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Democrats ask to have Pheu Thai dissolved


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If the "present rabble" get impeached, dissolved for electoral fraud or otherwise chucked out of office for the third time running - perhaps they will spare a thought for the law next time.


Dissolve-reform-win election, dissolve-reform-win election, etc..... This cycle will continue until the judges finally get it through their heads that the democratic will of the people is a greater power than their yellow tinted interpretation of the law................dissolve-reform-win election........

How about the PTP trying to abide by the rules and not get obsessive about getting Thaksin back.

I'm not happy about stopping people voting but the PTP seem unable to stop putting their foot in it. They had a big majority and lots of MPs with knowledge and experience of politics and who do they decide to have as PM? The sister of the criminal on the run who has no experience or interest in politics. She may be starting to get the hang of it now but unfortunately she will forever be tainted by the fact she was put there by her brother.

There have been many occasions when they could have just governed properly in the knowledge that they would almost certainly get another term and maybe more but instead they keep pushing their luck.

They seem to be doing again after the EC said that results would not be disclosed until the election has finished. So what do they do? They release 'estimates' and 'predictions' which any idiot would realise could be construed as giving the results. There's no need just shut up.

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This whole thing is not going to end in a very good way. For sure there will be more blood in the streets. The protests should all go home they have done enough damage to this country.

Very undemocratic of the anti-government protesters to demand to be allowed to protest as their democratic right. The damage done to the country!

Mind you the Yingluck government did far more damage in their 2-1/2 years and brought upon themselves these protests by being undemocratic, pro-Thaksin first and foremost, and so on.

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If the "present rabble" get impeached, dissolved for electoral fraud or otherwise chucked out of office for the third time running - perhaps they will spare a thought for the law next time.


Dissolve-reform-win election, dissolve-reform-win election, etc..... This cycle will continue until the judges finally get it through their heads that the democratic will of the people is a greater power than their yellow tinted interpretation of the law................dissolve-reform-win election........

How about the PTP trying to abide by the rules and not get obsessive about getting Thaksin back.

I'm not happy about stopping people voting but the PTP seem unable to stop putting their foot in it. They had a big majority and lots of MPs with knowledge and experience of politics and who do they decide to have as PM? The sister of the criminal on the run who has no experience or interest in politics. She may be starting to get the hang of it now but unfortunately she will forever be tainted by the fact she was put there by her brother.

There have been many occasions when they could have just governed properly in the knowledge that they would almost certainly get another term and maybe more but instead they keep pushing their luck.

They seem to be doing again after the EC said that results would not be disclosed until the election has finished. So what do they do? They release 'estimates' and 'predictions' which any idiot would realise could be construed as giving the results. There's no need just shut up.


That's all very well but you're kinda saying 'on the one hand, on the other hand....'. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and criticise, it's harder to make the difficult choices and compromises that are necessary to move forward. No one doubts that PTP are flawed but they are genuinely popular with millions of Thais and keep getting elected again and again. No one in their right mind could expect a newly re-elected prime minister to simply go away and hand over a country of 65 million people to an anonymous junta made up of God knows who.

If the Democrats had done what a political party should do for the last two and a half years - campaign, kiss babies, sweet talk possible coalition allies, be nice to rice farmers - they might well have won this election. The 15m/12m difference at the last election was not insurmountable. But instead they spent the time sulking in Bangkok and whining to their friends the generals and the judges.

Just re-hashing the shortcomings of PTP or anyone else is the soft option. At some point you have to make a choice and for me it's not hard to pick out the lesser of two evils here.

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The so called Dems are a bunch of losers who know there only chance of Government is through the back door if they had of been good whilst in office a couple of years ago the people would have voted for them when they held the election , this was not the case they are no better than the shin clan. The man in Dubai has got one over them it was he who gave the poor of Thailand the right to vote it was he that introduced the hospital treatment 30baht program that is why the poor love home and the elite hate him

Trouble is that the judiciary/military have in the past let the Dems in through the back door; so they see no need to change their cronyism politics or develop policies designed to win popular support outside of Bangkok.

Someone should form a party called "New Democrats" and include reforms that the people will want to vote for. Sorry I'm dreaming again, bring on the coup!

Once you get in the back door, you don't want to go in the front door anymore.


