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Western Women: Lonely in Bangkok


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I'd love to meet an authentic Buddhist farang woman who is respectful of the Northern Thai culture,...but so far my impression is that it would be easier, like they say in America, for a tornado to form a B2 Bomber from a Kansas junkyard.

Can't imagine many white women kneeling in the gutter in front of a Monk.

Anyway, what's with all the racism, don't you like coloured western women, or women from an Indian background?

Let's be honest,...there is no such thing as race,...it's all part of societies indoctrination. Personally, I have no bias of women of colour. I see all women as beautiful. I do not care for women whose identity is aligned with the Abrahamic religions,...which eliminates more than half the women on the planet from my interest. Nor am I interested in women or anyone, who kneel in gutters.

So why do your posts only refer to white western women?

Never seen Thai women kneel in a gutter in front of the monks? Seems a fairly common part of Thai Buddhism.

(sorry, I removed the bonkers part of your post)

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Haha, I am sure there are plenty of women with plenty of generalisations that apply to farang men in Thailand

And from farang men like myself,...which seem to be few and far. My first reason for being in Thailand is the Buddhism,...second the hiking,....third the cost,....the smiles of Northern Thai's is a perfect icing on the cake. Since I live in Thailand, I dress like a respectable Thai man. No frayed, sloppy mini jeans, don't go out unshaven, spit in public, ever have a frowning face, nor act like a privileged person. I study Thai,...try to learn the nuances of the culture,...and be as invisible as possible.

Personally, I see the whole of Thailand (well, maybe not the South) as a temple. I'd like to see Thailand become more like Bhutan,...and make it difficult for rift-raft to come in,...especially Christian-Muslim missionaries.

I see single farang women all the time in Chiang Mai,...unfortunately, many brought their trailpark culture with them. Most I've met are Christians, and show off their Jesus crosses around their necks as if they are superior.

I'd love to meet an authentic Buddhist farang woman who is respectful of the Northern Thai culture,...but so far my impression is that it would be easier, like they say in America, for a tornado to form a B2 Bomber from a Kansas junkyard.

Regarding your "Most I've met are Christians, and show off their Jesus crosses around their necks as if they are superior." How exactly do they "show off ... as if they are superior"? I'm betting that's your assumption and they are merely wearing the cross visibly ... not unlike how many Thai's wear a Buddha necklace.

Actually, you come off sounding rather "superior" yourself.

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Haha, I am sure there are plenty of women with plenty of generalisations that apply to farang men in Thailand

I see single farang women all the time in Chiang Mai,...unfortunately, many brought their trailpark culture with them. Most I've met are Christians, and show off their Jesus crosses around their necks as if they are superior.

You've got to be on contraband narcotics to talk such <deleted>.

I love that "bunch of Shi'ite" term. As for your post, you mean my misspelling of "trailerpark?" One thing I like about Thailand is that any amount of drugs can get you life in jail. Too bad it's not enforced more. I've met more farang who get here thinking it's all drugs and sex. I tell them, go to Pattaya. Prostitution is illegal,...same as sex toys. You won't see sex toys along the streets in Chiang Mai, like in Pattaya and to a lesser extent along Sukhumvit.

Ok Super troll

First, I was referring to your ridiculous assertion that Western women wear crucifixes as some sort symbol of superiority over other faiths.

I really doubt most people who wear those things are even devout Christians or that they give a moment's thought to feeling superior based on what is often nothing more than a loose affiliation with a faith by virtue of being born into a family practicing it . . .

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Once the more attractive, better adjusted women "get" that a western man is smiling at them! saying good morning or engaging them in conversation because he WANTS to . . . . . . and NOT necessarily because he wants to shag them, these women can be a lot of fun.

There's loads of women around for recreation. In this environment these European women may well be approached for chit-chat ONLY.

Saw two European women in the Dubliner a few months ago.

They blew off one European man (and his attempt at simple conversation) after another until there was nobody left.

It was then they realized that almost ALL they friendly men in the bar were old enough to be their fathers.

There's some adjustment to be made by these women.

It's up to them.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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It's obvious the OP is on a wind up.

