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Caretaker PM Yingluck asserts election will resolve conflicts


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PM satisfied with yesterday’s polls


What do you think she is thinking? Funniest answer will get as much as a rice farmer has got from this government.

nothing! (there isn't even a spark)

Yes. The lights on but there is nobody home.

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The election had to take place, otherwise democracy would have lost. However the election itself solves nothing.

There is a lot of hard work ahead; corruption needs to be tackled, the moronic rice scheme has to be ended, the abuse of the law either as a weapon against opponents or something to be ignored at convenience cannot continue, the ridiculous idea of a blanket amnesty that includes fugitive and in country criminals has to be seen for the farce it is, there needs to be a serious attempt to find a resolution of the war in the south, PT needs to create an education policy that focuses upon education not flashy gimmicks, govt policies that involve economists and not populists who understand little or nothing about economic policy are essential, all of these and more need to be dealt with a manner that benefits Thailand and not just those parts that are behind any particular party.

If not, this will just start again. The last few weeks have shown where the misuse of power leads. An election gives you the right to govern, it also obliges you to govern for all and to govern in a legitimate inclusive manner. I hope PT have learned that lesson if nothing else.

I have my doubts but I still do have hope.

Probably the most accurate and true post posted on this forum since all the trouble started.

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PM satisfied with yesterday’s polls


She is obviously a lady that is easy to satisfy

She's plainly thinking," Why didn't Pi Maeow tell me which box to put the ballet paper in?''

What do you think she is thinking? Funniest answer will get as much as a rice farmer has got from this government.

Is the erection election over all ready?

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All credit to her. She's faced down Suthep and his thugs well. 80% of the country voted and probably overwhelmingly in PTP's favor. Thailand has chosen. Not oligarchy but democracy. That's a huge step forward.

actually no-one knows what they have chosen ......as there is no result....

The only thing we know right now is at least 60% of Bangkok said 'No more Shins !' Hope the rest of the country overall will follow suit....

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My fiancee told me that on the news this morning they said that only a million people in BKK voted yesterday. Apathy or fear of going out? And did this include 'no-votes'?

26% of around 4 million eligible voters in Bangkok went and voted. About 8% in Bangkok were unable to due to polling station closures etc. So nearly 3 million people didn't bother and I am sure a good few % who did would have given a no vote, looking forward to reading the exact figures..,.

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All credit to her. She's faced down Suthep and his thugs well. 80% of the country voted and probably overwhelmingly in PTP's favor. Thailand has chosen. Not oligarchy but democracy. That's a huge step forward.

80%? I find that a little hard to believe. Also it is clear PTP must have won as the Dems didn't enter the election. This is hardly democracy. I don't agree with either side but claiming a victory in this election is a joke.

Nothing has been resolved, the protesters are still on the streets, leaders on both sides are calling for violence, the farmers are still getting screwed and the chances of this election resulting in a legal govt seems remote to say the least.

All this is, is a slight shuffle sideways.

Actually I just saw the CNN correspondent state that only 45% of voters voted as opposed to 75% that voted in 2011.

It IS CNN so I'm not totally convinced, but it certainly sounds realistic. Your wild claim of 80% is laughable, even in a good year.

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My fiancee told me that on the news this morning they said that only a million people in BKK voted yesterday. Apathy or fear of going out? And did this include 'no-votes'?

Youve discounted the notion that many millions in Bangkok believe this is a fixed rigged uncredited election. They believe that not playing the game with these thieves is the best way to treat them - democracy YES Thaksinocracy NO!!

I now know 15 people personally - YES IVE COUNTED many of these friends on a popular media site - who have been to the polling stations and found their votes have been cast for them!!! I know of one guy in Nakhon Sawan who returned with a lawyer to check his vote!!

Just plain cheating - Just a red shirt excuse for democracy - they're right to block the polling stations - they should burn them to the ground - the red shirts would!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not wish to be rude and I do not doubt this kind of thing is happening, but I do feel the need to ask what your claim to "know people personally... friends on a popular media site" means. Does this mean you know them physically, in real life, as friends you really know something about? or are they simply people you met online and do not actually know anything about other than what they choose to put online?

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If it was 75% back in 2011 (wikipedia) and this election was 45%, that's massive drop.

And even before the votes have been tallied, at lease 55% of voters have indicated, actively or passively, that they would rather have something other than PTP.

What's that word ............... oh yes, landslide.

Abisit must be kicking himself.

He may have had a chance!

If only he followed the rules of democracy

But then again, he only went to Oxford didn't he whistling.gif

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My fiancee told me that on the news this morning they said that only a million people in BKK voted yesterday. Apathy or fear of going out? And did this include 'no-votes'?