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This whole thing is not going to end in a very good way. For sure there will be more blood in the streets. The protests should all go home they have done enough damage to this country.

Very undemocratic of the anti-government protesters to demand to be allowed to protest as their democratic right. The damage done to the country!

Mind you the Yingluck government did far more damage in their 2-1/2 years and brought upon themselves these protests by being undemocratic, pro-Thaksin first and foremost, and so on.

When will you and yours take off your myopic glasses and realise that anti- government protesters right to protest does not extend to stopping government workers from carrying out their duties and certainly not stopping other people from exercising their right to vote?

Or use Tavors while they are demonstrating peacefully or have you forgotten those unfortunate attributes of your peaceful anti - government supporters right to protest?

How you can support suthep and his methods is beyond me.

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This whole thing is not going to end in a very good way. For sure there will be more blood in the streets. The protests should all go home they have done enough damage to this country.

Very undemocratic of the anti-government protesters to demand to be allowed to protest as their democratic right. The damage done to the country!



Let's just refresh our memories here..........

Anti-government protesters demanding their rights on the right......post-70418-0-85723100-1391604761_thumb.j

Ordinary Thai voter on the left.

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'Right To Protest'... Means you go stand in a park somewhere and hold up a sign. It doesn't mean you invade gov't offices and block bridges.. Suthep himself has called that civil disobedience. Anywhere else if you want to take part in that , you get thrown in the clink. na ka.

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This whole thing is not going to end in a very good way. For sure there will be more blood in the streets. The protests should all go home they have done enough damage to this country.

Very undemocratic of the anti-government protesters to demand to be allowed to protest as their democratic right. The damage done to the country!

Mind you the Yingluck government did far more damage in their 2-1/2 years and brought upon themselves these protests by being undemocratic, pro-Thaksin first and foremost, and so on.

When will you and yours take off your myopic glasses and realise that anti- government protesters right to protest does not extend to stopping government workers from carrying out their duties and certainly not stopping other people from exercising their right to vote?

Or use Tavors while they are demonstrating peacefully or have you forgotten those unfortunate attributes of your peaceful anti - government supporters right to protest?

How you can support suthep and his methods is beyond me.

How you can keep up the good work of defending the Shinawatra government and saying anything nasty possible about who don't like them is beyond me.

So, we still have protests, anti-government protests, mostly peaceful, mostly unarmed, mostly defending themselves from 'unknowns', and the odd TV posters of course.

Elections are only a part of a democracy, there are other rights and duties. Elections which are just pushed through in the same manner as the 'blanket amnesty bill' was pushed through only asks for more protests.

'respect my vote', but ignore it afterwards, Pheu Thai motto it would seem.

BTW you should really watch NBT for more inspiration rolleyes.gif

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This whole thing is not going to end in a very good way. For sure there will be more blood in the streets. The protests should all go home they have done enough damage to this country.

Very undemocratic of the anti-government protesters to demand to be allowed to protest as their democratic right. The damage done to the country!



Let's just refresh our memories here..........

Anti-government protesters demanding their rights on the right......attachicon.gifimage.jpg

Ordinary Thai voter on the left.

So? What about the armed red-shirts with armed anti-government protesters retaliating and immediately seen as 'all are armed', 'all are violent', 'they are guilty'?

Anyway, a request to have Pheu Thai dissolved for pushing through an election which most here could see as futile, about which Ms. Yingluck voiced 'want to listen', 'want to talk', 'want to cooperate', Pheu Thai MPs strongly stating 'we must', 'we have to', 'we will'. Still continuing obfuscation even after the CC said they could issue another royal decree and discuss with the EC. Finally 'everyone' wanted an election and Ms. Yingluck only agreed, washing her hands of things again.

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This whole thing is not going to end in a very good way. For sure there will be more blood in the streets. The protests should all go home they have done enough damage to this country.

Very undemocratic of the anti-government protesters to demand to be allowed to protest as their democratic right. The damage done to the country!

Mind you the Yingluck government did far more damage in their 2-1/2 years and brought upon themselves these protests by being undemocratic, pro-Thaksin first and foremost, and so on.

When will you and yours take off your myopic glasses and realise that anti- government protesters right to protest does not extend to stopping government workers from carrying out their duties and certainly not stopping other people from exercising their right to vote?

