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Our poor old new Home Secretary Dr John is really having a grime start :D

Read who is known as "Bruiser Read"...or the "hard man" went mad when he found out the the so called head of the Immigration Services (in quiet described as a bunch of W*nkers)kept silent about some new "leaks"yesterday on the day he promiised to clean up the system :D

We have anyting up to 500,000 illegals knocking about but nobody knows who or where there are :D

Just think of all those airfares to be paid for repatriation......Job for Thai Airways perhaps.... :o


New scandal breaks hours after Home Secretary is forced to apologise over foreign prisoners' fiasco

JOHN REID is facing more embarrassment over the sex-for-visas scandal, only three weeks into his position as Home Secretary.

Yesterday it was disclosed that James Dawute, 53, the chief immigration officer who allegedly offered to speed up a Zimbabwean teenager’s asylum claim in return for sexual favours, was given British citizenship despite being an illegal overstayer.

Mr Dawute, who has been suspended from his job at Lunar House, in Croydon, arrived legally in the 1980s as a visitor but overstayed the terms of his entry into the country. He was later given British citizenship.

Mr Dawute joined the Immigration Service in 2002. In 2004 new rules were introduced stipulating that a detailed appraisal of an applicant’s immigration history be undertaken before people were given jobs in the immigration and nationality directorate.

The revelation came only hours after Mr Reid had had to issue a humiliating apology yesterday after figures that he gave to MPs on the Home Office foreign prisoners’ fiasco proved to be wrong. Just over 24 hours after he told MPs that no figure he had been given since becoming Home Secretary had survived without revision, Mr Reid had to admit that the numbers he had given them were wrong.

The Home Secretary had told MPs on the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee that four murderers and twenty-three other serious offenders released without being considered for deportation were in jail. Shortly after disclosing the information, Mr Reid was informed by officials that one of the murderers, a rapist and a child sex offender had been released on bail by the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal.

Eight other offenders had been bailed, including four in the more serious category.

Mr Reid was said to be furious at the latest failings by the Immigration and Nationality Directorate.

One senior civil servant in the directorate has been sent home and will not be back at work until a full inquiry has been carried out.

This is better than any British Comedy :D:D


Yes all this chaos at the Home Office makes wonderful viewing on TV and gives the press a field day. However for 99.99% of the population this whole illegal immigrant thing will never have any impact on their lives at all. So whilst its great entertainment i can't help but think of what Catherine Tate would say in her very funny show

"am i bovvered ??"


Any consolation from what I've read in yankland - same problems. Once someone is in country - might as well pack it in because if they want to disappear, quite easy.


Doesn't the UK have the rule that basically if you have been in the country a decade, or may be 15 years, then you do eventually qualify for ILR, despite your original status?

I could be totally wrong, but I thought I had read it somewhere before!


If you've been in the UK either lawfully for 10 years, and have not otherwise qualified for indefinite leave, or unlawfully for 14 years, you get to stay.



Its all to do with who really runs the country.......did didnt think it was.. the wot...the Government :D :D

We have a small bunch if individuals over "ere who are basically decendants from the old boys network ..funny handshakes/mind yer back brigade and are the apex of the whole British System..Indeed one could suggest they used to control the Empire.... har har....and are simply given the uninspired titles of Departmental Permanent Secretaries... :o Anyone remember Yes Minister?

They are unelected but run (and Fkct up ) every area of "government"and are accountable to...themselves... and unlike say the US system where when the election comes around and the Comrades might get chucked out over "ere it does NOT apply to the Chaps......Permanant like...yeah...cant touch us......prickbones of the empire ....we are.....wot..

Was at a "do" a couple of year ago and our guest speaker was a previous Home Sect.(no names)and following dinner he also lambasted the same mutheads and commented that although he had @17,5020 people (or something like that )in his dept.(the Home Office)only about half a dozen seem to do any work.. :D ...crivens ...help ma boab...

As a post scripe..they kybered him as well.....

