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Pheu Thai threatens to petition UN if election is nullified


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The UN does not care, will not intervene and would rather cut off its left testicle than get involved in the snake pit that of Thai politics.

File under 'useless political stunts'.


True. The UN are a useless bunch of time servers and trough feeders.

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The party blamed the Election Commission.

The EC said "don't hold elections on the 2nd of Feb because there will be major difficulties"

It also blamed the protesters.

The PTP said they would have 200 000 police around the country to ensure smooth elections.

Reality - The PTP didn't listen to the advice of the EC instead saying "we know best and "elections would be smooth". The 200 000 tomato police nor CMPO were capable of controlling the protestors as they had promised.

BUT BUT BUT…It is not our fault.

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Just in case the ignorant bunch that calls itself "Pheu Thai" isn't aware: The UN do not concern themselves with judgments handed down by a sovereign country's highest court.

Hand in your pathetic petition, and you will hopefully receive a well-deserved sarcastic response like, "You rejected us to be your father before, and we certainly don't want to step into that role now."

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Come, come gentleman , you know, I know , that the UN has no legal right to decide anything internal in any country , so stop all this nonsense and babble and face the fact that if the court so desires , that it finds the election was invalid so be it , get on with it , you can't expect an answer from the UN for at least two years, so what are you going to do in the mean time, you lot would have to be the biggest lot of losers that have graced this planet earth since time began, you whinge about anything if and when it dosen't suit you , you're the failure of all time PTP, look at your track record of achievements and failures, go get a life.bah.gif

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how pathetic can they get, the un would piss themselves laughing at the ptp. With all their crooked deals and trough feeding the un would probably pat Thailand on the back for doing the right thing and removing them. Desperation time is now upon thew ptp/reds as they can see their demise very clearly and are sh*tting themselves at the thought of losing their money sources, this just gets better and better while our local red members get more and more frustrated

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The party blamed the Election Commission.

The EC said "don't hold elections on the 2nd of Feb because there will be major difficulties"

It also blamed the protesters.

The PTP said they would have 200 000 police around the country to ensure smooth elections.

Reality - The PTP didn't listen to the advice of the EC instead saying "we know best and "elections would be smooth". The 200 000 tomato police nor CMPO were capable of controlling the protestors as they had promised.

BUT BUT BUT…It is not our fault.

Quite so.

Very much a case of "we shall ignore what you say and hold you to blame for the outcome if it goes pear shaped"

I've be wracking my brains trying to think of a suitable simile for this pavement pizza of an election but I really can't find anything suitable.

It's a election that several megatonnes of Viagra couldn't fix now

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As Pheu Thai is completely devoid of a sense of irony - an appeal to the UN after Thaksin disavowed the institution - seems to fit. But what a joke this new assertion is - that maintains that " the election must be held on the same day " has never happened in the history of democracy, and has therefore no place in the constitution, as all elections have advance voting ( though never three weeks after ), absentee voting, and central voting. So really - Pheu Thai can hold as many elections as they want, and for as long as they want. For Pheu Thai's motto is - " on a clear election day we can see forever ".

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I'm sure that the CC would like to take a pass on this whole mess. Nobody wants blood thrown on their house, telephone numbers and addresses circulated, threats and possible arson, but they can't, because if they do they are a joke. The same goes for the ACC, if they ignore corruption of this magnitude, they will no longer be credible. So heads will roll, the third assistant secretary to somebody will be blamed and little will be done. Perhaps, just maybe, the whole story will emerge in the end and this disgrace of a government will be ruined once and for all.

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Similar to Thida's press conference on behalf of the reds. Tragic thing is, Red shirts and Puea Thai continue to deceive themselves with this fallacy that most the country support them and that this bother in Bangkok is a temporary attempt by the tiny Bangkok elite to disrupt a perfectly good democracy. Reality is, less than a third of the electorate voted for a party in this election so their dream that it will somehow legitimise a new parliament free of pesky opposition is all la la land. Their own foolishness is their own worst enemy.

If anything, the election was very democratic in proving that Puea Thai do not represent the majority, the red shirts cannot claim to have 10s of millions behind them, and a lot of people were able to express properly that they have no faith in the present electoral process. If you want to be elected to rule you have follow the rules and if the rule of law determines the election was not fair, then how can you ever claim any legitimacy to govern?

cheesy.gif "Proving that Puea Thai do not represent the majority"

Is that the same election I followed, where Suthep and the Democrats actively set out to completely stop the election as a result the 40 +% voted, not counting those that found their polling places closed, or factoring in the 10 million habitual non voting registered voters.