Or use Tavors while they are demonstrating peacefully or have you forgotten those unfortunate attributes of your peaceful anti - government supporters right to protest?

How you can support suthep and his methods is beyond me.

How you can keep up the good work of defending the Shinawatra government and saying anything nasty possible about who don't like them is beyond me.

So, we still have protests, anti-government protests, mostly peaceful, mostly unarmed, mostly defending themselves from 'unknowns', and the odd TV posters of course.

Elections are only a part of a democracy, there are other rights and duties. Elections which are just pushed through in the same manner as the 'blanket amnesty bill' was pushed through only asks for more protests.

'respect my vote', but ignore it afterwards, Pheu Thai motto it would seem.

BTW you should really watch NBT for more inspiration rolleyes.gif

Nothing nasty about calling you myopic. It's an observation that you can't see further than supporting the anti-government supporters right to protest whilst ignoring the other unsavoury aspects that occured only days ago. All forgotten it seems, as was the blockading of the ballot papers, blockading of polling stations , physically restraining people from voting - not a word from you condemning their actions , just whinge about their rights.

The PTP will respect the vote - if you don't vote, what respect do you expect?

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So? What about the armed red-shirts with armed anti-government protesters retaliating and immediately seen as 'all are armed', 'all are violent', 'they are guilty'?



In a debate this is called "Whataboutery" and is always a sure sign of an argument lost. If you have any photos of ordinary Thai voters strangling peaceful anti-government protesters then let's see them. The only weapon a voter needs is......post-70418-0-23699600-1391606816_thumb.j

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When will you and yours take off your myopic glasses and realise that anti- government protesters right to protest does not extend to stopping government workers from carrying out their duties and certainly not stopping other people from exercising their right to vote?

Or use Tavors while they are demonstrating peacefully or have you forgotten those unfortunate attributes of your peaceful anti - government supporters right to protest?

How you can support suthep and his methods is beyond me.

How you can keep up the good work of defending the Shinawatra government and saying anything nasty possible about who don't like them is beyond me.

So, we still have protests, anti-government protests, mostly peaceful, mostly unarmed, mostly defending themselves from 'unknowns', and the odd TV posters of course.

Elections are only a part of a democracy, there are other rights and duties. Elections which are just pushed through in the same manner as the 'blanket amnesty bill' was pushed through only asks for more protests.

'respect my vote', but ignore it afterwards, Pheu Thai motto it would seem.

BTW you should really watch NBT for more inspiration rolleyes.gif

Nothing nasty about calling you myopic. It's an observation that you can't see further than supporting the anti-government supporters right to protest whilst ignoring the other unsavoury aspects that occured only days ago. All forgotten it seems, as was the blockading of the ballot papers, blockading of polling stations , physically restraining people from voting - not a word from you condemning their actions , just whinge about their rights.

The PTP will respect the vote - if you don't vote, what respect do you expect?

"The PTP will respect the vote"

Oh boy, now you seem to stretch the truth a wee bit too much. The Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts party forgot about votes the moment they had 265 seats allocated. 'we have a mandate', and off to Thaksin inspired, and dictated policies. Plus a blanket amnesty bill to cover even the first two Yingluck years.

Do you really think this Pheu Thai pushed through election would help Thailand in the right direction? Just more talk, more blabla, blame the others. Like blame protests you called upon yourself by your action, for late payments to farmers. Keep saying 'we cannot postpone' and when the CC says well you could with another royal decree, say to respect the ruling and do nothing about it. Just get other to say 'we want elections' and wash your hands of it, 'other wanted us to continue'.

With this mentality, the protests will continue and don't even try to tell me it's just a mob. Most are just decent Thai fed up with wasted billions by this Pheu Thai led government. A government which has as number one achievement the issuing of a passport to a criminal fugitive from flooded offices when the nation was standing in floodwaters and not looking, plus lying about it as well of course.

Get rid of this lot, and in another reply to you I already voiced my ideas as you seemed really interested asking for them.

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So? What about the armed red-shirts with armed anti-government protesters retaliating and immediately seen as 'all are armed', 'all are violent', 'they are guilty'?



In a debate this is called "Whataboutery" and is always a sure sign of an argument lost. If you have any photos of ordinary Thai voters strangling peaceful anti-government protesters then let's see them. The only weapon a voter needs is......attachicon.gifimage.jpg

It's a line taken out of context, just to 'show' it's a lost argument.