The new guy "Bruzzer John-Head Banger "Reid has a difficult job ahead of him and I for one wish him well (no knee pads)but as Scouse said the word that comes to mind "schadenfreude"is probably appropriate... but ye never know.... :D

If you've been in the UK either lawfully for 10 years, and have not otherwise qualified for indefinite leave, or unlawfully for 14 years, you get to stay.
And 5 years after that (3 if married to or the civil partner of a British citizen) you can be naturalised as British.
Its all to do with who really runs the country.......did didnt think it was.. the wot...the Government :D :D

We have a small bunch if individuals over "ere who are basically decendants from the old boys network ..funny handshakes/mind yer back brigade and are the apex of the whole British System..Indeed one could suggest they used to control the Empire.... har har....and are simply given the uninspired titles of Departmental Permanent Secretaries... :o Anyone remember Yes Minister?

They are unelected but run (and Fkct up ) every area of "government"and are accountable to...themselves... and unlike say the US system where when the election comes around and the Comrades might get chucked out over "ere it does NOT apply to the Chaps......Permanant like...yeah...cant touch us......prickbones of the empire ....we are.....wot..

Was at a "do" a couple of year ago and our guest speaker was a previous Home Sect.(no names)and following dinner he also lambasted the same mutheads and commented that although he had @17,5020 people (or something like that )in his dept.(the Home Office)only about half a dozen seem to do any work.. :D ...crivens ...help ma boab...

As a post scripe..they kybered him as well.....

The new guy "Bruzzer John-Head Banger "Reid has a difficult job ahead of him and I for one wish him well (no knee pads)but as Scouse said the word that comes to mind "schadenfreude"is probably appropriate... but ye never know.... :D

I was discussing this issue yesterday evening over a pint or two of Belgium's finest with a couple of serving IOs and they, too, were having a chuckle about the parlous state of the Home Office.

Basically, there's too much interference from the politicos, rather than just letting the Immigration Service get on with it. One day failed asylum seekers are the flavour, the next its escaped ex-convicts, and the IOs don't know whether they're coming or going.


Basically, there's too much interference from the politicos, rather than just letting the Immigration Service get on with it.
Very true, in every government department.

The trouble is that governments think they have to be doing things, so they make all sorts of unnecessary new laws and tinker with the old ones.

Every MP should be made to repeat 100 times at the start of every day:

"If it aint broke, don't fix it!"


Nope..dont agree...

any way just noticed in the paper tonight that there are a total of ...nung nattee....haud oan a minute....70,000 staff in the menage and they are being given an extra days holiday next week...nice innit......should be out catching............no ..no.....suns out at last :o


Need to be tossed out on their ear if they can find the bastards. Thats our problem these days too bloody nice and in the end it comes back to bite you in the arse. :o


Had some dealings with the staff at Lunar House myself a few years back. After about a dozen frustrated phone calls, demanded I speak with a native English person.

Request granted, very politely, and it turned out that at that time there were only two people among a staff of three hundred or so that answered that description.

They were the two 'heads', I got number two, and she was there only temporarily it seems!

Have wondered ever since if maybe Thailand would give me a job on their immigration if I managed to sneak in somehow! :o

Guest endure
If you've been in the UK either lawfully for 10 years, and have not otherwise qualified for indefinite leave, or unlawfully for 14 years, you get to stay.


Scouse - what's he idea behind the fact that foreigners who've gained a British passport lose it if they stay out of the UK for more than 2 years?



Once you've gained British citizenship it's effectively yours for life irrespective of how much time you spend in the UK. The 2-year use-it-or-lose-it rule applies to those with indefinite leave.


...they are being given an extra days holiday next week...nice innit......should be out catching............no ..no.....suns out at last :o

I'll guarantee, though, that your hard working IOs will gladly foresake their day's holiday in order to hunt down the missing convicts. Of course, not so much for the love of the job, but for the double bubble and a day off in lieu... :D


Guest endure

Once you've gained British citizenship it's effectively yours for life irrespective of how much time you spend in the UK. The 2-year use-it-or-lose-it rule applies to those with indefinite leave.


'Indefinite leave' is those who have permission to stay here but still have a foreign passport?


Keep your head down for 14 years and folk are in? I can't say I knew this or would want to take this route............but I bet that if I was sitting in a Village in Somalia that this would seem attractive. And I bet most Illegals soon know about this...........

When I first came to Thailand I used to laugh about how the Thais dealt with "problem" civil servants by moving them to "inactive posts". Not so funny now...........maybe WE have something to learn?