And it appears to have succeeded with the Thonglor/Ekamai, 'my girlfriend's a Thai-Chinese hiso chula-bunny and I never oh to whore bars' crowd.

Well done!

Got a chip on both shoulders I see...BTW no hi so Chinese Chula bunnies here and yes....I do enjoy the occasional evening in Cowboy or the likes.

Please desist from using these boring stereotypes folks....its soooo old.

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Warrior Bangkok, I suppose you are the spitting image of Brad Pitt, wear tailor made clothes, body like a male model and as rich as Bill Gates. How dare you give 'tips' to western women. Maybe they are here to work, unlike, I imagine, you who came here for sex and wear socks with your sandals.

I wear socks with my sandals sometimes because the velcro straps rub against my soft white skin.

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My advice? Forget all the perfume, non drinking crap. Just get your clothes off honey. We men just respond to the obvious. No need for intelligent conversation, wit, humour or empathy. Big tits and giggles are all you need.

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Warrior Bangkok, I suppose you are the spitting image of Brad Pitt, wear tailor made clothes, body like a male model and as rich as Bill Gates. How dare you give 'tips' to western women. Maybe they are here to work, unlike, I imagine, you who came here for sex and wear socks with your sandals.

I wear socks with my sandals sometimes because the velcro straps rub against my soft white skin.

They sell tennis shoes/sneakers/trainers for that situation.

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Yes Hardened Soul hit the main point here. Men don't take the trouble to get to know women who are a little more distant, or intellectually complex if they can buy sex no questions asked for less than 1000 Baht. That is where the problem lies and why - western women may be ignored more - Thai women clearly see them as a threat to the easy to get 'smiley' approach they use to take over Western men, the latter are fooled by their apparently less aggressive, more submissive approach. Then one day they wake up one day to find their bank accounts emptied and the 'girl' disappeared - obviously not all cases go that way, but it seems generally that the basis of dealings with Western men by Thai women is quite linked to material security and the 'good guy' image, as compared to Thai men who treat them as less than people.

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Yes Hardened Soul hit the main point here. Men don't take the trouble to get to know women who are a little more distant, or intellectually complex if they can buy sex no questions asked for less than 1000 Baht. That is where the problem lies and why - western women may be ignored more - Thai women clearly see them as a threat to the easy to get 'smiley' approach they use to take over Western men, the latter are fooled by their apparently less aggressive, more submissive approach. Then one day they wake up one day to find their bank accounts emptied and the 'girl' disappeared - obviously not all cases go that way, but it seems generally that the basis of dealings with Western men by Thai women is quite linked to material security and the 'good guy' image, as compared to Thai men who treat them as less than people.

Mostly in life you get what you deserve....and leaving your brains at the door of a bar in Bangkok and embarking on a life of fantasy usually will end in penury.

Plenty of memories though no doubt!

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What? The same western women who wouldn't give you the time of day in the West? OP, really. <deleted> would I care here in the LOS or in any other Asian or developing country? I know a score of single western women back home who sit at their keyboard every day pining on Facebook about their failed relationships and what jerks men are in general. So now they're here in Thailand doing the same. Boo hoo.

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Nope, I think you hit them all. I have considered all of those tips at one time or another. Especially looking nice, smiling, and speaking nicely. I think Western women would be amazed how far those three simply things would get them not only in this country but in ANY country.

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"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them."

Does this apply to women as well?


"There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it, and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself."

...and this too?


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1. Get slim and make sure your hair is long. Look after your skin and make sure you look pretty at all times.
2. Dress nicely. I see so many professional Western women dressing far worse than their Thai counterparts. Wear nice dresses and nice shoes, and don't dress like you're lazily sleeping it out on the couch.
3. Smile more, and be nice. Lose the stuck - up "I'm better than you and you're not good enough for me" attitude. I think this is a kep point at which professional Thai women are far superior to Western women.
4. Speak nicely. Don't swear or use 'common, peasant-type' language. Again, professional Thai women speak far more nicely than their average Western counterparts.
5. Stop being an alcoholic - it looks bad
6. Smell nice - use deodorant and perfume and make sure you shower at least twice a day.