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So? What about the armed red-shirts with armed anti-government protesters retaliating and immediately seen as 'all are armed', 'all are violent', 'they are guilty'?



In a debate this is called "Whataboutery" and is always a sure sign of an argument lost. If you have any photos of ordinary Thai voters strangling peaceful anti-government protesters then let's see them. The only weapon a voter needs is......attachicon.gifimage.jpg

It's a line taken out of context, just to 'show' it's a lost argument.


So no photos then?

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Get rid of this lot...............


.......and replace them with this lot.........attachicon.gifimage.jpg

Er, no thanks!

+1. The lot in that photo doesn't look as if they good as discussing reform. Mind you, if we have to go by looks only Ms Yingluck might be top for some here rolleyes.gif

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If Yingluck had any intention of stepping down, she should do it now, rather than after elections are complete. That is something that would get the protesters of the streets.

But she has no intention of resigning. She "wants Peace Power not Power Peace".


Welcome to the parallel universe of anti-democracy where everything is back to front. In this universe a successful prime minister who has just won two general elections in a row, the second one with an increased majority, should resign immediately. Meanwhile, she should be replaced by the leader of a failed political party who didn't even bother to vote, and whose party no longer feels the need to take part in elections.

The Twilight Zone indeed!

Same twaddle-----Dems and elections, not Yinglucks achievements. the courts will give her the chance to explain--I want to hear it.

That's right gj, when Yingluck is sitting on the chair in front of the court judges being tried for everything from corruption to jaywalking, the last thing on her mind will be how the Democrats can't win an election, how the people just love her and big brother, how unfair the army is etc etc etc........... I cannot wait for that day, will be laughing long and hard and eagerly awaiting to hear what these numbskulls who support her have to say, if anything. biggrin.pngclap2.gifcheesy.gif

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If Yingluck had any intention of stepping down, she should do it now, rather than after elections are complete. That is something that would get the protesters of the streets.

But she has no intention of resigning. She "wants Peace Power not Power Peace".


Welcome to the parallel universe of anti-democracy where everything is back to front. In this universe a successful prime minister who has just won two general elections in a row, the second one with an increased majority, should resign immediately. Meanwhile, she should be replaced by the leader of a failed political party who didn't even bother to vote, and whose party no longer feels the need to take part in elections.

The Twilight Zone indeed!

Same twaddle-----Dems and elections, not Yinglucks achievements. the courts will give her the chance to explain--I want to hear it.

That's right gj, when Yingluck is sitting on the chair in front of the court judges being tried for everything from corruption to jaywalking, the last thing on her mind will be how the Democrats can't win an election, how the people just love her and big brother, how unfair the army is etc etc etc........... I cannot wait for that day, will be laughing long and hard and eagerly awaiting to hear what these numbskulls who support her have to say, if anything. biggrin.pngclap2.gifcheesy.gif

You might need to wait a long time. The 2008 airport occupation leaders (Sondhi Limthongkul, etc) haven't even finished their trials yet. Yingluck, if she will ever go to trial, is at the very back of a very long queue.

Abhisit and Suthep's murder trials come before that.

Edited by ShannonT
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If Yingluck had any intention of stepping down, she should do it now, rather than after elections are complete. That is something that would get the protesters of the streets.

But she has no intention of resigning. She "wants Peace Power not Power Peace".


Welcome to the parallel universe of anti-democracy where everything is back to front. In this universe a successful prime minister who has just won two general elections in a row, the second one with an increased majority, should resign immediately. Meanwhile, she should be replaced by the leader of a failed political party who didn't even bother to vote, and whose party no longer feels the need to take part in elections.

The Twilight Zone indeed!

Same twaddle-----Dems and elections, not Yinglucks achievements. the courts will give her the chance to explain--I want to hear it.

That's right gj, when Yingluck is sitting on the chair in front of the court judges being tried for everything from corruption to jaywalking, the last thing on her mind will be how the Democrats can't win an election, how the people just love her and big brother, how unfair the army is etc etc etc........... I cannot wait for that day, will be laughing long and hard and eagerly awaiting to hear what these numbskulls who support her have to say, if anything. biggrin.pngclap2.gifcheesy.gif

post-70418-0-24020800-1391609063_thumb.j........you are now entering the anti-democracy alternative universe!
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How you can support suthep and his methods is beyond me.