Although I have never worked for the Civil Service (and I pray to God I never do!), I get the impression that a lot of the problem comes from the modern (?!!) concept of "management by statistics", imported from the private sector - especially by Management Consultants who when setting targets or re-organising do not KNOW what the job / Dept actually does involve. If you give someone / a Dept a short term target based on set criteria, then 99% of the time you WILL get the targets met. Promotions and Pay increases depend on this at all levels. You just cut corners elsewhere whilst also "massaging" the figures.........and not worrying about the long term effect - it usually ain't rocket science and does not USUALLY! involve disembling. Of course the folk at the sharp end usually do KNOW the consequences of short term thinking - but no one asks them - but they also soon learn that it is pointless trying to buck the system by trying to think ahead long term, as some "bright spark" will turn up with yet more "bright ideas" and so the cycle of short termism repeats itself.


I would have thought that Privatising the catching of Illegals would be the way forward. I reckon £1,000 a head would encourage a new industry of "Bounty Hunting" and be a lot cheaper than the Govt could do it.

But the problem would be that the Govt would then have to do something about them.........which is off course never going to happen.


My personal perception is that the Home Office's current problems can be traced back to the late 1990s when they decided to introduce an all singing, all dancing, computer system. With a view to its introduction, they made voluntarily redundant several hundred caseworkers. Having done this, needless to say, the computer project collapsed and the Home Office was devoid of its experienced staff who'd all opted for the early ticket. That's when the backlogs really began to soar.

On top of this, you then had the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry which found the Metropolitan police to be "institutionally rascist". The Home Office, for God knows what reason, decided that they'd voluntarily abide by its conclusions, despite not having been under investigation. One of the provisions of the report was that a specified proportion of the staff in each individual grade had to be of an ethnic background. In order to achieve this, all educational requirements for entry to the Home Office were abandoned and people were promoted based largely, not on their performance, but their ethnicity. There is no objection, per se, to people of non-caucasian origin working in the Home Office, but they should be selected upon their individual merits and not because they help fulfil a quota. This also caused a degree of resentment amongst caucasian staff who felt that they'd been passed over and discriminated against. Indeed, this was exacerbated by the Home Office management who went as far as setting up a staff association solely for those belonging to an ethnic minority.

There are a myriad of other factors but, to my mind, the above 2 have been instrumental in the Home Office's demise.


But the problem would be that the Govt would then have to do something about them.........

I've got a good idea. Round 'em all up and stick'em on their own little island somewhere. Now, where could we use.........? I've got it! Jersey, of course! :o


I've got a good idea. Round 'em all up and stick'em on their own little island somewhere.

I thought thats what was already happening... :o

totster :D


But the problem would be that the Govt would then have to do something about them.........

I've got a good idea. Round 'em all up and stick'em on their own little island somewhere. Now, where could we use.........? I've got it! Jersey, of course! :D


But first we would have to make some room, by deporting all the Anglos - just like Jerry did back in the day. So it wasn't a complete disaster when the Anglos ran away :o


The polloi's quaint notion that ' someone ' is ultimately in charge says more about their ignorance but I suppose it is quite understandable. Generally, people are more comfortable when they believe they are led by those in whom they trust. The fact that their trust is misplaced is never a palateable truth and my understanding of the British is that they lack the sophistication to understand that.

A proof of my thesis is the existence of Prescott.

Nobody is in charge and what is worse, nobody gives a <deleted>.


But the problem would be that the Govt would then have to do something about them.........

I've got a good idea. Round 'em all up and stick'em on their own little island somewhere. Now, where could we use.........? I've got it! Jersey, of course! :D


You Poms aren't really too original are you? :o

You tried that a few hundered years ago with Australia as well. Just to save you future embaressment, make sure you chose somewhere this time with worse weather, worse beaches and absolutely no chance of learning how to play any of your national sports (to prevent regular humilation on the sporting field).

no chance of learning how to play any of your national sports (to prevent regular humilation on the sporting field).
What, like last summer? :o

no chance of learning how to play any of your national sports (to prevent regular humilation on the sporting field).

What, like last summer? :o

The sun does occasionally shine on England. But lets not get too carried away now, lest we look silly come end of January.....


This is better than any British Comedy :D:D

I'd agree if it wasn't so serious. Just hope those released don't harm anyone whilst out :o

Its already been said that, the only way they'll be caught up with is when they re-offend. Frightening thought for the innocent one's that will be the victims. :D:D:D


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