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Google Earth: how much has global warming raised temperatures near you?


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Happy Anniversary! The stop in global warming has come of age -- 18 today (well, beginning of October)
This will not be published in the mainstream press, which has hitched its fading wagon to climate alarmism. Instead, you have to go and read what the scientists say.
The Earth’s temperature has "plateaued" and there has been no global warming for at least the last 18 years, says Dr. John Christy, professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center (ESSC) at the University of Alabama/Huntsville. "That’s basically a fact. There’s not much to comment on," Christy said.
None of the climate alarmists came anywhere predicting this, and one of their most prominent characters admitted that theory would be badly compromised if such an event occurred.
"Bottom line: the ‘no upward trend’ has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried." - Phil Jones, University of East Anglia 7 May 2009.
Also sure that the temperature would continue its relentless climb was Benjamin Santer.
"Our results show that temperature records of at least 17 years in length are required for identifying human effects on global-mean tropospheric temperature."
Well, those human effects are now out there for all to see, or rather not see, and the temperature plateau is now old enough to vote, join the army, pay its taxes. Or perhaps go out and buy a car.
A climate alarmist walks into a bar: "I'll have a pint of ... ... ... ... ... ... bitter."
Barman: "Why the long pause?"
Alarmist bursts into tears.

and yet................................

the 'climate change' bandwagon continues it's merry way, despite losing the rational for claiming that mankind actually changed it. still good for lots of junkets at the taxpayer's expense- shame on them.

i guess they learned the lesson from hitler- if you tell a lie often enough, eventually people will come to believe it.

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Happy Anniversary! The stop in global warming has come of age -- 18 today (well, beginning of October)
This will not be published in the mainstream press, which has hitched its fading wagon to climate alarmism. Instead, you have to go and read what the scientists say.
The Earth’s temperature has "plateaued" and there has been no global warming for at least the last 18 years, says Dr. John Christy, professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center (ESSC) at the University of Alabama/Huntsville. "That’s basically a fact. There’s not much to comment on," Christy said.
None of the climate alarmists came anywhere predicting this, and one of their most prominent characters admitted that theory would be badly compromised if such an event occurred.
"Bottom line: the ‘no upward trend’ has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried." - Phil Jones, University of East Anglia 7 May 2009.
Also sure that the temperature would continue its relentless climb was Benjamin Santer.
"Our results show that temperature records of at least 17 years in length are required for identifying human effects on global-mean tropospheric temperature."
Well, those human effects are now out there for all to see, or rather not see, and the temperature plateau is now old enough to vote, join the army, pay its taxes. Or perhaps go out and buy a car.
A climate alarmist walks into a bar: "I'll have a pint of ... ... ... ... ... ... bitter."
Barman: "Why the long pause?"
Alarmist bursts into tears.

and yet................................

the 'climate change' bandwagon continues it's merry way, despite losing the rational for claiming that mankind actually changed it. still good for lots of junkets at the taxpayer's expense- shame on them.

i guess they learned the lesson from hitler- if you tell a lie often enough, eventually people will come to believe it.

Exactly: The NODs Natural Occurrence Deniers will continue in their Religious Fervor despite the fact that the god they worship never existed -- they were worshiping vapor ... CO2

In simple language so the NODs will 'get it' ...

For a number of years the sun was more active - it got warmer. Then the sun got less active - The sun got quieter. Now it is getting cooler...

It's not complicated. There has been no Global Warming for 18 years now... And this warming pause has happened in the presence of increasing CO2 ---- And for benefit of the NODs ----

It's the Sun - stupid!


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From National Public Radio (US):

Nuisance floods can be defined as high tide floods which are significantly more severe than usual.
"What we have found," says oceanographer William Sweet, "is that nuisance flooding has substantially increased in frequency." Sweet is with the National Ocean Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and when he says "substantially increased," he means a lot. "We had areas that were increasing by a factor of 9 over the past 50 years," he says. That's nine times as many nuisance floods from high tides in some places.
NOAA scientists say the big increase is the result of shifts in climate — oceans are, on average, 8 inches higher than a century ago. And, Sweet says, it's going to get worse.
"Sea level rise is expected to accelerate during the next century," he says, "as the oceans continue to warm and expand, and the ice shelves lose mass as the water melts and enters into the ocean."
Another observer, referring to Anapolis Maryland: "Nuisance floods here have increased from about four each year in the 1950s to nearly 40 per year now."


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  • 2 weeks later...
There's a new book out on climate change which might interest those on the alarmist side of the debate -- it's called Climate Changed -- A Personal Journey through the Science, by Philippe Squarzoni.

The book has received warm praise from Dr. Jean Jouzel, IPCC Vice Chair of Working Group I, and hence a leading figure in the production of that UN body's flagship climate report.

