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Yingluck admits rice subsidies need revamp if re-introduced


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Yet again... Still no official apology.

Just saying it is not her fault... Complete and utter rubbish.

One minute she is saying that they are not allowed to borrow the money because they are in caretaker mode and that is against the rules, the next sentence she says that they are trying to borrow the money.

Total contradiction that will now be criticised. Once again Yingluck, you have displayed for all to see, that you are no more than a complete airhead.

Just look into her eyes on that picture..... she is away with the fairies.

The lift doesn't go all the way to the top of the tower,

The lights are on but nobody is home,

She is two sandwiches short of a picnic.

She is as about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.

And many other things that I can't think of at the moment.

She is as about as useful as an ejector seat on a helicopter

The ashtray on the motorcycle is better, even I fully get your point.

There are actually ejection seats firing downwards like in B-52's and early F-104's (XF-104).

From Wikipedia

Non-standard egress systems include Downward Track (used for some crew positions in bomber aircraft, including the B-52 Stratofortress), Canopy Destruct (CD) and Through-Canopy Penetration (TCP), Drag Extraction, Encapsulated Seat, and even Crew Capsule.

Early models of the F-104 Starfighter were equipped with a Downward Track ejection seat due to the hazard of the T-tail. In order to make this work, the pilot was equipped with "spurs" which were attached to cables that would pull the legs inward so the pilot could be ejected. Following this development, some other egress systems began using leg retractors as a way to prevent injuries to flailing legs, and to provide a more stable center of gravity. Some models of the F-104 were equipped with upward-ejecting seats.

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What did she admit? No apology at all? She is still standing after she created all the mess. Amazing Thailand, indeed. Wow!

<On its Facebook page yesterday, the Pheu Thai Party said the rice scheme was aimed at improving farmers living condition and the three-year programme has been beneficial to 3.26 million farming families.> They have just proved that it was a lie.

<The rice scheme is pending an investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Commission. We have to wait for the commission (before taking further action), she said.> I hope that the National Anti-Corruption Commission is not a puppet of Thaksin so that they can do a fair job.

It is time for the red shirt farmers to realize that they can't trust anything from the government. They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;.

"They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;. "

Why would those farmers still love Toxin after all what happened ? Then they really ARE stupid !! it's HIM that's the root of all Evil !!

"What did she admit? No apology at all?"

in 20+ years coming and living in Thailand, i NEVER have seen a Thai making appologies !!! it's loosing face, the WORST that can happen to them.... coffee1.gif

You do have a point there. It's very rare to hear a Thai apologise, they'd much rather come up with an excuse.

Maybe it's just one of those national traits we all have.... like Americans being unable to talk quietly or the Welsh being unable to buy a drink. wink.png

Never heard that of the welsh?

Strewth. No wonder all the pubs in Cardiff are quiet these days.

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What did she admit? No apology at all? She is still standing after she created all the mess. Amazing Thailand, indeed. Wow!

<On its Facebook page yesterday, the Pheu Thai Party said the rice scheme was aimed at improving farmers’ living condition and the three-year programme has been beneficial to 3.26 million farming families.> They have just proved that it was a lie.

<“The rice scheme is pending an investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Commission. We have to wait for the commission (before taking further action),” she said.> I hope that the National Anti-Corruption Commission is not a puppet of Thaksin so that they can do a fair job.

It is time for the red shirt farmers to realize that they can't trust anything from the government. They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;.

"They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;. "

Why would those farmers still love Toxin after all what happened ? Then they really ARE stupid !! it's HIM that's the root of all Evil !!

"What did she admit? No apology at all?"

in 20+ years coming and living in Thailand, i NEVER have seen a Thai making appologies !!! it's loosing face, the WORST that can happen to them.... coffee1.gif

You do have a point there. It's very rare to hear a Thai apologise, they'd much rather come up with an excuse.

Maybe it's just one of those national traits we all have.... like Americans being unable to talk quietly or the Welsh being unable to buy a drink. wink.png

Americans ? What about the Thai !?? facepalm.gif

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What did she admit? No apology at all? She is still standing after she created all the mess. Amazing Thailand, indeed. Wow!