OP. You're channeling Abigail Van Buren. Right? rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

Edited by connda
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And from farang men like myself,...which seem to be few and far. My first reason for being in Thailand is the Buddhism,...second the hiking,....third the cost,....the smiles of Northern Thai's is a perfect icing on the cake. Since I live in Thailand, I dress like a respectable Thai man. No frayed, sloppy mini jeans, don't go out unshaven, spit in public, ever have a frowning face, nor act like a privileged person. I study Thai,...try to learn the nuances of the culture,...and be as invisible as possible.

Personally, I see the whole of Thailand (well, maybe not the South) as a temple. I'd like to see Thailand become more like Bhutan,...and make it difficult for rift-raft to come in,...especially Christian-Muslim missionaries.

I see single farang women all the time in Chiang Mai,...unfortunately, many brought their trailpark culture with them. Most I've met are Christians, and show off their Jesus crosses around their necks as if they are superior.

I'd love to meet an authentic Buddhist farang woman who is respectful of the Northern Thai culture,...but so far my impression is that it would be easier, like they say in America, for a tornado to form a B2 Bomber from a Kansas junkyard.

Regarding your "Most I've met are Christians, and show off their Jesus crosses around their necks as if they are superior." How exactly do they "show off ... as if they are superior"? I'm betting that's your assumption and they are merely wearing the cross visibly ... not unlike how many Thai's wear a Buddha necklace.

Actually, you come off sounding rather "superior" yourself.

It is quite possible that I have a superior background in Religious Studies than yourself,...just the way it is. In 1988, members of the Westar Institute said only twenty people on the planet understood Early Christianity as well as myself. Of course such facts bother many people. For example, Ken Wilber, about 15 years ago said something quite interesting,...which is even more relevant today.

"To dare to even speak about radical transformation, let alone call other people to a higher level, is against the unstated rules. And of course, one's definitely going to be put in one's place for doing something like that. But unless the possibility of genuine transformation is actually declared, unless one is willing to demonstrate it publically and to call other people to the same, no one is even going to know that it's possible. And than unknowingly, everybody's going to be participating in the conspiracy of mediocrity.

The conspiracy of mediocrity is basically the conspiracy to express your own ego instead of transcending it or letting go of it. The idea has become "if I can really emote and express my self-constriction with sincerity, I'm somehow spiritual". Actually, people who are involved in this boomeritis even deny the importance of Enlightenment or Awakening, because that's saying some states are higher than others - and we shouldn't be so judgmental. But guess what? Some states are higher. And so the entire raison d'etre gets tossed out because it offends the pluralistist ego.

The spiritual experience, which ideally should be a stepping stone to less ego and greater transparency, has become a victim of our therapeutic culture, where we don't make judgments because that would hurt egoic self-esteem, and so all we do is embrace, console, and celebrate the personal self. Spiritual practice has become nothing more than a form of therapy where self-acceptance rather than ego-transcendence is the goal. And the problem is that therapists are basically pimps for samsara. They want to hold onto the egoic self-contraction and make it feel good about itself.

This conspiracy of mediocrity is very unfortunate. The great promise of the human potential movement was very straightforward - there are higher human potentials. Now, from the therapeutic culture, people say, "wait a minute. you're saying there are higher potentials, so does that mean I'm lower? because that can't be right". All of a sudden it implied a judgment, and nobody's allowed to be higher because that means someone else is going to be lower. And you're not allowed to call anybody lower; therefore nobody's allowed to be higher.

So the Human Potential movement got derailed and was replaced by this therapeutic self-expression, self-acceptance movement, which catastrophically prevents higher transformation and mystical breakthroughs. What is missing in the New Age Community is real intellectual vigor. Under the therapeutic culture, if you feel good, you're enlightened. That is mediocrity, and a conspiracy toward mediocrity.”

In our current therapeutic society people don't want to see that what they thought was meaningful may actually be meaningless.

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What? The same western women who wouldn't give you the time of day in the West? OP, really. <deleted> would I care here in the LOS or in any other Asian or developing country? I know a score of single western women back home who sit at their keyboard every day pining on Facebook about their failed relationships and what jerks men are in general. So now they're here in Thailand doing the same. Boo hoo.

There's a lot of what I can only describe as sour grapes doing the rounds among Western men in this country.

