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Im sure this is covered somewhere but i'll ask anyway.

I would like invite my thia girlfreind of 3 years over for a months holiday to the UK. She is a graduate I met her on her next to the university campus infact in the bank. I have seen her on 2 and three week holidays about 6 times now. Im really fond of her and although were both not ready for marrage ot at least im not!

She of course wants to come although Im sure she'll hate london


She works as a graduate trainee in a factory where she is worn down she is on the verge of leaving. I have no doubt she could find a new job in Bangkok.

I appreciate the Embassy will say she has no reason to return as she has no job promised; no money etc.

I am in London I have a professional and prominent career and would fully sponsor the visit and the age difference isn't massive .

Are my chances of getting her in as a tourist zero?

If so would it be better to apply for a short student visa for course through the local university?

Any other idea?

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If she's in a job and you've got good evidence of your relationship, I think her chances would be pretty good. You've also taken the right tack by limiting the visit to one month. However, ideally she needs a job and a letter from her boss to say when she's due to return to work, unless she has some other compelling reason to go back to Thailand.

Topic moved to the visas for other countries forum.



First, have a good read of the following:-

Guidance - Visitors (INF 2)

Guidance - Sponsors (INF 3)

and Visa Services. especially application checklist.

The main criteria for a visit visa are:-

1) The visit is genuine, i.e. for the purpose stated on the application.

2) The entire visit can be funded and the applicant accommodated from the applicant's own resources or with the help of a sponsor.

3) The applicant will leave the UK when, or before, the visa expires.

I don't think from what you have said that you will have much trouble with the first 2. You will need to provide proof that you have the money to fund the visit, bank statements and salary slips. There is no hard rule on how many, but the consensus is that 6 months worth is a sound idea. (If self-employed then last years certified accounts or SA statement.) You should also provide details of where she will be staying. If with you then evidence that you own the home, mortgage statement for example, or a landlord's letter of consent to her staying here if you rent. A brief description of the property and details of anyone else living there.

As Scouse says, it is her reason to return that may prove difficult, especially if she has quit her job.

However, many people have successfully obtained a visa to visit their boy/girlfriend in the UK even though they have not had a concrete reason to return, no job, no land etc. This is because the ECO has been satisfied that the relationship and the reason for the visit are genuine and that they would not want to jeopardise any future settlement visa by overstaying a visit visa.

So you will need to provide as much evidence that you can of the relationship. For example:-

A certified copy of your passport (including the blank pages) to show how often you have visited her in Thailand, and how long for each visit.

Copies of your phone records and E-mails.

Photos of the two of you together.


You should also write a sponsors letter briefly outlining the history of your relationship and why she wishes to visit at this time.

From what you have said I feel that you have a good chance and should go for it.

Forget all thoughts of a student visa, unless she is genuinely looking to study in the UK. If she is, then have a look at:-

Guidance - Students (INF 5) especially How do I qualify to travel to the UK as a student?

You must be able to show that you have been accepted on a course of study at an educational establishment that is on the UK's Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Register of Education and Training Providers.

Student checklist

Student - Questionnaire


Thanks for promp and extremely helpful replys.

You've both hit the nail on the head! The real issue is 'reason to return. She will leave her job this week as her boss are really exploiting her even by thai standards 14 to 16 hrs a day in the office . I am sure she will find a new job without difficulty, but shes already been told by 2 prospective employers that she cannot have a month off in the summer and a letter.

So the wat I see it i'll have just make sure the other grounds are extremely solid and hope for the best. :o

Thanks again


If your g/f is going to apply for the visa without having a job, you should explain in the covering letter the reasons why she left her employment, that her prospective employers would not give her leave, and impress upon the visa officer that, with her qualifications, she should have no difficulty finding work upon her return to Thailand. You should also submit evidence of any land she owns and savings she has.



  • 4 months later...

My girlfriend went down to the new visa agency centre today for the tourist visa outlined above. This is for a tourist visa 1 month.

She was told by the girl there that the application was very weak because I had not highlighted the relationship between us. ie photos , letters, phone records and she was adviced to pay 15000 bart to help the application. They were surprised I did not give a monthly allowance or invite her before!!!