What a marvellous way to convey the knowledge accumulated by our scientific community … I am truly admiring of Philippe Squarzoni’s great scholarship on all facets of the climate problem."

It is pitched at an appropriate level for climate alarmists, being written as a comic rather than paragraphs of wearying text and figures, a considerable boon for those who need to move their lips when they read.

Along with the dreary nonsense about saving the planet by becoming vegetarians and the evil of fat-cat capitalists, it contains valuable information about how to hit back at the consumer society this Christmas, by executing in-store Santas with an automatic rifle, under the caption "It may be possible to put an end to the myth of perpetually abundant energy."


As Jouzel says: "An extremely well-documented work – which is, of course, essential for the perception of the message that it delivers. But its principal merit is, in fact, in the quality of the narrative and the art.

Apologists will try and pass this off as a joke. It isn't. It is simply the latest in a sorry cavalcade of events where the Green/Left finds itself unable to hide its real hatred of anyone who opposes its agenda, which perhaps reached its artistic nadir with Richard Curtis' 10:10 video with the blowing up of schoolchildren who were "climate deniers".

They try to bottle up this hatred, but inevitably, sooner or later, out comes the hairy hand.....

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BBC last night: Cement in concrete, made by heating to 2700 degrees f.

One ton of cement manufacturing emits 1 ton of CO2.

40 billion tons of cement was used last year..40 bil. tons CO2!!!

Sorry about Obama's jet..sorry about all the bottles left in N.Y.

Sorry bout DiCaprio'a jet etc.

Also from BBC, half of the CO2 in the atmosphere was deposited since 1986.

Hottest month ever in 100+ years was last month.

Do you believe all this..?

I do...

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Also from BBC, half of the CO2 in the atmosphere was deposited since 1986.

Official figures show that the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere in 1986 was 350 parts per million; right now, it is somewhere around 400 parts per million. So, perhaps one-eighth (nowhere near half) has been "deposited" in the atmosphere since 1986.

Do you believe all this..?

I do...

Then I think you should choose your sources of "belief" more carefully.

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This article picked up today on Drudge:


Climate change PROVED to be 'nothing but a lie', claims top meteorologist
THE debate about climate change is finished - because it has been categorically proved NOT to exist, one of the world's leading meteorologists has claimed.
By: Jason Taylor
Published: Wed, October 22, 2014
John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, shocked academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible.
Instead, what 'little evidence' there is for rising global temperatures points to a 'natural phenomenon' within a developing eco-system.
In an open letter attacking the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he wrote: "The ocean is not rising significantly.
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Expect an immediate storm of vilification against Coleman in the "progressive" media, featuring the leading climate spinmeisters.

He will be called senile, deluded, a right-wing nutjob, a shill for Big Oil, a denier (of course), and a range of other standard Green/Left insults.

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The road show moves relentlessly on, and nowhere is to be found mentioned the MAJOR cause of excessive pollution- OVERPOPULATION.

Even if "climate change" is a fantasy, overpopulation is destroying our civilization. Vast numbers of people from countries that cannot support their populations flood into countries with more advanced societies, causing increased use of fossil fuel, excessive degradation of arable land growing food, and like parasites, they will devour their hosts and destroy the very societies they want to help them.

On a tv news item, I heard one such illegal complaining that he had had to arrive on a dangerous boat instead of being flown in- MIND BOGGLING. They destroy their own countries with unrestrained overbreeding, and then expect others to take care of them.

Till politicians accept that overpopulation makes everything they do to control climate change irrelevant, they are merely Canutes railing against the tide.

It's time to start getting serious about sending the illegals back, and only accept NEEDED immigrants, the LEGAL way.

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And here we have it from the co-founder of the Weather Channel on cable television...


John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, shocked academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible.

Instead, what 'little evidence' there is for rising global temperatures points to a 'natural phenomenon' within a developing eco-system.

I have studied climate change seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid

John Coleman, co-founder of the Weather Channel

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The road show moves relentlessly on, and nowhere is to be found mentioned the MAJOR cause of excessive pollution- OVERPOPULATION.

Even if "climate change" is a fantasy, overpopulation is destroying our civilization. Vast numbers of people from countries that cannot support their populations flood into countries with more advanced societies, causing increased use of fossil fuel, excessive degradation of arable land growing food, and like parasites, they will devour their hosts and destroy the very societies they want to help them.

On a tv news item, I heard one such illegal complaining that he had had to arrive on a dangerous boat instead of being flown in- MIND BOGGLING. They destroy their own countries with unrestrained overbreeding, and then expect others to take care of them.

Till politicians accept that overpopulation makes everything they do to control climate change irrelevant, they are merely Canutes railing against the tide.