The majority of them are of a certain age group and many of them met, dated, married and divorced Western women before they discovered the wonders of SE Asian tail.

So just because now they've lost or are losing their hair, are too lazy to eat right, booze less and hit the gym/take regular exercise a couple of times a week to keep in shape and dress smartly, they demonize Western women for "not giving them the time of day".

Then in no time at all, they're criticizing the Thai women for not playing the game as they were expected to; namely, being lured by the buffalo's money but not staying with him for love!!!!!!!


Edited by HardenedSoul
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What? The same western women who wouldn't give you the time of day in the West? OP, really. <deleted> would I care here in the LOS or in any other Asian or developing country? I know a score of single western women back home who sit at their keyboard every day pining on Facebook about their failed relationships and what jerks men are in general. So now they're here in Thailand doing the same. Boo hoo.

There's a lot of what I can only describe as sour grapes doing the rounds among Western men in this country.

The majority of them are of a certain age group and many of them met, dated, married and divorced Western women before they discovered the wonders of SE Asian tail.

So just because now they've lost or are losing their hair, are too lazy to eat right, booze less and hit the gym/take regular exercise a couple of times a week to keep in shape and dress smartly, they demonize Western women for "not giving them the time of day".

Then in no time at all, they're criticizing the Thai women for not playing the game as they were expected to; namely, being lured by the buffalo's money but not staying with him for love!!!!!!!


Rotflmao cheesy.gif That's the funniest thing I've read all day. Bravo! clap2.gif

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Who gives a shi'ite about Western women? I didn't come to SE Asia to see western women. I came to get away from them.

I love it when old guys say this as if there was a collective shriek of dismay the second the fat, balding, sandal and socks-wearing hippo with reversing lights bolted on to his arse boarded the plane.

Why is it that every time someone refers to the positive aspects of western women they say "if you want want good conversation". Are you saying that is all they are good for? Is that the only source of good conversation?

I personally don't look to western women to get "good conversation" and I'm not looking to banter with someone.

But this topic always reels in quick responses.

And why is it that any time someone suggests there might be more to a female than what's between her legs, the Neanderthal's super-thick cranium rises from the murky waters of the soapy massage swamp to declare that conversation's the last thing he wants from them?

Western women over here (well, in a few of the BKK clubs) can be an absolute riot and it's nice to have a laugh with them.

Nothing against shaggin' 'em but a man doesn't have to have sex with every female he talks to, you know?

Wow! You really took all that very personal.

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I think the fact/opinion problem is welded inextricably to this topic of discussion.

It's an inductive proposal.

So, all we'll get is a string of anecdotal accounts of every permutation and every combination on either side of the inductive proposal implicit in the original OP.

There will be the braggarts, the hard-done-by-ers, the "mine is different" types and the snobs. The "happy as a clam" crowd will chime in.

And as we have come to expect there will be the inevitable post from some Thai guy glorifying himself as a connoisseur of white skin and suggesting such delights are beyond the reach of any farang unless he be rich. And then he'll contend (from the font of Thai Wisdom that he keeps bubbling away somewhere next to his keyboard) that, of course, it's about the farang's money.

(As if it's NOT about Thai status, money, career advancement when one of these gorgeous Thai chicks hooks up with the likes of him.)

My personal favourites are anecdotes that some guys try to slip into the conversation as if they were the fact-based premises of a deductive syllogism. At the very top of my list of fun forum-board plays is the guy who follows up the opinion or anecdote he's shared with something like "End of story"

But after all these contributions there will be no DEDUCTIVE conclusion. What will remain will be the thoroughly chewed old shoe that appeared in the OP.

But ultimately ?

It's all about hits. And selling stuff to the "hitters" who may have a little cash laying around.

And in spite of all claims to the contrary, if the conversation devolves into stoopidity, smarter guys with discretionary cash to spend will start looking around for the off switch.

End of story ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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What an incredibly offensive note! I am an American woman. Most of my friends are also farang. We are all proud of our heritages. We came here for various reasons, none of which was to become a Thai woman. I have yet to see any woman meeting your description(s).

People in glass houses............or, get yourself a copy of Man in the Mirror by M. Jackson. Listen closely.

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