? Alec Baldwin? What if it had been you, Emma Stone? Or you, Scarlett Johansson?"

(Copyright 2014 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)

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Two sides? I suppose some could view it as the side of a lying POS pervert pedophile and the side of victimized child. Don't know what happened, but I would err on the side of a victimized child rather than revictimize the child.

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Two sides?


Yes, two sides.

Not everyone who is charged is guilty.

Child testimony and adults "memories" of childhood are especially problematical.


Dylan's statements in interviews at the hospital contradicted each other and the story she told on a videotape made by Miss Farrow, Dr. Leventhal said. "Those were not minor inconsistencies," he said. "She told us initially that she hadn't been touched in the vaginal area, and she then told us that she had, then she told us that she hadn't." 'Intense Relationship'

The doctor suggested a connection between Miss Farrow's outrage over Mr. Allen's affair with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Farrow Previn, and the accusation made by Dylan, who he said was unusually protective of her mother. "It's quite possible -- as a matter of fact, we think it's medically probable -- that she stuck to that story over time because of the intense relationship she had with her mother," he said.

Edited by Jingthing
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She was a young child. Young traumatized children in emotional scared states will make inconsistent statements and, as any good lawyer does, exploits that tendency and exaggerates the statements to serve their client.

I suppose individuals like Allen appeal to some, but I see nothing redeeming about this individual from a personal or entertainment perspective.

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She was a young child. Young traumatized children in emotional scared states will make inconsistent statements and, as any good lawyer does, exploits that tendency and exaggerates the statements to serve their client.

I suppose individuals like Allen appeal to some, but I see nothing redeeming about this individual from a personal or entertainment perspective.

How many of his movies have you watched that you make that judgment about his art?

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It's in the realm of possibility that Woody is guilty.

However, the issue was raised LONG AGO, a panel of psychiatrists sided with Woody, so there was never any concrete evidence to pursue criminal charges.

Because of that, unless the woman who claims to be a victim has anything more than childhood memories to go on as proof, I think Woody deserves the benefit of the doubt, and I congratulate him on his recent lifetime achievement award (not that he is motivated to make films for awards).

BTW, Woody's body of work is so historically massive and broad, since the 1960's with very distinct PHASES, that it would be hard to imagine a film buff not finding some of his films to love. No, he has doesn't done action movies.


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This will probably now be over-shadowed by the tragic death of Philip Seymour Hoffman, which is no bad thing. If there was some basis to the accusations why weren't they investigated at the time? Woody's work speaks for itself; a genius of cinema (Annie Hall and Manhattan feature on most Top 10 lists of all-time movie greats) and after some lean years, now back to his best.

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This will probably now be over-shadowed by the tragic death of Philip Seymour Hoffman, which is no bad thing. If there was some basis to the accusations why weren't they investigated at the time? Woody's work speaks for itself; a genius of cinema (Annie Hall and Manhattan feature on most Top 10 lists of all-time movie greats) and after some lean years, now back to his best.

Somewhat conflicting accounts. There is a suggestion that Mia Farrow asked the prosecutor not pursue despite a finding of probable cause. These cases are difficult also because children that age don't make good witnesses and prosecutors may yield to custodial paren's wishes with child victim this young.

I can say unequivocally, judges in domestic cases are exceedingly careful and cautious about allegations of this nature during or in a heated domestic case.

If there was any suggestion or concern that Mia contrived the story to gain an advantage in a civil or domestic case, that judge would have made it exceedingly ugly for her. This is without a doubt the quickest way for a mother to lose custody of her children.

That the judge ruled the way he did and that the children continue to act and speak as they do, I would tend to believe Dylan's version. Allen has extremely poor credibility and, given his past conduct, I think Dylan is telling the truth.

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Children are excellent witnesses,or better said not worse witnesses than adults. WBut what is a major concern in the testimony of children is that they can be lead more easily and tell you what they think you want them to hear. Many people have been accused for things they did not do, and even could not possibly have done because of bad interviews.