<On its Facebook page yesterday, the Pheu Thai Party said the rice scheme was aimed at improving farmers living condition and the three-year programme has been beneficial to 3.26 million farming families.> They have just proved that it was a lie.

<The rice scheme is pending an investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Commission. We have to wait for the commission (before taking further action), she said.> I hope that the National Anti-Corruption Commission is not a puppet of Thaksin so that they can do a fair job.

It is time for the red shirt farmers to realize that they can't trust anything from the government. They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;.

"They might still love Thaksin but the politicians are self serving greedy &lt;deleted&gt;. "

Why would those farmers still love Toxin after all what happened ? Then they really ARE stupid !! it's HIM that's the root of all Evil !!

"What did she admit? No apology at all?"

in 20+ years coming and living in Thailand, i NEVER have seen a Thai making appologies !!! it's loosing face, the WORST that can happen to them.... coffee1.gif

You do have a point there. It's very rare to hear a Thai apologise, they'd much rather come up with an excuse.

Maybe it's just one of those national traits we all have.... like Americans being unable to talk quietly or the Welsh being unable to buy a drink. wink.png

Never heard that of the welsh?

Strewth. No wonder all the pubs in Cardiff are quiet these days.

Guess he means the Scottish...... whistling.gif

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They are trying to be like the big boys where farmers are given taxpayer provided subsides, but they forgot that that means the rich fxxks like them need to pay taxes!

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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When she is not chairing the Rice Committee I hope she finds time to sort out school tablet computer fiasco.

The Dems must be laughing because they have Phua Thai in power but disabled and the problems are mounting fast.

How do you get rid of all that rotting rice without the whole world knowing and worse still how do you let the farmers know the rice price is going to drop by 30% if Thailand want's to sell abroad?

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Did Yingluck inform the rice farmers before the election that the rice scheme had been cancelled?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nope, it would had been awfully nice of her to announce the farmers that there was no money to pay for the rice before they handed over their crops too.

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"Regarding widespread protests by farmers who demanded overdue payments for the rice they have sold under the scheme, she asked for sympathy to agencies in charge of assisting farmers and said the law bans a caretaker government from financial engagement that could pose a burden to the new government."

Seems to me that the government is already obligated. Whether or not PTP or another government is in place the money is owed to the farmers. This is not a new obligation. It is going to be a burden whatever government is in power. Just stop funding for other programs and use the money to start paying farmers the money they are already owed. Realizing it is more complicated than this, still where there is a will there is a way to get something started.

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Who was it that said the PDRC isnt offering any solutions?


Hows about that then?

It was me, he is offering no solutions the other thread is as bad as this one in terms of content. Plundering oh dear oh dear where is bullshit man?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

More of a soultion than the Government has offered...

More of a solution than the Red Shirt Mafia has offered... in fact they are only capable of intimidation and threats...

It is not a solution at all.

The solution is funds need to be made available, farmers get paid the government takes the loss and incurs the debt like any other country running a deficit.

Then the trails and investigations start and in the meantime Thailand continues to function.

Edited by englishoak
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If the scheme is dropped the price of the rice will fall. How are they going to tell the farmers they'll have to take 30 per cent less?

They don't, the gov if it set a price for the farmers under contract would or should be obliged to honour it at the set agreed price. The country takes the loss and it goes on the books as failed scheme and deficit. The only loser here should be the government and Thailand's finances not the farmers.

If however the farmers have entered into an undisclosed or unset price agreement then they put up with whatever the market rate is just as they would in normal times.

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There is a lot of talk about the Rice Farmers and the "elites" but not much about the Rubber Farmers.

Here is their voice:

Alienated Southern Thais vow to keep pressure on Thaksin and government


“Poor people do bad things, go to jail. Rich people do bad things, win elections.”

It's encouraging that people like "Boy" in this article are wising up at last!

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If the scheme is dropped the price of the rice will fall. How are they going to tell the farmers they'll have to take 30 per cent less?