As I said above the only weakness in the application is the lack of gauranteed job on return I accept that.

Maybe I'm missing the point here but this is a tourist visa im applying for...

I am not applying for a marrage or fiance visa I am just sponsoring her

Whether im a friend or boyfriend does that make such a difference?

Is the agency just trying to scare us in to paying this money?

will the Agency scupple the application if I do not pay up?



Hi Zinc

My GF's visitor visa was only approved a week ago.

I believe you have been told correctly that your application is weak if you can't provide sufficient evidence that your relationship is genuine by way of photo's , emails, telephone records etc.

One word of warning to you though and to anyone else who visits the UK Visa Application Service on Rajdamri Road...

As you enter the building you may be approched by one or two very friendly suited people who will ask if you're coming to apply for a UK visa. If you are then they will very kindly walk you up the stairs to the office, HOWEVER, they will walk you past the UK Visa Appplication Service office and directly into their office which turns out to be a seperate business offering advisory services.

Please be aware that this company is not the official UK Visa Application Service. If you do go into their office and talk to them and you are invited to use their "guaranteed visa" service at a 15000Baht cost then think carefully before you sign up. In my opinion you're much better off doing as much research yourself and asking advice and guidance from the wealth of knowledge in the posts on this site or from the regular posters on this site. I can't say this advisory company don't do a service but please think carefully first.

Good luck!



Thanks Taz

Because I am only for tourist visa do I need to prove the relationship

with hundreds of photos emails letter etc.

I have provided all the evidence i am sponsering her fully

Did you provide all the evidence of relationship.

I think the agency just trying to scare me into spending money



My girlfriend went down to the new visa agency centre today for the tourist visa outlined above. This is for a tourist visa 1 month.

She was told by the girl there that the application was very weak because I had not highlighted the relationship between us. ie photos , letters, phone records and she was adviced to pay 15000 bart to help the application. They were surprised I did not give a monthly allowance or invite her before!!!

As I said above the only weakness in the application is the lack of gauranteed job on return I accept that.

Maybe I'm missing the point here but this is a tourist visa im applying for...

I am not applying for a marrage or fiance visa I am just sponsoring her

Whether im a friend or boyfriend does that make such a difference?

Is the agency just trying to scare us in to paying this money?

will the Agency scupple the application if I do not pay up?


The Application Centre would not make any charge to "help with the application!" If the application was lacking in some way they would merely say so and advice that it be withdrawn.

She has been hijacked by a visa agency. They are trying to con her.

Do not pay them any money.

Having said that, evidence of the relationship is important, see my post 2006-05-25 03:23:17.


Thanks Taz

Because I am only for tourist visa do I need to prove the relationship

with hundreds of photos emails letter etc.

I have provided all the evidence i am sponsering her fully

Did you provide all the evidence of relationship.

I think the agency just trying to scare me into spending money


Hi Zinc

Yes, you still need to prove the relationship .. maybe not with hundreds of photo's emails etc but certainly enough to show the relationship is genuine.

My relationship has been ongoing for just under 2 years now and fortunately I have emails going back that far.

We gave about 25 emails, about 15 photo's of us together including some with me and her family and kids. I also had my last 3 months phone bills showing her number listed.

As GU22 has said the Application Centre would not make any charge and the company you were speaking to were trying to hijack you. Unfortunately I was hijacked by the same company a couple of weeks ago and due to a severe lack of sleep for a few days leading up to the application and being quite nervous about the whole thing anyway I fell for their scare mongering tactics they used. Fortunately my application was spot on anyway because of all the research and help I had from the posters on this site and the application went through with no probs. I should have been more on the ball but i wasn't. But everything is cool anyway and my GF arrives in London on Friday.

Get as much help and advice from this forum.. I don't think you should need the services of any visa agency.





i think you are still unclear what the connection between your applying for the tourist visa and your relationship is . You seem to be saying that you are asaking for a VV so what has your relationship to do with anything. The answers have been given to you already but you are missing it.

