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Thailand's think tank: Govt cornered to dead-end on rice scheme


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Thailand has a Think Tank ? blink.png i know it has a lot of thick tanks but a thinking one ? hmmm a novelty

Good one and at the same time somehow manage to reduce a possible value of the article itself.

Anyway, once more it becomes clear that figures provided by the government do not match up. Even a golf caddy would have difficulties to explain away how come this wonderful scheme which should be continued for years and make Thailand a profit, how come this not only didn't work out, could never work out, but was even allowed to continue with losses mounting into the hundred billions.

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How about they quickly investigate who stole what

Seize their accounts and assets

Use seized funds to pay farmers

If that is not enough ... fire sale on assets to contnue paying farmers

oh ... jail the crooks ... to not let them go to the Olympics and never return

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The government lacked an accounting system and the financial burden was as high as Bt124 billion while it is expected to earn only Bt10-15 billion from rice trading this year, he said.

Ammar Siamwalla, TDRI distinguished scholar, described the rice subsidy programme as “corruption with receipts” and “gigantic corruption racket.”

It is a political party’s populism policy to win over voters in the short term but damaged the country’s economy in the long term, he said.

As bad as this is, and it is really bad, think of what PTP will do with 2 trillion baht. One other thing that i wonder about is Kittirat, all those times that he stated that the rice scheme was fully funded will certainly put him front and center for corruption charges, which one of the PTP will be first to rat out the rest for immunity.

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WAIT!!!! WHAT?????? Thailand think tank???????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL oh man that's a good one


Oh do grow up. The TDRI is a very distinguished group, recognised and highly regarded internationally. But, of course, completely ignored by those with a self-interest, as are a lot of other research groups. The fact that you don't know about it is more a condemnation of your knowledge and intelligence.

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The government has painted itself into such a tight corner that it will soon implode under its own weight of corruption.

Nothing can save it

The red shirts won't fight for it unless paid to do so

The farmers won't bail them out

The courts will deliver the coup de grace. The coup that everyone awaits with gusto

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Maybe it is time to call on the NSA. Surely they have records of all the bank transfers.

The report of a huge amount of dollars transfered from Thailand to Hong Kong a few months ago, did not seem of concern to monitor/enforcement groups, so not sure anyone wants to be involved in finding the culprits.

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Thailand has a Think Tank ? blink.png i know it has a lot of thick tanks but a thinking one ? hmmm a novelty

Good one and at the same time somehow manage to reduce a possible value of the article itself.

Anyway, once more it becomes clear that figures provided by the government do not match up. Even a golf caddy would have difficulties to explain away how come this wonderful scheme which should be continued for years and make Thailand a profit, how come this not only didn't work out, could never work out, but was even allowed to continue with losses mounting into the hundred billions.

Thailand has at least two 'think tanks' - I used to work at a different one: www.kpi.ac.th

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Thailand has a Think Tank ? blink.png i know it has a lot of thick tanks but a thinking one ? hmmm a novelty

It ranks with ' Military Intelligence ' as the biggest oxymoron in the English language.

The ultimate oxymoron is the red sheeple tv program 'The Truth Today' which is 80% lies and propaganda presented by red terrorists who should be in prison.

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Who will pay the bill for these heinous crimes?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

attachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.g$Big T$.jpg

I don't think anybody is blaming Thaksin for this utter horlicks his rice scam has been. He was not to know that Cambodia,Burma,Vietnam,India, and other rice producing nations would not also with-hold their entire countries production to help out his Phua Thai in their scam. Even if other countries had helped he would still have had to stop potato farmers worldwide to cease production as well as pasta and noodle manufacturers, to stop a substitute for rice being available. In fact, anybody that earned a fortune form insider knowledge and corrupt activities should be excused for having no knowledge whatsoever about supply/demand and economic principles. It is not Thaksin's fault, any other criminal could have made the same mistake.

I also seem to remember him mentioning something about his fortune teller predicting another major environmental event like 2008, when global food prices went up. He said that he expected such an event to happen and that Thailand would be able to make a killing by selling to desperate countries (I am paraphrasing). But he failed to think that everyone one else would also stockpile too.

The man is a complete moron.

