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Oh those Selfies on facebook...


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To think Google and others alike are actually destroying beautiful forests in Canada to store all these useless data.

Depressing really ...

i find your comment "depressing really".saai.gif

Yes it's far more fascinating to debate how old bags can keep on with inane latest trends to date preteens

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i think it´s quite annoying

I agree. There is almost nothing more annoying than a self-righteous foreign guest passing judgment on the social culture of the country they are a guest in.

Especially when the "offence" is something so benign as taking a picture of themselves and posting it for their friends to see.

It reminds me of what Plato said:

Get a life and stop acting so superior.

And if Plato didnt say it he probably meant to

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Dear Amigo, you are so lucky guy. You have very high qualited Thai facebook partners if they post shelfies ONLY 4 times / week. My acquainted friends post 4 times / week, may be for times / hour.

The best one a very smart (really smart) girl who is a chair lady and posts around every 10 minutes. (with documents, with noodle-soup, with coffee machine, with guards, with whatever.)

And please don't forget to mention those retard smiles with tousled canine teeth and of course V or double V fingers.

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i think it´s quite annoying

I agree. There is almost nothing more annoying than a self-righteous foreign guest passing judgment on the social culture of the country they are a guest in.

Especially when the "offence" is something so benign as taking a picture of themselves and posting it for their friends to see.

It reminds me of what Plato said:

Get a life and stop acting so superior.

And if Plato didnt say it he probably meant to

There is almost nothing more annoying than a self-righteous person telling another person what they should and should not have an opinion of.

Self indulgent people are spread all over the world, but Thailand takes it to another level.

Ive gone out to restaurants, clubs, parties, and i see most groups of Thai taking photos then sitting all night on their phones. Hardly talking, just getting in another photo op and back on their phones. In a nightclub bathroom i often have to struggle to get to the sink to wash my hands, because of all the girls fawning about with photo taking (most of which dont even bother using the sink to wash their hands as a matter of fact. Go pee, pile on make up, take photos..but forget about the hand washing :S).

I DO make some judgements of what a person is like through what they may post on Facebook..and usually its a pretty good indicator of who they are in terms of what interests them.

Btw... im pretty sure than Plato wouldnt have said "Get a life and stop acting so superior". Call me a cynic, but i imagine it was more likely attached to a picture of Plato with the words written on it and then posted on facebook..so that all the sheep on facebook can repost it and say "luke wot dat guy playdoh said, it tru dat". ..along with some other shit like "post this to 10 friends or your face will explode".

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