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Government Hospitals


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It has been a while before I could post this topc.On May 6,my wife went to an expensive Hospital in Chumphon to give birth.The baby was born,but with severe complications.When I eventually found a Doctor who could speak some English,he told me my son was being transferred to the local Government hospital for observation as they DID NOT HAVE THE FACILITIES to do anything,but not to worry as it was a matter of routine.

I presented myself to the Government Hospital to be told my baby was indeed very ill and they would do all they could etc.They allowed me into the ICU. and I could see He was being taken care of very well.

The followng day,the Doctor at the expensive place told my Wife he had been to visit my Son,not to worry and I was making a big deal over nothing.This continued until the 9th,when I was called to the Government Hospital.

The Doctor I met there was a true professional.She took me to a side room and explained[in superb English] that my Son would be dead within 24hours.She had plenty of time available to answer questions too.I had suspected this outcome and quite frankly the other staff had already tried to prepare for the worst.My Son died on the 9th.

The point I am making is be very careful which Hospital you choose.Price does not always reflect quality.I would not wish what happened to me on my worst enemy.Be careful out there people,and thanks too for the wonderful care and support my Son and I recieved from those amazing Doctors and Nurses at the GOVERNMENT Hospital.

Money is the last thing on my mind at this time of course,but I leave the reader with this;

Expensive- b30 000


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I'm very sorry and empathize with your loss, 'baboon'.

A very similar thing happened to me in a private hospital quite a few years back.

I was told of the death of our premature baby by a nurse at the reception. I didn't understand what they were saying - I was very mixed up and confused. Then one nurse shouted across a busy reception, "baby dead". Very unprofessional and totally lacking compassion. You'd think they could have taken me into a separate room away from the 20 or so people waiting that could see, and hear what was going on.

This was at a Christian private hospital in Hua Hin. I blamed the doctor in charge for ages afterwards, and wanted revenge, but realised that it was not healthy for me to harbour these thoughts. We are all human and make mistakes.

Someone told me a Thai saying, "arai ja gerd gaw hai mun gerd", whatever happens is meant to happen, which of course I couldn't understand at the time. As time passed I saw that due to the circumstances of the mother and I, we were not ready for looking after and bringing up a baby, especially if there was something wrong.

The best thing you can do is to talk about it, especially with your wife. She really needs love and support for some time. Thai people(I assume your wife is Thai) have a different way of dealing with death. She may not want to speak about it and pretend that she is coping well.

As for govt. hospitals, I think they are much better than privates. I know some a couple of doctors who work in private hospitals and they both had their babies in govt. ones. They are better, as if something goes wrong they have more expensive, better equipment.

My 3 year old was born at Bamrungrad and they were terrible, keeping her in ICU for 5 days, just as a precaution, and a hel_l of a lot more money for them. I found out afterwards that it was totally unecessary and a good hospital would not have done anything like what they did.

The difference between the two hospitals(private and Govt.) is one thing - the private ones are in it to make money. They lack the honesty and ethics that you'd expect from doctors and hospital admin. I'll never go to another private hospial in Thailand.

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Wow, such a sad story, my condolences for your loss. But at the same time huge kudos to you for being able to post something positive at such a distressing time, that is really touching.

Ditto what Neeranam so wisely said about your wife; I am sure she will need very special support at such a difficult time.

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The point I am making is be very careful which Hospital you choose.Price does not always reflect quality.

You are absolutely right. Only the top ranked private hospitals are better. But government hospitals such as, here in Bangkok - Sirirat, Chula or Ramathibodi are a better choice than mid ranked private hospitals.

Sorry about your son.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to bring this one [literally] back from the dead, but the missus was bitten by a dog last week and needs a course of rabies shots.I went with her yesterday for injection number 3. After a lengthy wait of 20 minutes, she emerged rubbing her arm and muttering "20 <deleted> minutes and I am out? Those idiots I believed before about this place being an Undertakers playground....But there is nothing wrong with the place...If only I knew..."

Bear it in mind my friends, please!

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'Baboon' - time heals almost all wounds. Bless you.

The care I've gotten at the big govt. hospital in Chiang Mai (Maharaj, at Suan Dok) is equal to the care I got at two very expensive private, for-profit hospitals. Even the measly little hospital at the foot of Doi Inthanon was great. The private hospital at Hua Hin is ......inadequate, to say it kindly.

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In my line of work, I visit both private and public. Both facilities have the pros and cons. But I will say that I have found the MD's at the public hospitals to be of a more charitable nature.

Am trully sorry to hear of your loss.... Keep strong, and give love to your wife.

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