What I clearly witnesses was the majority of Thai 's came to the defense of the Thai Democracy by voting, showing how little a minority represented his followers (other then the men in black)! what more can you expect from one who lies about 6 million protesters at his rally, the stop the vote was only effective in the Democrats strongholds even with the fact the 89% of the country's polling places we open.

He lost a lot of people that may have wanted change but change under the rule of law, not change to get the rule of a lunatic!


Edited by kikoman
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This must be a mistake they can't possibly want the help of farangs or they are really desperate.

It's always been a love/hate type of relationship. They love farang when we're spending money and not meddling or questioning anything they're doing. They don't like farang meddling, but for some reason go to farang for the highest approval. Yingluck did it just a few months ago by inviting (and wined and dined) Blair and other esteemed farang to a highly publicized meeting in Bkk.

N.Korea also has a love/hate relationship with outsiders, but more extreme and with higher stakes.

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cheesy.gif"Proving that Puea Thai do not represent the majority"

Is that the same election I followed, where Suthep and the Democrats actively set out to completely stop the election as a result the 40 +% voted, not counting those that found their polling places closed, or factoring in the 10 million habitual non voting registered voters.

What I clearly witnesses was the majority of Thai 's came to the defense of the Thai Democracy by voting, showing how little a minority represented his followers (other then the men in black)! what more can you expect from one who lies about 6 million protesters at his rally, the stop the vote was only effective in the Democrats strongholds even with the fact the 89% of the country's polling places we open.

He lost a lot of people that may have wanted change but change under the rule of law, not change to get the rule of a lunatic!



>majority of Thai 's came to the defense of the Thai Democracy by voting

There were 43,024,042 eligible voters. 46.79% of this number or 20,129,976 people cast their ballots

3,335,334 persons marked 'no vote' on their ballots

So 46.79% voted, 53.21.x% didnt vote - the majority didnt vote

>the stop the vote was only effective in the Democrats strongholds

In the Northern Region, 56.02% of eligible voters attended the polls and 21.18% of this group marked 'no vote'

In the Central Region, 41.04% of eligible voters cast their ballots; 23.31% of this group opted for 'no vote'

In the Northeastern Region, 55.31% of eligible voters took to the polls; 9.56% selected 'no vote'

In Bangkok, only 16.78% of eligible voters cast their ballots; 24.02% of this group marked 'no vote'.

Looks like not stopping the vote in north/central thailand didnt have much affect, approximately half of the people voted and a little over 1/5th of those who did vote voted No Party...

"Proving that Puea Thai do not represent the majority"

Assuming PTP get every single vote cast (excluding the No Party votes) - and lets be honest, thats not likely - 16,794,642 of the 43,024,042 eligable voters voted for PTP - Thats not really a Majority.

When the final figures get announced, you will find PTP will get less than the 16,794,642 votes cast.

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The UN will have nothing to do on this matter.

They will discuss it, but they will not do anything else apart from issue a stock statement (off the shelf) that means nothing.

They will probably come down on the side of the EC considering an orderly election is the responsibility of the government and its security forces and not the commission.

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Similar to Thida's press conference on behalf of the reds. Tragic thing is, Red shirts and Puea Thai continue to deceive themselves with this fallacy that most the country support them and that this bother in Bangkok is a temporary attempt by the tiny Bangkok elite to disrupt a perfectly good democracy. Reality is, less than a third of the electorate voted for a party in this election so their dream that it will somehow legitimise a new parliament free of pesky opposition is all la la land. Their own foolishness is their own worst enemy.

If anything, the election was very democratic in proving that Puea Thai do not represent the majority, the red shirts cannot claim to have 10s of millions behind them, and a lot of people were able to express properly that they have no faith in the present electoral process. If you want to be elected to rule you have follow the rules and if the rule of law determines the election was not fair, then how can you ever claim any legitimacy to govern?

cheesy.gif "Proving that Puea Thai do not represent the majority"

Is that the same election I followed, where Suthep and the Democrats actively set out to completely stop the election as a result the 40 +% voted, not counting those that found their polling places closed, or factoring in the 10 million habitual non voting registered voters.

What I clearly witnesses was the majority of Thai 's came to the defense of the Thai Democracy by voting, showing how little a minority represented his followers (other then the men in black)! what more can you expect from one who lies about 6 million protesters at his rally, the stop the vote was only effective in the Democrats strongholds even with the fact the 89% of the country's polling places we open.

He lost a lot of people that may have wanted change but change under the rule of law, not change to get the rule of a lunatic!



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