?????????? Yet the same hypocritical little dweeb supports Thaksin, which means he supports the bloodthirsty methods used by the redshirts !

Lots of posts but very little (ZERO) credibility ! clap2.gif

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If the "present rabble" get impeached, dissolved for electoral fraud or otherwise chucked out of office for the third time running - perhaps they will spare a thought for the law next time.


Dissolve-reform-win election, dissolve-reform-win election, etc..... This cycle will continue until the judges finally get it through their heads that the democratic will of the people is a greater power than their yellow tinted interpretation of the law................dissolve-reform-win election........

How about the PTP trying to abide by the rules and not get obsessive about getting Thaksin back.

I'm not happy about stopping people voting but the PTP seem unable to stop putting their foot in it. They had a big majority and lots of MPs with knowledge and experience of politics and who do they decide to have as PM? The sister of the criminal on the run who has no experience or interest in politics. She may be starting to get the hang of it now but unfortunately she will forever be tainted by the fact she was put there by her brother.

There have been many occasions when they could have just governed properly in the knowledge that they would almost certainly get another term and maybe more but instead they keep pushing their luck.

They seem to be doing again after the EC said that results would not be disclosed until the election has finished. So what do they do? They release 'estimates' and 'predictions' which any idiot would realise could be construed as giving the results. There's no need just shut up.


That's all very well but you're kinda saying 'on the one hand, on the other hand....'. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and criticise, it's harder to make the difficult choices and compromises that are necessary to move forward. No one doubts that PTP are flawed but they are genuinely popular with millions of Thais and keep getting elected again and again. No one in their right mind could expect a newly re-elected prime minister to simply go away and hand over a country of 65 million people to an anonymous junta made up of God knows who.

If the Democrats had done what a political party should do for the last two and a half years - campaign, kiss babies, sweet talk possible coalition allies, be nice to rice farmers - they might well have won this election. The 15m/12m difference at the last election was not insurmountable. But instead they spent the time sulking in Bangkok and whining to their friends the generals and the judges.

Just re-hashing the shortcomings of PTP or anyone else is the soft option. At some point you have to make a choice and for me it's not hard to pick out the lesser of two evils here.

If PTP are so popular, why do they need to have such a divisive leader? Surely they can move forward without the Shinawatra's controlling them?

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Does anyone actually think that if the Democrats had stood in this election and had managed to get enough seats to form (probably a coalition) government, that the red shirts would just sit back and say "Sure, they won the election. We'll just wait until the next one."?

They would be out on the streets within hours doing the same thing as Suthep's mob is doing, and probably the same as they were doing in 2010.

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If PTP are so popular, why do they need to have such a divisive leader? Surely they can move forward without the Shinawatra's controlling them?


It's not a healthy state of affairs that the PTP/Shinawatra family party is the only game in town but what I am saying is that the Democrats brought about this state of affairs by not doing their job. If they manage to get another army/judicial coup it will be just an action replay of 2010. Two years of junta rule, followed by an election, followed by PTP getting back in again. Groundhog day all over again.

What's needed is for the Democrat party to man up - and I think that will necessarily mean reforming the party as New Democrats or something similar - and then tackle PTP head on at the polls.anything else will just mean another 80 years of coup-election-coup-election etc..

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Does anyone actually think that if the Democrats had stood in this election and had managed to get enough seats to form (probably a coalition) government, that the red shirts would just sit back and say "Sure, they won the election. We'll just wait until the next one."?

They would be out on the streets within hours doing the same thing as Suthep's mob is doing, and probably the same as they were doing in 2010.


Politics, lesson one. Divide and rule. What the Dems need to do if they ever want to win is to split up the red bloc. The unpaid rice farmers are a prime example.

There will always people who are unhappy when their side loses but the reds will only turn out in significant numbers if a government that was elected is overturned by improper means.

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If PTP are so popular, why do they need to have such a divisive leader? Surely they can move forward without the Shinawatra's controlling them?


It's not a healthy state of affairs that the PTP/Shinawatra family party is the only game in town but what I am saying is that the Democrats brought about this state of affairs by not doing their job. If they manage to get another army/judicial coup it will be just an action replay of 2010. Two years of junta rule, followed by an election, followed by PTP getting back in again. Groundhog day all over again.