Therapists leading their clients in the search for what caused certain behaviour is also a cause of false accusations.

We will nevr know the truth, but the case seems to be in favour of Woody Allen.

No, traumatized children are the absolute worst witnesses and the easiest to knock holes in their testimony. Prosecutors are very reluctant to pursue these types of cases based solely on the testimony of child victims that age.

Usually, children recant as they get older if testimony was contrived or suggested through interviewing techniques or by angry parents. Dylan did not recant. She actually provided greater detail of what happened.

Her actions are much more consistent with that of a victim than what we would expect to see of a child witness influenced by other factors.

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It seems we disagree here on the reliability of witnesses.

No matter the age, no judge should convict based purely on the account of a witness. Supporting evidence is always needed. Nobody should be convicted based on a yes you did, no I didn't.

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It seems we disagree here on the reliability of witnesses.

No matter the age, no judge should convict based purely on the account of a witness. Supporting evidence is always needed. Nobody should be convicted based on a yes you did, no I didn't.

Typically, it is the jury that convicts and a jury can convict based purely on witness testimony. The issue will be one of credibility which is the exclusive purview of jury or finder of fact. Not sure why you say a jury cannot convict based on testimony alone.

Circumstantial evidence may need corroborating proof to support a conviction, but testimony from a witness saying "he raped me" is direct evidence. Direct evidence can support a conviction.

After having been a trial lawyer for 19 years, I can say unequivocally that witnesses under 10 can be a nightmare for both sides.

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Different trail siutation from my country, where there is no jury.

But I said shouldn't, not can't convict. In many countries one can be convicted based on testimony, including mine. Only not based purely on a self confession can one be convicted. I find however time and again that the human memory is not as great as we like to believe.

Law psychologist proof that again and again.

In my country young victims are questioned by specially trained detectives in specialy prepared rooms, while all is being recorded.

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I have run into a few, but very, very few, cases in which a parent/caretaker had coached a child to lie. In many cases, the charge is leveled by one parent against another as a part of a custody battle.

How about in Thailand?

After all, lies and deceit are second nature to many people here.

How many times have you seen a farang stepfather accused of paedophilia by his estranged wife and daughter?

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Well, to answer that we would be moving very far off-topic and I have never worked in Thailand in an official capacity in Child Abuse and Neglect. I did work in the field in Hong Kong, though.

Thailand does not have a monopoly on lies and deceit. I have seen a few men whom I believe married women to have access to their children, though.

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There is no definitive way of knowing the truth, but in the absence of any other allegations of sexual abuse/inappropriate touching or of him having some medical condition that would suddenly make his behavior change, it seems unlikely.

People with history of molestation would usually have a lot of victims at his age. I think if you look at the BBC scandal, you get a rough idea.

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Yeah, and even if you think Woody is guilty, nothing has been proven legally, and it isn't fair to condemn a man (or the people who work in his amazing movies) because of unsubstantiated accusations. Some people are now saying they won't ever go to a Woody Allen movie again. Their loss.

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It is interesting that so much is said of Woody Allen, but nothing of Mia Farrow, a child of Hollywood, raised in Beverly Hills. She first met Frank Sinatra at age 11 and was sleeping with him by age 20. She married 51 year old Sinatra when she was 21. No criticism of her there.

Mia Farrow has gone after her and Andre Previn's adopted daughter with a pitchfork describing her as being intellectually challenged. And yet Soon Yi and Allen have been married far longer than any of Mia Farrows multiple failed marriages lasted and Soon Yi, has successfully run Woody Allen's business affairs in that time. Soon Yi is a graduate of Columbia University. So much for being "borderline retarded" as she was described.

The film maker who did the documentary on Woody Allen for PBS has a nice summation of some interesting facts about the case and Mia Farrow.


The more I see and hear of Mia Farrow, the more I see here as a compulsive liar, vindictive and manipulative.

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