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Any Penalty for Late Transfer to New Passport

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I arrived on Jan. 20th with a new passport. My retirement extension and multiple re-entry permit are in my old visa which I have with me. At Suvarnabhumi, my new permission to stay until May 12th was stamped into my new passport. Due to the unrest, I have not gone to immigration in Bangkok to have my extension and re-entry transferred to my new passport. My extension expires on May 12th so I am thinking that I will wait until about the 1st of April (45 days in advance) to go and have them transferred at the same time that I request a new retirement extension. I will have been back in the country less than 90 days at that point so I won't have missed a 90-day report. Do any experienced TVers know if that would result in a penalty of any sort? Thanks.

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Never heard of a fine for late transferring to a new passport, aslong as you go before your current permission to stay ends. I was late without any questions asked, but it seems a long time.

You are aware of the two alternate locations you can use?

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I would assume that if you wait until you do an actual extension of stay then that is put in your new passport and there is nothing to transfer from the old passport to the new - or am I missing something?

There is another thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/700958-new-uk-passport-immigration-require-letter/ referring to not making the transfer - post number 16.

Do immigration charge for transferring whatever it is they transfer?

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Thanks. I know that there are two alternate locations but if there is no penalty, I'd rather make just the one trip to immigration to get my new extension and multiple re-entry permission. I have gleaned from the thread that briley mentioned that it is just not necessary to have the stamps transferred from the old passport into the new one so unless someone cautions against it, I'm just going to wait until the time for the renewal of my extension of stay comes around early in April. I'll be going in 45 days in advance and will not have missed any 90 day reports. smile.png

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If you are a Brit I would still advise you obtaining the misleadingly titled "visa transfer letter" as per the specimen example attached from the Embassy. Even though you are not, in practice, having any stamps transferred from your old to new passports, some oik at Immigration might still insist on it purely for the sheer fun of it!


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Even if getting a new extension you still have stamps and info that needs to be transferred from old passport. They will need to put a stamp that has info for your original visa entry and entry stamp and your previous extension of stay.

If you are doing it in Bangkok you will not be asked for the letter from reports I have seen.

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I would assume that if you wait until you do an actual extension of stay then that is put in your new passport and there is nothing to transfer from the old passport to the new - or am I missing something?

There is another thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/700958-new-uk-passport-immigration-require-letter/ referring to not making the transfer - post number 16.

Do immigration charge for transferring whatever it is they transfer?

Transfer is free of charge.

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There's a mistake on that form. UK Passports are no longer issued by FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) but by HM Passport Office, Liverpool. For some reason that is abbreviated to IPO on my passport which is less than a month old. International Passport Office perhaps?

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