What's needed is for the Democrat party to man up - and I think that will necessarily mean reforming the party as New Democrats or something similar - and then tackle PTP head on at the polls.anything else will just mean another 80 years of coup-election-coup-election etc..

Not doing their job? They were in power after Chavalit screwed Thailand in 1997 (with Thaksin as Deputy PM). They basically sorted out the problems for Thaksin to come along and jump on the coat tails of a global economic boom. The Democrats came to power again as the GFC hit, and they managed to keep the Thai economy going OK, certainly taking a hit, but not as bad as some other countries. Now look at how Thaksin's policies are coping in a crappy global economy. He's basically screwed Thailand again with his rice "scheme".

I said 12 months ago that the Democrats just need to bide their time, as PTP had been given a shovel and enough rope and were busy tying a noose as well as digging their own grave.

But PTP pushed it with the 700 billion baht+ rice scheme, the 350 billion baht flood bill and then the 2.2 trillion baht infrastructure bill (5 trillion baht over the life of the loan) and then completely lost the plot with the amnesty bill wiping Thaksin's slate clean. The Democrats decided that they couldn't wait another two years for Thaksin to completely screw Thailand.

The Democrats have been in power for a total of 9 years since 1932 (and most of that in the last 20 years), so blaming them for the problems in the North and North East is a bit of stretch. Particularly since most of the politicians that have been elected in the N/NE haven't changed much since a long time before Thaksin came along. Thaksin worked out how he could buy the support of these politicians, and therefore the support of the people that had been supporting them for decades.

Thaksin was just lucky enough to be in power at the right time.

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Does anyone actually think that if the Democrats had stood in this election and had managed to get enough seats to form (probably a coalition) government, that the red shirts would just sit back and say "Sure, they won the election. We'll just wait until the next one."?

They would be out on the streets within hours doing the same thing as Suthep's mob is doing, and probably the same as they were doing in 2010.


Politics, lesson one. Divide and rule. What the Dems need to do if they ever want to win is to split up the red bloc. The unpaid rice farmers are a prime example.

There will always people who are unhappy when their side loses but the reds will only turn out in significant numbers if a government that was elected is overturned by improper means.

Well, divide and rule might work sometimes. But Thaksin worked out how to do the opposite and bought up the small parties to rule.

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Does anyone actually think that if the Democrats had stood in this election and had managed to get enough seats to form (probably a coalition) government, that the red shirts would just sit back and say "Sure, they won the election. We'll just wait until the next one."?

They would be out on the streets within hours doing the same thing as Suthep's mob is doing, and probably the same as they were doing in 2010.

Hold on, hold on. "Does anyone actually think that if the Democrats had stood in this election AND had managed to get enough seats to form a coalition government".

I'm sorry, but surely, none of us can actually imagine an election where the Democrats are going to get enough votes to form any government, coaltion or not. The only way they will ever beat whatever Thaksin party is, if they ban any party that represents the rural and urban poor. And yes, IF they ban whatever party that represents the rural and urban poor, well, the rural and urban poor will rise up and show their anger ! These people do actually know that they are the biggest single voting group ! :)

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Does anyone actually think that if the Democrats had stood in this election and had managed to get enough seats to form (probably a coalition) government, that the red shirts would just sit back and say "Sure, they won the election. We'll just wait until the next one."?

They would be out on the streets within hours doing the same thing as Suthep's mob is doing, and probably the same as they were doing in 2010.

Hold on, hold on. "Does anyone actually think that if the Democrats had stood in this election AND had managed to get enough seats to form a coalition government".

I'm sorry, but surely, none of us can actually imagine an election where the Democrats are going to get enough votes to form any government, coaltion or not. The only way they will ever beat whatever Thaksin party is, if they ban any party that represents the rural and urban poor. And yes, IF they ban whatever party that represents the rural and urban poor, well, the rural and urban poor will rise up and show their anger ! These people do actually know that they are the biggest single voting group ! smile.png

You should take a closer look at the Thai election history, especially at the years where the shit really has hit the fan in Thailand, and see how popular the democrats were at those times.

Only to be ignored as soon as they had cleaned up the mess. But I think that is a common occurrence all over the world .

Edited by JesseFrank
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