The connection is that you are struggling with the reason to return bit. This is where your relationship becomes relevant, because if , as GU22 says, you can convince the visa officer that she WILL return on time because you don't want to jepodise any future applications (like one day you may want to marry her and have her settle here) , then your case is stronger and this is where demonstrating proof of that relationship visa e-mails, calls, visits , photos etc is important.

BTW you say she will hate London.. its a wonderful place . Why would anyone hate it? Everything you want in life is in London . I think she'll love it . Think of all that shopping she can do !!!


Yes I think your right Atlas I was missing the point regarding the relationship.

Gu22 I appreciate the warning I have taken my defence.

Taz Thanks for youre advice. My girlfriend went today ignored the agency and applied.

Good luck on Monday.

so time wil tell???

  • 2 weeks later...

Bad news only 5 days after our application went in APPLICATION REFUSED.

Really p*ssed off

I have not seen the refusal letter yet but apparently they were happy with my crediblity of course. The fact my girlfriend does not have a job right now , not thai assets . Also we were a little weak in showing the relationship history.But i always use phone cards I dont have dates on pictures...etc

She was not even interviewed is this normal?

The girl from the agency next door who had offerered to do the prep for 15000 bart said 'told you so' to my gf wich didn't exactly help. (Although Im tempted to pay now.)

What do I do now ? Can I appeal with new documenation? Or can I reapply ?

Any assistance appreciated.



My girlfriend went down to the new visa agency centre today for the tourist visa outlined above. This is for a tourist visa 1 month.

She was told by the girl there that the application was very weak because I had not highlighted the relationship between us. ie photos , letters, phone records and she was adviced to pay 15000 bart to help the application. They were surprised I did not give a monthly allowance or invite her before!!!

As I said above the only weakness in the application is the lack of gauranteed job on return I accept that.

Maybe I'm missing the point here but this is a tourist visa im applying for...

I am not applying for a marrage or fiance visa I am just sponsoring her

Whether im a friend or boyfriend does that make such a difference?

Is the agency just trying to scare us in to paying this money?

will the Agency scupple the application if I do not pay up?


The Application Centre would not make any charge to "help with the application!" If the application was lacking in some way they would merely say so and advice that it be withdrawn.

She has been hijacked by a visa agency. They are trying to con her.

Do not pay them any money.

Having said that, evidence of the relationship is important, see my post 2006-05-25 03:23:17.

i agree with this, the visa centre would not advice her to pay anything, it must be someone conning her, or she is looking for a new pair of shoes!! hehe....


Zink, sorry to hear your news.

It is possible for an application to be refused without an interview, especially in social visit cases where there is no appeal, but it is unusual.

You can't appeal a social visit refusal, but you, or rather she, can apply again. However, unless you deal with the reasons for refusal they will merely refuse again.

From what you have said in your earlier posts this refusal does surprise me. However, without knowing what the refusal notice says, I'm afraid it is impossible to comment or advise any further.


Below is a copy of the refusal letter....

"You are a single person of working age, but currently unemployed with little in the way of assets/ties or property, which might encourage your presence in your country, I am not satisfied, under these circumstances, that you are socially and ecnonomically well settled in your country, Accordingly, I am not satisfied that you intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the period of the visit stated.

You state on your visa application form that you wish to visit your British boyfriend, but you have failed to submit any evidence, such as emails, letters, evidence of cohabitation(if applicable) to demonstrate that you have been in a relationship with him for the last three years or that any such relationship is continuing to subsist)

In view of the foregoing and considering your application as a whole I am not satisfied, on a balance of probabilities, you are genuinely seeking entry to the UK only for hte period and purpose stated/you can demonstrate sufficient ties here so as to encourage you to leave the UK at the end of your stated visit.

I therefore refuse your applicaiton.

Your application does not attract a full right of appeal under section 82(1) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002.