Youve discounted the notion that many millions in Bangkok believe this is a fixed rigged uncredited election. They believe that not playing the game with these thieves is the best way to treat them - democracy YES Thaksinocracy NO!!

I now know 15 people personally - YES IVE COUNTED many of these friends on a popular media site - who have been to the polling stations and found their votes have been cast for them!!! I know of one guy in Nakhon Sawan who returned with a lawyer to check his vote!!

Just plain cheating - Just a red shirt excuse for democracy - they're right to block the polling stations - they should burn them to the ground - the red shirts would!!!!!!!!!!!!

This person is a yellow shirt blogger!

Just look at her (or his) content.

It's only contribution is anti democratic rhetoric.

Mostly lies and misinformation, take no notice of it.

Edited by Boxclever
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" Ms Yingluck dropped the party-list ballot into the box for constituency MP, and vice versa. "

This will likely be the most poignant, poetic image of the election that will linger. Yingluck's own vote will be nullified as per election procedure.

I noted that the envelopes were colour coded, I assume to make voting simple. I hope that the 2 boxes were not similarly colour coded as that would make dear YL look really dumb.thumbsup.gif

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If it was 75% back in 2011 (wikipedia) and this election was 45%, that's massive drop.

And even before the votes have been tallied, at lease 55% of voters have indicated, actively or passively, that they would rather have something other than PTP.

What's that word ............... oh yes, landslide.

Abisit must be kicking himself.

He may have had a chance!

If only he followed the rules of democracy

But then again, he only went to Oxford didn't he whistling.gif

I thought the same, although I wonder if the low turn out was due to PTP and others not paying for votes this time? Anyone have any reports on vote buying in their areas? Was it business as usual or were they holding back money for another election in a few months, which surely must happen?

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All credit to her. She's faced down Suthep and his thugs well. 80% of the country voted and probably overwhelmingly in PTP's favor. Thailand has chosen. Not oligarchy but democracy. That's a huge step forward.

What unfathomable nonsense. You obviously do not have the faintest idea of what you are talking about.

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If it was 75% back in 2011 (wikipedia) and this election was 45%, that's massive drop.

And even before the votes have been tallied, at lease 55% of voters have indicated, actively or passively, that they would rather have something other than PTP.

What's that word ............... oh yes, landslide.

Abisit must be kicking himself.

He may have had a chance!

If only he followed the rules of democracy

But then again, he only went to Oxford didn't he whistling.gif

I thought the same, although I wonder if the low turn out was due to PTP and others not paying for votes this time? Anyone have any reports on vote buying in their areas? Was it business as usual or were they holding back money for another election in a few months, which surely must happen?

Low turnout...........

Let's see.....

1) voter intimidation

2) major party boycotting the elections

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Yingluck asserts - as·sert tr.v. 1. To state or express positively; affirm:

Yingluck Shinawatra has expressed optimism. - Yingluck hopes.

I think the second option is more appropriate. She hopes that the polls will resolve conflicts.

Unfortunately in both cases she is deluded as the gap between the two sides hasn't changed and may, indeed, have widened.

One thing is certain,it's a long way from being settled! there's too much at stake,to just fizzle out.

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If it was 75% back in 2011 (wikipedia) and this election was 45%, that's massive drop.

And even before the votes have been tallied, at lease 55% of voters have indicated, actively or passively, that they would rather have something other than PTP.

What's that word ............... oh yes, landslide.

Abisit must be kicking himself.

He may have had a chance!

If only he followed the rules of democracy

But then again, he only went to Oxford didn't he whistling.gif

I thought the same, although I wonder if the low turn out was due to PTP and others not paying for votes this time? Anyone have any reports on vote buying in their areas? Was it business as usual or were they holding back money for another election in a few months, which surely must happen?

According to Suthep on Sunday stage, PDRC group did record some vote buying. The PTP's problem now is that they can't pin it on the Dems. Because they are the only major party contesting and only ones with enough funds and have been caught doing it before. This week will surely be interesting.

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Low turnout...........

Let's see.....

1) voter intimidation

2) major party boycotting the elections

Some turnout figures:

Udon, Ubon and Chiang Mai 55%

Surin 50%

Was that because of intimidation? And the major party IN the election has received ~10 million votes by THEIR OWN estimate. what a stunning victory, what an overwhelming mandate!

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Low turnout...........

Let's see.....

1) voter intimidation

2) major party boycotting the elections

Ther was intimidation of voters in Ubon, village heads and kamnan warned villagers that if they did not vote they would not receive any share of the revovling village fund or any assistance from the village chiefs.

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