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As these irrefutable statistics greet the cold light of day, there is no escaping the fact that this programme has been among the most corrupt of it's kind anywhere in the world. Those at the top of the rung profited the most - as they were intended to - while the whole industry collapsed, as personal gain was placed front and centre above the national interest and Thailand's standing as the world's premiere exporter of rice - something that now is but a distance memory for generations to come. This Pheu Thai administration - in two and a half short years - has brought the country to financial ruin. It has sullied the professional reputation of its credit, and it has created a mutiny of opposition from within the country - from the people on the streets, from the banks, and from the farmers themselves. It will be the instrument that brings down this administration. It was inevitable, though, that before that happened, that it would reach a point where it would be stripped of its power to forge ahead with this particular addiction to massive graft. It has reached that point now. Without a parliamentary mandate, without the sanction of the EC, amidst an impeachment investigation by the NACC, and finally resistance from the banks themselves in a reflex of pure instinctual self-survival - this administration has been thrown involuntarily into a detox room, while the rest of the country now prepares to go forward and tries to heal from the experience that this party has wrecked on the country.

And equally sad is they managed to con some of the gullible population to vote for them, despite this debacle and PhD Candidates like Jatuporn (cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif ) saying how it is everyone else's fault from the EC to Bankers (and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all) but not the PTP Government. He might like to start a used car sales business (sorry that is an insult to that business).

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What I find most interesting is that nobody is really saying who has pocketed all the money

from this insane corrupt program.

That is just SO surprising! Usually, those who pocket money submit their names and the amounts pocketed to the tax office, newspapers, and online publications for all to see. I wonder what the reason could possibly be this time?

Edited by JSixpack
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The British government managed to trace much of Khun Ts off-shore accounts, and freeze many of his assets. I wonder why the NACC can't find the current PTT culprit's accounts? cheesy.gif

Well it could be:

They are also corrupt?

They are too lazy to do anything?

They are too scared to do anything?

They don't have the intellect to do anything?

Not sure if any or if all of the above.

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The British government managed to trace much of Khun Ts off-shore accounts, and freeze many of his assets. I wonder why the NACC can't find the current PTT culprit's accounts? cheesy.gif

Well it could be:

They are also corrupt?

They are too lazy to do anything?

They are too scared to do anything?

They don't have the intellect to do anything?

Not sure if any or if all of the above.

Far more likely that they don't have the funds to do it.

After all the first thing PT did after standing on stage holding hands telling the world they were serious about fighting corruption was to cut the budgets of the NACC and the AG office as well as other checks and balances organisations.

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What I find most interesting is that nobody is really saying who has pocketed all the money

from this insane corrupt program.

That is just SO surprising! Usually, those who pocket money submit their names and the amounts pocketed to the tax office, newspapers, and online publications for all to see. I wonder what the reason could possibly be this time?

Hahaha no, even I did not think that the Thais involved in this theft on a grand scale

would suddenly remember the second precept of Buddhism and turn themselves in.

As Thailand is 95% Buddhist, most of these crooks should fit in there..


2. I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given.

But I was sort of hoping that an investigative agency such as the fabled

DSI here could perhaps trace the money trail. Should not be too hard, as it

is billions of baht...

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The British government managed to trace much of Khun Ts off-shore accounts, and freeze many of his assets. I wonder why the NACC can't find the current PTT culprit's accounts? cheesy.gif

Well it could be:

They are also corrupt?

They are too lazy to do anything?

They are too scared to do anything?

They don't have the intellect to do anything?

Not sure if any or if all of the above.

The NACC is putting together a legal case and have already indicted 15 and deciding if they will add a 16th. I would say on your list, none of the above.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The British government managed to trace much of Khun Ts off-shore accounts, and freeze many of his assets. I wonder why the NACC can't find the current PTT culprit's accounts? cheesy.gif

Well it could be:

They are also corrupt?

They are too lazy to do anything?

They are too scared to do anything?

They don't have the intellect to do anything?

Not sure if any or if all of the above.

The NACC is putting together a legal case and have already indicted 15 and deciding if they will add a 16th. I would say on your list, none of the above.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Who have they indicted ? Is it a secret list ? With Yingluck as the chairperson of the rice

committee, she must be starting to have some real fear now....

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The British government managed to trace much of Khun Ts off-shore accounts, and freeze many of his assets. I wonder why the NACC can't find the current PTT culprit's accounts? cheesy.gif

Well it could be:

They are also corrupt?

They are too lazy to do anything?

They are too scared to do anything?

They don't have the intellect to do anything?

Not sure if any or if all of the above.

The NACC is putting together a legal case and have already indicted 15 and deciding if they will add a 16th. I would say on your list, none of the above.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Who have they indicted ? Is it a secret list ? With Yingluck as the chairperson of the rice

committee, she must be starting to have some real fear now....

Could someone tell me how true my assumption is ?