It's time to start getting serious about sending the illegals back, and only accept NEEDED immigrants, the LEGAL way.

Global population control is a primary topic of the globalists who want to forge a future of sustainable development for the planet... Unfortunately, their plans call from a 4/5ths reduction in global population in order to achieve this...


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And here we have it from the co-founder of the Weather Channel on cable television...

"Co-founder of the weather channel" makes it sound like he's qualified to speak with authority. He's not a climate scientist (or any kind of scientist for that matter) and he's done exactly zero scientific research. He's no more qualified to talk about climate change than Reese Schonfeld (journalist & founder of he food network) is qualified to talk about GMO science.

And this is how it unfolds. Deniers don't research and publish their own data. All they do is deny the data and research of others. Desperately seeking support for their feelings and beliefs, they turn to people like the co-founder of the weather channel as if that's supposed to be the least bit convincing. It's a ridiculous attempt at an appeal to authority.

Edited by attrayant
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Natural Occurrence Deniers - NOD's pay no attention to research proving that gigantic swings - ebbs and flows in climate activity have been going on for eons of time - having nothing to do with human activity. And that it will continue this way regardless of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. But NODs have made a religion out of their invisible god and despise those who do not worship their god.

"Clouds drive our climate and stars give clouds their orders".

There hasn't been any global warming in 18 years even in the presence of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere. . Warming and cooling periods - the same ones that created the Ice Age Glacial Periods are caused by cycles of the sun as modulated by cosm
ic rays. It is a natural occurrence but Natural Occurrence Deniers - NODs never stop braying ... because they view every aspect of their lives and the world through emotional glasses.. .

The sun has gigantic cycles - it becomes more active the solar system gets warmed ... The sun becomes less active the solar system get cooler... It is not a difficult and does not require a fake hockey stick chart to prove it

The primary driver is the solar and reactive cloud dynamic.

The Stronger sun ... the thinner the clouds ---- The Weaker the sun ... the thicker clouds.

There is leveraging because of cosmic ray modulation through the heliosphere.

Climate is driven by the sun and the solar changes are leveraged by cloud reactivity.

It's almost like a transistor in which a small signal controls a large current.

Weaker sun gives denser clouds. Stronger sun gives thinner clouds.


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Expect an immediate storm of vilification against Coleman in the "progressive" media, featuring the leading climate spinmeisters.

He will be called senile, deluded, a right-wing nutjob, a shill for Big Oil, a denier (of course), and a range of other standard Green/Left insults.

In just over 25 hours the first one appears.

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The road show moves relentlessly on, and nowhere is to be found mentioned the MAJOR cause of excessive pollution- OVERPOPULATION.

Even if "climate change" is a fantasy, overpopulation is destroying our civilization. Vast numbers of people from countries that cannot support their populations flood into countries with more advanced societies, causing increased use of fossil fuel, excessive degradation of arable land growing food, and like parasites, they will devour their hosts and destroy the very societies they want to help them.

On a tv news item, I heard one such illegal complaining that he had had to arrive on a dangerous boat instead of being flown in- MIND BOGGLING. They destroy their own countries with unrestrained overbreeding, and then expect others to take care of them.

Till politicians accept that overpopulation makes everything they do to control climate change irrelevant, they are merely Canutes railing against the tide.

It's time to start getting serious about sending the illegals back, and only accept NEEDED immigrants, the LEGAL way.

Global population control is a primary topic of the globalists who want to forge a future of sustainable development for the planet... Unfortunately, their plans call from a 4/5ths reduction in global population in order to achieve this...


If humans don't voluntarily reduce the population by at least 50%, we are doomed anyway. If we don't do it, Gaia will. Just look at what ebola is doing in West Africa. Is this the beginning?

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Overpopulation of this one species is, to me, a bigger issue than GW.


>>> birth control available free to anyone, any age, no questions asked.

>>> Anyone man or woman, age 21+, can get tube-tying operation free, subject to prior counseling by social workers.

I would add abortion to that list.

If man made polution is a factor in climate change, it follows inevitably that more people produce more pollution.

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If humans don't voluntarily reduce the population by at least 50%, we are doomed anyway. If we don't do it, Gaia will. Just look at what ebola is doing in West Africa. Is this the beginning?

Ironically, it is improved health services/facilities worldwide which has contributed most to overpopulation.

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Overpopulation of this one species is, to me, a bigger issue than GW.


>>> birth control available free to anyone, any age, no questions asked.

>>> Anyone man or woman, age 21+, can get tube-tying operation free, subject to prior counseling by social workers.

I would add abortion to that list.

If man made polution is a factor in climate change, it follows inevitably that more people produce more pollution.

