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Two Chinese Brothers Rob An English Woman In South Pattaya

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Two Chinese brothers rob an English Woman in South Pattaya.

On Tuesday Evening, Police Captain Piya from Pattaya Police Station received a call from Mrs. Ann Phillips aged 60 from England who had just been robbed outside the Chaimongkon Temple in South Pattaya. She mentioned that two men, who appeared not to be of Thai origin, had walked beside her and snatched her handbag from her left shoulder. The bag contained 10,000 Baht in cash, a mobile phone, two credit cards and other personal items.

Thanks to the swift action of Pattaya Police, the two men were seen further down the South Pattaya Road and were arrested. They were identified as Mr. Yaogia Liang aged 38 and Mr. Feng Liang aged 28 both brothers from China. They confessed to the crime and claimed that they were part of a tour group who had already left Thailand. They committed the theft to raise money to buy two tickets back to China as they had run out of money. Both were charged with theft and will most likely receive two free plane tickets courtesy of the Police as part of their deportation process assuming they are convicted of the crimes committed.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 24th May 2006


The good news is that these guys got caught, and rather quickly at that.

The bad news is, they were able to snatch her purse in an area that is usually pretty busy, and has a number of "security" guards, and no one stopped them.

I've walked along both sides of the road in that area, at all hours of the day/night. There are always people coming/going on both sides. The Wat Chai side is usually quicker, as the other side has all the sidewalk and street vendors plugging up the walkway.

The Wat Chai side is usually quicker, as the other side has all the sidewalk and street vendors plugging up the walkway.

Can't see things changing down there, even after they build the new market :o

The shops rent out 'their' pavement space to market vendors, leaving a small space for pedestrians (including those stopping to browse and buy) to jostle for room, and avoiding the drips from aircon pipes somewhere above.

The inner lane of Pattaya Tai (and then some) is permanently clogged with parked motorbikes, trikes and half-dead soi dogs, and the smell from the street is putrid.

It's all a 24-hr operation... never stops... you even get a bonus of 20-30 monks at 5.30-6.30 a.m.

The only way to walk up this road is to walk in the road and take your chances with the oncoming traffic.

... but somehow I love it :D and it's all part of the character of the place.

Two Chinese brothers rob an English Woman in South Pattaya.

Both were charged with theft and will most likely receive two free plane tickets courtesy of the Police as part of their deportation process assuming they are convicted of the crimes committed.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 24th May 2006

Really? :D

I was under the impression that those ordered to be deported would be held in custody until such time as they could come up with the cash for an air ticket out.

The Police will pay?

I think not... :o

Really? :D

I was under the impression that those ordered to be deported would be held in custody until such time as they could come up with the cash for an air ticket out.

The Police will pay?

I think not... :o

I think their embassy will pay, and then collect from those guys or their family once they get back home.

They are probably getting off lucky. A few days in jail and then deported, as opposed to being tried and sentenced in court, and then spending a few months or more in jail, before being deported.

If they re-imburse their government for the plane tickets, they probably won't face any prosecution.

So, how did they manage to get left behind by their tour-group ? Snuck out on their last night to enjoy a little more of what the city has to offer ? Woke up the next morning in some strange bed with some strange companion(s) ? Their hotel couldn't contact the tour group they'd been with, or their embassy ?

The only reason we are seeing/commenting on this story at all though, is because they snatched a purse from a farang woman. :D


Trust me on this one, having been inside a Chineses jail ( visitor only honest ) if their Govt pay for the ticket they will get their pound of flesh on return. I know Thai jails are no hotels but at least they feed the prisoners !!! One I went to in China, either relatives bring the food in or they are allowed to culltivate a small patch of the parade ground. Heavy rain or crop failure, insta :o nt membership of waitwatchers.


Really? :D

I was under the impression that those ordered to be deported would be held in custody until such time as they could come up with the cash for an air ticket out.

The Police will pay?

I think not... :o

I think their embassy will pay, and then collect from those guys or their family once they get back home.

They are probably getting off lucky. A few days in jail and then deported, as opposed to being tried and sentenced in court, and then spending a few months or more in jail, before being deported.

If they re-imburse their government for the plane tickets, they probably won't face any prosecution.

Unless they are convicted by a court, they will not be guilty of any crime so on what grounds would they be deported?

If they are convicted, they will doubtless be fined and/or given a custodial sentence.

I very much doubt that their embassy will front the money for their fines and air tickets...



So, how did they manage to get left behind by their tour-group ? Snuck out on their last night to enjoy a little more of what the city has to offer ? Woke up the next morning in some strange bed with some strange companion(s) ? Their hotel couldn't contact the tour group they'd been with, or their embassy ?

No...they probably missed the bus after a shopping tour of Mikes.

Trouble is that the Chinese only tend to look and not buy anything but hopefully these 2 coolies bought enough crackers to keep them going when they do their time at home in "sing sing" :o

agree about their "kalabouches"....not very nice....err.. also only a visitor..... :D


Really? :D

I was under the impression that those ordered to be deported would be held in custody until such time as they could come up with the cash for an air ticket out.

The Police will pay?

I think not... :o

I think their embassy will pay, and then collect from those guys or their family once they get back home.

They are probably getting off lucky. A few days in jail and then deported, as opposed to being tried and sentenced in court, and then spending a few months or more in jail, before being deported.

If they re-imburse their government for the plane tickets, they probably won't face any prosecution.

Unless they are convicted by a court, they will not be guilty of any crime so on what grounds would they be deported?

If they are convicted, they will doubtless be fined and/or given a custodial sentence.

I very much doubt that their embassy will front the money for their fines and air tickets...

They confessed to the crime. I believe that's all that is needed for deportion.


A country that sends the family the bill for used ammunition for a prisoner's execution will not pay for plane tickets.


Really? :D

I was under the impression that those ordered to be deported would be held in custody until such time as they could come up with the cash for an air ticket out.

The Police will pay?

I think not... :o

I think their embassy will pay, and then collect from those guys or their family once they get back home.

They are probably getting off lucky. A few days in jail and then deported, as opposed to being tried and sentenced in court, and then spending a few months or more in jail, before being deported.

If they re-imburse their government for the plane tickets, they probably won't face any prosecution.

Unless they are convicted by a court, they will not be guilty of any crime so on what grounds would they be deported?

If they are convicted, they will doubtless be fined and/or given a custodial sentence.

I very much doubt that their embassy will front the money for their fines and air tickets...

They confessed to the crime. I believe that's all that is needed for deportion.

Albeit under quite different circumstances, Steve Willcox confessed to his crime (as do many when facing the death penalty) and got his sentence reduced to 33 years and 4 months. :D

Perhaps the following will show how helpful embassies can be, in this case the British Embassy:

"I can transfer to a UK prison when I have served 4 years here, but not only do I have to pay my fine of £11.000 in full before I am allowed to transfer, I also have to pay to the embassy a fixed price ticket for that transfer of £ 1.340.

As I have no means to pay this, it will mean that I have to serve my whole sentence here plus 2 years that will be added to it to pay off the fine.

Steve Willcox"


The very notion of foreigners committing a crime and then being given a paid ticket home just because they confessed seems a tad far-fetched to me, as does being deported without facing the consequences of committing said crime... :D


Amazing what 2 punks get away with in LoS, robbing an old woman. I'm also learning more & more from these forums that it doesn't pay to even get involved (being a farang) if even witnessing something like this; more headaches. I'm staying in NYC where vigilance is revered even by the cops to a degree.

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