I heard that once parliament is in session all the MP's are untouchable. If this is true then I understand why they want to form a government so fast. They want to get rid of the NACC legal case and this is the perfect way to do it. Now they are unprotected and scared.

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As these irrefutable statistics greet the cold light of day, there is no escaping the fact that this programme has been among the most corrupt of it's kind anywhere in the world. Those at the top of the rung profited the most - as they were intended to - while the whole industry collapsed, as personal gain was placed front and centre above the national interest and Thailand's standing as the world's premiere exporter of rice - something that now is but a distance memory for generations to come. This Pheu Thai administration - in two and a half short years - has brought the country to financial ruin. It has sullied the professional reputation of its credit, and it has created a mutiny of opposition from within the country - from the people on the streets, from the banks, and from the farmers themselves. It will be the instrument that brings down this administration. It was inevitable, though, that before that happened, that it would reach a point where it would be stripped of its power to forge ahead with this particular addiction to massive graft. It has reached that point now. Without a parliamentary mandate, without the sanction of the EC, amidst an impeachment investigation by the NACC, and finally resistance from the banks themselves in a reflex of pure instinctual self-survival - this administration has been thrown involuntarily into a detox room, while the rest of the country now prepares to go forward and tries to heal from the experience that this party has wrecked on the country.

True but didn't I read that Y.S.' personal wealth increased by 50 million in the time she's been "in charge." Soooooooooooooooooooo...... mission accomplished some might think.

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Well, we all saw it coming and were powerless to avert it.

I guess the only positive is that it may be the nail in the coffin of PTP for a while.

it is a crying shame the damage it will do to the country.

Can anyone suggest anything that the Farang who love this country can do??

I will be honest, I feel that the best thing I can do is just wait outside until the shit stops flying around. I still keep sending money to the family.

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As these irrefutable statistics greet the cold light of day, there is no escaping the fact that this programme has been among the most corrupt of it's kind anywhere in the world. Those at the top of the rung profited the most - as they were intended to - while the whole industry collapsed, as personal gain was placed front and centre above the national interest and Thailand's standing as the world's premiere exporter of rice - something that now is but a distance memory for generations to come. This Pheu Thai administration - in two and a half short years - has brought the country to financial ruin. It has sullied the professional reputation of its credit, and it has created a mutiny of opposition from within the country - from the people on the streets, from the banks, and from the farmers themselves. It will be the instrument that brings down this administration. It was inevitable, though, that before that happened, that it would reach a point where it would be stripped of its power to forge ahead with this particular addiction to massive graft. It has reached that point now. Without a parliamentary mandate, without the sanction of the EC, amidst an impeachment investigation by the NACC, and finally resistance from the banks themselves in a reflex of pure instinctual self-survival - this administration has been thrown involuntarily into a detox room, while the rest of the country now prepares to go forward and tries to heal from the experience that this party has wrecked on the country.

True but didn't I read that Y.S.' personal wealth increased by 50 million in the time she's been "in charge." Soooooooooooooooooooo...... mission accomplished some might think.

Pfff, 50 million? Thaksin increased his wealth by 40 BILLION in the same period, thanks to a generous handout from her sister´s government.

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The British government managed to trace much of Khun Ts off-shore accounts, and freeze many of his assets. I wonder why the NACC can't find the current PTT culprit's accounts? cheesy.gif

Well it could be:

They are also corrupt?

They are too lazy to do anything?

They are too scared to do anything?

They don't have the intellect to do anything?

Not sure if any or if all of the above.

The NACC is putting together a legal case and have already indicted 15 and deciding if they will add a 16th. I would say on your list, none of the above.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Who have they indicted ? Is it a secret list ? With Yingluck as the chairperson of the rice

committee, she must be starting to have some real fear now....

Actually, some places (newspapers) say they have been charged and others say they are being called in to explain themselves. The list isn't secret, but in any event indicted doesn't mean guilty. Several years ago I spent hours defending someone on TV who was indicted (nothing to do with rice), and at the end of the day he was adjudged not guilty. The courts here are normally very fair. This is why I'd like to see the PDRC go home and leave it up to the courts.

Sorry for the confusion.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Could someone tell me how true my assumption is ?

I heard that once parliament is in session all the MP's are untouchable. If this is true then I understand why they want to form a government so fast. They want to get rid of the NACC legal case and this is the perfect way to do it. Now they are unprotected and scared.

Only "untouchable" while parliament is in session. So even though they are elected MPs, they are still prey for the relentless, scavenging hawks of the law when the House is not sitting. That means that it doesn't matter when a government is formed. It only matters when the House sits. Or sleeps smile.png

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