Yes. As it stands, each person on average causes the emission of about 1 ton of CO2 annually. Of course, rich people are responsible for considerably more fossil fuel burning than poor. The amount of non-degradable trash (plastics/toxins/metals) produced each year is not known, but is certainly daunting. The single best thing a person can do to slow the trashing of this planet: have less kids.
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  • 4 weeks later...

For those interested, Naomi Klein,author of "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" has come out with a new book on the subject, "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate".

Warning, deniers may become apoplectic with rage to be confronted by such a detailed evisceration of their beliefs if they read this book. But she admits the deniers are correct in that it will require a reworking of the entire economic system, including government planning and some redistribution of wealth to save humanity, and the planet, from eradication.

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For those interested, Naomi Klein,author of "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" has come out with a new book on the subject, "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate".

Warning, deniers may become apoplectic with rage to be confronted by such a detailed evisceration of their beliefs if they read this book. But she admits the deniers are correct in that it will require a reworking of the entire economic system, including government planning and some redistribution of wealth to save humanity, and the planet, from eradication.

does she use the word 'eradication' in regard to humanity's and the planet's possible fate ? I rather doubt it, if she's an intelligent writer.

Mother nature will prevail. Even thought it's losing every battle vs the inexorable will of masses of people, Nature will prevail in the long run.

Our one species has become so highly successful, that it's spread to nearly every habitable region, and ruined habitat to one degree or another wherever we go. Every indication shows we can't go on multiplying like rats. Bad crap is going to happen (to some degree it already is), and it's going to get worse. Call me a doomsday predictor if you want, but at most, there will be a few pockets of sane people with reasonably comfortable existence, 100 to 500 years in the future. I predict those outposts of sanity and relative well-being will be: Canada, Iceland, NZ and perhaps parts of Scandinavia, with a few surprises (Greenland, Patagonia, Scotland, Kamkatchka, Tasmania?) added to the mix. All other regions will be varied degrees of misery like present day Syria, Congo or Somalia.

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The only people who could possibly become apoplectic at Klein's vapid maunderings would be lovers of rationality and critical thinking.
She peddles a gushing form of infantile Marxism (note the title 'Capitalism v the Climate') which only gets noticed because she is a celebrity, for the usual shallow reasons.
Even many of those who believe that climate change is a serious threat have no time for her silly Left/Green agitprop.
As Will Boisvert put it:

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate ... is a garbled mess stumbling endlessly over its own contradictions. Her understanding of the technical aspects of energy policy — indispensable for any serious discussion of sustainability — is weak and biased, marked by a myopic boosterism of renewables and an unthinking rejection of nuclear power and other low-carbon energy sources.
Klein's book is symptomatic of the Left's disturbing turn against progressive, pragmatic action for people and the environment.
The review is quite long and detailed, but gives a flavor of Klein's tract, without having to go through the drudgery of reading the thing itself.
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The only people who could possibly become apoplectic at Klein's vapid maunderings would be lovers of rationality and critical thinking.
She peddles a gushing form of infantile Marxism (note the title 'Capitalism v the Climate') which only gets noticed because she is a celebrity, for the usual shallow reasons.
Even many of those who believe that climate change is a serious threat have no time for her silly Left/Green agitprop.
As Will Boisvert put it:
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate ... is a garbled mess stumbling endlessly over its own contradictions. Her understanding of the technical aspects of energy policy — indispensable for any serious discussion of sustainability — is weak and biased, marked by a myopic boosterism of renewables and an unthinking rejection of nuclear power and other low-carbon energy sources.
Klein's book is symptomatic of the Left's disturbing turn against progressive, pragmatic action for people and the environment.
The review is quite long and detailed, but gives a flavor of Klein's tract, without having to go through the drudgery of reading the thing itself.

thanks for the review excerpt, Rick. Now I think I might like the book. Can you send me one for Christmas?

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Hmm, now that Amazon has decided to deliver goods via the local post office, I'm not sure one month is long enough, especially if the postie has to canoe up the Mair Nam Kok ....

On the bright side, there is a Kindle version.

Be warned, though, you will already know 90% of the content of the book, and the style throughout is Post-Modern Preachy.

I wouldn't want to ruin your festive season....

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For those interested, Naomi Klein,author of "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" has come out with a new book on the subject, "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate".

Warning, deniers may become apoplectic with rage to be confronted by such a detailed evisceration of their beliefs if they read this book. But she admits the deniers are correct in that it will require a reworking of the entire economic system, including government planning and some redistribution of wealth to save humanity, and the planet, from eradication.

to save humanity, and the planet, from eradication.

If she said that, she doesn't know what she is talking about. While mankind may join the dinosaurs in extinction, the planet will continue on, albeit without human parasites ( parasites kill the host ).

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