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stupid action by me


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The thing is i always figured i would not do a thing and stay aside. There was no thinking involved that was the thing that shocked me. I just acted.

If i had thought id probably would not have done this.

And yes a cop friend from the Netherlands told me about never get between 2 people in a relation male / female.. good chance they both turn on you.

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Not a stupid action, as nobody got hurt.

Inside every person with good moral values, there is a knight in shining armour, ready to fight on the side of justice.wai.gif

Now, i don't really think that us foreigners should get involved in fights between Thais, but sometimes you can't help it.

A few years ago i stood between 2 Thai males, both neighbours of mine, who were starting to fight...

...That was really, really stupid, but i was lucky, and nothing happened.

I would not do that again.coffee1.gif

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It was not the smartest course of action but you did made sure there was no potential harm done to the old ladies and child. You earned good karma, my friend. I admire your courage, can't say that to many people these days. Be proud of the good thing you did instead of contemplating how stupid you are. Life is short. Yes It could have gone very badly, but aparently, buddha did smile upon you that day. So keep on walking, Johnny.

There was no courage.. and if i had time to think about it i probably had not done it. That was part of what scared me that I who normally the guy who avoid stuff like this and certainly never wants to be in a fight.

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Not a stupid action, as nobody got hurt.

Inside every person with good moral values, there is a knight in shining armour, ready to fight on the side of justice.wai.gif

Now, i don't really think that us foreigners should get involved in fights between Thais, but sometimes you can't help it.

A few years ago i stood between 2 Thai males, both neighbours of mine, who were starting to fight...

...That was really, really stupid, but i was lucky, and nothing happened.

I would not do that again.coffee1.gif

Hmmm yes also not smart and good that nothing happend.. but did you both know them well. I mean back in the Netherlands I would not worry to step in between friends.

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Not a stupid action, as nobody got hurt.

Inside every person with good moral values, there is a knight in shining armour, ready to fight on the side of justice.wai.gif

Now, i don't really think that us foreigners should get involved in fights between Thais, but sometimes you can't help it.

A few years ago i stood between 2 Thai males, both neighbours of mine, who were starting to fight...

...That was really, really stupid, but i was lucky, and nothing happened.

I would not do that again.coffee1.gif

Hmmm yes also not smart and good that nothing happend.. but did you both know them well. I mean back in the Netherlands I would not worry to step in between friends.

At the time i was thinking i knew them well enough, but later on it turned out that the one i was friend with , was a complete a**hole.

In your case, you did very well, IMHO.

Of course, if the attacker had hurt you, you would probably regarded as stupid by the majority.

Sometimes there is a thin line between being a good guy or a stupid guy, and fate dictates the outcome.

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If it had been me I would not have become involved, as the responsibility lies with those who are actively participating in the protests and to bring children onto the scene is lunacy.

Anyone who is actively involved in these disputes, pertaining to either side, should be aware of the life threatening risks involved, or in other words, it`s bladdy dangerous. I have no sympathies for those who voluntarily place themselves and especially their children in the front line, they should know better and be aware of the risks.

As I have said previously in some of my recent posts, tensions are high between the Thais at the moment and farangs should stay out of it. As harsh as this may sound the common sense action to take is no action at all, turn the other cheek and walk away.

Some of these people are mental and on very short fuses, that taxi driver could have been armed with a knife or even a gun and had mates nearby to support him, then our robblok may have ended up being another statistic and have no doubts the sweet little old ladies and the young girl would have fled the scene after the event.

My advice is; stay impartial, let the Thais fight it out among themselves. I can fully understand that according to robblock, he only saw some old ladies and a young girl getting abused rather than protestors, and being a decent guy his good principles got the better of him, perhaps many more of us would feel the same. But it`s not worth the risks as the odds can work well against us, these are not normal times, best to keep our heads down and keep a low profile during these disputes.

That`s my advice, but well done to our robblok anyway.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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If the same thing happened tomorrow would you do the same thing again ?

As i stated before i did not think, I am in full agreement with Beetlejuice. I normally think before i act.. for some reason I acted without thinking. Nobody was helping and it really looked like it could turn nasty (will never know of course)

I never go out looking for fights, I have never been in fights and I certainly don't want to be in a similar situation again. If this had gone violent and I lost I would be in trouble.. and if i had won and damaged the guy I would have been in trouble too.

Either way I was just lucky nothing happened and it cooled down.

I posted it because i needed to get rid of it and now it slowly is I don't want to think about it too much anymore and certainly wont go looking for a re run of this.

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If the same thing happened tomorrow would you do the same thing again ?

As i stated before i did not think, I am in full agreement with Beetlejuice. I normally think before i act.. for some reason I acted without thinking. Nobody was helping and it really looked like it could turn nasty (will never know of course)

I never go out looking for fights, I have never been in fights and I certainly don't want to be in a similar situation again. If this had gone violent and I lost I would be in trouble.. and if i had won and damaged the guy I would have been in trouble too.

Either way I was just lucky nothing happened and it cooled down.

I posted it because i needed to get rid of it and now it slowly is I don't want to think about it too much anymore and certainly wont go looking for a re run of this.

"the guy was a red shirt that is for sure" "I posted it because i needed to get rid of it and now it slowly is I don't want to think about it too much anymore and certainly wont go looking for a re run of this"

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Well done Rob. Instinctive reaction- unfortunately not shared often enough in these situations. I would've done the same and thought about it afterwards too. There has to be some universal values that we all respect. So give yourself a pat on the back, and be grateful that you escaped unscathed.

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