Your right to appeal is limited to any of all of the grounds referred to in section 84(1)(:o and © of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 namely:

(:D The decision is unlawful by virtue of section 19B of the Race Relations Act 1976 (c. 74)(discrimination by public authorities);

© That the decision is unlawful under section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998 (c. 42)(public authority not to act contrary to Human Rights Convention) as being incompatible with the appellant's Convention rights;

The decision in this case will not prejudice any subsequent application should you wish to reapply at a future date.


I accept I can do a hel_l of a lot more to prove the relationaship. I have over 70 email and well over 100 photographs. Also I various phone bills of phone access numbers over the last 3 years.

But I cant do anything about my girlfriends economic circumstances. Exept support her when shes here.

Do you know why my financial documents have not been returned to my girlfriend ?

So can I appeal? Or do I just re-apply?

As a solicitor of over 10 years (shame not Immg lawyer) on the roll of the Law society of Eng And Wales can I give an undertaking to the Ent Clearence officer?

Many thanks


I have looked at this thread with interest,as it reminded me of my early posts and finally you have come out and said it, "I am".

Thats not a criticism, when I first thought of getting a VV or likewise, I assumed that what I did would count. I learnt from the Scouser and GU22 that it doesn't! Didn't even bother in the end.

But I understand where you're coming from and I believe that it should be a factor to take into consideration. If you are in a position of trust in the UK, why is that not considered when being a sponsor for a visa?

Good luck in the future.

You state on your visa application form that you wish to visit your British boyfriend, but you have failed to submit any evidence, such as emails, letters, evidence of cohabitation(if applicable) to demonstrate that you have been in a relationship with him for the last three years or that any such relationship is continuing to subsist)
What????? No evidence at all???????

As I said to you on the 25th May

many people have successfully obtained a visa to visit their boy/girlfriend in the UK even though they have not had a concrete reason to return, no job, no land etc. This is because the ECO has been satisfied that the relationship and the reason for the visit are genuine and that they would not want to jeopardise any future settlement visa by overstaying a visit visa.

So you will need to provide as much evidence that you can of the relationship. For example:-

A certified copy of your passport (including the blank pages) to show how often you have visited her in Thailand, and how long for each visit.

Copies of your phone records and E-mails.

Photos of the two of you together.


You should also write a sponsors letter briefly outlining the history of your relationship and why she wishes to visit at this time.

Why didn't you do so? Did you read the guidance notes etc. that I linked to in that post? Surely as "a solicitor of over 10 years (shame not Immg lawyer) on the roll of the Law society of Eng And Wales" you know how to prepare a case properly?

For her next application, if there is one, you can write an undertaking that she will return if you wish, but ECOs don't place much faith in these. It is the applicants intentions that are paramount, not the sponsors, and any such undertaking is not enforceable in law.

DSPs, Chapter 8 – How to apply for an entry clearance – the process 8.10 - Undertakings by the applicant, sponsor or others

Undertakings from sponsors, MPs etc

Applications for entry clearance are sometimes supported by undertakings from a sponsor, Member of Parliament or other third parties. In this respect, only the undertaking of a sponsor on maintenance and accommodation is mentioned in the Rules (see following sub-section).

It follows that any other undertaking by a sponsor or any third party undertaking is unenforceable and no such undertakings should be sought by ECOs nor offers to provide one be accepted.

If an undertaking from a third party appears as an accompanying document to an application, you may consider it as a factor, but without disproportionate weight.

(my emphasis)

I don't know why some of her evidence has not been returned to her. It should have been, so she should contact the embassy and ask for it back.

IMHO, your only course of action is to apply again, and this time get it right.


I thank you for that responce GU22.

Yes it is correct that I have not taken the application seriously enough. I am now determined to get it right now, I am bruised but not defeated.

Sometimes in your career it is easier to focus on other peoples problems rather than your own.

I I will show all our cards , evidence of my international phone cards, 50 odd emails and around 30 pictures of us together.

I have short video film of us together but that will be more difficult to send.

Thats all I can do


Zink, sorry to hear your news.

It is possible for an application to be refused without an interview, especially in social visit cases where there is no appeal, but it is unusual.

You can't appeal a social visit refusal, but you, or rather she, can apply again. However, unless you deal with the reasons for refusal they will merely refuse again.

