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China cancels Thailand rice deal amid probe


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Rice scheme burns out. Tablet maker bankrupt. First time car buyers not getting their rebates. That's 0/3 for the Shin populist promises! Well done!

The spin meister is back ...surely not even you could blame YL for this. Blame here is squarely with Suthep. No other explanation warrants consideration.

You are UNBELIEVABLE!!! Of course, do not blame the corruption on the corrupt greedy Gov that used this doomed scheme to buy the populist vote. Then put their snouts in the trough to to skim every baht they could out of it for their own benefit. Let's blame the people that are trying to uncover this scheme for what it is. Are you really this stupid or do you just enjoy being a troll???

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Rice scheme burns out. Tablet maker bankrupt. First time car buyers not getting their rebates. That's 0/3 for the Shin populist promises! Well done!

The spin meister is back ...surely not even you could blame YL for this. Blame here is squarely with Suthep. No other explanation warrants consideration.

How could any sane person make this post, you are completely daft. Are you even aware of who is in charge of the rice policy and its evolution. Well let me share with you it's, the PTP and Yingluck. Before you make any further posts, please stop taking your medication. Troll!
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Rice scheme burns out. Tablet maker bankrupt. First time car buyers not getting their rebates. That's 0/3 for the Shin populist promises! Well done!

The spin meister is back ...surely not even you could blame YL for this. Blame here is squarely with Suthep. No other explanation warrants consideration.

The blame lies firmly at the door of Thaksin, Yingluck and Pheu Thai for their stupidly flawed and corrupt populist policies that are falling down now around their ears . . . no other explanation warrants consideration.

EDIT: By the way, is this the cancellation of the Rice Deal with China that China had previously denied even existed? If so, this Govt is piling lie on top of lie at the moment, I'll await the announcement next from China stating that they have no clue what "Thailand" is talking about and to stop putting words in their mouths.

I honestly can't even see how Suthep can be blamed here.

It is a PTP flagship policy. yingluck was the chairman of the rice scheme. It is proven there is corruption in the scheme and she is being probed as a result. This has made China a bit worried about dealing with a scheme that is being investigated for corruption.

How is Suthep to blame. Did he receive some under hand money from the scheme? Is he involved in the corruption somehow? Did China say we won't buy your rice because of Suthep? Or is it the knee jerk reaction to every short fall of the PTP. Blame someone else first then make up a reason latter.

Yeah! Why is it that the blame is thrown to Suthep here?

Did he say that the rice is already infested by bugs so the Chinese don't like to buy anymore?smile.png

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I wonder who is qualified to come in and fix the government's woes? Isn't there someone who has balanced the budget before? Who has developed fiscally responsible policies?

I wonder...

There are loads of qualified people. The problem is that this govt believes people elected have the right to do what they want; if not voted in with a majority, as we learned from the flood management scheme, then your opinion is worthless, and you are simply 'a rubbish protester'. They also still keep saying the scheme is fine and that they know what they are doing.

Therefore, no matter how smart people are (TDRI, NESDB, IMF, Worldbank, etc etc) it counts for zero. Because as we all know, the one thing the PM can say clearly (she cannot attend meetings, or anything relating to the govt but she can say clearly without a script) "I was elected by a majority."

This means that therefore she can do whatever she wants. Or since she isn't around to know or explain what she wants, her MPs can do what they want. And they have.

Hence why we got to this point with rice pledging.

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Rice scheme burns out. Tablet maker bankrupt. First time car buyers not getting their rebates. That's 0/3 for the Shin populist promises! Well done!

The spin meister is back ...surely not even you could blame YL for this. Blame here is squarely with Suthep. No other explanation warrants consideration.

How could any sane person make this post, you are completely daft. Are you even aware of who is in charge of the rice policy and its evolution. Well let me share with you it's, the PTP and Yingluck. Before you make any further posts, please stop taking your medication. Troll!

There's no doubt that pr(ick in)bkk lost all credibility some time ago. I suspect that we will see nothing more from him on here, except perhaps a reincarnation as 'limpdickinbkk' starting at post count 1 ... yet again...!

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Rice scheme burns out. Tablet maker bankrupt. First time car buyers not getting their rebates. That's 0/3 for the Shin populist promises! Well done!

The spin meister is back ...surely not even you could blame YL for this. Blame here is squarely with Suthep. No other explanation warrants consideration.

Incredible that anyone could come to such an illogical decision.

The rice scan has been racked with corruption, poor management, and lies about true figures since its inception. The people were shown Samsung tablets by PTPs star turn only their kids received crap quality Chinese ones, for which the government paid a nice premium price. The car rebate - not being paid because the purse is empty, same reason for the rice.

So how do you conveniently try and pass this on?

No one in their right mind would believe PTPs lies anymore....................... would they.

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