They don't, the gov if it set a price for the farmers under contract would or should be obliged to honour it at the set agreed price. The country takes the loss and it goes on the books as failed scheme and deficit. The only loser here should be the government and Thailand's finances not the farmers.

If however the farmers have entered into an undisclosed or unset price agreement then they put up with whatever the market rate is just as they would in normal times.

In which case how long can the game last without the money running out?
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There is a lot of talk about the Rice Farmers and the "elites" but not much about the Rubber Farmers.

Here is their voice:

Alienated Southern Thais vow to keep pressure on Thaksin and government


“Poor people do bad things, go to jail. Rich people do bad things, win elections.”

It's encouraging that people like "Boy" in this article are wising up at last!

Also liked Khun Supagong's response in one quick summary:

Supagong Songmuang, a tractor operator in Surat Thani, says foreigners — and many pro-government Thais — misunderstand their movement’s goals. “They say we hate democracy, but we want more pure democracy. We need to clean our house first, then we can have a real election. Thaksin and Yingluck wanted this election to legitimize their crooked rule, but we refused to play their game. We won’t give them the legitimacy they seek.”

Good article

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If the scheme is dropped the price of the rice will fall. How are they going to tell the farmers they'll have to take 30 per cent less?

They don't, the gov if it set a price for the farmers under contract would or should be obliged to honour it at the set agreed price. The country takes the loss and it goes on the books as failed scheme and deficit. The only loser here should be the government and Thailand's finances not the farmers.

If however the farmers have entered into an undisclosed or unset price agreement then they put up with whatever the market rate is just as they would in normal times.

In which case how long can the game last without the money running out?

Technically as this is a country the money really can't run out, there is such a thing as running a deficit, it can have a bond auction, or it can just print more, it can do all sorts of things, it can even go for international funding, many nations around the globe have a far worse money problems than Thailand and bump along much better.

I understand peoples points here but this isnt a person its a country, the problem is access to funds being a caretaker and not raising it before it dissolved parliament, stupid i know but its nothing more than a temporary liquidity issue aggravated by current circumstances. The gov is ultimately to blame but it is also being blocked at every turn trying to resolve the payment issue by others and they have to recognise they are also making it far worse. The farmers etc are the ones being hurt by it as much as the current gov and they are real people with real life bills to pay.

If this were anywhere else the gov or prime minister would have resigned long ago or been booted by its own cabinet or ministers responsible would have been made to resign, its a mess but it is clear nothing will be allowed to progress in an all out effort to get the farmers paid asap.. it truly is a appalling that all sides are more interested in throwing stones and playing poker than they are at resolving the countries fast approaching train wreck.

Whoever has to pick up the pieces will probably find themselves shouldering the discontent and blame as most here have the memory of a goldfish and refuse to take any responsibility and would rather just point the finger at everyone else... opposition, Cambodians the US whoever. It wont matter its always the gov in power that the people will be looking to as the culprit.

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Technically as this is a country the money really can't run out, there is such a thing as running a deficit, it can have a bond auction, or it can just print more, it can do all sorts of things, it can even go for international funding, many nations around the globe have a far worse money problems than Thailand and bump along much better.

Like Greece?

Who haven't spent decades kicking every other nation in the teeth

If Thailand starts asking for tea and sympathy, it may get a cup of tea, cold.

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Wow, it's everyone else's fault the Rice Farmers are not getting paid, not those who dreamed up and implemented the idea and who had no funds to pay for it prior to dissolving the House when they chose to.

For pity's sake people, wake up, open your eyes, and see what a bunch of lying, thieving "people" you have in Govt right now.

Sorry but there is no government. When printed

election, the government sitting down has no power.

ie. to pay rice farmers, the money two pay themself the caretaker can not use these as Thailand is without a government

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this may be simplistic, but why don't the opposition simply employ campaigns to appeal to the masses of rural poor, and campaigns based on good economic policy? Surely helping people away from abject poverty will only stimulate the economy. If they have money, they'll spend it.....

That is democracy, innit? Manufacture a bit of consent? What are the policies of the opposition?

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