From what you have said in your earlier posts this refusal does surprise me. However, without knowing what the refusal notice says, I'm afraid it is impossible to comment or advise any further.

Hi all,

I have a simillar story I am in the process of applying for a visa for myGF of two years, we are using a visa agent as I am in Saudi working and only go to the UK once a year the rest of my leave time is spent up north with my GF and her family she has taken in lots of photo's our Thai bank statement more than 100,000 bhat her land doc's 25 rai she has a small bussiness in her village sent all my details except can't get my divorce papers .my six month bank statement and contract of work, any futher advice would be appreciated

Hi all,

I have a simillar story I am in the process of applying for a visa for myGF of two years, we are using a visa agent as I am in Saudi working and only go to the UK once a year the rest of my leave time is spent up north with my GF and her family she has taken in lots of photo's our Thai bank statement more than 100,000 bhat her land doc's 25 rai she has a small bussiness in her village sent all my details except can't get my divorce papers .my six month bank statement and contract of work, any futher advice would be appreciated

Your divorce certificate is not really relevant to a visit application, but you should endeavour to obtain your UK bank statements and contract of employment. Any otehr evidence of your relationship including e-mails, letters, greetings cards etc. will also be of benefit.



Hi all,

I have a simillar story I am in the process of applying for a visa for myGF of two years, we are using a visa agent as I am in Saudi working and only go to the UK once a year the rest of my leave time is spent up north with my GF and her family she has taken in lots of photo's our Thai bank statement more than 100,000 bhat her land doc's 25 rai she has a small bussiness in her village sent all my details except can't get my divorce papers .my six month bank statement and contract of work, any futher advice would be appreciated

Your divorce certificate is not really relevant to a visit application, but you should endeavour to obtain your UK bank statements and contract of employment. Any otehr evidence of your relationship including e-mails, letters, greetings cards etc. will also be of benefit.


Gave you a bum steer :o I have supplied my UK bank statment,pretty healthy, also my contract which is permenant staff as an engineer, we keep in touch by phone I getphone cards so no records

and when I am not at work I am in Thailand with my GF, before I started this project was there for 3 months so not a lot of written contact,

Thanks for the info I think looking at all the posts we have gone as far as we can from a distance, if we are not succesfull I will take my next leave in Thailand and chase the application when I am there


I think you've pretty much got all you could want to support the visa. Do submit some of the phone cards as evidence of contact as although they don't identify the number you dialled, they are better than nothing. Also send a (certified) copy of your passport to your girlfriend which she can also use for the purposes of the application.




Do not use any agency to sort your visa out and do not pay any agency any fee - the embassy is well clued up on this and qucikly notice if that route has been taken.

Remember - its the same bunch of Thais and ex-pat workers at the embassy who process visa applications day in day out - they recognise a "questionable" application from a genuine one in a flash - and the idea that they can be conned is wishful thinking, and any application submitted through an agency is an aplication that will attract attention (i.e. why was an agency used or paid)

And yes - the British embassy actively carries out due dilligence to check any visa application statement/claim they are uncertain about - they employ Thai staff to conduct discrete enquiries who know every trick in the book.

The best application is an application filled out and submitted by the applicant.



That your girlfriend has previously been refused a visa does not mean she will automatically be refused again. She should address the reasons for the initial refusal and demonstrate either how her circumstances have changed, or supply additional documentation to back up her claim.

Your girlfriend's name will have been circulated on the Home Office warnings index but all this does is identify her as having been refused a visa, not that she is to be excluded from the UK at all costs.





Loads of us here have had at least one visa refused (including me )for our partners and ultimately got another one successfully. So although it doesn't help, one refusal is not at all unusual. It will have been recorded as has already been said. Thats all.

However you really want to try to get it right this time , because 2 or more refusals and you are then starting to make it much more unlikely that she will be successful. Plus each one adds to the stress and expense. So don't rush it .. get it right this time !!


Quite. My step-son was refused twice before getting his visit visa the third time.

Deal with the reason for the refusal (no evidence of contact) and she should be successful this time.

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